Relevant and inspiring talks from Abergavenny Baptist Church Pastor - Mike Orsmond
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Who are you? Bible reference: Ephesians 2.1-10. Series: Freedom. Who am I? It’s such an important question, because it shapes us and defines. And there are many ways to answer that question. But it is only when we start to see ourselves the way God sees us that we will to discover who we really are and be able to step into freedom.…
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How do you view God? Bible reference: Luke 15:11-24. Series: Freedom. It is only when we start becoming the person who God created us to be, and called us to be, that we will start to experience true freedom. This is not about working really, really hard, trying to be a better person, because what you do will flow out of who you are. So, the first …
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Overcoming a Spirit of Timidity. Bible reference: 2 Timothy 1:1-7. Paul encourages Timothy, and us, to overcome a spirit of timidity, so that we can make a difference for the Kingdom of God.Mike Orsmond
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Jesus' Manifesto. Bible reference: Luke 4:14-22. David Sunman, the minister at Woodmansterne Baptist Church, brings a very timely message from Luke 4, as the Christmas season comes to an end, but we have not quite started the New Year yet.David Sunman
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Why me? (Mary, mother of Jesus). Bible reference: Luke 1:26-38. Series: Advent 2024. Why me? A Christmas day reflection from the perspective of Mary, mother of Jesus, written by Nick Fawcett.Mike Orsmond
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What is the most important thing in your life? Bible reference: Colossians 1:15-20. Series: Advent 2024.Mike Orsmond
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The Meaning of Christmas. Bible Reference: 1 John 1:1-4. Series: Advent 2024.Mike Orsmond
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A holy pregnancy. Bible reference: Luke 1: 39-45. Series: Advent 2024. Two mother's have a miraculous conception and are filled with joy.Abergavenny Baptist Church
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Who builds the house? Bible reference: 2 Samuel 7.1-13. Series: Advent 2024. If we do not limit God, by trying to place him in a house (temple) but allow God to invade all areas of our life by his Spirit, then he will build his house (kingdom), in and through our lives, and it will always bear eternal consequences.…
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What are you investing your life in? Bible reference: Galatians 6:7–10. Series: The Fruit of the Spirit. What are you investing your life in? Are you investing in your own pleasure and enjoyment, or are you investing in eternal things? What you invest in, is what you will reap, for you will reap what you sow.…
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Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit. Bible Reference: Galatians 5.13-26. Series: The Fruit of the Spirit.Mike Orsmond
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Remembrance Sunday. Bible Reference: John 15.9-13.Mike Orsmond
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Walking in the Way of God. Bible reference: Psalm 1. Psalm 1 shows us how to experience a truly fruitful life by walking in the way of God.Frances Buckley
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Self-Control. Bible Reference: 1 Corinthians 9.24-27. Series: Fruit of the Holy Spirit.Mike Orsmond
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Pray for Peace. Bible Reference: Jeremiah 29.1-14.Abergavenny Baptist Church
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What does it mean to be a Christian? Bible reference: Mark 8:34-38. In Mark 8:34-38, Jesus tells us what it means to be one of his disciple.Mike Orsmond
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Where is your treasure? Bible Reference: Matthew 6:9-24.Mike Orsmond
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Gentleness. Bible reference: Philippians 2.1-11. Series: Fruit of the Spirit.Mike Orsmond
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Faithfulness. Bible reference: Hebrews 10:19-25. Series: Fruit of the Spirit. It can be so tempting to give up on God, especially when we get tired and life gets hard and we face opposition. But God never gives up on us. God always remains faithful and calls us to remain faithful. And by his Holy Spirit he produces the fruit of faithfulness.…
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Goodness. Bible Reference: Micah 6:6-8. Series: The Fruit of the Holy Spirit. What does god really want from your life? What will please God? What is the goodness that God wants from us?Mike Orsmond
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Jesus & Nicodemus. Bible Reference: John 3:1-16. Nicodemus come to Jesus one night to find out how he can experience eternal life, and he discovers that he needs a whole new start in life, a whole new heart, he needs to be born again.Mike Orsmond
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Philip and the Ethiopian. Bible reference: Acts 8.26-40. An Ethiopian Eunuch who has been exclude from the temple and from God, suddenly finds himself included through his faith in Jesus and is baptised.Mike Orsmond
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Victoria talks to us about having a simpler life.Abergavenny Baptist Church
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Kindness. Bible Reference: Luke 6:27–36. Series: Fruit of the Spirit. We are continuing our series on the Fruit of the Spirit and in this episode we are looking at the fruit of kindness.Mike Orsmond
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Patience. Bible reference: James 5: 7–11. Series: The Fruit of the Spirit. We are continuing our series on the Fruit of the Spirit and in this episode we are looking at the fruit of patience.Mike Orsmond
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Peace. Bible Reference: Philippians 4:4-9. Series: The Fruit of the Spirit. We are continuing our series on the Fruit of the Spirit and in this episode we are looking at Peace.Mike Orsmond
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JOY. Bible reference: John 16:1-24. Series: Fruit of the Spirit. The third fruit of the Spirit is joy.Mike Orsmond
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Love. Bible Reference: 1 Corinthians 13:1-8. Series: Fruit of the Spirit. The first fruit of the Spirit is love.Mike Orsmond
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The Fruit of the Spirit. Bible Reference: Galatians 5:16-25. Series: The Fruit of the Spirit. Why do we struggle to see the fruit of the Spirit in our life and how can we ensure that we will experience more of the fruit of the Spirit in our life?Mike Orsmond
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The Lord's my Shepherd. Bible reference: Psalm 23.Babs Watkins
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Baptism & Pentecost. Bible Reference: Acts 2:1-7, 12-24, 36-41. On the day of Pentecost, God poured out his Holy Spirit on the first followers of Jesus, and this result in 3000 people putting their faith in Jesus and getting baptised.Mike Orsmond
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Fulfilling our Purpose. Bible Reference: Acts 9:1-15. Series: ALIVE. This episode looks at how we can fulfil our purpose in life. Unfortunately, many people have no sense of purpose, while others have a misguided sense of purpose. Yet when we discover our true purpose in life, then we start to feel fully alive.…
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Living in FREEDOM. Bible reference: John 21:15-23. Series: ALIVE. We all want to be free, but what is true freedom and how can we experience it? In this episode we explore how Peter, through his encounter with the risen Jesus, experiences real freedom.Mike Orsmond
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I am the vine. Bible reference: John 15:1-8.Rob May
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Filled with Peace. Bible reference: John 20:19-23. Series: Alive! Is it possible to experience peace - real, lasting peace - that can weather any storm? When the disciples first meet the risen Jesus, they are filled with peace, even in the midst of turmoil.Mike Orsmond
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Surprised by hope. Bible reference: Luke 24:13-32. Series: Alive. Two people on the road to Emmaus are surprised by hope when they have an encounter with the Risen Jesus.Mike Orsmond
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Jesus and Thomas. Bible Reference: John 20:24-31.Mark Fairweather-Tall
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Transformed by Love Bible Reference: John 20:11-18. Series: Alive. Mary Magdalene has a life-changing encounter with the risen Jesus, when he calls her by name.Mike Orsmond
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Palm Sunday (John 12:1-28).Ian Purcell
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Is this the end of the world? Bible reference: Mark 13:1- 8, 26-33. Series: The Last Week. With the war in Gaza, and with the war in Ukraine, and with the Climate crisis, and with the whole world just seemingly going crazy, it is easy to start wondering, ‘Is this the beginning of the end?’ And so, you might be wondering, ‘Is the world coming to an …
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What does God really want from our lives? Bible Reference: Mark 12:28-34. Series: Last Week. When Jesus is ask what is the greatest commandment, we discover what God really wants from our lives.Mike Orsmond
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Should a Christian engage in politics? Bible Reference: Mark 11:27-33 & 12:13-17). Series: The Last Week We learn a lot about whether we should engage in politics, and if so, how we should engage in politics from Jesus' encounters with Jewish authorities, when he is questioned about who gave him authority & whether people should pay taxes to Rome, …
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Busting up the Temple. Bible Reference: Mark 11:12-21. Series: The Last Week.Mike Orsmond
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God of second chances (Jonah 3.1-10).Gareth Wilde
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The Transfiguration (Mark 8:27 - 9:10).Peter Baines
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The "One Thing" Solution to Anxiety. Bible reference: Psalm 27.Mike Orsmond
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The Secret to True Happiness. Bible Reference: Philippians 4:10-20. Series: Philippians. The world will tell us that the why to happiness is to have what you want, but Paul tells us that the the way to happiness is through contentment, gratitude and thankfulness, for ultimate our happiness is found in Jesus.…
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Joy & Peace. Bible reference: Philippians 4:4-9. Series: Philippians. This talk explores how we can experience a joy and a peace that transcends all understanding (Philippians 4:4-9).Mike Orsmond
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Overcoming Conflict Bible reference: Philippians 3.17 - 4.3. Series: PhilippiansMike Orsmond
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Do not be afraid. Bible reference: Luke 2.8-12.Babs Watkins
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