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Burying Bad Religion - Part 5 - Bad religion divides churches through a laser focus on something other than Jesus (End times theories and other secondary biblical issues, secular political fights, cultural issues). The Gospel unites people around a laser focus on Christ’s saving grace. When we’re in step with the Spirit, we serve one another.learn …
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Burying Bad Religion - Part 4 - Bad religion produces pride, anger, fear, and guilt, but it doesn’t stop the flesh. The Gospel produces love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, etc. Note that the flesh has “works” and the Spirit has “fruit.” A fruit tree doesn’t try to bear fruit, it just happens. In the same way, keeping in step with the Spirit (ak…
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Burying Bad Religion - Part 3 - Bad religion enslaves us to a list of rules we can never perfectly keep. The Gospel sets us free to walk with the Spirit of God. The commands of Scripture are everlasting, but were never meant to be our salvation. When we reduce our faith to a list of rules, we are denying grace and re-embracing the slavery Jesus die…
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Burying Bad Religion - Part 2 - Bad religion produces a zeal to identify and destroy infidels. The Gospel produces a zeal to love and transform sinners. Paul was criticized by self-righteous people for abandoning the Law. They liked having a sacred scorecard they could use to condemn outsiders, and Paul’s methods threatened them. He had the courage…
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Burying Bad Religion - Part 1 - Bad religion is all about what you do for God. The Gospel is all about what God has done for you. In Galatians 1, Paul confronts the church for deserting the true Gospel. Would God say the same to us?learn more about First Baptist Conroe at Baptist Conroe
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The Ever-Loving Truth - Part 6 - Rebellious people can be frustrating. Their determination to do what makes them happy can hurt others and ruin their own lives. So how do we handle the "Black Sheep"?learn more about First Baptist Conroe at Baptist Conroe
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The Ever-loving Truth - Part 5 - Empathy is often discarded when we disagree with someone. But in order for us to reach people with the love of Jesus, we need to show great empathy. After all, Jesus showed great empathy and compassion on us.First Baptist Conroe
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In God We Trust - Part 17 - The history of the Jews can be confusing at times. There is a lot to remember. But it's important, because it shows us how we serve a faithful God.learn more about First Baptist Conroe at fbcconroe.orgFirst Baptist Conroe
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The Ever-Loving Truth - Part 4 - The statistics for people who grow up in church and then walk away from their faith are discouraging to say the least. So, how do we reach out to people who have turned their back on what the Bible teaches?learn more about First Baptist Conroe at…
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The Ever-Loving Truth - Part 3 - We all have neighbors, co-workers, family members, and friends who follow a different faith. How do we tell them the Good News?learn more about First Baptist Conroe at Baptist Conroe
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In God We Trust - Part 15 - Your life is a testimony of what God has done for you. Have you told that story to anyone? You sharing how God has changed you can encourage family and friends to live lives devoted to Christ.Learn more about First Baptist Conroe at Baptist Conroe
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The Ever-Loving Truth - Part 2 - There are many reasons that a gay person might not feel welcome in church. In this message, we address some of those reason, and what we can do to reach them with the love of Christ.learn more about First Baptist Conroe at Baptist Conroe
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In God We Trust - Part 14 - We don't have idols like they did in the Bible, but in many ways we still worship things that aren't God. What are these idols, and how do we combat our tendency to fall before their feet instead of God's feet.learn more about First Baptist Conroe at…
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The Ever-Loving Truth - Part 1 - All around us are people who assume the Gospel isn’t for them. Some are our friends or loved ones. How can we reach them? Scripture calls us to “speak the truth in love.” Some Christians emphasize love without reference to biblical truth, and others preach nothing but condemning truth without love. In this series, w…
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The Mule-Headed Prophet and the Missionary God - Part 4 - Grace-healed Eyes - The repentance Jonah expressed in chapter 2 doesn’t mean his stubbornness was gone forever. It’s amazing to see a preacher so angry at the success of his own ministry, but once again, it’s a sign that Jonah wasn’t actually living by grace. When we let grace heal our eyes,…
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In God We Trust - Part 12 - Here we read a story about God accomplishing His will despite the corrupt character of the leader in charge. But the leader's character filters down to the people he leads. So, what does good character look like?First Baptist Conroe
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The Mule-Headed Prophet and the Missionary God - Part 3 - What happens in Jonah 3 is one of the greatest miracles in human history. It’s hard to imagine how earth-shaking it must have been. We claim to believe in God, but the god we truly believe in seems to be too small to change anyone’s life. If we believed in the God of Jonah 3, we would live q…
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The Mule-Headed Prophet and the Missionary God - Part 2 - Here's Your Sign - When religious leaders asked Jesus for a sign that He truly spoke for God, He offered them only “the sign of Jonah.” When Jonah went into that fish for three days, it changed him. He had resisted God’s grace when it meant salvation for people he hated, but now it meant his…
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In God We Trust - Part 10 - Pride can keep us from experiencing the best that God has to show us. In order to truly embrace His love, and truly love those around us, we must become humble. Pride has a cost.learn more about First Baptist Conroe at Baptist Conroe
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Houston, We Are the Problem - The Mule-Headed Prophet and the Missionary God - Part 1 - In this entire story, Jonah is almost comically stubborn. It’s easy to laugh at him. But are we so different? We let prejudice, busyness, laziness, and lack of compassion stop us from being salt and light. We can all admit this world is broken. It won’t get bett…
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In God We Trust - Part 9 - There are stories in the Bible where God suddenly declares judgement on someone. It's so shocking and unexpected. How do we interpret this? Should we be worried? What does it mean, and why are these stories in the Bible?learn more about First Baptist Conroe at…
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Saints and Our Stuff - Part 4 - Invest in Tomorrow. The future is uncertain, and that can make us anxious. Believe it or not, generosity can help change that anxiety to anticipation. This is one of Jesus’ most confusing parables. But the point is about using our stuff now to make a better future for ourselves, and for others. He made the same point…
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Saints and Our Stuff - Part 3 - Breaking the Chains - Money and stuff can be a trap. It destroys families, causes wars, ruins lives. But there is a way off the greed superhighway, and we see it embodied in the story of a wee little man. Spoiler: When we truly follow Jesus, generosity comes naturally, and generosity kills greed.learn more about Firs…
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Saints and Our Stuff - Part 2 - This world says the good life is found by gaining more stuff. Jesus said the good life is gained by giving stuff away. Does that mean we should all renounce our possessions and become monks? Matthew 6:25-31 gives a great framework for making decisions about our stuff. learn more about First Baptist Conroe at fbcconro…
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Saints and Our Stuff - Part 1 - Most of Jesus’ teachings about money were warnings about its dangers, not secrets on how to acquire more. That’s ironic, since His followers were all poor. So what, in His view, is so dangerous about wealth, and how can we avoid its snares?learn more about First Baptist Conroe at…
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In God We Trust - Part 6 - We believe that God is powerful. Do we act like we believe that? Are you expecting God to move in a powerful way, or are you expecting God to be limited? How do we start to trust that God will move in bigger ways than we could ever imagine?learn more about First Baptist Conroe at…
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Living Sacrifices - Part 7 - “Overcome evil with good” sounds so simple, but what does it really mean? Christians have done a lot of un-Christian things in the name of resisting evil. When we read on to chapter 13:10 (where Paul’s train of thought actually leads), we see what Paul had in mind.learn more about First Baptist Conroe at…
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In God We Trust - Part 5 - We know that God is working in our lives in good times and bad times. It's hard to see God in the bad times though. How can we find hope in the midst of suffering?learn more about First Baptist Conroe at Baptist Conroe
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Living Sacrifices - Part 6 - Following Jesus won’t make everyone like you. In fact, Jesus promised the opposite would often be true. How we respond when people attack us is one of the best indicators of whether our faith is real or not. Do we widen the conflict or spread the peace?learn more about First Baptist Conroe at…
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Living Sacrifices - Part 5 - A lot of us think we know what humility is, but it might not be the type of humility the Bible refers to. We might think we're humble, but there could be some hidden pride buried deep within our souls. So, how do we become humble?learn more about First Baptist Conroe at…
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Living Sacrifices - Part 4 - Unity among His people is so important to God, He made sure every writer of every book in the New Testament talked about it. That leaves us with a major responsibility. Each of us is either the glue that helps hold the Body of Christ together or a hostile force that tries to tear it apart. This passage is a checklist to…
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Living Sacrifices - Part 3 - Your salvation wasn’t just to get you into Heaven. It wasn’t just to make you the best version of yourself. You were redeemed to be part of something huge: The Body of Christ. You have a role to play in the redemption of the world. Here’s how you make sure you’re doing your part.learn more about First Baptist Conroe at …
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In God We Trust - Part 2 - In 1 Kings we read about the building of the temple. This passage of Scripture is hard to read, because it can seem tedious. But it is still important today. To understand the temple is to understand how Jesus changed the temple forever.learn more about First Baptist Conroe at…
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Living Sacrifices - Part 2 - Sometimes your computer needs to be updated. There are bugs that need to be eliminated, upgrades that need to happen. God transforms us through His Word. While we conform to the patterns of this world, accepting its values and seeking its definition of success, we can’t experience God’s best. But when we dedicate oursel…
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In God We Trust - Part 1 - Reading through 1 and 2 Kings can sometimes feel like a dry history lesson. It’s also not the happiest book. So why study it? These books help tie together much of the rest of the Bible. It also shows us the importance of character in our leaders. But, not matter who our kings are on Earth, God is still King of everything…
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Living Sacrifices - Pt. 1 - In Old Testament Israel, worship meant offering animals on an altar in our place. The first 11 chapters of Romans show that Jesus made that obsolete. He is our once-and-for-all sacrifice. So how do we worship Him today? It’s more than showing up for an hour-long service once a week. True worship is offering Him everythin…
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How will your 2024 look different that your 2023? Maybe it's time to change your perspective on what your purpose is. Maybe it's time to be a blessing. Pastor Alan Armstrong shares with us what it might look like to be a blessing in 2024.learn more about First Baptist Conroe at…
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Remember the ridiculous furor over Starbucks “holiday cups”? We tend to get all worked up over stuff that doesn’t matter, instead of what’s truly wrong with our world. But God knows what is wrong; and He has a plan to fix it.learn more about First Baptist Conroe at Baptist Conroe
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Whether we know it or not, what we all long for is a true King. Israel had a history of terrible rulers, and they were living in the aftermath of their incompetence and corruption. But Isaiah foretold a coming King who would be what the world truly needed. Who was this King? What would He accomplish? What difference should this make for us today?le…
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Jesus in Matthew 5:9 said the peacemakers will be called the sons of God. Sons in the ancient world inherited from their fathers; daughters didn’t. So Jesus wasn’t excluding female peacemakers; He was promising that everyone who does the work of making peace will receive the blessing of sons. There’s a wonderful, little-known story in the New Testa…
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