Robin and Dj will be diving into the ins and outs of Kids Ministry in today's Church. Interviewing kids leaders and Pastors that are in the middle of Kids ministry. Get inspired, encouraged or confirm that you are not alone and you are were God wants you.
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Kids Ministry. Take a peek behind the scenes of what it takes to run a kids ministry. We try to share a little bit of what we've learned that works for us and some of our failures so you can avoid the same mistakes. This is a backstage pass to see the magic-or disaster-that happens behind the scenes of our kids ministry.
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Welcome to the Cross Formed Kidmin podcast. A weekly children's ministry podcast made for kidmin pastors, leaders, and volunteers. Every Tuesday your hosts Ryan, Hunter, and Sam, realease a brand new episode discussing key topics, answering questions, and sharing insights from our combined 60 years of experience with kid and family ministry. We know that leading a kids ministry in todays ever changing world can feel overwhelming , if not impossible! Busy schedules, disengaged families, and s ...
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A podcast about KidMin by two people who live it everyday.
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Jamie Doyle shares his unique insight on various children's ministries topics in a concise and easy-to-listen-to format.
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Kidmin Talk is a weekly look at the world of children's ministry, hosted by Karl Bastian, the Kidologist at
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Kids and Children's Ministry Podcast for Church Leaders
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The Kidmin Podcast is designed to help children's ministry leaders teach kids the Bible in the most creative way possible. In each episode, our host Adam Bush focuses on one aspect of children's ministry and interviews a children ministry leader making it happen every single week. With a huge emphasis on using creativity in your services, our hope is this podcast is a resource to churches of all sizes and stages of growth. For more information about the Kidmin Podcast, visit www.TheKidminRes ...
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This goes out to anyone listening! A little different than most.... Christian based Kids Ministry podcast program for teachers, volunteers and like creative soul winners. Sharing experiences and experiments. We take our approach to kidmin podcast a little different. Kid Ministry volunteers..... enjoy group talk that is casual, fun, informative and entertaining. Sticks N' Dirt were the 2 main creative elements of my childhood that was used to generate my imagination to life! Our goal is to do ...
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Revival Fire for Kids with Tamera Kraft hosts the Ignite Kidmin Podcast. You might be wondering why you should listen to it. I’m sure there are many kidmin podcasts and trainings on leadership development and fun activities vying for your attention. If you like status quo kidmin where your students play a game, learn a Bible story, have a snack, and get a short lesson on how to be good or you want a Kidmin that rivals Disney and makes kids want to come back although it never really changes t ...
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Today I'm joined by Bro. Myles and we're talking about setting the standard and establishing higher expectations. How much should we expect out of our Sunday school kids? Experience and even research show that children rise to meet the standards we set for them. When we raise the bar while providing support, we create an environment where kids can …
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Description: In this episode, Sam and Hunter walk through Aristotles three principles of rhetoric and give tips on how to apply them in your communication. Connect With Us! If you have any questions or suggestions for the show, please email [email protected] Cross Formed Kids This podcast is brought to you by Cross Formed Kids! Get a custom …
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God really loves kids! And the people that serve them are a really big deal. These people deliver love and life into the wonderful window of childhood. How? Why? What’s their story? Each generation is to tell the next generation about who God is and how they too can experience God. We are commissioned by God to that wonderful, holy job. Join Robin …
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Gabe Baker
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Gabe Baker
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Today I'm joined by Bro. Kyle and we're talking about excellence! Excellence isn't a destination – it's a habit formed through consistent, intentional choices in both major initiatives and minor details. In ministry, our commitment to excellence reflects our devotion to God and impacts our ability to influence others. When we approach every task wi…
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Gabe Baker
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Gabe Baker
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Today I'm joined by Bro. Matthew and we're talking about leading in order to elevate others. Being a great leader isn't about your own achievements. It's about building a space where people can become their best selves. Real leadership strength doesn't come from being the boss—it comes from spotting what makes each person special and helping them s…
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Gabe Baker
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Gabe Baker
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Description: In this episode, the guys share practical tips and creative ideas for crafting good illustrations for kids' sermons Connect With Us! If you have any questions or suggestions for the show, please email [email protected] Cross Formed Kids This podcast is brought to you by Cross Formed Kids! Get a custom quote to bring Cross Formed…
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Today I'm joined by Bro. Brent and we're talking about fully investing in the story in Sunday school. There's a profound difference between acting like a character and truly being them. When audiences detect "acting," the magic breaks. But when they forget they're watching a performance - when they're simply witnessing a real person living through …
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Gabe Baker
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Description: In this episode, Ryan and Hunter discuss the why, what, and how of starting a local kidmin meet up. You'll learn best practices, potential obstacles, and the many benfits of these gatherings. Connect With Us! If you have any questions or suggestions for the show, please email [email protected] Cross Formed Kids This podcast is b…
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Gabe Baker
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Today I'm joined by Aneisha & Shaylee, and we're talking about team inspiration. In ministry leadership, there's a profound difference between managing staff and inspiring them. While management ensures tasks get done, inspiration transforms ordinary tasks into meaningful mission. When your team is truly inspired, they don't just work for the churc…
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Gabe Baker
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Gabe Baker
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Description: In this episode, Hunter and Sam discuss the two sides of planning in ministry and provide suggestions to help you in each. Connect With Us! If you have any questions or suggestions for the show, please email [email protected] Cross Formed Kids This podcast is brought to you by Cross Formed Kids! Get a custom quote to bring Cross…
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Today I'm joined by Bro. Kyle and we're talking about preparing before it's too late! When Moses encountered the burning bush, his forty years in the wilderness had already prepared him for leadership. When David faced Goliath, his years tending sheep had already developed his courage and skill. In ministry, the moment of opportunity isn't the time…
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Gabe Baker
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Description: In their 100th episode, the guys look back in order to look forward. They discuss the switch that needs to flip for the future of kidmin to be strong and thriving. Connect With Us! If you have any questions or suggestions for the show, please email [email protected] Cross Formed Kids This podcast is brought to you by Cross Forme…
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Gabe Baker
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Today I'm joined by Bro. Aaron and we're talking about comedy in Sunday School! If you've ever been on stage in Sunday school, you know that moment of panic: "I'm not naturally goofy enough for this!" But here's the wonderful secret - making kids laugh doesn't require you to be the class clown or master of silly faces. Children are incredibly perce…
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Gabe Baker
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Today I'm joined by two legendary Sunday school veterans, Richelle and Shamra. In anticipation of our upcoming Narnia theme, we're talking about past Narnia themes and other themes we've done. For those who might not know, Narnia is a portal fantasy novel. This is just a very brief summary of the most well-known Narnia story and the theme we’re abo…
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Gabe Baker
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Gabe Baker
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Description: In this episode, the guys discuss what theology is, why it matters, and how to teach it to kids in faithful, age-appropriate ways. Resources: How to Teach Kids Theology (Book) Connect With Us! If you have any questions or suggestions for the show, please email [email protected] Cross Formed Kids This podcast is brought to you by…
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Today I'm joined by Bro. Matthew Critcher and we're talking about the epidemic of quitting. In a world where "quiet quitting" has become trendy and commitment seems optional, we face a growing challenge in ministry: the normalization of giving up. This mindset has crept into our churches, affecting everything from volunteer retention to spiritual g…
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Today I'm joined by Bro. Myles and we're talking about being at the top of your game. Ministry leadership requires consistent dedication to personal and spiritual growth. Success in leadership isn’t accidental-it’s the result of intentional habits and disciplined choices. Staying on top of your game isn’t about perfection, but rather about maintain…
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Gabe Baker
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Gabe Baker
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Happy New Year! Today I'm joined by Evangelist Bryan Critcher and we're talking about capitalizing on those fresh starts. We all love the promise of a fresh start - that clean slate feeling that comes with a new year, new season, or new chapter. But too often, these moments of possibility fade into missed opportunities. The key isn't just recognizi…
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Gabe Baker
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Gabe Baker
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Ok, this might drive some people nuts, but I thought I'd do something a little different for this final episode of 2024. Here's a mixed-up mishmash of four episodes. Take the Plunge with Myles (Episode #10) The Antagonist with John (Episode #11) Raise the Flag with Bryan (Episode #15) Glory in the Grind with Matthew (Episode #30) I hope you enjoy t…
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Description: In this episode replay, the guys discuss the doctrine of Christ and Santa's role in the Narnia books, along with a supposed knockout punch he delivered at the Council of Nicea. Resources: The Heidelberg Catechism (Questions 16-19) Connect With Us! If you have any questions or suggestions for the show, please email team@crossformedkids.…
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Not a misspelling... Today I'm joined by Bro. Brent. And we're talking about juggling in ministry. When non-church people ask me about our Sunday school, I kind of explain it as an interactive children’s theater. And that’s what we do every Sunday. Our Sunday school is far from traditional-not that there’s anything wrong with traditional. Essential…
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Gabe Baker
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Gabe Baker
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Description: In this episode, Hunter and Ryan answer a follow up question from last week's episode about simplifying ministry. Resources: Episode 48: Simplifying Everything Connect With Us! If you have any questions or suggestions for the show, please email [email protected] Cross Formed Kids This podcast is brought to you by Cross Formed Ki…
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Today I'm joined by Bro. Aaron and we're talking about Identity Theft! We all carry labels from our past - some given by family, some by peers, some by our own painful memories. These labels can feel like invisible chains, holding us back from becoming who God truly designed us to be. The truth is that we have the ability-the right to rewrite our s…
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Description: In this episode, the guys discuss how to simplify 4 key areas of ministry. Resources: Episode 48: Simplifying Everything Connect With Us! If you have any questions or suggestions for the show, please email [email protected] Cross Formed Kids This podcast is brought to you by Cross Formed Kids! Get a custom quote to bring Cross F…
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Gabe Baker
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Today, I'm joined by Aneisha & Shaylee, and we're talking about excellence and how easily it can deteriorate. Let's be honest - we've all been there. That moment when you think, "Maybe I can skip the prep work just this once" or "Nobody will notice if I cut this corner." It seems harmless at first. But here's the thing: those little shortcuts have …
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Gabe Baker
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Description: In this episode, Hunter and Sam discuss the importance of the advent season and recommend a variety of resources for you and the families at your church. Connect With Us! If you have any questions or suggestions for the show, please email [email protected] Cross Formed Kids This podcast is brought to you by Cross Formed Kids! Ge…
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Gabe Baker
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