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Gano dukkan shirye-shirye da labaran RFI
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Следите за новостями политики, культуры и спорта круглосуточно в передачах RFI в прямом эфире. Последние новости Франции и мира
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Makala ya kila siku yanayompa fursa msikilizaji kutoa maoni yake juu ya habari zilizopewa uzito wa juu kwa siku husika. Msikilizaji hushiriki kwa kutuma ujumbe mfupi pamoja na kupiga simu.
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Entrevistas diárias com pessoas de todas as áreas. Artistas, cientistas, professores, economistas, analistas ou personalidades políticas que vivem na França ou estão de passagem por aqui, são convidadas para falar sobre seus projetos e realizações. A conversa é filmada e o vídeo pode ser visto no nosso site.
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Todos los noticieros de RFI para seguir la actualidad mundial.
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"Grandes reportajes de RFI", un programa que permite, detrás de las noticias, explorar un tema, un lugar, una problemática. Con nuestros reporteros en el mundo entero.
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En "El invitado de RFI", Radio Francia Internacional recibe a un invitado en sus estudios, sobre la actualidad política o cultural.
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Join Matt Brennan, Assoc. AIA as he discusses the day-to-day life in the Contract and Construction Administration world. This podcast bridges the gap between Architects, Designers, Engineers, consultants and General Contractors as they work through Construction Administration (CA) related items. Each episode focuses on the challenges, techniques and technology to help navigate through the fast-paced construction industry. How many RFIs did you get this week?
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«Le Club RFI, de loin l'émission la plus proche». Le Club RFI, le rendez-vous des initiatives. Chaque semaine, les Clubs RFI participent à l’émission. Ils présentent leurs initiatives, sur les thèmes de la santé, l’environnement, la francophonie, le sport, l’humanitaire… Le cousin : Le club invite une personnalité, un exemple de réussite (artiste, écrivain, peintre, entrepreneur…). Pour finir : la musique, le proverbe et l’agenda des activités des clubs. Le Club RFI, une émission présentée p ...
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The official podcast of the rMiami Marlins of the VBL.
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We talk a lot about Wealth Building through investment management and financial planning.
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Your Hosts, Tevron and Lowsten keep you up to date on what's happening in RFI.
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Специальные корреспонденты RFI сообщают с места событий: наши журналисты отправляются туда, где рождаются новости. Крупные события политики, общественной жизни, культуры, памятные даты и торжества в Европе, во Франции или на постсоветском пространстве, а также в Париже — в репортажах Международного французского радио.
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This study takes a look at three things to equip you with the facts concerning this planetary tracking device.
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This study takes a look at three things to equip you with the facts concerning this planetary tracking device.
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Welcome to RFID Insider, a show that discusses all things RFID and the technology’s impact in an ever-changing and ever-connected world. New episodes are released twice per month and focus on a mix of industry trends, new products, in-depth tutorials, and insightful interviews. With each new episode, you’ll learn things like how NFC fits into the larger RFID umbrella, discover the ways companies use RFID in real life situations, and unearth the opportunities in a burgeoning field. The RFID i ...
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由于中国人工智能公司 DeepSeek被质疑通过位于新加坡的中间商获得英伟达公司的芯片引发美国担忧和关切,新加坡表示其海关和执法部门将继续与美国同行密切合作。艾米
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RFI Español
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RFI Hausa
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Kila siku ya ijumaa ni mada huru ambapo Tunampa nafasi msikilizaji kujadili suala lolote ambalo limetokea nchini mwake wiki hii au kile ambacho amekisikiliza kwenye habari zetu juma hili.RFI Kiswahili
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RFI Tiếng Việt
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El fotógrafo peruano David Díaz Gonzales inaugura en París ‘Shipibo-Konibo: Retratos de mi Sangre’
El fotógrafo peruano David Díaz Gonzales inaugura este jueves el Instituto Cervantes de París la exposición fotográfica "Shipibo-Konibo: Retratos de mi Sangre". Pero antes ha estado con Jordi Batallé en El invitado de RFI. David Díaz Gonzales forma parte de la comunidad nativa Nuevo Saposoa, de la etnia shipibo-conibo, ubicada en un enclave de bell…
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O Festival de Angoulême, o mais importante evento de Histórias em Quadrinhos do mundo, acontece até o próximo domingo (2) na cidade do sudoeste da França. E nesta 52ª edição tem brasileiro na disputa: Luckas Iohanathan, ilustrador e quadrinista natural de Mossoró, no Rio Grande do Norte, está na competição oficial com “Como Pedra” e pode levar o pr…
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Колумнист русской службы RFI Гасан Гусейнов разбирает перекрикивания через океан Дональда Трампа и Владимира Путина, останавливаясь, в особенности, на словах президента США о 60 миллионах погибших в России во время войны. Какую войну мог иметь в виду Трамп?RFI на русском
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Summary In this episode, Matt Brennan discusses the evolution and future of Construction Administration (CA). He reflects on his recent experiences and insights gained from various conferences, emphasizing the importance of setting goals and adapting to technological advancements. The conversation covers the historical context of CA, current challe…
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Cette semaine, le Club RFI Cotonou du Bénin nous présente ses diverses activités, notamment le concours national d’éloquence et de débat qu'il organise chaque année. Ce concours vise à sensibiliser les jeunes à l’art de bien parler et à s’exprimer avec aisance et persuasion. Le thème de cette année « Ensemble, bâtissons un monde plus juste, équitab…
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Siria está viviendo un periodo de transición inédito tras la caída en diciembre pasado del régimen de Bachar Al Asad. Comunidades de todo el país se regocijan, incluida una muy peculiar ubicada en el sur de Siria. La ciudad de As Suwayda es apodada "La Pequeña Venezuela" y se cree que la mitad de la población tiene vínculos con el país latinoameric…
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RFI Español
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日美两国政府正在进行最后的协调,计划于2月7日在华盛顿举行石破首相与特朗普总统的首次首脑会谈。石破茂首相希望通过此次会谈建立首脑之间的信任关系,并确认日美同盟的重要性,目前正在推动发布包括把同盟提升到一个新高度等内容的联合声明。预计这将是继以色列总理之后,特朗普上任后会见的第二位外国首脑。特朗普在当地时间31日表示:“我对日本抱有极大的敬意,我喜欢日本,期待他们来与我面对面交谈。”东京特约记者 楚良一
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RFI Hausa
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RFI Español
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RFI Español
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RFI Español
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RFI Español
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中国新创公司深度求索 DeepSeek 近日推出功能强大的最新同名AI聊天机器人后,引发外界质疑它如何处理用户个资。法国,意大利和韩国纷纷对个人资料保护问题产生疑虑。安东尼
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美国芯片和人工智能巨头英伟达的老板黄仁勋将于周五在白宫会见特朗普总统。今天在白宫举行的会议将涵盖人工智能部署的各个方面。 最先进的 英伟达芯片对于训练美国的 ChatGPT 等生成式人工智能模型至关重要,但受到美国对中国的出口限制。马斯克是否出席黄仁勋和特朗普的见面还没有得到证实。安东尼
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不仅在司法部内引发一阵解雇及辞职潮,还可能改变上诉案件走向。此外特朗普政府还说,要将检察官派往边境处理移民案件。华盛顿特约记者 陈米亚
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RFI Hausa
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RFI Hausa
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RFI Español
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RFI Español
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RFI Español
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一位白宫官员称,美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)周五将在白宫会见英伟达公司首席执行官黄仁勋,此前有报道称特朗普政府正在研究限制向中国销售人工智能芯片的新方法。其他细节尚未立即公布。弗林
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RFI Español
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RFI Tiếng Việt
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日本防卫大臣中谷元于31日与美国特朗普政府国防部长赫格塞思(Peter Brian Hegseth)进行了约40分钟的电话会谈。这是特朗普政府上任后日美防长首次会晤,双方同意加强日美同盟的威慑力和应对能力。还确认了规定美国对日防卫义务的《日美安全保障条约》第5条也适用于钓鱼岛。1960年修订的《日美安全保障条约》,是日美同盟的基础条约。修订的条约规定:日本受到武力攻击时,日美两国拥有“应对共同危险”的防卫义务,日方允许美军使用其国内设施。东京特约记者 楚良一
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RFI Hausa
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RFI Hausa
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RFI Hausa
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RFI Hausa
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