¡Los católicos latinos nos unimos con nuestro santo Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin previo a su fiesta el 9 de diciembre!
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¡Los católicos latinos nos unimos con nuestra Madre Santa María de Guadalupe previo a su fiesta el 12 de diciembre!
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Pray More Novenas Video - Catholic Prayers and Devotion
Pray More Novenas | Catholic Prayer Devotion Podcast
Pray Novenas through video with thousands of Catholics from around the world.
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Pray More Novenas Podcast, Catholic Prayers and Devotions
Pray More Novenas | Catholic Prayer Devotion Podcast
Join the Pray More Novenas community in praying novenas together. This is an ancient Catholic devotion.
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Podcast by Veronica
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¡Nos preparamos en este tiempo de Adviento para darle la bienvenida a Jesús en nuestros corazones rezando juntos esta novena de Navidad!
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¡En familia caminando el Adviento rumbo a la Navidad!
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Canal oficial de La Novena Esfera, el programa para mentes inquietas de Radio URJC
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The “St Joseph Novena” podcast is a prayerful recitation of a simple, yet beautiful, set of prayers asking for the intercession of St Joseph. Each day, over 9 days, the basic prayer is the same, but each day there is a brief pause (5 seconds) to ask St Joseph for particular help from God. Each day also invokes different aspects of St Joseph‘s loving care and strength. Thanks to "Pray More Novenas" for allowing me to record this wonderful novena. For more info please visit: https://www.praymo ...
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El Vicerrectorado de Formación de UCASAL invita a rezar esta novena de Mons. Víctor Manuel Fernández, prestándole la voz al niño que fue concebido y que va creciendo poco a poco, es una criatura muy querida por el Padre del cielo, y de alguna manera percibe el amor y los mensajes que le mandamos desde afuera. Locución del R.P. Carlos Furmento CSsR
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Welcome to the 11th season of 54-days of roses, a Catholic podcast dedicated to the miraculous 54-day rosary novena. I'm your host, Maritza Mendez. This is a podcast for those who seek answers to a particular prayer. Through the recitation of the Rosary, we will implore our Blessed Mother to pray and intercede for us as we pray for the grace of peace, patience, and perseverance. Together we'll pray the first 27 days in petition, followed by 27 days in thanksgiving, even if our prayers are ye ...
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San Peregrino, el santo patrón de los enfermos de cáncer, es un santo que ha sido un faro de esperanza para enfermos de cancer a lo largo de los siglos. Su fiesta se celebra el 1ero de mayo. ¿Nos acompañas en esta novena? Pidamos por Benny y por tus familiares, amigos, compañeros, conocidos que están enfermos de cáncer. Un podcast de JuanDiegoNetwork.com
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Entrevista y/o historias (Sonidero, DJs, Solistas, Grupos, Banda Norteño, MCs, ETc...)acerca de el ambiente musical dentro del municipio de Hueypoxtla. primordialmente escuchar la experiencia de como inicia los sueños y pasión por la música. De esta manera las personas (público) que gustan del talento en vivo brinden un aplauso o buena vibra hacía el MÚSICO Estos episodios serán de una sesión llamada: en busca de talentos locales 👽 (Recuerda que tambien lo puedes encontrar en Spotify)
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Oremos al Señor y la Virgen del Milagro desde la Catedral Basílica de Salta. Que el encuentro con Cristo nos lleve a la comunión con Dios Padre y el Espíritu Santo, en la Iglesia.
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¡Iniciamos nuestro camino cuaresmal! Regístrate aquí para recibir emails diarios 👉 https://play.jdn.app/CuaresmaGuadalupana Sigue a Juan Diego Network en Instagram Segmento del Nican Mopohua de hoy Aquí se narra se ordena, cómo hace poco, milagrosamente se apareció la perfecta virgen santa maría madre de dios, nuestra reina, allá en el Tepeyac, de …
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40 días de Peregrinación Espiritual con el Nican Mopohua en esta Cuaresma - Cuaresma Caminando con la Virgen de Guadalupe y San Juan Diego
¿Aceptas la invitación a caminar rumbo a Cristo resucitado junto a la Virgen de Guadalupe y San Juan Diego durante la Cuaresma? En este peregrinaje espiritual de 40 días: Escucharás fragmentos cortos del Nican Mopohua. Escucharás una breve reflexión para profundizar en el mensaje Guadalupano. Al final de cada episodio tendrás un reto práctico o esp…
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Here's the Final Prayer of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people w…
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Here's the Final Prayer of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people w…
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Here's Day 9 of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer!…
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Here's Day 9 of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer!…
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Here's Day 8 of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer!…
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Here's Day 8 of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer!…
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Here's Day 7 of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer!…
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Here's Day 7 of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer!…
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Here's Day 6 of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer!…
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Here's Day 6 of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer!…
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Here's Day 5 of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer!…
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Here's Day 5 of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer!…
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Here's Day 4 of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer!…
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Here's Day 4 of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer!…
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Here's Day 3 of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer!…
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Here's Day 3 of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer!…
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Here's Day 2 of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer!…
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Here's Day 2 of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer!…
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Here's Day 1 of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer!…
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Here's Day 1 of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer!…
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Here's the Final Prayer of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with pr…
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Here's the Final Prayer of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with pr…
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Here's Day 9 of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video…
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Here's Day 9 of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video…
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Here's Day 8 of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video…
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Here's Day 8 of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video…
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Here's Day 7 of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video…
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Here's Day 7 of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video…
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Here's Day 6 of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video…
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Here's Day 6 of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video…
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Here's Day 5 of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video…
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Here's Day 5 of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video…
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Here's Day 4 of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video…
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Here's Day 4 of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video…
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Here's Day 3 of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video…
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Here's Day 3 of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video…
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Here's Day 2 of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video…
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Here's Day 2 of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video…
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Here's Day 1 of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video…
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Here's Day 1 of the St. Peregrine Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video…
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Here's the Final Prayer of the Christmas Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer…
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Here's the Final Prayer of the Christmas Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer…
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Here's Day 9 of the Christmas Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video:Aud…
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Here's Day 9 of the Christmas Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video:Aud…
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Here's Day 8 of the Christmas Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video:Aud…
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Here's Day 8 of the Christmas Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video:Aud…
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Here's Day 7 of the Christmas Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video:Aud…
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Here's Day 7 of the Christmas Novena!We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world! Subscribe with these links:Audio Podcast in iTunesVideo Podcast in iTunesYoutube ChannelRate and Review the podcast in iTunes:Click here to give us a rating and review, this will help us reach more people with prayer! Video:Aud…
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