Vintage Grace is PASSIONATE about building joy-filled communities of faith whose very existence inspires individuals to live an abundant Christian life, made up of three key relationships: a deepening relationship with God, a life-changing relationship with other believers, and an engaging relationship with those yet to believe.
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Jesus gives us the appropriate understanding of the law relating to adultery, divorce, and oaths.Vintage Grace
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Jesus teaches forgiveness and reconciliation are remedies to the anger cycle. In the kingdom, anger is a signal to tell us something wrong that needs to be made right. When we choose to not take out our rage on others, pursue forgiveness, and make amends, we take part in God’s Kingdom on earth.
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The Law of God is a good gift that protects us from our flesh & provides for us an intimate invitation into Kingdom Living & ‘right relationship’ with Him. When we reject this offer of relationship, the law reveals to us our deep need for reconciliation. It is horrifying & humbling to sit & stare in the mirror; #ButGod in Christ makes a way as he f…
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Your reputation does not just belong to you. Our reputation is inherited and cultivated. Jesus makes it clear that our Kingdom reputation is about our identity as sons and daughters- we ARE salt, we ARE the light of the world. This is not about striving harder, but living out who Jesus already says we are. All for His Glory and the good of humanity…
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The fruit of Kingdom living is expressing peace and experiencing persecution with Jesus. By living this way, you walk a well-worn path of those who have gone before, and sought the Lord.Vintage Grace
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When I present myself empty, desperate & dependent before the Lord, He is ready and willing to cultivate Kingdom Living within me. When connected to the vine, the beatitudes display the shoots of a life lived for Him.Vintage Grace
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The Sermon on the mount is a call to KingdomLiving, & an invitation to journey with Jesus. The beatitudes is the foundational expression of this life. The Spirit saves & cultivates our Kingdom Living starting with the soil of each of us seeing that we are desperate & dependent on Him! But God calls us in our spiritual bankruptcy to experience the a…
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The sermon on the mount is Jesus’s authoritative teaching on kingdom living. What did he say and why does it matter?Vintage Grace
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Flowing directly from Paul’s call to be a living sacrifice and make sure our LOVE is genuine in our relationships with one another, even extending to our enemies, he now tells us to submit to civil authorities.Vintage Grace
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Since the beginning of time the enemy & the world has tried to distract & drown out the voice of the Good Shepherd. We need to have hearts that hear & trust His voice if we want to experience the abundant life. His voice is not just for our salvation but also for His future flock. #HarvestIsPlentiful…
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How do we, those whose lives are founded in our experience of God’s mercy, whose minds are being renewed, how do we think? In view of God's mercy, with the grace He has given us, we steward the gifts God has given you. Why? To build a community unified by Jesus & His gospel. Thats the ‘win’!Vintage Grace
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Our experience of God’s mercy is the foundation of our expression! Paul knows the secret to joyfully living sacrificially is tied to being transformed in the mind. Our thoughts can be our greatest enemies or our greatest allies when it comes to walking in the way of Jesus.Vintage Grace
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The Gospel calls people to God, and unifies all of humanity—every Jew & Gentile, past & present, in Rome & California. The Gospel informs, directs, and defines our lives. The Gospel sends us to our towns, to point people to the power of God to save! The Gospel is the completed work of God’s Plan!Vintage Grace
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We want Jesus to be King of our lives. We also want him to reign in the lives of our friends, neighbors, loved ones, and everyone far from him. #LivingProofVintage Grace
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Rehoboam is leading his people into rebellion against God. It is not just a problem from him and his people, but it's a problem with us and all of Humanity. Rehoboam is a failed king of a people who needed a greater king. King Jesus, is ready to do a redemptive work in our lives. He is not phased by our failure, but reveals a need for a new work in…
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Today, we wrap up the first eleven chapters of Romans, it’s been the theological foundation of the letter, and like all good theological journeys Paul leads us to the inevitable destination - WORSHIP. Head to Heart to HandsVintage Grace
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In order to encourage our growing trust in God, Paul describes more specifically God’s eternal plan. Comprehending God’s plan will move us to celebrate, dedicate and anticipate.Vintage Grace
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Gods plan of salvation is humblingVintage Grace
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The mystery of God’s plan of salvation includes both the rejection and inclusion of his first covenant people. If their sin led to our saving how much more will their salvation mean for us and the world?Vintage Grace
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Today, Paul shows us that we have not been abandoned. God has and is continuing to rescue us from sin and separation from God. Even when we cannot see it, understand it, or feel it, God is still at work in our lives. Since He is always at work, Paul urges us to trust deeply in God’s grace and His sovereign work– the only thing that will ever bring …
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In our text Paul lays out 5 essential steps in the process of conversion, emphasizing the absolute necessity of someone verbalizing the good news. Call - Believe - Hear - Preach - SendVintage Grace
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Paul can see the redemptive potential in his people but their passions are in the wrong place. If only they knew Jesus already solved their biggest problem–how to get right with God.Vintage Grace
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I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept his claim to be God. That is the one thing we must not say. A man who is merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be…
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Jesus identifies & invites us to follow Him, imitating him as disciples who live in Communitas together and break bread in table fellowship, which results in us being SENT on mission to invite all to come and repent and receive His grace and forgiveness.Vintage Grace
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God choosing to show MERCY to his children is not a new idea, and has massive implications for how we invest our time, talent, and treasure in and for things that are eternal.Vintage Grace
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Paul wants to give us a richer, fuller picture of God’s LOVE. God has not failed the Jews and He will not fail those who trust Christ. Without negating what he has written in the first 8 chapters about human responsibility, Paul opens for us a window into the activity of God. He shows from three Old Testament examples - God has always been choosing…
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