How to survive as a modern creative. Art, Social Media, Money, and Life.
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The new YouTube algorithm flagged my video as "Not Ad Friendly" and I talk about ✅
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Why I started using Linked In again, I'm serious, not a joke 😂
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I answer an call in question about LEDs
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We talk about direct to client work and agency Model and briefly touch on salaries etc.
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I talk about my history with camera carts and why I'm interested in them right now
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Leica Q? Hot or nah? EGPUs FTW, and should you use a vintage light meter?
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I talk about my thoughts on modern Cinematography and if light meters are important for Up and coming Cinematographers
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We listen to some community call ins RE: what computer systems they are using
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Red is partnering with Apple after announcing an Android phone 🤔 AMD is getting supported by pro applications... am I staying Apple or going PC?!
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Chris G calls in with a question re: working for free and how to navigate in uncharted freelance waters
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I share my battle with work Life Balance and how I combine my passion with money to do what I love to do.
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We talk about content. Ushers dropping and how to survive in that ecosystem
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July 2017 Survey of modern filmmaking and where cinematographers fit in
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New update from Red about their phone and more coal for the hype train
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IP theft and knock off products are cheaper but at what cost?
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Casey Neistat and his company BEME have influenced the way that I run my company and how I want to create products and build a community of positivity and creativity
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I respond to some listener call ins about ReGramming and Dunkirk
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I share a story about a photographer whose work was used without his permission in IG and talk about regramming
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I started my career on Vimeo but times have changed
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First time using this app
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