‘वो कहानियां‘ जो सुनने में तो अच्छी लगती हैं, लेकिन...
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Vo Kahaaniyan_Season-04 is here.
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Vaapsi।। वापसी Episode Description: Vaapsi is a chilling Hindi storytelling story that will haunt your thoughts. Follow the journey of a young boy whose best friend mysteriously disappears, leaving behind unanswered questions and unsettling secrets. As the boy grows up, the mystery only deepens. When he sets out to uncover the truth, he finds himse…
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Vaapsi।। वापसी Episode Description: Vaapsi is a chilling Hindi storytelling story that will haunt your thoughts. Follow the journey of a young boy whose best friend mysteriously disappears, leaving behind unanswered questions and unsettling secrets. As the boy grows up, the mystery only deepens. When he sets out to uncover the truth, he finds himse…
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Vaapsi।। वापसी Episode Description: Vaapsi is a chilling Hindi storytelling story that will haunt your thoughts. Follow the journey of a young boy whose best friend mysteriously disappears, leaving behind unanswered questions and unsettling secrets. As the boy grows up, the mystery only deepens. When he sets out to uncover the truth, he finds himse…
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Aap Akele Nahi Hain Description: Have you ever felt a presence in your home, even when you're alone? Have you heard whispers in the night, or sensed a chilling draft when there's no open window? In this spine-chilling podcast, we delve into the terrifying tales of people who claim to be sharing their lives with unseen entities. Join us as we explor…
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'The Weeping Night', a chilling mystery, that has captivated locals for generations. Vaibhav, a young and determined investigator, is on the brink of unraveling this centuries-old enigma. However, his quest for answers might lead him down a dark and dangerous path. As he delves deeper into the mystery, Vaibhav discovers a horrifying truth that coul…
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उस जगह रात रोती है... और जब रात रोती है तो फिर...The night wails there... and when the night wails, then... Description: Nestled in the heart of a quaint Indian village, a chilling mystery unfolds. Once in years, a haunting cry echoes through the peaceful night, leaving the villagers petrified. The source of this eerie wail remains a baffling enigm…
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राजवीर और उसके फ्लैटमेट्स के साथ ऐसा क्या हुआ, कि...... फ्लैटमेट्स 'वो कहानियां ।। सीजन-03 ।। आपबीती' पर पहली कहानी #vokahaaniyan, #horror #scary #hindi #hindihorror #horrorkahaniyan
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His reflection in mirror is telling him to do something...आईने में उसका प्रतिबिम्ब उसे कुछ करने को कह रहा था... Instagram @deepakmedatwal @vokahaaniyan #horror #paranormal #vokahaaniyan #hindihorror #mystery #suspense #scary #spookystories #fear #fearfiles #hindistories #tophindipodcast #hindipodcast #horrorpodcast #podcast #horrormovies #horrorfan…
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His reflection in mirror is telling him to do something...आईने में उसका प्रतिबिम्ब उसे कुछ करने को कह रहा था... Instagram @deepakmedatwal @vokahaaniyan #horror #paranormal #vokahaaniyan #hindihorror #mystery #suspense #scary #spookystories #fear #fearfiles #hindistories #tophindipodcast #hindipodcast #horrorpodcast #podcast #horrormovies #horrorfan…
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There was someone, who was waiting for Rohan... आईने के अंदर कोई था, जो रोहन का इंतजार कर रहा था... Instagram @deepakmedatwal @vokahaaniyan #horror #paranormal #vokahaaniyan #hindihorror #mystery #suspense #scary #spookystories #fear #fearfiles #hindistories #tophindipodcast #hindipodcast
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There was someone, who was waiting for Rohan... आईने के अंदर कोई था, जो रोहन का इंतजार कर रहा था... Instagram @deepakmedatwal @vokahaaniyan #horror #paranormal #vokahaaniyan #hindihorror #mystery #suspense #scary
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What's in the mirror? आईने के अंदर क्या हो सकता है? Instagram @deepakmedatwal @vokahaaniyan #horror #paranormal #vokahaaniyan #hindihorror #mystery #suspense #scary
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There is a Taxi, which does not take the passenger, where he wants to go..... टैक्सी, जो वहां नहीं लेकर जाती... जहां आपको जाना है... Another Horror-Paranormal story from 'Vo Kahaaniyan' #vokahaaniyan
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There is a Taxi, which does not take the passenger, where he wants to go..... टैक्सी, जो वहां नहीं लेकर जाती... जहां आपको जाना है... Another Horror-Paranormal story from 'Vo Kahaaniyan' #vokahaaniyan
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There is a Taxi, which does not take the passenger, where he wants to go..... टैक्सी, जो वहां नहीं लेकर जाती... जहां आपको जाना है... Another Horror-Paranormal story from 'Vo Kahaaniyan' #vokahaaniyan
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कुछ मेरी आप बीती...
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The conclusion or.... an illusion.
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धन विजय सफलता...
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Is this the end?Final Countdown begins... Next 2 Episodes will be last episodes of Kaal Shanku-Chapter 2.
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Is this the end?Final Countdown begins... Next 3 Episodes will be last episodes of Kaal Shanku-Chapter 2.
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#kaalshanku #vokahaaniyan
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#kaalshanku #vokahaaniyan
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Destiny प्रारब्ध
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...and the action begins.
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...and Anant meets Nalini (again). ...और अनंत की (फिर से) नलिनी से मुलाकात होती है.
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क्या अनंत अपने प्रारब्ध से भाग सकेगा...
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the story continues...
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...and the next round begins. Find me to share your views.https://www.instagram.com/deepakmedatwal/
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Revisiting the future.
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Sushant... a friend or...? सुशांत...दोस्त या....?
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destiny meets destination.
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facing the fear... डर से सामना...
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Revisiting old memories
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again on the same track...
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deja vu...
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Episode 04 #timetravel #scifi
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Episode 03 #timetravel #scifi
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The dreams tell a lot..................... but sometimes, those are not dreams. सपने काफी कुछ कहते हैं............. लेकिन कई बार वो सपने होते ही नहीं हैं. समय में कुछ कदम पीछे खड़ा अनंत सच्चाई को समझ नहीं पा रहा है, क्या वो सुशांत को बचा सकेगा ?#timetravel #scifi
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The journey has begun. Anant is few steps back in time. Will he be able to change the destiny? काल शंकु के साथ अनंत का सफ़र एक बार फिर से शुरू हो चुका है। अनंत समय में कुछ कदम पीछे खड़ा है। क्या काल शंकु अनंत को माफ करेगा? #timetravel #scifi
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Kaal Shanku is back. काल शंकु की कहानी फिर से शुरू हो चुकी है. #timetravel #mindbending #timeloop #suspense
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Werewolf... The secret is here...
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Who is this Werewolf... Where is he... Is there any connection...
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The hunter is on hunting. Who is he. A Werewolf or a human or someone else.
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Vo Kahaaniyan is back again. Shikari is a story of a small town, which is haunted by serial killings. But who is the killer or hunter...? #vokahaaniyan #deepakmedatwal
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Wait is over. Season-02 is here. Story-01 'SHIKARI'
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‘वो कहानियां’ सीजन-1 का आख़िरी एपिसोड connect me on twitter, instagram, facebook, and other platforms #deepakmedatwal #vokahaaniyan
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पेशेन्ट विवेक की बात सुनकर डॉक्टर गौतम के होश गये... आख़िर विवेक का सामना किस से था...
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