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Through a pre-recorded session from South Africa is an extraordinary musician named Sebinio. His story is one of tragedy and triumph. It’s a poignant reminder of the therapeutic power that music embodies; both for the listener and the creator. Join us for part I of this month’s artist spotlight featuring Sebinio, as well as music from his solo project and his former band ”Why Not Naked.”
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Meeka Haller

Change direction of communication; strategies for better conversation.Disclaimer:.*Podcasts are provided for guidance purposes only, and not advice. I do not provide any warranties or guarantee in respect of this content. Any results, or lack thereof, subsequent to any Podcast sessions listened to by you is entirely up to you and I shall not be held responsible whatsoever for any results that may or may not arise as a result of the Services. The results you achieve, depend on many factors in ...
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show series
In episode 3, Sebinio, a musician from South Africa, delivers an evocative performance in his song “Forever,” played on the slippery jack guitar—a unique and soulful instrument. The song radiates hope, courage, and the essence of simply being, woven into the delicate yet resilient notes of the guitar.…
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In episode 2, South Africa musician Sebinio, plays the slipperyjack guitar that helped him recover from a tragic accident and enable him to continue creating music. From darkness to hope, music was key to his journey. Episode 2 features a new demo song "Into The Void" and is hosted by W. Chris Brown and songs4change.net…
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In episode 1, South Africa musician Sebinio, starts his story speaking to a tragic accident that changed his life forever. From darkness to hope, music was key to his journey. Episode 1 features songs from his previous band Why Not Naked and is hosted by W. Chris Brown and songs4change.netSONGS4CHANGE
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Capten Cymru, Siwan Lillicrap a Gwenllian Pyrs sydd yn ymuno â Heledd Anna i edrych yn ôl ar y golled yn erbyn Lloegr, ac edrych ymlaen at ddwy gêm olaf y Bencampwriaeth. Wales Captain, Siwan Lillicrap and Gwenllian Pyrs reflect on defeat at Kingsholm.S4C
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Mae'r Sgarmes Ddigidol yn ôl wrth i Cerys Hale a Bethan Lewis ymuno â Heledd Anna i edrych ymlaen at y gêm fawr yn erbyn yr hen elyn. Two rounds, two victories for the Women in Red. Heledd Anna is joined by Cerys Hale and Bethan Lewis at the Vale to look ahead to the big one against England.S4C
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Mae'r Sgarmes Ddigidol yn troi'r lens tuag at gêm y Menywod wrth i Natalia John ac Elinor Snowsill ymuno â Heledd Anna i drafod penwythnos campus ym Mhencampwriaeth y Chwe Gwlad. From the disappointment of the Men's campaign to opening-round triumph for the Women! Heledd Anna joins camp to discuss the fantastic victory in Ireland.…
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Ymunwch â Rhodri, Charlo ac Elinor wrth iddynt edrych ymlaen at benwythnos olaf y Chwe Gwlad! Rhodri Gomer, Gareth Charles and Elinor Snowsill look ahead at the final weekend in the Guinness Six Nations as Wales welcome Italy to Cardiff.S4C
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A fydd hi’n Sacré bleu neu Allez Les Rouges? Rhodri, Ifan a Charlo sydd yn edrych ymlaen at noson fawr o rygbi yn y Brifddinas. The French are coming to town! Join Rhodri, Ifan and Charlo as they look ahead to Friday Night Rugby in the Capital City. GuinnessSixNations #YSgarmesDdigidolS4C
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Er ni fydd y tlws yn dychwelyd i Gymru, gobaith i'r dyfodol yn Twickenham? Trystan Llyr Griffiths sydd yn ymuno â Rhodri ac Ifan i drafod yr hynt a'r helynt yn HQ. Despite disappointment in Twickenham, Rhodri Gomer and Ifan Phillips are joined by Trystan Llŷr Griffiths to discuss the positives as Wales look to end the Six Nations campaign on a high…
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Julian Lewis Jones sydd yn ymuno â'r Sgarmes Ddigidol wrth i'r criw edrych ymlaen at y gêm fawr yn Twickenham! Join Rhodri, Ifan and Charlo as they look ahead to the BIG game at 'HQ' with special guests Julian Lewis Jones, Jac Morgan and Dylan Hartley.S4C
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Mae'r Sgarmes Ddigidol yn ôl! Ifan Phillips, Robin McBryde a Gareth Charles sydd yn ymuno â Rhodri Gomer i edrych ymlaen at Bencampwriaeth y Chwe Gwlad! Join Rhodri, Ifan, Robin and Charlo as they look ahead to another #GuinnessSixNations campaign!S4C
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Today's special guest is Anne Bonney. Anne is a Speaker, Trainer, Author and Podcaster. She has authority in Change Management and also has expertise in: - Emotional Intelligence - Influential Leadership, as well as Youth Leadership. Anne shares her insights with us on how we can improve our communication and how we can approach difficult conversat…
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Special guest: Susan B. Bentley is a Coach, Trainer and Speaker. Susan shares with us some insights on how we can create more inclusion in the workplace. Whether you are in Leadership, Management or an Employee, Susan champions the way in helping us understand inclusion and diversity. By being good listeners, showing empathy and avoiding assumption…
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Last week I interviewed special guest Lauren Archibeque. Lauren is a Professional Speaker , Personal Growth Advisor and Author. Lauren shares her insights and strategies with us on how we can communicate cleanly and clearly and how we can use resourceful questions to shift us forward. To connect with Lauren you can reach her through the following w…
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Today's podcast topic is on "The Power of the Pause." Have you ever responded too quickly, and wish you would have taken that extra minute before you said something ? Or maybe you felt the need to speak where there was silence in the conversation. If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then I invite you to join me as we explore some in…
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Special Guest: Clifford Starks: Is a former professional UFC Fighter and Competitive Edge Specialist . He is also a motivational and leadership speaker and author. On today's podcast Clifford shares his insights with us about transforming awareness and how we can show up authentically. He shares strategies on how we can shift our mindsets and creat…
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Ar ôl 4 buddugoliaeth i'w chofio, mae Cymru 80 munud i ffwrdd o'r Gamp Lawn! Ymunwch â Rhodri Gomer, Elinor Snowsill a Nigel Owens wrth iddynt drafod buddugoliaeth broffesiynol y Cymry yn Rhufain ac edrych ymlaen at noson enfawr o rygbi ym Mharis.S4C
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Kieran Hardy sydd yn ymuno â'r Sgarmes Ddigidol yr wythnos hon wrth i Rhodri, Nigel ac Elinor edrych yn ôl dros bythefnos prysur iawn ym myd y bêl hirgron. O ddyfodol Dwayne Peel ac Alun Wyn Jones i'r gêm fawr yn Rhufain, mae'n bodlediad llawn dop!S4C
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Today's podcast will be on "Boundaries." Special guest: Marléne Rose Shaw Therapist, Coach & Self-help Author shares with the audience what boundaries are, and how we can communicate them clearly to others. Links to connect with Marléne: www.stepintoyourbold.com Marlene's book "How Kind People Get Tough" (*Can be purchased via Amazon) Links to Swit…
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Ar ôl cyffro a cheisiau'r rowndiau agoriadol, mae Cymru yn croesawu'r hen elyn i Gaerdydd lle byddai buddugoliaeth yn sicrhau'r Goron Driphlyg a cham arall tuag at y Gamp Lawn! Ymunwch â Rhodri, Elinor a Nigel wrth iddynt drafod gobeithion Cymru yn ogystal ag ymddeoliad Dan Carter a phenwythnos arall ym Mhencampwriaeth y PRO14.…
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Ymunwch â Rhodri, Elinor a Nigel wrth iddynt edrych yn ôl dros fuddugoliaeth Cymru yn erbyn y Gwyddelod ac edrych ymlaen at gêm fawr y penwythnos yng Nghaeredin. Hefyd ar y pod, mae Rhodri yn sgwrsio â Scott Williams am ei yrfa, gwellhad y Gweilch ac atgyfodiad George North.S4C
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Ry' ni yn ôl yn y Sgarmes!! Ymunwch â Rhodri, Elinor a Nigel am bodlediad wythnosol wrth i Gymru geisio adennill Pencampwriaeth y Chwe Gwlad! Robin McBryde sy'n ymuno â'r Sgarmes Ddigidol wrth i ni edrych ymlaen at Cymru v Iwerddon.S4C
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Today's episode: "How to keep present during a conversation." We all get distracted from time to time during a conversation. Today, we will discuss a quick strategy on how to keep ourselves engaged. Disclaimer: Podcasts are provided for guidance purposes only, and not advice. I do not provide any warranties or guarantee in respect of this content. …
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Heddiw, gyda 1,000 o ddyddiau i fynd cyn Cwpan Rygbi'r Byd 2023 yn Ffrainc, fe ddarganfyddodd Cymru pwy fydd eu gwrthwynebwyr yn y twrnament. Shane Williams a Rhys Patchell sydd yn ymuno â Rhodri Gomer i drafod y gystadleuaeth yn ogystal â thrafod cyfergydion yn rygbi.S4C
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Wrth i dîm Wayne Pivac baratoi at gêm olaf cyfres siomedig yr Hydref, Shane Williams, Nathan Brew ac Elinor Snowsill sydd yn ymuno â Rhodri Gomer i drafod yr ymgyrch hyd yn hyn, edrych ymlaen at y gêm yn erbyn yr Eidal ac ystyried pa reolau y dylid newid er mwyn gwella'r gamp.S4C
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Yn dilyn colled arall i Gymru, mae Rhodri Gomer yn mwynhau cwmni Nigel Owens, Shane Williams a chyn-hyfforddwr Georgia, Kevin Morgan. Bydd y tri gŵr doeth yn edrych yn ôl ar beth aeth o le yn erbyn y Gwyddelod ac ymlaen at y gêm yn erbyn Georgia.S4C
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