In their attempt to produce a comedy-variety show, hosts Tom DeMichele and TJ Lamando are thrust into action. With some godly assistance, they discover new worlds and characters while uncovering a looming threat. A comedy-fiction podcast with interviews, sketches, and more—it's the show where the guests pick the theme and we take it from there!
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With Adventureland saved by Tom, TJ, and the gang, all is calm until TJ’s untimely yet unavoidable death. Now a paranormal investigator, Tom is joined by sidekick Hootie the Owl (Tom Althoff) and the band Rebel Kicks (Steven and Anthony Babino) on a search for TJ’s Ghost. But the spine-tingling setting of their quest leads to bumps in both the road…
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4. Adventureland (ft. Olivia Puckett & April Lavalle)
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Tom & TJ make their 2017 podcast return in today’s episode: ADVENTURELAND! When Themus presents an epic journey to stop a personal foe, the boys are launched into a breath-taking quest packed with romance, monsters, gods, and ADVENTURE! Will they finish their journey in time to speak with Broadway's Olivia Puckett(Motown: The Musical, Dear Evan Han…
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