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Meet Alina Patton Jones, MSW and host of The Last Two Percent. The Last Two Percent is where authenticity meets the crossroads of life’s toughest decisions. Imagine you’re confiding in a friend, sharing intimate details, but always holding back just a bit—the final, elusive 2%. Then, when a life event demands full honesty, that last piece comes to light. The Last Two Percent is about those gut-check moments where truth and choice intersect, pushing you to confront what’s real and make choice ...
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The Alina Show

Alina Schumacher

The Alina Show - a Podcast for Real Estate Agents Who Want to Go From 5-Figure Years to 6-Figure Months - FAST ...Without Having to Do Anything That's Complicated, Frustrating or Overwhelming.
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Ask Alina

Chef Alina Z

Believe it or not, I wasn't always this cute. I used to be an overworked, tired and frequently sick executive who had a terrible relationship with her body, food and self-acceptance. Over the last 11 years I learned a lot and got myself to be happy, healthy and totally in love with myself. Now it's my turn to pay it forward and in this podcast I will share what I learned so you can be healthier and happier in an eAZier way! Ask away what you would like to know. If you are looking for inspira ...
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Beyond Words with Alina

Beyond Words with Alina

A podcast with no worries and all happiness to your mind and to make you a very bold and happy person Support this podcast:
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Alina Nedelcu

Nedelcu Alina

In acest PRODCAST vom dezbate teme legate de relatiile de cuplu. Saptamanal 2 episoade noi. Daca doresti sa intri in comunitatea privata te asteptam pe Facebook: Ori daca vrei sa iei legatura cu mine in mod direct si sa avem o discutie despre obiectivele/ blocajele/ dorintele tale legat de relatiile tale, te astept la o intalnire de 15 minute. Pentru programare intra aici: Doar 10 locuri disponibile
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show series
"Navigating the Role Reversal: Insights and Stories on Parenting Your Parent" Welcome to Parenting Our Parents, this podcast explores the unique challenges and emotional journeys of caring for your aging parents. On this episode Alina delves into personal stories, advice, and practical strategies to help you balance compassion with practicality. Fr…
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We all struggle. No matter how well intentioned we are, life happens and we find ourselves off track, and then frustration sets in and then the negative voices in our head kick in. All of a sudden you are in a monotonous cycle and your life feels like the movie "Ground Hogs Day". On this podcast, I talk about some strategies to help overcome those …
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Alina Nedelcu, coach relațional, îți dezvăluie în acest speech captivant cum să construiești o relație de cuplu fericită și împlinitoare. Află strategiile și tehnicile testate de Alina pentru a menține pasiunea vie și a întări conexiunea emoțională într-o relație. Nu rata acest speech valoros pentru a-ți îmbunătăți viața amoroasă! #CoachRelațional …
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Bine ai venit la canalul meu! Sunt Nedelcu Alina, coach relational specializat în construirea și menținerea unei relații de cuplu sănătoase. În acest video, vom discuta despre o greșeală comună pe care mulți oameni o fac: aduc munca în vacanță.Voi oferi sfaturi și strategii pentru a evita acest lucru și a menține o balanță echilibrată între carieră…
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Generozitatea în relația de cuplu este o cheie către comunicare, apropiere și susținere. Cum poți deveni un partener generos, susținător și încurajator? În acest episod vei afla pași concreți pe care îi poți pune în aplicare chiar de ACUM. Dacă vrei să iei legătura cu mine în mod direct și să avem o discuție despre obiectivele/ blocajele/ dorințele…
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Dacă ești într-o relație de cuplu, este important să știi că angajamentul este un factor cheie pentru a construi o legătură puternică și durabilă între tine și partenerul tău. Angajamentul îți oferă o bază solidă pentru a vă menține și dezvolta relația, indiferent de provocările și dificultățile care pot apărea.Acum poți rezerva o sesiune de coachi…
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For this episode of The Last 2%, we deal with Procrastination. Have you found yourself setting goals for yourself only to find that you look up and a day, a week, a month or years later, you are still in the same place and haven't done what you said you we're going to do. Then the negative voices in your head get going and now you're comparing your…
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Descoperă în acest podcast de ce autenticitatea în căsnicie este atât de importantă și cum îți poți exprima propriile experiențe și convingeri pentru a-ți întări relația de cuplu. În acest podcast , vei găsi sfaturi practice și idei pentru a-ți construi o căsnicie bazată pe transparență și sinceritate. Află cum poți depăși frica de a fi vulnerabil …
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Felicitări că ai ales să faci ceva pentru relația de cuplu! De asemenea te invităm alături de noi în grupul privat de Facebook Fericiți Împreună. Apasă pe link-ul de mai jos pentru a intra în grup. Ori dacă vrei să iei legătura cu mine in mod direct si sa avem o discuție despre obiectivele/ blocajele/ dorințele ta…
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Dacă acest podcast te-a ajutat, te invităm alături de noi în grupul privat de Facebook Fericiți Împreună. Apasă pe link-ul de mai jos pentru a intra în grup. Ori dacă vrei să iei legătura cu mine in mod direct si sa avem o discuție despre obiectivele/ blocajele/ dorințele tale legat de relația ta de cuplu, acum po…
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Dacă vrei cu adevărat să ai o relație de cuplu fericită în care să existe o bună comunicare și ascultare te invit într-o discuție în care să aflăm care sunt cu adevărat piedicile de comunicare din relația ta și apoi să le găsim și soluții. Ori dacă vrei să iei legătura cu mine in mod direct si sa avem o discuție d…
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Identificarea partenerului ideal poate fi o sarcină dificilă, deoarece fiecare persoană are nevoi, preferințe și valori diferite. Totuși, există câteva lucruri pe care le poți lua în considerare atunci când îți cauți partenerul ideal: 1. Căutarea unui partener care îți împărtășește valorile și obiectivele tale de viață este important. Dacă aveți va…
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Sărbătoarea Crăciunului poate avea o semnificație specială pentru tine și pentru partenerul tău. Depinde doar de tine cum te raportezi la acest moment din an. De asemenea te invităm alături de noi în grupul privat de Facebook Fericiți Împreună Ori dacă vrei să iei legătura cu mine in mod direct si sa…
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Reprșurile sunt prezente în fiecare relație de cuplu, însă dacă nu sunt gestionate corect acestea pot afecta relația, până la despărțire sau divorț. Cum să treci peste reproșuri? Cum să nu îi mai reproșezi partenerului greșelile din trecut? În această emisiune vei găsi răspunsurile! De asemenea te invităm alături de noi în grupul privat de Facebook…
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The Last Two Percent – Podcast Description What's The Last 2%? When it comes down to it, it’s that gut check moment when you are at the crossroads of making the next decision and you know what the real truth is, but most times you end up making a different choice. The Final 2% percent is...what's really the truth for you and how to you live your li…
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In acest PODCAST vom dezbate teme legate de relatiile de cuplu, cu noi insine, cu parintii, cu prietenii, ori cu colegii In fiecare vineri de la ora 19:00 Daca vrei sa iei parte la discutiile libere, completeaza urmatorul formular si vei primi acces pe zoom ====>> Ori daca vrei sa iei legatura cu mine in mod dire…
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Cum iti motivezi copilasul sau partenerul de viata sa faca anumite lucruri? Dar cum îi faci sa duca la bun sfarsit lucrurile incepute? In sesiunea aceasta vom gasi raspuns la aceste intrebari si in plus vom afla 5 trucuri practice care ne te ajute sa ii determini pe membrii familiei tale sa duca lucrurile la bun sfarsit. In acest PRODCAST vom dezba…
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In acest episod PRODCAST vorbim despre puterea obiectivelor. Mai important de atat este setarea lor corecta. Obiectivele create pe baza VALORILOR sunt mai usor de atins, efortul depus fiind mai mic si asta pentru ca acele obiective sunt aliniate cu ceea ce ma defineste pe mine ca om, ca fiinta. In schimb obiectivele create din nevoi (achizionarea u…
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In acest PRODCAST vom dezbate teme legate de relatiile de cuplu, cu noi insine, cu parintii, cu prietenii, ori cu colegii In fiecare vineri de la ora 19:00 Daca vrei sa iei parte la discutiile libere, completeaza urmatorul formular si vei primi acces pe zoom ====>> Ori daca vrei sa iei legatura cu mine in mod dir…
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In acest PRODCAST vom dezbate teme legate de relatiile de cuplu, cu noi insine, cu parintii, cu prietenii, ori cu colegii In fiecare vineri de la ora 19:00 Daca vrei sa iei parte la discutiile libere, completeaza urmatorul formular si vei primi acces pe zoom ====>> Ori daca vrei sa iei legatura cu mine in m…
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Îți ții pe loc echipa? Când spun echipa mă refer în primul rând la membrii familiei- soț/ soție, copilaș, mamă/ tată, etc. Și abia apoi la prieteni, colegii, parteneri. Astăzi vorbim despre cea mai importantă întrebare. Și de elementele de care ai nevoie pentru a crea un mediu bun și productiv pentru ca membrii familiei tale sa se dezvolte și relaț…
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Sunt Alina Nedelcu, iar viața mea în 2020 arăta cam așa: nu eram sigură de ce îmi doresc să fac, nu știam ce vreau să fac relația cu soțul meu a fost pe punctul de a se încheia după 6 ani de căsnicie părinții îi distanțasem și relația noastră era superficială nu mai aveam niciun prieten în jur pentru că eu îi alungasem pe toți eram nefericită mă si…
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Q: Alina, I want a healthy body and a happy life and have been doing so much work to achieve that, but sometimes it feels that happiness and health are just not for me. Honestly, I don't feel that I full deserve it... Any advice? A: I get it. All of us at some point don't fully feel we deserve all the joy in the world. But the truth is that we DO! …
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Q: Alina, I know you have been a private chef for many years and are very successful and known. I want to start my own private chef business too, but it's so intimidating, I don't know where to even begin. What are your tips? A: Thank you. I am very grateful to be a private chef for 11 years now and it has been the most rewarding job. To answer you…
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Q: Alina, I have been reading a lot about the danger that bees are in and therefore our planet, so what can I personally do to help save the bees? A: Yes, bees are definitely in danger but there are a few things each one of us can do. 1. Go organic - with fruits, veggies, grains and meat. Bees are dying due to chemicals, herbacides and pesticides. …
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Q: Alina, I know you are all about green juices and healthy living, but I can't give up alcohol. Or actually, I don't want to give it up. Ha! Any advice on how I can keep it and still feel pretty good? A: Great question! And if you know me in a social setting, you'd know that I am a big fan of red and sparkling wines and enjoy them every week or so…
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The 5 Greatest Influencers and Coaches in my Life If you love the show and are enjoying the content, I’d love if you took just a minute to post a review at Alina's Book Get a copy of Alina's new book "How to Get Listings & Dominate Your Market, Even if Nobody's Ever Heard of You!" + over $462 worth of bonuses…
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What I Wished I Had Known Before I Started in Real Estate If you love the show and are enjoying the content, I’d love if you took just a minute to post a review at Alina's Book Get a copy of Alina's new book "How to Get Listings & Dominate Your Market, Even if Nobody's Ever Heard of You!" + over $462 worth of…
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The 3 Greatest Lessons I Learned as a Mom While Building My Real Estate Business If you love the show and are enjoying the content, I’d love if you took just a minute to post a review at Alina's Book Get a copy of Alina's new book "How to Get Listings & Dominate Your Market, Even if Nobody's Ever Heard of You…
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If You’re Feeling Frustrated and Depressed If you love the show and are enjoying the content, I’d love if you took just a minute to post a review at Alina's Book Get a copy of Alina's new book "How to Get Listings & Dominate Your Market, Even if Nobody's Ever Heard of You!" + over $462 worth of bonuses while …
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Q: Hey Alina, do you have any advice on anti-aging treatments and foods? I know girls in their early 30's may not know much, but you seem wise, so thought I would ask. A: Ha! Thanks for the compliment! While some people may think that I am in my early 30's or some even think late 20's, I am actually now in my 40's and up until last year I haven't h…
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The Million Dollar Answer that will 10X your business On today’s podcast episode I am talking about one of the most important components in your business. It can literally 10X your business “overnight” … or ... if you don’t get it right … cause you to continue to miss out on a huge amount of deals that you could be having! If you love the show and …
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Q: Alina, I just watched the Seaspiracy documentary on Netflix and I am really grossed out with the seafood industry. Yet, I still want to eat fish, shrimp and all that yummy stuff. What do I do?? A: I totally get it. It's hard not to be moved by the movie and yet it's also hard to do something. But not to worry! I have a few ideas to share in this…
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On today’s episode of the Alina Show we are talking about how to survive and thrive in this crazy HOT sellers market that we’re in right now where inventory is low … the demand is high ... and how to win the bidding wars with your buyers! If you love the show and are enjoying the content, I’d love if you took just a minute to post a review at https…
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Q: What do you eat when you are super stressed? Do you suggest any supplements? What about comfort foods? A: Such a great question and so timely! Usually when we are stressed we seek two energies – numbing/heavy feeling or high energy/lightness. In this video/podcast I show you what I eat/take/do to get both of those energies. Actually I have been …
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Ok - let's talk about some real stories from the trenches! So sorry - there's some background sound off and on that I noticed in post production - and I promise to make sure it'll be crystal clear next time! :) If you love the show and are enjoying the content, please consider posting a review at Alina's Book…
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Misunderstandings and conflict happen - in our personal lives and in our businesses. Sometimes there is so much at stake … and on today’s episode I am sharing my best insight on how to facilitate some of those difficult conversations with the right perspective and get the desired outcome. If you love the show and are enjoying the content, please co…
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Q: I know people say you should love yourself, but where do you actually begin? What are the practical steps? What do you actually you DO? A: What a great question and I think I can help by sharing the two first steps that you can take on the road to self-loverville where you can find you happily ever after! So where do you begin? This makes me thi…
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Join me and my friend Margie Mader, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and National Board Certified Hypnotherapist, as we discuss emotional detoxification and she shares a great exercise to help you detox ❤️ If you want to learn more about Margie, contact her at 954-876-8001 or via Her specialties include but are not limited t…
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Thank you so much for tuning in to The Alina Show podcast! Today I am sharing with you the 3 biggest mistakes I made in my real estate business and the lessons I've learned as a result. I hope this serves you and gives you some food for thought as you grow and expand your business! If you love the show and are enjoying the content, I'd love for you…
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Q: I have seen your amazing results from your juice and water fast and want to know more about it. How can I do a cleanse without feeling tired and or being low on energy as I have to work every day? Where do I begin and what do I do? A: The best way to look at eating and cleansing is as you look at shopping and cleaning out and organizing your clo…
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The 12 Daily Disciplines of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent - Part 3 Thank you so much for tuning in to The Alina Show podcast! Today we are finishing this mini-series with disciplines 9 to 12. If you love the show and are enjoying the content, we would so appreciate your honest review at: Get Alina's New B…
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The 12 Daily Disciplines of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent - Part 2 Thank you so much for tuning in to The Alina Show podcast! Today we are diving into part 2 of the content - disciplines 5 to 8. If you love the show and are enjoying the content, please consider posting a review at We appreciate you! Alina…
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Welcome to Episode 31 - The 12 Daily Disciplines of a Top Producing Real Estate Agent - Part 1 If you have a question or topic suggestion for a future episode, please email us at Get Alina's New Book Get a copy of Alina's new book, "How to Get Listings & Dominate Your Market, Even if Nobody's Ever Heard of You!" at www.A…
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The 3 by 3 Mindset Habit of High-Performers Get your copy of Alina's new book, "How to Get Listings & Dominate Your Market, Even if Nobody's Ever Heard of You!" at Connect with Alina Website: Facebook: Instagram:…
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The 5 Daily Needle Movers to Massive Success and Influence Alina's New Book Get your copy of Alina's new book, "How to Get Listings & Dominate Your Market, Even if Nobody's Ever Heard of You!" at Connect with Alina Website: Facebook: Instagram:…
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The Power of Binary Thinking Alina's New Book Get your copy of Alina's new book, "How to Get Listings & Dominate Your Market, Even if Nobody's Ever Heard of You!" at Connect with Alina Website: Facebook: Instagram:…
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SHE'S AMAZING. This was the first episode of our brand new series BEYOND WORDS WITH ALINA PRESENTS SPICES WITH TEA. Where we got to hear Mrs. Ayeesha Mushtaq , an entrepreneur,an Educationalist , a Fashion Designer and AN EXTRA-ORDINARY MOTIVATIONAL INDIVIDUAL. FOLLOW US ON : YOUTUBE: . INSTA…
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