The goal is to talk about all the reasons why immigrants come to a new country and understand better their integration and fears.
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Chidi Iwuchukwu is Amazon’s No.1 International Bestselling Author of Coming to Canada: The Ultimate Success Guide for New Immigrants and Travelers. We personally love this podcast. We learned so much with our Guest speaker and we talked about how important it is to get ourselves an immigration guide/book to learn about the new culture, education & …
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In this episode, we are talking about how we have not received financial education in this school and how to be aware of savings. As an immigrant, this podcast is to help you avoid financial mistakes we made in the Canadian system
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In this episode, we are going through a few reasons why you might feel exhausted because of all the changes you had to go through from immigrating to a new country even after 10 to 15 years. We invite you to listen to this podcast to get some tips.
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In the episode 14, we spoke with the Canadian-Sudanese comedian & podcaster, Abbas Wahab about the common immigrant success model which did not work for him. The pandemic is now switching the narrative about this traditional success model. He also gave us details on how he decided to go from the career his parents wanted for him to follow his passi…
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Épisode 13_ Accepter sa nouvelle identité Québécoise : Un choix personnel ou un fait acquis?
Nous discutons avec Frédéric Boisrond, d'origine Haïtienne, sociologue, auteur et Conseiller stratégique indépendant auprès du SPVM (Police) à Montréal, Québec, Canada, de son intégration dans sa nouvelle société.
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We spent some time with Steven Baboun known under Marie-Claude Bebi, a comedian and performer who open up to us by talking about their immigration experience and their diverse backgrounds from Haiti & Syria. We adressed topics such as the development of your identity when immigrating, funny jokes on the cultural clashes, mental health, queer, relig…
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How to get into the Canadian Job Market when immigrating- Episode 12 Season 2: Immigrant Dilemma
Things we wished our parents knew we are sharing them with you today in order to get into the Canadian market when immigrating. We believe informing yourself first and always is key to your success in a new country.
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We are providing here great tips we learned that helped us go through difficult times during our immigration and adaptation to a new country and environment. We want to share these tips with undocumented immigrants to know how to feel safe and to stay positive.
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Écoutez ce balado avec Sacha Lubin sur le féminisme, militantisme et l'immigration. Nous cherchons à comprendre pourquoi les pays du Nord surtout ont la réputation d'être les plus ouverts d'esprit quand on sent encore le besoin de militer pour nos droits.
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Nous discutons avec Sacha Lubin d'origine Marocaine & Polonaise Française de confession juive sur la question de l'identité. Nous faisons référence au livre d'Amin Maalouf, Identités meurtrières qui explique comment la question d'identité est complexe.
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We talked about the importance of communication when being in a new environment 🌿✨ and how we can communicate better about our culture and values to members of the welcoming country & our families and personal surroundings. Finally, we explained the importance of having the "conversation" with the others.…
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In this episode, we talk about how people adjust to a new country differently. From our perspective, there are two different types of people; the ones who wish to create a home away from home and the ones who want to learn about anything different from their roots.
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In this episode, I explained how affirmations help me have a positive vibe in my environment. I also quickly provided ways to create affirmations when moving into a new country.
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In this episode we compared the natural hair movement in the 21st century to the Civil Rights Movement in the 70s. Besides, we took some time to ask questions and try inf to understand the mentality of African American vs Caribbeans towards natural hair.
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Gloria & Micka ont immigré dès le jeune âge à Montréal. Elle nous partage dans ce podcast leur expérience d'immigrante tout en nous expliquant leur parcours d'adaptation & d'intégration dans la culture québécoise.
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Nous discutons du concept d'intégration dans le processus d'immigration comme choix public.
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In this episode, we will be talking about the history of hair in African civilizations. We will explain the relationship between the meaning of hair before and how it changed throughout time because of slavery & immigration. More details to come in PART 2.
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Dans cette épisode, nous parlons des enjeux auxquels l'immigrant peut faire face pendant son processus d'adaptation. Nous définissons aussi le mot "adaptation" avec l'auteur du livre "Rhapsodie Québécoise" & d'origine Hongroise, Akos Verboczy.
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Understanding your identity journey as an immigrant & realizing how your environment has an important impact of who you are becoming.
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Nous parlons des défis de tous types de relations à cause de l'immigration.
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This podcast portrays the social issues and different perceptions when using the word Immigrant. In reality, socially speaking the word is not often used with its authentic definition by many people and still today in our digital era.
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The goal is to talk about all the reasons why immigrants come to a new country and understand better their integration and fears...
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