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Follow Jesus For Life

Stacy Tyson | Truth Seekers Fellowship

The podcast of Truth Seekers Fellowship, FOLLOW presents teaching and discussions centered in a Bible based, Christ centered worldview. Our goal is to help followers of Jesus become mature - effective and fruitful in all of life.
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show series
We get to the heart of the letter as Paul begins to address the false teaching that is threatening the church. This teaching is empty, deceptive, based in human traditions, and demonically influenced. We also discuss “the circumcision of Christ” and what has happened to us “IN Christ.”Stacy Tyson | Truth Seekers Fellowship
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Paul makes clear a couple of the “mysteries” – secrets – that the Lord had kept hidden in previous times: 1) Christ Jesus Himself and 2) Christ in Us, the Hope of Glory. We also begin to discuss the non Christ-focused teaching that is threatening the Colossians.Stacy Tyson | Truth Seekers Fellowship
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We discuss Worldview elements as a review. We also discuss what Paul means when he says, “I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions…. ” – one of the more difficult statements in his letters.Stacy Tyson | Truth Seekers Fellowship
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We focus on the “Christ Hymn” in Colossians 1:15-20. This passage is a real “high point” in New Testament theology. Here, Paul records his best, highest theology of Jesus – The Beloved Son – who is FIRST in all things.Stacy Tyson | Truth Seekers Fellowship
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We read through the Letter to the Colossians together. We also discuss the “why” of the letter – WHY did Paul write to the church at this time. The is easy to discern: the church was being threatened by false teaching that could lead them away from Christ.Stacy Tyson | Truth Seekers Fellowship
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In our last session for the course, we look at the last chapters of Acts. On the way to Rome, Paul faces storms at sea, shipwreck, and snake bites. Yet in all of the this, the Lord delivers Paul. Paul arrives in Rome and addresses the Jewish leaders. Yet it becomes clear that as they…Stacy Tyson | Truth Seekers Fellowship
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We take a closer look at Paul’s defense before Festus and Herod Agrippa II. In this final speech by Paul, many of the themes originating in Luke’s Gospel are brought full circle. We also have several great summaries of key theological ideas.Stacy Tyson | Truth Seekers Fellowship
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Governor Festus inherits Paul’s case after Felix is removed from office. When Paul realizes that Festus may not be on his side, he appeals to have his case go before Caesar in Rome. In the meantime, Herod Agrippa II and his sister Bernice arrive to welcome Festus which gives them opportunity to hear Paul. Paul……
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After his defense before the Jewish crowd outside the Temple fails, Claudius Lysias takes Paul in to be “examined by the scourge.” Once Paul reveals that he is a Roman citizen and a plot to have him murdered is revealed, Lysias transports him to Caesarea to Governor Felix. Paul turns his accuser’s case on their……
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After addressing the Ephesian Elders/Overseers/Shepherds, Paul continues his journey to Jerusalem. Even after warnings that imprisonment awaited him there, Paul knows the Lord has plans for him in Jerusalem. After trying to subvert the “conspiracy theories” that have been worked him, Paul is arrested by the Romans. He also tries to give a defense b…
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Paul continues his Third journey spending three years in Ephesus which becomes a major “hub” of effective outreach. After stirring up trouble with the idol makers at the Temple of Artemus and almost inciting a riot, he moves on back to Macedonia and then decides to return to Jerusalem. On the way, he encourages and……
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Paul concludes the second missionary journey after sharing the Gospel in Corinth amidst much turmoil. In the meantime, Priscilla, Aquila and Apollos enter the scene, building up the churches through their teaching. Paul then begins his third journey heading through the interior of Asia Minor and arriving in Ephesus. We also discuss some cultural di…
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Paul addresses the Areopagus in Athens. Addressing a primarily Greek/Gentile audience, Paul creates the context for understanding the significance of Jesus’ Resurrection and The Gospel. This is the second of three “model sermons” that Luke presents to represent Paul’s apostolic teaching.Stacy Tyson | Truth Seekers Fellowship
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Paul and Silas are incarcerated after stirring up trouble in Philippi. After being set free by supernatural intervention, Paul shares the Gospel with the Jailer and he and his family become believers. The group moves on to Thessalonica where they stir up more trouble. Paul is sent on to Athens where he preaches one of……
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With the letter from the Jerusalem counsel in hand, Paul and Barnabas along with Judas and Silas return to Antioch. After deciding to return to the towns visited in their first journey, Paul and Barnabas have a sharp disagreement over John Mark and split. Paul takes Silas and heads back to Asia Minor. Along the……
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Barnabas and Paul complete their first apostolic journey in spite of facing intense opposition in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra. Then some of the brothers who were of the Pharisees stir up trouble by saying that the new Gentile believers needed to be circumsized and keep the Law of Moses in order to be saved. A……
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Paul gives his first sermon/speech in the synagogue at Psidian Antioch. Building on what Peter and Stephen have already preached, Paul argues that Jesus brings justification/freedom from even the things that the Law of Moses could not deal with.Stacy Tyson | Truth Seekers Fellowship
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Herod Agrippa attacks the church, killing James (John’s brother) and imprisons Peter with the plan to kill him. The Lord intervenes and releases Peter and smites Herod dead. In the meantime, the church at Antioch is established and the Holy Spirit sets Barnabas and Paul apart for a ministry to the Nations.…
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Through a series of visions, Peter is directed to the house of Cornelius – a Roman Centurion Gentile. There, Peter proclaims the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit falls on all who are there. In this great turning point, the Lord opens the Gospel to the Gentiles/Nations and begins the fulfillment of the promise to……
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The Lord Jesus appears to Saul on the road to Damascus. At this critical turning point, the Lord takes His greatest enemy and transforms him into His great ally. In the days to come, Saul – also to be called Paul- will take the message of the Gospel to the Nations and before Kings. The…Stacy Tyson | Truth Seekers Fellowship
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Philip – one of the Seven – is sent to Samaria and they welcome the Good News of the Messiah. Then Philip teaches an Ethiopian Eunuch about Jesus from Isaiah. Jesus purposes are being fulfilled and we get a preview of the Good News heading to the “ends of the earth.” .Stacy Tyson | Truth Seekers Fellowship
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Gives gives his testimony to the Sanhedrin. Reciting a history of Israel, Stephen makes the case that those with “stiff necks” and “uncircumcised hearts” have always rejected God’s purposes. Incensed, they drag Stephen outside the city and stone him to death. And so Stephen becomes the first disciple to follow Jesus through death.…
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As fear and amazement grip the people of Jerusalem, internal problems and external threats hit the early Church. Stephen is introduced – the disciple who would be the first to give his life for his witness to Jesus.Stacy Tyson | Truth Seekers Fellowship
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In the aftermath of the healing of the lame man, many come to faith. But the jealousy of the Sadducees is stirred up and the leaders try to compel the Apostles to shut up by they are only made more bold. As the Spirit is working to knit all the believers together in one heart…Stacy Tyson | Truth Seekers Fellowship
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We start by discussing Peter’s “Call to action” at the end of his Pentecost sermon. We then discuss the healing of the man born lame and Peter’s second sermon. In these early chapters of Acts, we get a view of the power and simplicity of the Spirit’s work as the Church is being formed.Stacy Tyson | Truth Seekers Fellowship
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At the celebration of Pentecost – a celebration of the early harvests – The Holy Spirit is poured out and fills the first disciples. We take a sideline to talk about the Baptism and filling of the Holy Spirit. We also begin to work through Peter’s powerful sermon explaining the amazing things that were taking……
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We finish our exploration of 2 Peter 1 by looking that the final 3 virtues: Godliness, Brotherly Affection and Generous, Unselfish Love. If we are people who live these qualities out and they are all growing, we will be useful and fruitful in our deep, personal knowledge of Jesus.Stacy Tyson | Truth Seekers Fellowship
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