Pastor Gloria Taylor Boyce відкриті
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In the Forty-sixth Psalm, there is an introduction to the nature of God. On further examination, it seems that this has been misunderstood and that could be one reason peace on earth and goodwill to men has not been experienced. However, it is up to us not to God, but to us. We will not fear, because God is our refuge. If we can gain an understanding of the nature of God and Christ, we shall find that earthly conditions dissolve and that harmony can be brought into our experience not only as ...
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What is it that restores the lost years of the locusts? I. What is it that resurrects our body, businesses, home, strength, health, and vitality? I. There is only one Divine Presence and Power and It is all embodied in that which secretly, and secretly is called I. The master had great difficulty in imparting this idea to the Hebrews who had observ…
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In an attempt to understand the mystery of God, to explain what can never be explained, and to comprehend what can never be comprehended, man has used words. But words can never explain God. There can never be a word that is God. Not even the word God is God, nor the words Mind, Soul, Spirit, or Truth, for all these are effects objective to the per…
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The Kingdom of God is within our consciousness, and when we turn in meditation to this infinite Consciousness to let it flow, we will show forth. More of the Limitlessness, which we are and always have been, and next year a greater degree, and a year after, still a greater degree. In other words, we are expressing as much infinite Consciousness as …
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Everything visible first had to have an invisible something to send it into form, and that invisible Something is consciousness, which sends Itself into expression as a seed, and all that comes forth from the seed. Were it not for Consciousness, there would be nothing expressed as form. Regardless of how beautiful a thing may seem to be, how wonder…
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To sow to the Spirit, does not mean that we have to avoid physical pleasure. It does not mean giving up our work, our profession, our home, or our family. It has nothing to do with what we do externally; It has to do with what is going on in our consciousness while our mind and body are performing their functions on the outer plane. What is going o…
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With each meditation, there must be this surrender of ourselves to the Spirit within, together with a realization that God’s grace is our sufficiency and that we are in meditation for the express purpose of receiving the comfort of His Presence. The person who is one with God is merely the transparency through which God is living His life. His body…
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The human race as we know it, is composed of men and women, living completely shut off from Divine Aid, Divine Substance, and Divine Providence. From the most ancient of times up to modern days, man has not only lived by the sweat of his brow but has engaged in conflict to gain his ends, whether in the case of individuals or companies under the nam…
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If we are willfully disobedient to the laws of God, we must correct ourselves and bring ourselves into attunement, and alignment with His laws. In so doing, the finger of God will touch us to His will and His grace. We must learn to relax, and stop trying to bring God to our mind or body. In that moment we would find that God has always been there.…
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Jesus was wise in the world's ways and heavenly wisdom. He advised his followers against attempting to help people when they wished no help. He said "When you come into the house, salute it. And if the house is worthy, let your peace come upon it: if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you." People do not always receive their message. When t…
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The Universe holds nothing against us. No matter how many mistakes we have made; we are still perfect beings within, and the within may become the without, if we will carefully train ourselves to listen to the inner voice of truth which speaks to us in our moments of quietness. There is nothing in the Universe that wishes evil to anyone. Indeed, it…
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We must understand the law of creation. God is our consciousness and, therefore, it is our consciousness that is creating, feeding, nourishing, supporting, and maintaining our bodies in their health, harmony, and beauty at all times if we so desire. We must, however, consciously realize that we are being fed, maintained, and sustained from within. …
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We cannot separate our life or our minds except in belief. And when we do that there is a funeral. But we bring about that funeral by accepting the world's belief in a separation between God and God's creation. Since God is the consciousness of us, and since that consciousness is unfolding and revealing itself as form which we call creation we cann…
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How often had Jesus healed the multitude? How often had he healed individuals? How little healing power any of those people manifested themselves? How great was His sorrow when He said Jerusalem, Jerusalem, I would love to tell you and show you, but you cannot accept it? The people were grateful for loaves and fish. But, Jesus was seeking thankfuln…
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We must keep our demonstration in the realm of Spirit. When we turn to Spirit for help, desire only spiritual good. We are living in a higher state of unfoldment than that of demonstrating things and persons. When we turn to God, let us pray for the things of God. Ninety percent of our failure to experience harmony is that we are turning to Spirit …
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There is only one way to find our heaven on earth and that is through inner contact with God. We should never undertake anything even a slight thing as going to the corner store without first making conscious contact with God. Nothing is ever what it appears to be in the human picture. We often think that we are doing something for a normal, natura…
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We cannot organize Christ as a physical body, or we will set up one member against another. We will have the mind fighting with the flesh, and the flesh with the bones, and the bones with the blood. The Christ is a spiritual being, and until we can see ourselves as disembodied we will be fighting the warfare between the Spirit and the flesh. We wil…
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The Christ, this great truth, comes to our human awareness. It is said that Christ is born in the manger, but that manger is our human awareness. What happens, then, to our human awareness? It begins to be dispelled. It becomes volatilized. This Christ, this great truth of the infinite Presence and Power, comes to us while we are yet depending on m…
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The purpose of this message is to set us free through a spiritual awareness of our oneness with God. If we find our oneness with God, we will need no contact with man, whose breath is in his nostrils. This whole message is a statement, or restatement, of our oneness with God now – with or without material organization or human contacts. Think of Ch…
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The mind that was in Christ Jesus is the mind of all people walking up and down the earth, but it is of no avail to them unless and until they consciously purge their thought or mind of the fear, hate, and love of error. Let us use the illustration of money. One way of purging ourselves, and thereby manifesting the mind that was in Christ Jesus, is…
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In man’s evolution, mankind was always brought to the point of self-choice and left alone to discover his true nature. If we are endowed with the attributes of self-choice and free will, mankind must be allowed to make this discovery on its own. Nothing is more apparent than man as he now appears, which is the result of evolution. However, to evolv…
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Some of you are becoming aware of the fact that the principle of spiritual living and spiritual healing we have dealt with, is different from any of the approaches that have been given to you before. That does not mean that the principle involved is something new. There is nothing new about it, it is the principle revealed by Jesus Christ, particul…
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The objective is to become one with the law of God, recognizing not even a healthy physical body, but only a purely spiritual body. However, we must not let our thought go out in an attempt to heal the world. That would only be an attempt to change the dream picture since war, depression, and accidents are not realities. We must not use our minds o…
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We have said that there is a spiritual, universal plan. Since God is infinite intelligence, God must operate or act as an infinite plan of good for its universe. Just as we plan our business and the details of our existence, so must infinite Intelligence in Its spiritual way, bring everything into one divine pattern, nothing out of place and no one…
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It is a very difficult thing to impart the idea of Christ's wisdom. Christ’s wisdom differs from human knowledge, even from human knowledge of the truth. Humanly, none of us knows what truth is. Certainly, no one knows with the human mind what it is. The wisdom of Christ is not in the realm of human wisdom or understanding. It is the knowledge that…
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Have you ever stopped to think how much time we spend trying to find some truth, or wishing that we might know some particular truth? We do not have to do that at all. If we can realize Jesus’s saying, “I am the truth”, then we will have it all. I am the truth! And when we have that, we do not have to look for some truth which I already am. Have yo…
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We are surrounded at all times by what Scripture calls angels, which hover about us always. Within us are those divine ideas or spiritual impulses that guide, lead, and direct us, even though as human beings we are not aware of them. As human beings, brought up with the ordinary church experience or with no church at all, we are not aware of the fa…
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Jesus was taken into the wild by the Spirit to be Tempted. Jesus had prepared for the test by fasting for forty days and forty nights. That left him, of course, in a state of extreme hunger which the Devil took advantage of in the first test: "Since you are God's Son, speak the word that will turn these stones into loaves of bread. Jesus answered b…
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It would not make any difference how wonderful our speeches were, how marvelous our statements of truth sounded; without that indwelling love, it means nothing. If our statements of truth are not imbued with a sense of God’s allness, they will be of no avail. It is not the speech, it is not the letter of truth that is important: It is the degree to…
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There is a healing process that takes place when we sit in silence and peace. “My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth”. The world can give a certain peace. It can give us an absence of noise, a quiet country place, or a boat cruise. That is the peace that the world can give. People travel to far places, but they travel by themselves and …
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For what purpose were we born? It cannot be that we came to this experience merely to make a living, do housework, or whatever our lot in life is. Doing only those things means we have not found our destiny. The moment, however, that we identify God, infinite Consciousness, as our consciousness, we will break through our environment, regardless of …
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Giving thanks is an acknowledgment of the Source. Giving thanks is an acknowledgment of the Cause. So when we say, Thank you, Father, I am, we are showing forth our conviction that our supply does not come from any human being, but comes from the Father. It comes, not from our human cleverness, ingenuity, or personality. It comes forth from the Fat…
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We experience God’s unfolding in our consciousness through a revelation within our being. It is an experience that takes place from within. The Kingdom of God is within us. We are the individualization of all that God is: “Son all that I have is yours.” Therefore, our work is to allow our inner being to be part of our outer. For we will receive fro…
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We are not finite human beings: we are the life of God in individual expression embodying everything necessary for our experience. It is much like an individual seed. It contains within itself everything necessary for its unfoldment and development into a full-grown tree with fruit on it. The tiny seed, under an activity within itself, draws unto i…
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The goal of all spiritual work is God-Realization. Understanding God’s nature is the most difficult part of our spiritual journey because it involves releasing every concept of God acquired throughout our lifetime. Nevertheless, freeing our concept of God has to be the first part if we are to truly understand God’s nature. We have looked to our con…
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When we begin to perceive the nature of God, we will know how to pray. When we know how to pray, all of God’s grace will manifest itself in our life because prayer is the connecting link between man and God. It is through prayer that we bring God’s grace into our individual experience and we are enabled to share it with others so that they, too, be…
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It is about time that we get over the idea that there is a rewarding or punishing God. There is no God to reward or punish anybody for anything. God is not a man or a woman. God has no human instincts. God is spirit and God is love, and when we remember how parents love their bad children as well as their good ones, how much less cognizance must Go…
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This Christ peace cannot be achieved by praying to God to reform our neighbors not even our neighbors across the sea. It has to begin with us. Let us leave our neighbors alone, and secretly and sacredly go within, silently communing with the Prince of Peace within us, the Prince of joy, health, wholeness, completeness, and of spiritual perfection. …
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The full significance of Christmas can never be known except through an understanding of the unchanging nature of God. What took place over two thousand years ago was merely the revelation of an experience that has been continuous, not only since before Abraham but since before time. God did not create anything new two thousand years ago. The meani…
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THE ARRIVAL OF THE PROMISED MESSIAH unlocked Event Prophecy Fulfillment Christmas time is always a special time for almost everyone and especially for Christians. Using biblical scriptures the Event, the Prophecy and finally, the Fulfillment: The Birth of our Lord and Saviour are outlined. The Event: Born of the tribe of Judah! The Prophecy: Genesi…
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To walk this spiritual path we are taking, we need to understand that all conflicts must be settled from within. One may say how can that be if they exist out there in another person in our families and co-workers? It would be an impossibility to settle these conflicts if they were external to us, but the hope and the blessings are that they are no…
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As human beings, we are made up of theories and beliefs. However, many of those beliefs are false. Much of our religious knowledge is based on false beliefs. These theories and beliefs also include false education and superstitions. For example, only a few people in all this land do not believe that God punishes and God rewards and that God will de…
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All error is made up of the belief that there is power in certain forms of effects. There is also a belief in the power of germs. In some germs, they think there is an evil, deadly power, and in some germs a good and healing power. Such belief is untrue because it places power in form, in an effect called a germ, and there is no power in form or ef…
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In seeking the conscious realization of God’s presence, all things are added peace, harmony, joy, health, and prosperity. However, they are the added things that come after some measure of realization of God has been attained. Today we are going to break that pattern. We are going to stop the pattern of seeking person and things, safety and securit…
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The spiritual experience is sacred and should never be spoken of indiscriminately because our pearls would be trampled upon, and our faith may be taken away from us. To expect anyone to believe what unfolds from within would be like trying to tell a blind person about the beauties of an orchid. The blind person has no way of visualizing what the or…
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In the eighth chapter of Romans, Paul tells us that a mortal being is not under the Law of God, neither can be, and it is not possible for a mortal being to please God. Because the people of the earth are mortal, they still have sin, disease, death, man’s inhumanity to man slavery, and poverty in their mists. Believing is, of course, the first step…
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To acknowledge that the kingdom of God is within us – the power, the dominion, and the presence of the indwelling Christ is an important step in the direction of bringing about our resurrection from the tomb of sin, disease, poverty, unemployment, or the tomb of bad business. Another important step forward is to remind ourselves daily of the truth …
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When a person comes into some measure of understanding of the nature of God, a change takes place in their life. This coming-to-know God aright is often referred to as illumination, and as illumination changes consciousness from a limited sense to one of greater capacity, a new life begins to unfold. Even a faint glimpse of the real nature of God b…
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Saul of Tarsus, the Prodigal Son, the woman was taken in adultery, the thief on the cross – what are these but you and me? It makes no difference for the moment whether we are earnest seekers as was Saul of Tarsus, the sinning woman, or the pleasure-seeking prodigal. The reference is still to us, to our human nature, to the mortal side of us, and i…
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In the Forty-sixth Psalm, there is an introduction to the nature of God. On further examination, it seems that this has been misunderstood and that could be one reason peace on earth and goodwill to men has not been experienced. However, it is up to us not to God, but us. We will not fear, because God is our refuge. If we can gain an understanding …
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