The story of Marist Brothers work in Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea 1845-2003. This podcast brings to life the stories of Marist Brothers' educational work in Melanesia. From uncertain nineteenth century beginnings, through the turmoil of the Second World War, the Bougainville Crisis and the Solomon Island Ethnic Tensions, the story of the coming of age of an authentic Melanesian Marist Brotherhood unfolds. For more information, visit the Melanesian Stories website: ...
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Brother Lawrie McCane describes his experiences during the Sandline Affair
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Sister Theresa SMSM gave a talk to US veterans about her escape from the Japanese invaders in Guadalcanal.
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A reading from Bishop Aubin's war diary in which he describes his escape from the occupying Japanese troops
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Margaret spent ten years at Bishop Epalle, including during the Solomon Island Tensions
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Margaret spent many years as a teacher and principal at Asitavi
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This is a talk given by Brother James Thrift in the late 1960s
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The District of Melanesia 2003
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Later Years in Solomon Islands and Bougainville 1981-2003
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The end of Rigu High School, 1976-1993
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Enga Province and Western Province 1980-2001
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Goroka, Sixteen Mile and Madang 1979-2003
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East Sepik, Papua New Guinea, 1973-2003
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Openings in Central and Southern Bougainville
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Tenaru 1975-1990
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Vanga Point 1971-2003
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Marist Schools on Small Malaita
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St Joseph's Rigu in the 1960s and 1970s. The approaching crisis.
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Interesting events at St Joseph's Tenaru
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Final years of the Brothers' community on Kairiru
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Early years of St Xavier's High School
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The mission on Kairiru Island begins
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Marist Brothers School in Rabaul, East New Britain
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Cautionary tales of nationalist movements
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Rigu and Tarlena 1949-1965
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Brother John Paul's story in his own words
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First vocations ... achievements and difficulties
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Godfrey oversees the development of Tenaru
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The Brothers arrive on Bougainville
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Marists return to Solomon Islands after the war ends
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Tragedy strikes as the three Brothers die a the hands of Japanese forces.
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Japanese forces invade Solomon Islands ... Brothers imprisoned
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World War 2 approaches, causing concern for the new arrivals.
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John, James and Ephrem sail to Solomon Islands to establish the first Marist school in Melanesia
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This chapter describes the uncertain nineteenth century beginnings of marist education in Melanesia, the reasons for the early failures and an invitation to Australian Marists.
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Our story begins with the arrival of four youthful Bougainvilleans in Sydney in 1952. They are beginning an adventure which will not only change their lives, but also contribute to the development of a sound educational future for their homeland.
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This episode introduces Melanesian Stories.
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