This is the official Taskmaster podcast, hosted by former champion and chickpea lover, Ed Gamble. Each week, released straight after the show is broadcast on Channel 4, Ed will be joined by a special guest to dissect and discuss the latest episode. Past contestants, little Alex Horne, and even the Taskmaster himself will feature in this brand-new podcast from the producers of the BAFTA-winning comedy show.
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Introducing Taskmaster: The People’s Podcast, hosted by Series 15's beloved Jenny Eclair alongside Taskmaster aficionado, Jack Bernhardt. Each week, Jenny and Jack take a deep dive into the world of Taskmaster, talking to behind-the-scenes guests, superfans and some of the most beloved Taskmaster characters. This is the official fan podcast from the producers of the BAFTA-winning comedy show. If you want to share your Taskmaster obsession, whether it's talking about your favourite task, what ...
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A 97.5 Táska Rádió Székesfehérvár kisközösségi diákrádiója, helyileg a Lánczos Kornél Gimnáziumban működik. A stáb tagjai Székesfehérvár általános iskoláiból és gimnáziumaiból kerülnek ki.
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Keeping the Murray/Mallee/Riverland and Coorong Regions up to date with The Changes in Aged Care
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TaskuLähetys - lähempänä ihmistä
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We explore philosophy, politics, economics, and other ideas from a classical liberal perspective.
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News and Issues For Today's First Responders. We provide some of the top mentors, leaders and members of the Fire Service from the U.S. and Canada.
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Podcasts, blog posts, community updates, jobs, cool articles and more.
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Uued Uudised on rahvuskonservatiivset maailmavaadet kandev uudiste- ja arvamuskanal. Meie kanalis saab kuulata Mart ja Martin Helme poliitikasaadet "Räägime asjast", Andres Raidi vestlussaateid "Poolkuu Igor Gräziniga" ja "Serviti" ning Erik Boltowski riigikaitse- ja julgeolekusaadet "Si Vis Pacem". Vaata ka
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Kaikki mikä taskuun mahtuu ja enemmän.
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Become a Paid Subscriber: Welcome to The Random Task Podcast where we are always random and NEVER on task!!! Two girls, a guy and a Podcast 🎙️Just Hanging out Doing what we love to do best, getting together, talking, joking, and being silly and talking about new subjects all the time so come Join in on the craziness and have some laughs and maybe learn something new or not lol We always stray off the topic! We love what w
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25YL Media and Ruminations Radio Network present John Bernardy & Elle Holgate in a spoiler laced, coffee-fueled, Twin Peaks podcast that dives deep into history and theory.
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Listen to Articles, Interviews here about productivity and project management.
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Margus Parts ja välistoimetus toovad kätte Eestile tähtsad arengud välismaal.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Honest movie, show series, games, streaming services, and everything pop culture. Every episode we will suggest and debate a movie our listeners should watch with hope to get your interaction.
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Teach, Task Box, Inspire: The Podcast (A Show for Special Educators)
Lisa Hollady, Special Education Teacher
Teach, Task Box, Inspire: The Podcast is your go-to educational podcast dedicated to making your job as a special education teacher easier and more enjoyable. Your host, Lisa Hollady, is a veteran special education teacher with a passion for helping teachers like you make a real difference in the lives of your students. In your demanding roles, you’re constantly juggling various responsibilities, from differentiated instruction and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) to data collection, ...
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Barka da shiga Taskar zamani Inda zaka samu labari Irin ta Nishadi Da Jan hankali
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This is a podcast series on which you'll get to know a lot of opportunities to earn money and make a profitable and scalable business.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Tas Cover art photo provided by Callum Wale on Unsplash:
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Comparison between my parents 🧕🏻👮🏻♂️
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旧名 : タスク管理【先端】研究所~Task Management "Advanced" Laboratory~ タスク管理に詳しいイド♂が、ちょっと濃ーいタスク管理の話をします。一回5分程度で、タスク管理の新しい視点が得られるかも? 「一般的なタスク管理の話に飽きたなぁ」という方は聞いてって下さい。
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thank you for your kindness.
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A 95% positive outlook on daily life. Living the life of a Rockstar. Celebrating everyone's differences and proudly admitting our own mistakes. Proudly Broadcasted out of a town named Parkville that is 10 miles as the crow flys from popular City of Baltimore Maryland located on the east coast of the United States of America where freedom of speech is a thing... the "I've Been Tasked With" Podcast. This podcast series is an informational comedy show based on factual data and current happening ...
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Detailed guidelines
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Escucha este podcast y muchos más en o en las apps de iVoox para iOS, Android o Windows Phone.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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A podcast about all things recovery
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This is the Task Force Neptune Podcast.
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In Episode 59 of Teach Task Box Inspire, I’m diving into five common mistakes special education teachers often make during parent-teacher conferences — and what you can do instead. We’ll cover everything from starting off with positives to keeping your language clear and simple. These practical tips will help you turn conferences into productive, c…
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Episode 250: Episode 9-13 – Peter Mathews – FIREHOUSE® Magazine - 25th Anniversary of the Worcester Six
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Whether you’re a veteran firefighter or a rookie, the likelihood that you’ve seen or even read FIREHOUSE® Magazine, is high. It has been a staple in most firehouses and with thousands more visiting the website, attending conferences and more. Its current Editor-in-Chief is Peter Mathews. Peter is the Director of Conferences and FIREHOUSE® Magazine.…
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Alex speaks with Danny Leroy about inflation in Canada, with a focus on the rising price of groceries. Danny explains how monetary expansion and government policies have driven up grocery prices and other costs, emphasizing the role of the Bank of Canada in creating money and the cascading effects this has on different sectors of the economy. Danny…
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Tis' The Season 2024 Part 1
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This podcast is about Christmas and MANY other subjects!!! Please subscribe to our Spotify and YouTube channel and give us a Like/Follow on Facebook, Instagram and X!!!
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This week’s Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me episode looks into the nuts and bolts of the story and plot in the film, which your host John thinks moves through Teresa Banks: why she was murdered, and what repercussions happen as a result. How is the Deer Meadow police department involved? How is Teresa Banks a Blue Rose case? What are the Lodge Entiti…
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Cigi, drog, alkohol, kávé, társ...sokféle függőség létezik. Az Egészség Dokk Alapítvány segítségével azonban leküzdhető minden. Hogy hogyan, megtudhatod a beszélgetésből! Vendégeink, Tyitye Dóri és Kocsis Sándor.
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DERVOS, 10/25/24, NYC Demand growth has returned to the US electricity sector for the first time in two decades and the cracks are showing in the system. Reindustrialization, electrification, and the AI juggernaut have catapulted us into a new era. New loads are suddenly having trouble getting grid connections, interconnection times for new generat…
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"Si Vis Pacem..." nr. 127 – salvestus: 4. detsember 2024: Valitsus hoolib truust ametnikkonnast, mitte Eesti kodanikest
Riigikaitselises saates "Si Vis Pacem..." räägitakse seekord majandusest – Eesti julgeoleku ühest nurgakivist. Riigikogus ootab vastuvõtmist 2025. aasta riigieelarve. Eesti rahvuslikku põlevkivitööstust ja energeetikat surutakse maha, lennukompanii Nordica pankrotistus nagu täpselt üheksa aasta eest Estonian Air. Skeemid tunduvad sarnased, valitsus…
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This week we're emptying the People's Pod post bag and circling back to all the emails we couldn't get to this year - consider it a sort of holiday party but without the snacks! In this episode we try to finish some unfinished business from series 18, receive some Hot Dog Queen fact-checking that could have changed series 15, get schooled in maths …
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"Räägime Asjast": tuuleenergiale üleminek tuleb ära hoida
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Pühapäevases vestlussaates "Räägime asjast" räägivad EKRE juhtpoliitikud Martin ja Mart Helme asjadest nii, nagu need on. Seekord võetakse telefoniliinile ka Rain Epler ja Kert Kingo. Esimese teemana võetakse ette energeetika valdkond ja avatakse inimeste silmi selle kohta, kui kahjulik on tuuleenergiaga edasi minek ja tänase poliitika jätkamine se…
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Konservatiivses vestlussaates "Vaba sõna" räägivad Riigikogu EKRE fraktsiooni liikmed ja ühtlasi ka Euroopa Liidu Asjade Komisjoni liikmed Anti Poolamets ja Rain Epler nendest jaburustest, mida Euroopast meile peale surutakse, eriti seda, mis puudutab kliimahulkust.Uued Uudised
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This week good friend of the podcast Lou Sanders joins us to chat with Ed about the first semi-final of Junior Taskmaster! They cover a range of topics, from poetry to why we should call secrets 'surprises,' and whether or not Mike can be considered an object. Catch Lou on her tour No Kissing in the Bingo Hall from February Get your tickets for the…
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In this episode Paul Sadler talks about the upcoming reforms. Paul Sadler is an experienced leader and influencer who brings an extensive range of experience from more than 35 years in the aged care sector. Paul has been a national and state CEO of aged care industry associations, CEO of a major aged care provider, and influencer of ageing policy, …
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In this episode, we’re diving into one of the most important aspects of special education: building strong, positive communication with parents. We all know how much of a game-changer it is when families and educators work together as a team to support students with disabilities. That’s why we’re sharing five practical tips to help you foster trust…
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This week Jenny and Jack wade in to 'The Best Thing from the 90's' debate from Series 7, Episode 3, brought to us by a listener in last week's podcast. Also discussed: burpees, why there should be more dribbling on TV, most disturbing noises for podcasts, and go-to interesting facts. Our next homework assignment will be Series 12, Episode 4. But we…
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"Räägime asjast": pedofiilide maffia tuleb võimult minema pühkida
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Eesti rokkivamas poliitikasaates "Räägime asjast" räägivad asjast EKRE poliitikud Martin ja Mart Helme. Seekord on on avateemaks see, kuidas koalitsioonisaadikud edendavad teadlikult pedofiilset riigikorda, nüüd juba kahe eelnõuga, seejuures valetatakse juurde täiesti tuimalt, kuidas nii see ei ole. Saates räägitakse ka jätkuvast maksurallist, kuig…
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Konservatiivses vestlussaates "Vaba sõna" räägivad Eesti Konservatiivse Rahvaerakonna poliitikud Evelin ja Anti Poolamets kliimaseadusest, sellest kuidas Euroopa Liidust tahetakse Eestile kõige raskemad kohustused kaela tõmmata, jäätme- ja pakendiseadusega seotust, eesti keelest koolides, aga ka Gruusia olukorrast. “Vaba sõna” on eetris laupäeviti …
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Ep 186. Jack Bernhardt - Junior Taskmaster S1 Ep.5
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Tonight Ed is joined once again by fellow Taskmaster expert, Jack Bernhardt! Ed and Jack discuss the final heat of Junior Taskmaster, including which contestant from tonight’s episode Ed identified with most, whether or not Jack has started hot housing his children for Junior Taskmaster, and why Ed felt personally trolled in this episode. Don't for…
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Riigikaitselises saates "Si Vis Pacem..." räägitakse reformisotside valitsemisest Tallinnas. Kui riigil on häda käes, siis ei hakka rahulolematud väga entusiastlikult ka riiki kaitsma. Võim on alati personaalne ja seostub kindlate nägudega. Sotsid koos mõne reformikast abilinnapeaga on korraldanud Tallinnas ainult poole aastaga sisuliselt liikluska…
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Matt speaks with Brian Albrecht about how policymakers can think more like economists by emphasizing the role of prices, trade-offs, and unintended consequences in shaping effective policies. Brian and Matt discuss tax policies, antitrust laws, and some very silly tariffs to illustrate the importance of applying economic reasoning to address societ…
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In this episode of Teach, Task Box, Inspire, I’m diving into strategies for supporting students with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). If you’ve worked with students who push boundaries or seem to resist even the smallest requests, you know how challenging—and rewarding—it can be to find what works. I’m sharing 10 practical strategies you can us…
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The Mento Method Boys - Series 8, Episode 3
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We are back to our homework this week, with Jenny's first task being Series 8, Episode 3. Discussions include the Taskmaster outfit Jenny wishes she had thought of to wear, what Jack thinks about Lou’s prize task (that he would definitely say to her face) and why you should really never pie Jenny. Plus we hear from fans about contestants who've del…
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Episode 249: Episode 9-11 – Kevin Yeazell & Kevin Ryan Yeazell – Firefighting Without PFAS/PFOS
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Since 2015/2016, we have an elevated consciousness regarding cancer in the fire service. With slow, but sure processes, we learned the AFFF, and our gear are “dosed” with PFAS. That it about to change. My guests on this episode of “5-Alarm Task Force!” are Kevin Yeazell and his son Kevin Ryan Yeazell of a company Fireground Supply. Several seasons …
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Eesti parimas poliitilises vestlussaates "Räägime asjast" räägivad asjadest nii nagu need on Eesti Konservatiivse Rahvaerakonna poliitikud Martin ja Mart Helme. Juttu on sellest, et president Alar Karis ja peaminister Kristen Micali on hakanud uuteks sõjaprintsessideks ja kujutavad ette, et juhivad impeeriumi. Teise teemana räägitakse massiimmigrat…
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Konservatiivide vestlussaates "Vaba sõna" räägivad Eesti Konservatiivse Rahvaerakonna poliitikud Evelin ja Anti Poolamets viimase aja sündmustest EEsti poliitmaastikul. Esmalt tuleb juttu kaitseväe seisukohast neid segavate tuulikute suhtes, samuti Eesti Energia eriraportist, mis näitab, et rohepöörajad on asunud Eesti Energialt vaipa alt ära tõmba…
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Ep 185. Alex Horne - Junior Taskmaster S1 Ep.4
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Tonight we are joined by the original Taskmaster's Assistant, it's Little Alex Horne! Ed and Alex discuss Junior Taskmaster, including which of the prize tasks in this episode Alex can imagine Bob Mortimer bringing in, what he thinks about Mike as a Taskmaster's Assistant, which task he would have changed in retrospect and the little ways the team …
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Csák Viktor első könyve Angliában lett Amazon-bestseller, Amerikában pedig Amazon-toplistás és díjnyertes alkotás, sőt film is készül belőle.Többek között erről és az írói létről kérdeztük őt!
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"Sinu riik tulgu": kes on head ja kes on pahad
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Kristlikus konservatiivide vestlussaates "Sinu riik tulgu" kõnelevad Tarmo Hints ja Helle-Moonika Helme maailmaasjadest kristliku vaatenurga alt. Saates puudutakse Ameerika Ühendriikide presidendivalimiste tulemusi ning rõõmustatakse, et Jumala abiga saatis edu Donald Trumpi. "Jumal viis Ameerikas läbi tõelise vabastusteenistuse," ütles Helle-Mooni…
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Matt Zwolinski - Is There Such A Thing As A Free Market?
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Alex speaks with Matt Zwolinski about whether a truly "free market" exists, delving into concepts of freedom, coercion, and property rights. They examine critiques of markets from left-leaning thinkers, such as Robert Hale, as well as conservative perspectives, while discussing libertarian approaches to balancing coercion and freedom in market soci…
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Szakértőnk: Simicskáné Kálmán Kata okleveles pszichológus, képzésben lévő komplex integratív gyermekterapeuta, lóasszisztált coach.
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Te sem látod át teljesen? Segítünk, azaz Bor Kata asztrológus, aki bevezet minet az asztrológia világába.
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Látjuk, halljuk, de nem tudunk róla sokat. Móricz Katalin művész tanár elárulta nekünk hogy mire jó a jobb agyféltekés rajzolás.
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Mire jó a könyves vlog? Miért érdemes csatlakoznod? Mindent megtudhatsz Faár Tamarától!
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A pióca terápia részleteibe merülhettek el Világos Klára segítségével.
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Újabb szerzővel és művével ismerkedhettek meg. Ezúttal Bánki Attila íróval beszélgetünk az általa írt trilógiáról.
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Hegyi Dóri, aki „Ohnody” művésznéven a hazai könnyűzene megkerülhetetlen alakjává vált az évek során visszalátogatott a Lánczos Kornél Gimnáziumba, ahol érettségizett. Az akusztikus stúdiókoncert mellett a dalszerzés rejtelmeibe avatta be a Táska Rádió közönségét.
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Magyarország soros elnöksége év végéig tart. Helyzetjelentést kapunk az EU-ról Györe Gabriellától a Lánczos Kornél Gimnázium diákjainak Nagyköveti képviselőjétől!
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A Táska Rádió vendége volt Hajdú Balázs, a Stand Up Comedy társulatának tagja. A stúdióbeszélgetésből sok minden kiderült a „miértekről”, és a „hogyanokról”.
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Segítünk a pályaorientációban! A stúdióban az Óbudai Egyetem Alba Regia Kar képviselői Dr. Pogátsnik Mónika oktatási dékánhelyettes és Seres Mónika mester tanár.
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In this episode of Teach Task Box Inspire, Lisa dives into a familiar challenge in special education classrooms: escape behaviors. These are behaviors that students may use to avoid tasks or instructions, and Lisa highlights how important it is to collect ABC data to uncover the reasons behind them. She shares five practical strategies to help mana…
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Series 18 Big Stats Send-Off
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Well it's been over a week and Jack and Jenny have had some time to reflect on Series 18 and there's a lot to unpack. Jack brings his stats to the table and Jenny reviews some of the best and worst moments from each contestant. Plus, did the Joker transform the scoring system as much as Jack thought it would? The pair also talk about Nick Mohammed'…
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Eesti teravaimas iganädalases poliitilises vestlussaates "Räägime asjast" räägivad asjadest nii nagu need on EKRE juhtivpoliitikud Martin ja Mart Helme. Seekord on juttu sellest, et EKRE soovib Riigikogus uurimiskomisjoni moodustamist selgitamaks Nordica pankrotti. Kuigi Reformierakond püüab näidata, et süüdi on kõik teised, on Nordica alguse ja lõ…
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