Listen to Marques every weekday 10-Noon on 93.9 The Ville.
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A three-minute rundown of the best (and worst) of this week’s film releases, including the go-to movie for the weekend.
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Todos os domingos a análise de Luís Marques Mendes no Jornal da Noite. Um espaço em que o comentador olha de forma atenta e crítica para os assuntos que marcam a semana em Portugal e no estrangeiro
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Life, career, and passions
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The wonders of Being outside the #BOXED_MIND
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Welcome to Cris Marquez, where amazing things happen.
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Every Marquee Ideal
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Welcome to Chance Marquez, where amazing things happen.
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U wanna hear key points to a better life
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Telling you guys a little about my self
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Sermons, messages, and Bible studies from Rincon Marquez Mission. The purpose of this podcast is to share Biblical truth with those who are unable to attend our services in person or who need a second listen to take notes. We desire that the love of Jesus would shine through this podcast and impact people all across Native country and beyond! Seek ye first the kingdom of God. and His righteousness... Matthew 6:33
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. Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash:
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Weekly Mixes
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Custom Posts - Blip - Blip
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Be The Difference
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Este é o podcast do humorista Rodrigo Marques, que fala sobre coisas que ele gosta, como curiosidades, histórias, opiniões e comédia.
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freestyles for fun 💯
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Un podcast un poco controversial, lleno de información, chistes y buenos recuerdos entre amigos, conocidos y desconocidos. Escucha nuestro contenido de todo lo que pasa dentro y fuera de Puerto Rico. Síguenos en instagram @LaMarquesinaPodcast Support this podcast:
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Entretenimento e diversão falando coisa séria, espere por mais e verá muita coisa boa!
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Welcome to the Israel Marquez podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Hola y bienvenido a Tu, Mejor Podcast para edificar tu alma y espíritu. Support this podcast:
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Should bullies be expelled? Cover art photo provided by NordWood Themes on Unsplash:
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SuperPotion™ | Branding & Marketing des marques de boissons, bières et spiritueux — Avec Ludovic Mornand
Studio Blackthorns
SuperPotion™ est un podcast destiné à aider les entrepreneur·e·s, startupers, créateurs et créatrices de la filière Boissons, Bières, Vins & Spiritueux. 🔮⚗️🌕 → Site officiel ( → Ebook "Lance ta SuperPotion avec succès" ( → Plus de 160 packaging designs prêts à l’emploi pour ton prototype ou ta nouvelle boisson (https://superpotion.f ...
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Ob Future House, Progressive House, oder Trap sowie Tech House. Melbourne Bouncen oder Future Bass - die elektronische Dance Music (EDM) stellt sich mit vielen unterschiedlichen Facetten da - so sehe ich auch meine Auswahl der Tracks in meinen Mixen. Mal druckvoller und mit einer höheren BPM Anzahl, mal "deep" und soft zum Abschalten und Weghören. Mit viel Leidenschaft & Herzblut stelle ich Euch eine Auswahl an Mixen zur Verfügung - ob für das Auto, Smartphone oder das Soundsystem daheim. #M ...
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Welcome to the Marquette Leggett podcast, where amazing things happen.
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In this podcast, I bring the funny and give my take on what’s happening in the world.
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Events and happenings at Marquette Law School in Milwaukee, WI.
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Podcast para apoio às aulas e às atividades do Agrupamento de Escolas de Almeirim
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Podcast by Marquette University
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Tous les samedis, Victor Matet raconte la saga des marques qui font l'actualité. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Welcome to the Mark Xtian Marquez podcast, where amazing things happen.
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A five part podcast featuring Marquette Seniors reflecting on their collegiate experience.
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Jenyfer Jesus Marquez Vega
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“Marquette Global” examines the lives of five Marquette University international students from around the globe as they reflect on their experiences of coming to the United States for college. They discuss politics, adapting to a new society and a new culture.
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Párate por un minuto y piensa en cómo será tu vida dentro de 5, 10 o 20 años si todo sigue igual. ¿Es eso lo que quieres? Es cierto que hacer cualquier cambio importante siempre entraña un riesgo, pero no hacer nada puede ser aún más peligroso. Estamos sumidos en el sueño de la desesperanza por no darle sentido a nuestra vida. Dejando de disfrutar los mejores momentos con personas extraordinarias.
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Podcasts on trending topics in US sports, politics, and pop culture
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The official home for audio programming from Anonymous Eagle, SB Nation's community for fans of the Marquette Golden Eagles.
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Marques Harris is a former NFL player with the Chargers and 49ers. Life After was created as a platform for men and women to share their experience "After" any change or transition in life. For Marques that transition came after retiring from the NFL.
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With every song, there’s a story. With every story, there’s a life behind it. Join us each week to see who we discover on Marquee Backstage All Access.Join us as we hear the music and life stories of up and coming musicians from all genres.
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Marquette In Milwaukee is a podcast that explores connections between Marquette University and the city we call home. As an engineer who is passionate about community engagement and economic development, President Lovell and his guests will discuss the topics that will determine the future of our city.
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The Ricky Marques Show podcast, hosted by MMA fighter and comedian Ricky Marques from Boston, offers an engaging blend of sports commentary and entertainment. Each episode delves into a variety of sports, including football, baseball, wrestling, and MMA, while also featuring intriguing discussions on diverse topics with a range of guests. Listeners can look forward to new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday, ensuring a consistent stream of captivating content. Make sure to stay tuned for his ...
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Podcast de Fitness para quem quer deixar de ser fraco. Neste podcast ensino como fui de fraco a Campeão Nacional de Deadlift em menos de 2 anos.
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Màrqueting De Continguts Andorra. La lectura no solo estimula el lenguaje, también desarrolla la concentración, la memoria, la imaginación, la agilidad mental, y además contribuye a que los niños expresen con mayor exactitud lo que piensan y sienten. Som especialistes en gestió de Xarxes Socials. Video Marketing i Marketing de continguts. Des del desenvolupament d'estratègies fins a la creació de contingut, des de la publicació fins a la distribució i promoció, els nostres serveis de marketi ...
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Looking for some entertaining and engaging conversations about the world we live in? You've found it! So sit back, relax, and have a bit of fun at our expense as we explore some of the most unexpected perspectives you'll ever hear about the topics of the day! __________ Check out the video versions here: __________ Learn more about our online workshops and coaching at: __________ Explore the "Think More : Care More : LIVE More" mindset at: www. ...
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Hi, I'm Marque but all my friends call me Que. This is me finding my voice and welcoming you on my/our journey. Take the ride as I fumble through random thoughts while attempting to clear my path to freedom and happiness. Support this podcast:
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Jorge Marques Moura is a passionate individual with a keen interest in health and travel. With a thirst for knowledge and exploration, he seeks to combine his love for wellness and his desire to explore new destinations, creating enriching experiences that promote both physical and mental well-being.
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This podcast showcases a series of interdisciplinary conversations between experts from Marquette's STEM and Humanities communities to bring you insights into the pandemic that you may be missing.
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Every episode of the Marquette High podcast explores a different aspect of a Jesuit high school education, through interviews with the people who know them best.
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Welcome to the Trey Marques Caldwell podcast, where amazing things happen. I’m a graphic designer and i specialize in logo design, flyers, business cards, t shirts and more anything you need to jump start an promote your business
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Impactos Da Reforma Trabalhista: Com Maíra Silva Marques Da Fonseca
Janaina Elias Chiaradia-Dornelas
Jornada de trabalho e as alterações da reforma trabalhista.
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FilmWeek Marquee: 'Mickey 17,' 'Last Breath,' 'Art Spiegelman: Disaster Is My Muse' and 'On Becoming a Guinea Fowl '
FilmWeek Marquee: 'Mickey 17,' 'Last Breath,' 'Art Spiegelman: Disaster Is My Muse' and 'On Becoming a Guinea Fowl ' A three-minute rundown of the best (and worst) of this week’s film releases, including the go-to movie for the weekend.LAist 89.3
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Відтворити пізніше
Відтворити пізніше
1:02:57Découvrez comment Arty Spirits, fondée par trois anciens de Carlsberg, révolutionne le monde des liqueurs françaises avec une approche radicalement différente. Nicolas et Julien nous racontent leur parcours, de la gestion de House of Beer au lancement de leurs liqueurs innovantes - notamment leur surprenante Tomato Spirit, véritable OVNI dans le pa…
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Do you believe the Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life?
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Dans l'épisode 56 de SuperPotion™, plongez dans l’univers feutré et néon-like de The Fetichist, une marque de cocktails Ready-to-Drink (RTD) qui s’impose comme la référence des cocktails classiques premium. Ugo Jobin, fondateur et ex-barman passionné, partage sa quête du goût parfait : de la formulation méthodique des recettes aux stratégies backst…
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FilmWeek Marquee: 'The Monkey,' 'Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy,' 'Millers in Marriage' and 'Cleaner'
FilmWeek Marquee: 'The Monkey,' 'Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy,' 'Millers in Marriage' and 'Cleaner' A three-minute rundown of the best (and worst) of this week’s film releases, including the go-to movie for the weekend.LAist 89.3
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FilmWeek Marquee: 'Captain America: Brave New World,' 'Paddington in Peru,' Becoming Led Zeppelin' and 'Sky Lives! (aka the Burden of Black Genius).'
FilmWeek Marquee: 'Captain America: Brave New World,' 'Paddington in Peru,' Becoming Led Zeppelin' and 'Sky Lives! (aka the Burden of Black Genius).' A three-minute rundown of the best (and worst) of this week’s film releases, including the go-to movie for the weekend.LAist 89.3
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Middays with @Marques_Maybin and @StevenRummage @NickyVESPN - Hour One - 2-13-2025
Відтворити пізніше
Відтворити пізніше
1:01:30See for privacy information.ESPN 680 Audio Vault
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55 - ALCOOL DE SÉSAME : l'innovation qui bouscule le monde des spiritueux ! (avec la distillerie Charbon)
Dans cet épisode 55 de SuperPotion™, Ludovic reçoit Samuel Grange pour explorer l’univers innovant de l’alcool de sésame. Venez découvrir comment la dualité entre expertise technique et sensibilité artistique a mené à la création de la distillerie CHARBON et de son fameux “alcool de sésame”. Une aventure qui allie tradition artisanale, sémiologie, …
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A three-minute rundown of the best (and worst) of this week’s film releases, including the go-to movie for the weekend.LAist 89.3
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See for privacy information.ESPN 680 Audio Vault
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