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1 Podcast

Christian Hansen, Daniel Andersen, Jesper Frost-Hansen, Malthe Boesen, Nicklas Bendtsen

Podcast by Christian Hansen, Daniel Andersen, Jesper Frost-Hansen, Malthe Boesen, Nicklas Bendtsen, Oscar Gomez Svendsen
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Managing Madrid Podcast

Managing Madrid

We attend every Real Madrid game as press, and release an episode near-daily. Tactics, analytics, formations, transfers, history, Castilla, Femenino. Join the largest Real Madrid podcast on the planet.
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Stay ahead of the game with Madrid Minute, your go-to podcast for breaking Real Madrid news as it happens. From transfer rumors and tactical shifts to injury updates and match reactions, we bring you real-time insights and expert analysis on Los Blancos. Tune in to never miss a beat from the Santiago Bernabéu!
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The Atlético Madrid Podcast Network provides comprehensive coverage and unique insight into one of Spain's largest soccer clubs - all in the English language. Listen here to all new and archived episodes of "Cochonero Chat" (hosted by Jeremy Beren) and the "Partido a Partido Podcast" (hosted by Emmanuel Lavogez).
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A Vivir Madrid

Cadena SER

¿Qué se puede hacer en Madrid durante el fin de semana? Música, literatura, exposiciones... Macarena Berlín te acerca las cosas que ofrece Madrid para disfrutar del ocio y entretenerse en la capital
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The Patrick Madrid Show

Relevant Radio

The Patrick Madrid Show is your source for the latest in current events and contemporary issues. Join host Patrick Madrid for compelling insights, lively conversations, and encouragement for your day!
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Ne manquez rien de l’actualité du Real Madrid avec Madrid Minute, votre podcast de référence pour suivre les Merengues au plus près. Rumeurs de transferts, choix tactiques, infirmerie, réactions à chaud… On vous livre, en temps réel, toutes les infos et les analyses sur la Maison Blanche. Restez connectés pour vibrer au rythme du Santiago Bernabéu !
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Radio Madrid

Cadena SER

Escucha y descarga todos los programas de Radio Madrid, la radio más escuchada de España. Todos los audios de: Hoy por Hoy Madrid, Hora 14, La Ventana de Madrid, A vivir Madrid y nuestros podcast
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Join Host Mark L. Madrid as he shares his insights on business excellence, leadership, differentiation, and adaptive strategies that resonate deeply. His energetic, dynamic leadership and innovative approaches have helped countless businesses navigate challenges, experience breakthroughs, and seize opportunities.
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El Clásico Podcastico: a Barcelona and Real Madrid podcast

Mark Volinski and Payton McCann

Mark is a Real Madrid fan. Payton is a Barcelona fan. Both are American soccer converts, and always manage to be upset about something, even though they support the two most successful clubs of all time. Listen in as the boys explain exactly why the current coaches/owners of their teams are idiots, and what they would do instead.
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En "Esto es... GROOVE" (Madrid-Leon) disfruta de la mejor música negra de ayer, de hoy y de mañana. Un cóctel refrescante elaborado con artistas de siempre, los temas más actuales, y las nuevas promesas del panorama black. Y como siempre, las mejores secciones: Back In Time (lo mejor de la música negra de los años 80 y 90), Rap Americano, The Black House (los ritmos más bailables dance y al club con tintes negros), La Tuerca Que Faltaba (arañando las raíces del Funk y del Soul), Hip Hop en C ...
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Esprit Madridista

Sports Content

Esprit Madridista, le podcast 100% Real Madrid destiné à la communauté francophone du plus grand club de football du monde ! Après chaque rencontre des Merengues, Gilchrist, Yoann et leurs invités analysent la performance des joueurs de leur équipe de cœur. Un esprit peña en émission où règne le madridisme. Un podcast à retrouver sur votre plateforme de streaming audio préférée ! Suivez nos actualités sur votre réseau social préféré : Twitter Vous pouvez consulter nos informations sur odioo. ...
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Madridhablando Podcast

Colegio Escandinavo Madrid

Med podcasten ”Madrid Hablando” vill Colegio Escandinavo i Madrid hjälpa alla som vill förbättra sin spanska. Allt material är producerat av utbytesstudenter från Sverige och lärare från Colegio Escandinavo i Madrid. Podden vänder sig i första hand till skandinaviska lärare och studenter. Textmaterial till Podcasten finns på
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Madridista Israel

Madridista Israel

פודקאסט מדרידיסטה - הפודקאסט הרשמי של אוהדי ריאל מדריד בישראל. בכל שבוע דור ושחר מסכמים את השבוע שהיה, השבוע שיהיה ועוד מחשבות על ריאל מדריד, העתיד ההווה ומה שביניהם. בנוסף, יש לנו קבוצת דיונים רשמית בפייסבוק שעוסקת בפודקאסט ושבה ניתן להתייחס לפרקים ולשאול שאלות עליהן אנו עונים במהלך הפודקאסט (לינק בביו). האזינו והצטרפו אלינו! Hala Madrid, Vamos Real! #פודקאסט_מדרידיסטה The official podcast of Madridista Israel, Real Madrid's supporters club in Israel
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The Real Madrid Podcast

Tim Caple

Presented by Tim Caple with new podcasts out every week. The worlds greatest football club Real Madrid generate a huge amount of news, rumour and speculation here at the Real Madrid podcast we round up all of the current headline making stories relevant to Madrid.
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LM Flores

Madridiscos rescata 33 discos emblemáticos, unidos para siempre a nuestra ciudad: Madrid. 33 obras que, de paso, nos ayudan a contar la historia y analizar la idiosincrasia de Madrid: la música, la cultura, la sociedad… Fue una sección en Madrid con los cinco sentidos, y se emitió en M21 Radio (88.6 FM o a través de la web) a lo largo de un año: entre septiembre de 2018 y septiembre de 2019.
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La hora de Madridista Real

Madridista Real

Щомісяця es una revista deportiva para los aficionados del Real Madrid, que pretende acoger de forma firme y sin ambages los valores madridistas. Ahora también puedes encontrarnos de forma en podcast.
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Connexi Madrid

Catalunya Rdio

El programa sempre t una finestra oberta a Madrid, a veure qu fa el gran rival. I qui millor ens ho explica s el nostre company Anton Meana, que segueix el dia a dia de l'equip de Bentez. Tot plegat acompanyat de resums de les rdios espanyoles, muntatges i tertlies al voltant del Madrid i les seves aventures.
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Den 6. december 1994 vandt danske OB fra Odense med 0-2 over verdens bedste fodboldhold, spanske Real Madrid, på Bernabeu. En kamp, der stadig her 25 år senere, bliver fremhævet som den største klubtriumf nogensinde i dansk fodbold. I anledningen af jubilæet fortæller radiodokumentaren 'Miraklet i Madrid' hele historien om den overraskende sejr med hjælp fra både fans og dem, der var med til at skabe sensationen i det spanske. Foto: Rune Kim/Ritzau Scanpix
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Guten Morgen desde Madrid

Embajada de Alemania en Madrid

¿Qué es el “cambio de era” anunciado por el canciller Olaf Scholz? ¿En qué consiste la política exterior feminista? ¿Y por qué España y Alemania celebran una cumbre bilateral de forma periódica? De todo ello, hablamos en Guten Morgen desde Madrid, un podcast con la Embajadora de Alemania en España, Maria Margarete Gosse.
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L'asturi Esteban J. Girn va nixer amb un trauma heretat: el seu pare va fer la mili a Lleida. El tamb conegut com 'el guitarrista simptic de Toundra' va haver de crixer sentint les distorsions (positives) que el seu pare li explicava sobre els catalans i sobre Catalunya. No cal dir que la seva infncia i joventut van ser una veritable auca i, al final, es va acabar installant a Madrid. Ara, en plena maduresa vital -ja ha fet 27 anys- i en qualitat de dinamitzador cultural, connecta amb 'Els e ...
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PodCastizo es el primer podcast dedicado a la ciudad de Madrid. Recórrela con nosotros en una tertulia desenfadada entre amigos en la que os iremos desvelando sus secretos... Si te gusta Madrid, este es tu podcast. No importa si eres madrileño, madridado o forastero: aquí todos somos gatos. Si no conoces Madrid, descúbrela con nosotros. Si no te interesa Madrid, dale una oportunidad al podcast, ya que tratamos una amplia variedad de temas. ¡Seguro que alguno te engancha!. Si sientes Madrid e ...
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NATO’s Road to Madrid

Center for Strategic and International Studies | CSIS

Hosted by Max Bergmann, director of the CSIS Europe, Russia, and Eurasia Program, “NATO’s Road to Madrid” explores how the United States’ most important alliance is approaching a critical process it has not undertaken since 2010: updating its Strategic Concept. The last time NATO endorsed a formal strategy, Russia had not invaded Ukraine, China was not yet thought to be a challenge meriting NATO attention, and defense planners were only beginning to look at the military implications of clima ...
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The Dropout Degree podcast with Josh King Madrid, also known as "JetSet", has been ranked as a Top 10 Business Podcast for more than 2 consecutive years (2017-2019) and has over 1M+ downloads. The goal of The Dropout Degree is to share our experiences as a young up-and-coming entrepreneurs, share inspiring stories from the most relentless business moguls and influencers, and educate you on anything and everything that you would never be able to learn in an academic classroom; to help you fin ...
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¿Te gustan los libros y todo lo que rodea a la industria editorial? ¡Este es tu podcast! Aquí te contamos esas historias que te harán estar al día y tomar el pulso al sector del libro de la mano de unas de tus mejores amigas, las librerías. Este podcast ha sido realizado gracias a las ayudas dirigidas a Asociaciones, Federaciones y Confederaciones de Comerciantes de la Comunidad de Madrid para el desarrollo de actividades de promoción comercial de la Dirección General de Comercio y Consumo ( ...
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show series
As we look ahead to this crucial match, it’s essential to recognize the historical context. Real Madrid has historically dominated this fixture in Europe, winning six out of eleven encounters, as noted by EFE from Mundo Deportivo. Despite this, Atlético's recent form at home has been impressive, showcasing their capacity to challenge their rivals.…
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Selon L. Miguelsanz de Sport, Arda Güler a presque décidé de quitter le Real Madrid cet été si Carlo Ancelotti reste entraîneur. Le jeune joueur turc serait frustré par son manque de temps de jeu, n'ayant participé qu'à 29 matches cette saison, ce qui a suscité des spéculations sur un transfert en Serie A, où des clubs comme Milan et l'Inter sont d…
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Patrick explores some compelling topics like the big $400 million funding cancellation for Columbia University due to alarming anti-Semitic activities on campus. He also discusses the importance of receiving grace, even in times of mortal sin, and the nuances behind Catholic traditions like receiving communion while kneeling. This hour focuses on u…
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Mark laments a weak but ultimately useful performance for Real Madrid over a decimated Rayo Vallecano side that lifts them above Atletico in La Liga (8:27), Payton shares some sad news for Barcelona, as well as some transfer rumors (2:57), before the boys dig into the most important games of the season so far, with Barcelona hosting Benfica in the …
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Jeremy Beren sits down with Managing Madrid's chief editor Kiyan Sobhani for a look at the second leg of this Champions League tie. They analyze the form of Kylian Mbappé, how Real Madrid may respond to the atmosphere at the Metropolitano, and whether Atlético Madrid can complete the comeback to reach the quarterfinals for the second successive sea…
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In a recently released exclusive Members-only podcast on Patreon, Managing Madrid’s Kiyan Sobhani and Lucas Navarrete discussed best line-ups without Dani Ceballos, Real Madrid’s UEFA fine, Arda Güler’s struggles, and much more in the weekly mailbag for Members. For those eager to get a taste of the insightful conversation, Managing Madrid has prov…
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In this episode of Smart Small Business is Big Business, Mark L. Madrid sits down with Elizabeth Alegria at SXSW in Austin, Texas, to explore the intersection of mental health, technology, and entrepreneurship. From her humble beginnings in Laredo, Texas, to founding Gramercy Clinic and integrating AI to bridge healthcare gaps, Elizabeth shares her…
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Los próximos conciertos en las grandes salas de la capital, los estrenos teatrales más destacados, recomendaciones de cine, arte y performance y una recomendación gastronómica... Repasamos los eventos culturales más importantes de la próxima semana con Javier Agustí, redactor jefe de la publicación.
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As reported by Florian Plettenberg from Sky Sports, Manchester City has set its sights on Eduardo Camavinga as they look to reinforce their midfield. Plettenberg notes that the City is keen on acquiring the Frenchman to fill the void left by an underperforming midfield and the absence of Rodri due to injury.…
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According to L. Miguelsanz from Sport, Arda Güler has nearly made up his mind to leave Real Madrid this summer if Carlo Ancelotti remains as head coach. The young Turkish player is reportedly frustrated with his lack of playing time, having only participated in 29 matches this season, which has led to speculation about a move to Serie A, where club…
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Le gouvernement espagnol a activé une opération de sécurité complète impliquant environ 1 500 personnes pour le match très attendu de la Ligue des champions entre l'Atlético de Madrid et le Real Madrid, prévu demain à 21h00, comme l'a rapporté la Delegación del Gobierno à Madrid. Ce déploiement étendu vise à garantir la sécurité dans et autour du s…
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Patrick explores the spiritual journey of the Walk to Mary pilgrimage, talks about memorable World War II-themed movies such as 'Little Boy' and 'The Boy in the Striped Pajamas,' and answers questions related to marriage. He discusses the complexities of Mormon and Catholic beliefs and highlights the significance of Catholic Church marriage tenets.…
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Patrick discusses the Catholic Church's teachings on birth control, focusing on the importance of understanding God's plan for marriage and family. Callers share their thoughts on polygamy, the history of the Mormon Church, and early controversies surrounding these practices. He also highlights the significance of historical context and how it shap…
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The Spanish government has activated a comprehensive security operation involving around 1,500 personnel for the highly anticipated Champions League match between Atlético Madrid and Real Madrid, scheduled for tomorrow at 21:00, as reported by the Delegación del Gobierno in Madrid. This extensive deployment aims to ensure safety in and around the R…
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Les matchs récents ont mis en évidence un manque de synergie préoccupant entre Vinícius Jr. et Kylian Mbappé. Selon Antón Meana de Cadena SER, "la relation entre Vinícius et Mbappé n'est pas aussi bonne qu'elle en a l'air," indiquant que les deux joueurs privilégient souvent la gloire personnelle au travail d'équipe.…
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Recent matches have highlighted a concerning lack of synergy between Vinícius Jr. and Kylian Mbappé. According to Antón Meana from Cadena SER, "the relationship between Vinícius and Mbappé is not as good as it seems," indicating that both players often prioritize personal glory over teamwork.Bazham LLC
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Lundi, la communauté du FC Barcelone s'est réunie pour faire ses adieux à Carles Miñarro, le médecin bien-aimé de l'équipe première. Sa mort soudaine, survenue quelques heures avant un match prévu contre Osasuna, a envoyé des ondes de choc à travers le club, entraînant un report immédiat du match, comme l'a rapporté Nuria Santesteban pour EFE Notic…
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On Monday, FC Barcelona's community came together to bid farewell to Carles Miñarro, the beloved doctor of the first team. His sudden death just hours before a scheduled match against Osasuna sent shockwaves through the club, prompting an immediate postponement of the game, as reported by Nuria Santesteban for EFE Noticias, highlighting the deep se…
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Le prochain match marque un nouveau chapitre dans la rivalité légendaire entre l'Atlético de Madrid et le Real Madrid. L'importance de cette rencontre est accentuée par le fait que l'Atlético n'a jamais éliminé le Madrid en compétition européenne, une statistique qu'ils sont désireux de changer, comme l'a rapporté Europa Press. Avec un déficit de 2…
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The upcoming match marks yet another chapter in the storied rivalry between Atlético Madrid and Real Madrid. The significance of this encounter is heightened by the fact that Atlético has never eliminated Madrid in European competition, a statistic they’ll be keen to change, as reported by Europa Press. With a 2-1 deficit from the first leg, the ch…
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Este miércoles 12 de marzo se celebra el Día Mundial del Glaucoma, una conmemoración destinada a dar visibilidad a esta enfermedad que constituye la segunda causa más habitual para la ceguera en el mundo, siendo la primera prevenible.
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Samedi, le monde du football a été bouleversé par la mort subite de Carles Miñarro, le médecin du FC Barcelone, juste avant que l'équipe ne soit prête à affronter le CA Osasuna. Cet événement tragique a conduit à la suspension immédiate du match, comme l'a rapporté Luis F. Rojo dans Marca, mettant en lumière le profond choc ressenti au sein du club…
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On Saturday, the football world was rocked by the sudden death of Carles Miñarro, the doctor of FC Barcelona, just before the team was set to face CA Osasuna. This tragic event prompted an immediate suspension of the match, as reported by Luis F. Rojo in Marca, highlighting the profound shock felt throughout the club.…
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Hablamos con Carlos Blázquez, alcalde de Colmenar Viejo, por la recuperación del médico en el Punto de Atención Continuada del Centro de Salud Sur
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Hablamos con Mariano Cañas, portavoz de Más Madrid Alcobendas, que denuncian bulos y mentiras del gobierno del PP sobre los datos de seguridad en la localidad
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