Featured True Stories Episodes on Player FM
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Faysa Idle har sett gängkonflikterna i Järvaområdet inifrån. Nu bryter hon tystnaden om hur det är att växa upp nära kriminella unga män. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Faysa Idles storebror drogs in i kriminaliteten tidigt. Flera av hennes vänner har skjutits ihjäl, och i de miljöer hon rört sig har hon sett både vapen, knark och ko…
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Isabel Lucas (parte 2): “A generosidade das pessoas adviria se todos percebêssemos o que está a acontecer com o clima no planeta” - A Beleza das Pequenas Coisas
Ouça aqui a segunda parte da conversa com a jornalista e crítica literária Isabel Lucas, que fala da voragem da sociedade de consumo que consome a capacidade de escuta, de leitura, de reflexão e de olhar para os outros. Isabel é também crítica sobre a forma de gerir e pensar o jornalismo, lança novas questões e revela uma grande inquietação sobre o…
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– I can’t remember who suggested that we go skinny dipping that night. I imagined a veritable walk of shame back to Lily’s house. Jena Reger lives in Durham, North Carolina, where she is a graduate student at Duke University. She belongs to a local writing group and has been working on a variety of projects for the past few years--from flash fictio…
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Anything Goes with James English Ep/ Chris Ryan SAS Soldier - The Longest Escape - Chris Ryan Tells His Story. You can contact James English on his social media platforms ⬇️⬇️ http://instagram.com/jamesenglish2 http://twitter.com/jamesenglish0
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När Douglas är 33 år frågar en av hans pappas anställda om han mött sina riktiga föräldrar. Douglas förstår ingenting. Det är så han får reda på att han är adopterad. Upptäckten skakar om hans liv. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Har du avslöjat en familjehemlighet som förändrat ditt liv? Hör då av dig till programmet och Gunilla Nord…
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L’affaire Spotlight, enquête sur la pédophilie dans l'Église catholique : une vérité aux résonances mondiales (4/4) - Les Fabuleux Destins
Bienvenue dans les Fabuleux Destin, le podcast pour découvrir des histoires vraies et étonnantes. Cette semaine, redécouvrez la sordide affaire des scandales sexuels du clergé de Boston. Au début de l'année 2002, le Boston Globe révèle une série de poursuites pénales à l'encontre de cinq prêtres catholiques, mettant en lumière la question des abus …
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[SHORT STORY] Ulysse et Pénélope, une histoire de fidélité, d’espérance et de larmes - A la folie, pas du tout
Tous les week-end, découvrez de courtes histoires d’amours, tendres ou percutantes, pour engager de vraies réflexions sur l'amour. Dans cet épisode, nous nous intéressons à un couple de la mythologie : Ulysse et Pénélope. Il y a quelque chose de fascinant dans ces récits qui ont traversé les siècles et qui ont façonné nos imaginaires... Une histoir…
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De Nachtzuster biedt hulp en verzachting bij vragen en zoektochten, met respect voor de luisteraar en zijn of haar ervaring en kennis.
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Stories We Don’t Tell is celebrating our 10 year anniversary and to mark this, we have put together a special 10 part series. We picked ten people who have told stories with us, one person from each year, and interviewed them. We really do attract some incredibly interesting people and these interviews do not disappoint. We went in wanting to know …
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In a conversation with Stella O'Malley, founder and director of Genspect, Andrew Gold @andrewgoldheretics explores why people—even very intelligent ones—are drawn to cult-like beliefs. He shares stories from his investigative work, including his study of exorcisms in Argentina, and connects these experiences to how modern groups can sometimes take …
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No programa desta semana, Luís Pedro Nunes recorda a mais recente onda de partidas sobre o 'ar premium', dos pneus dos automóveis, que viralizou, para deixar alguns comentários acerca do assunto: "O termo da sororidade é giro, mas a sensação que tenho é que as mulheres são pouco solidárias umas com as outras, mas é só uma hipótese. Não consigo ente…
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For 28 days after her husband’s death, poet Molly Peacock woke up and cried. It was, in her words, a “full moon cycle" of tears. Then, on the 29th day, the tears subsided. The feelings that followed surprised her, they were of a wider spectrum than she expected — she likened it to a “widow’s crayon box”. In the documentary What Can a Widow Be?, Mol…
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Matthew Bannister on the versatile actor Timothy West whose roles ranged from Shakespeare to soap operas. Sir Ian McKellen pays tribute. Sir John Nott, the Conservative politician who was Defence Secretary at the time of the Falklands War. June Spencer who played the matriarch of Ambridge, Peggy Wooley. She was the last original cast member. Nadia …
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Sechzig Gitarren, ein analoges One-Take-Album, dramatische Verluste, zwei Heiratsanträge und die Gabe, Schwere in Leichtigkeit zu verpacken: So sieht das Leben des Sängers, Musikers und Songwriters Norbert Schneider aus.
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Beim Scamming werden Menschen getäuscht, um etwa an ihr Geld zu kommen. Auch Nils ist das passiert und daraufhin in eine Krise gestürzt. Kriminalpsychologin Lydia Benecke erklärt, warum Menschen auf Scammer hereinfallen und wie wir uns davor schützen können. Schlagworte: +++ Scamming +++ Scam +++ gescamt +++ Betrug +++ Hintergehen +++ Beziehung +++…
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Chris en Chris zaten ieder klaar met een blocnote. Er viel dan ook veel te bespreken. Op zijn 'kantoor' werd Chris benaderd door een vrouw met de vraag of hij 'een docent was'. In de buurt-app vroeg men zich af waarom de straat werd opengehaald. Zou het te maken hebben met de stinkende Ginkgo's? In de serie zwart-wit filmklassiekers bespreekt Chris…
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Benvidas, benvidos a ‘Retrato Sonoro’, eu son Fidel Mouzo e este é o podcast onde capturamos as historias a través do son e da palabra.Seguimos co noso serial ‘Da cepa á bodega’, no que exploramos o apaixonante mundo do viño coa colaboración de Jorge Marcote, viticultor e creador de viños da D.O. Rías Baixas, como Gea, Marcote e As Pedrosas, entre …
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We talk a lot about whiskey on this channel. Of course, we are Bourbon Real Talk. But when you get an invite to tour one of the most famous and highly sought after tequila's in the world, you do it! This truly is the Pappy Van Winkle of the Tequila industry. And it's incredible! 🟧 PATREON - patreon.com/bourbonrealtalkplus 🟩 BOURBON REAL TALK MERCH …
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"Ich war manchmal die Sau, die vor die Perlen geworfen wurde." | Nicole Diekmann, ZDF-Korrespondentin - hr2 Doppelkopf
Nicole Diekmann ist Journalistin und Autorin, und wie sie immer wieder scherzhaft anmerkt, weder verwandt noch verschwägert mit Kai Diekmann, dem ehemaligen Chefredakteur der Bildzeitung. Sie war einige Jahre Kriegs- und Krisenberichterstatterin, beschäftigt sich mit Hass im Netz.
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Autor, Matrose, Poet, Kabarettist und vieles mehr: Joachim Ringelnatz, der für seine humorvollen Gedichte bekannt ist, starb am 17. November 1934. Anlässlich seines 90. Todestages ratscht Hermine Kaiser mit dem Literarischen Spaziergänger Dirk Heißerer über die Münchner Zeit von Ringelnatz. Die Ameisen In Hamburg lebten zwei Ameisen, Die wollten na…
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Auf Tarnschuhen durch die Wüste - Vom Überleben in einer mexikanischen Narco-Hochburg - radioFeature
Die mexikanische Kleinstadt Altar ist ein Umschlagsort für Drogen und Menschen. Letzter Halt für Migranten vor ihrer lebensgefährlichen Wanderung durch die Wüste in die USA. Unsere Autorin reist mitten ins Gebiet der Narcos - auf der Suche nach geheimen Nähstuben, in denen "Alparagatas" hergestellt werden. Schuhe, die ihre Träger im Wüstensand unsi…
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Isabel Lucas (parte 1): “Andamos sem tempo para refletir, para ler e olhar para o outro, o tempo é uma voragem e andamos todos nela” - A Beleza das Pequenas Coisas
É uma das mais conceituadas jornalistas culturais portuguesas. Em 2016 Isabel Lucas percorreu 27 estados americanos, conheceu a América profunda e zangada — a que voltou agora a votar em Trump — e contou essa experiência no livro “Viagem ao sonho americano”. Depois andou pelo Brasil e assinou o livro “Viagem ao país do futuro”. Agora publica “Conve…
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A friend of mine died recently. This is the story of our friendship, and my hate for him. I've decided to dispense with the intro narration; they weren't really adding anything and you hear from me enough as it is. This episode is a part of a little series of stories called One Every Two. I'm going to make a new one every two weeks, and upload what…
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分享下一啲 mean 人既行徑,等大家笑下。
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In 1993, Gary Settle was sentenced to 177 years in prison. Twenty-six years into his sentence, he started helping other inmates get out of prison through something called compassionate release - a policy that allows people in prison to petition to be let out for “extraordinary and compelling” reasons. You can learn more about Gary Settle in Anna Al…
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197: Phil won $500,000 - What Was That Like - a storytelling podcast with amazing stories from real people
In 1988, Phil had just moved to Los Angeles. And he was in a tough spot. At the time he had no job and very little money. So he was trying to come up with some kind of plan that could save him from being homeless. Since he had pretty vast knowledge in lots of different subject areas, he decided that he would try his hand at going on the TV game sho…
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Vidas W
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This week Country Life chats to a young woman learning the ancient craft of saddlery, meets a dairy farming couple who no longer use imported feed and synthetic fertilisers and heads out on a hunt for wallabies in the Bay of Plenty.
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Iwi are trying to reclaim their forest from mobs of wallabies which they say are killing the bush and gobbling up pasture around Rotorua. Country Life heads out on a wallaby hunt.
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There's no looking back for a Golden Bay dairy farming couple who eliminated imported feed and synthetic fertilisers from their paddocks.
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Young equestrian Sophia Stratford has gone to the other side of the world to learn the craft of saddle, harness and bridle making at prestigious Capel Manor College in London and is among its top students.
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Bob's word games always get us dripping with excitement. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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A wrap of news from the rural sector for the week ending 15 November 2024
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¿Te has parado a pensar que la expresión 'mira a ver' o 'vamos a ver un momento'? Antonio Lucas reflexiona sobre ellas en su Destello y Guillermo, nuestros ojos en Paiporta, nos cuenta la última hora de su pueblo, uno de los más afectados tras la DANA. Hablaremos con él cada semana hasta que Paiporta esté parecida a como estaba.…
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In episode 128: Born to Run; the guys sit down in studio with Nevin Sr., a retired truck driver and man of many hats! Nevin had been in and around trucks since he was 5 years old, and his dad would take him along to the butcher's. There Nevin would enjoy the old, beaten-up, truck behind the butcher's shop, pretending to shift gears and drive all ov…
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On this episode, stories about the theater, performing, and life on the stage. This episode was hosted by Marc Sollinger. Storytellers Rose L finds that playing Jesus in her school’s passion play is trickier than one might expect. Honor Finnegan tries out for the musical, Annie. Podcast # 893
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BV Nederland gaat prat op ondernemers... tot ze failliet gaan. Dan staat de curator de schuldeisers bij en kunnen de werknemers bij het UWV terecht. Maar wie helpt de ondernemer met gevoelens van schuld, schaamte en verlies?Opname, montage & mixage: Tom RuijgMaak ook onafhankelijke journalistiek mogelijk: corr.es/wordlidVragen of opmerkingen? Mail …
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INÉDIT - Florence Rey et Audry Maupin : fusillade et baiser d’adieu (4/4) - A la folie, pas du tout
C'est l’histoire tragique d’un jeune couple qui a défrayé la chronique dans les années 90 : Florence Rey et Audry Maupin. L’histoire de deux étudiants amoureux qui se transforment le temps d’une soirée invraisemblable en Bonnie & Clyde parisiens… Fusillade et baiser d’adieu “Vols à main armée ; meurtres et tentatives de meurtres commis sur des pers…
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Matt Mewburn, one of Australia's last blacksmiths, takes you inside the "iron cathedral", where blacksmithing is still very much alive. Matt didn't grow up dreaming of forging knives and sculptures over heat as hot as volcanic lava. He thought he might take over the family farm or become a scientist. But when Matt was 20 years old, his father unexp…
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L’affaire Spotlight, enquête sur la pédophilie dans l'Église catholique : des révélations fracassantes (3/4) - Les Fabuleux Destins
Bienvenue dans les Fabuleux Destin, le podcast pour découvrir des histoires vraies et étonnantes. Cette semaine, redécouvrez la sordide affaire des scandales sexuels du clergé de Boston. Au début de l'année 2002, le Boston Globe révèle une série de poursuites pénales à l'encontre de cinq prêtres catholiques, mettant en lumière la question des abus …
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Sie haben den Hof von Evas Opa übernommen und bauen Kartoffeln und seit kurzem auch noch Erdnüsse an. Wie intensiv die erste Phase ihres Erdnussanbaus war und wie die beiden es schaffen, immer noch Paar zu bleiben, darüber sprechen Eva und Jakob Zwingel bei Dominique Knoll auf der Blauen Couch. Eva und Jakob Zwingel stammen beide aus der Landwirtsc…
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We all recognize the intractability and tragedy of the Arab/Israeli conflict but what are the dynamics of Iran’s proxy forces, separately fighting Israel, working together? What is each of their relationship with Iran? And what will be the Trump impact? Ambassadors Jeffrey Feltman and Jake Walles, who spent decades in the Middle East, share stories…
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How do you raise a child who is on both sides of a war? The end song is Yalda Sheli Ktana ("Little Girl of Mine") by Idan Raichel. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Miriam Yung Min Stein, Autorin: "Die Welt braucht die Weisheit von Heilerinnen, Schamaninnen und Priesterinnen" - Eins zu Eins. Der Talk
Miriam Yung Min Stein wurde in Südkorea geboren und wuchs bei Adoptiveltern auf. Für ihr Buch "Weise Frauen" reiste sie durch die Welt und besuchte Heilerinnen, Schamaninnen, Priesterinnen, Hebammen und Frauengemeinschaften.
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Marnik leert een leuk meisje kennen. Vol verwachtingen gaat hij met haar een dag naar festival. Illustratie door Rosalien Helsen Zie het privacybeleid op https://art19.com/privacy en de privacyverklaring van Californië op https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
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"In der Vergangenheit liegen Antworten auf Fragen, wie die Gegenwart funktioniert.."|Mirco Becker, "Damals in Frankfurt" - hr2 Doppelkopf
Geschichte erlebbar machen - das ist für Mirco Becker kein Problem. Er ist begeisterter Fan der Frankfurter Stadtgeschichte und sein Instagram Kanal "Damals in Frankfurt" hat über 68 Tausend Follower.(Wdh. vom 12.09.2024)
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"Mein Stammplatz ist der zwischen zwei Stühlen" - so fasst Ulrike Zöller ihr Leben als Tochter des legendären Radiomachers Josef Othmar Zöller zusammen. Im Ratsch mit Hermine Kaiser spricht sie über ihren Vater und über ihr eigenes Leben als begeisterte Rundfunkfrau. Mehr zum BR-Jubiläum: https://www.br.de/extra/br-jubilaeum/index.html…
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Jürgen Becker hat mit Gedichten über die deutsche Wiedervereinigung und mit experimenteller Literatur ein vielgestaltiges Werk geschaffen. Nun ist er mit 92 Jahren gestorben. Wir wiederholen das Gespräch mit ihm aus dem Jahr 2015.
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We are thrilled to share our new show Fire Escape, in partnership with Wondery! This 10 episode series, hosted by Anna Sussman, explores one woman’s journey as an incarcerated firefighter as she fights fire from behind bars -- defying a system intent on burying her under the weight of her worst moment. This episode contains strong language and ment…
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