Welcome to Lila Stories! Lila TV’s children's stories channel for kids! We're here to bring the magic of kids storytelling to your little ones’ activities, quality time, and bedtime routine. Our channel features traditional fairy tales for kids, classic adaptations of children's stories, educational stories for children, as well as some original stories created just for you! Our stories not only entertain, but also teach valuable lessons and showcase the beauty of storytelling and moral stor ...
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لنبدأ الحوار الهدف البودكاست انه نفتح باب الحوار في مواضيع مختلفة محد اتكلم فيها او ما اخدت مساحة كافية من الحوار. الفكرة الاساسية انه كيف نقدر نعيش بكليتنا مش ك اجزاء متفرقة و نفهم نفسنا ونقدر نتعامل مع اللي حولنا. بعض الحلقات بتكون مع اشخاص استثمروا وقتهم في مواضيع تثير فضولي و ابغى اعرف عنها اكثر، والحلقات الأخرى بتكون عن مواضيع انا شخصية مهتمه وشغوفة بها وقضيت وقت اتعلمها واحب اشارك بها الاخرينبالتعاون مع اركاستStart The Conversation this podcast is a space to start conversations on topi ...
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تسويق دعائي حملات اعلانيه مكثفه ارشفه المواقع اظهار موقعك في نتائج البحث الاولى
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Building on the popular 1 Year Daily Audio Bible, the community expands to provide the Daily Audio Bible Arabic العربية. Expose yourself to the Scriptures on a daily basis and you will not see the world the same a year from now. This is a community experience. Join with thousands around the world as we take the adventure of a lifetime through the Bible. www.dailyaudiobible.com
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This podcast focuses on all segments and groups of society, especially the youth. In a time where the pace of life is accelerating and intellectual shallowness dominates, we strive to rectify this thinking by addressing various cultural topics that people need in their lives, whether to increase awareness or to build new strategies to help them in their progress. We are a nation to whom revelation began with the command ‘Read,’ and Allah encouraged us to contemplate, understand, and act, mak ...
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Midnight Thoughts
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long discussions on Apple, software and internet memes.
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Salam Kaleem With Maan is a podcast that only exists to entertain you dear listeners. Maan meets with anyone who agrees to be on the show and they just talk about whatever they feel like talking about. Maan is not there to solve the world’s problems but if someone has a solution; Maan would listen and try his best to care about the solution..👀Enjoy the show! سلام كليم مع معن هو بودكاست صنع لإمتاعك إنتا عزيزي المستمع..معن حيقابل ناس من كل المجالات في الحياة ويخليهم يتكلمو بكل أريحية عن أي موض ...
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أهلًا بيكم في أحدث بودكاست من وومينا بعنوان "إيه العلاقة"، هيقدمه لينا منت وعمر سمره إللى هيكلمونا عن العلاقات من زاوية ممكن تغير نظرتنا تجاه شريك الحياة في مجتمعنا. هيتكلموا عن أساسيات العلاقة الصحية بناءً على تجربتهم الخاصة والمراحل إللى مروا بيها في العلاقة من المواعدة إلى الصداقة إلى المواعدة مرة ثانية وأخيرًا الزواج وترابط الأسرتين وتفاصيل تانية كتير. في الموسم الأول، هنتكلم في كل ما يخص العلاقات من موضوعات شائكة، منها القيم المادية والحزن والصحة النفسية والحميمية و الخيانة و الحدود الش ...
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Ex 5:22-7:24, Matt 18:21-19:12, Ps 23:1-6, Pr 5:22-23Daily Audio Bible
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Ex 4:1-5:21, Matt 18:1-20, Ps 22:19-31, Pr 5:15-21Daily Audio Bible
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In this episode, we sit down with Khayra B. to explore the lived experience of ADHD, identity, and the challenges and strengths that come with neurodivergence. Khayra shares her journey of being diagnosed as a child, growing up in a neurodivergent family, and navigating a world designed for neurotypicals. We discuss masking, overcompensation, repre…
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Ex 2:11-3:22, Matt 17:10-27, Ps 22:1-18, Pr 5:7-14Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 50:1-Ex 2:10, Matt 16:13-17:9, Ps 21:1-13, Pr 5:1-6Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 48:1-49:33, Matt 15:29-16:12, Ps 20:1-9, Pr 4:20-27Daily Audio Bible
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Prepare to hoist the sails and set course for adventure in this thrilling podcast adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island"! In this episode, we follow Mona, a resourceful young girl, as she navigates the treacherous world of piracy. استعدوا لرفع الأشرعة والتوجه نحو المغامرة في هذا التكيف الصوتي الرائع لرواية روبرت لويس ستيفنسون "جزي…
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Gen 46:1-47:31, Matt 15:1-28, Ps 19:1-14, Pr 4:14-19Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 44:1-45:28, Matt 14:13-36, Ps 18:35-50, Pr 4:11-13Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 42:18-43:34, Matt 13:47-14:12, Ps 18:16-34, Pr 4:7-10Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 41:17-42:17, Matt 13:24-46, Ps 18:1-15, Pr 4:1-6Daily Audio Bible
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أهلًا وسهلًا بكم في الجزء الثاني من الموسم الرابع! 💛🌿 في هذه الحلقة، أعود إليكم بحماس كبير بعد فترة انقطاع، لأشارككم رحلتي في البحث عن أشخاص رائعين لديهم تجارب مع التنوع العصبي ويرغبون في مشاركتها. كان من المهم بالنسبة لي أن أخلق مساحة آمنة للحكايات التي قد يكون من الصعب التحدث عنها، خاصة بسبب نظرة المجتمع والخوف من الوصم. أؤمن تمامًا أن التنوع الع…
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Gen 39:1-41:16, Matt 12:46-13:23, Ps 17:1-15, Pr 3:33-35Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 37:1-38:30, Matt 12:22-45, Ps 16:1-11, Pr 3:27-32Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 35:1-36:43, Matt 12:1-21, Ps 15:1-5, Pr 3:21-26Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 32:13-34:31, Matt 11:7-30, Ps 14:1-7, Pr 3:19-20Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 31:17-32:12, Matt 10:24-11:6, Ps 13:1-6, Pr 3:16-18Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 30:1-31:16, Matt 10:1-23, Ps 12:1-8, Pr 3:13-15Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 28:1-29:35, Matt 9:18-38, Ps 11:1-7, Pr 3:11-12Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 26:17-27:46, Matt 9:1-17, Ps 10:6-18, Pr 3:9-10Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 24:52-26:16, Matt 8:18-34, Ps 10:1-5, Pr 3:7-8Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 23:1-24:51, Matt 8:1-17, Ps 9:13-20, Pr 3:1-6Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 20:1-22:24, Matt 7:15-29, Ps 9:1-12, Pr 2:16-22Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 18:16-19:38, Matt 6:25-7:14, Ps 8:1-9, Pr 2:6-15Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 16:1-18:15, Matt 6:1-24, Ps 7:1-17, Pr 2:1-5Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 13:5-15:21, Matt 5:27-48, Ps 6:1-10, Pr 1:29-33Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 11:1-13:4, Matt 5:1-26, Ps 5:1-12, Pr 1:24-28Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 8:1-10:32, Matt 4:12-25, Ps 4:1-8, Pr 1:20-23Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 5:1-7:24, Matt 3:7-4:11, Ps 3:1-8, Pr 1:10-19Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 3:1-4:26, Matt 2:13-3:6, Ps 2:1-12, Pr 1:7-9Daily Audio Bible
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Gen 1:1-2:25, Matt 1:1-2:12, Ps 1:1-6, Pr 1:1-6Daily Audio Bible
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Malachi 3:1-4:6, Rev 22:1-21, Ps 150:1-6, Pr 31:25-31Daily Audio Bible
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Malachi 1:1-2:17, Rev 21:1-27, Ps 149:1-9, Pr 31:10-24Daily Audio Bible
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Zech 14:1-21, Rev 20:1-15, Ps 148:1-14, Pr 31:8-9Daily Audio Bible
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Zech 12:1-13:9, Rev 19:1-21, Ps 147:1-20, Pr 31:1-7Daily Audio Bible
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Zech 10:1-11:17, Rev 18:1-24, Ps 146:1-10, Pr 30:33Daily Audio Bible
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Zech 9:1-17, Rev 17:1-18, Ps 145:1-21, Pr 30:32Daily Audio Bible
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Zech 8:1-23, Rev 16:1-21, Ps 144:1-15, Pr 30:29-31Daily Audio Bible
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Zech 6:1-7:14, Rev 15:1-8, Ps 143:1-12, Pr 30:24-28Daily Audio Bible
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Zech 4:1-5:11, Rev 14:1-20, Ps 142:1-7, Pr 30:21-23Daily Audio Bible
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Zech 2:1-3:10, Rev 13:1-18, Ps 141:1-10, Pr 30:18-20Daily Audio Bible
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Zech 1:1-21, Rev 12:1-17, Ps 140:1-13, Pr 30:17Daily Audio Bible
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Haggai 1:1-2:23, Rev 11:1-19, Ps 139:1-24, Pr 30:15-16Daily Audio Bible
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Zeph 1:1-3:20, Rev 10:1-11, Ps 138:1-8, Pr 30:11-14Daily Audio Bible
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Habakkuk 1:1-3:19, Rev 9:1-21, Ps 137:1-9, Pr 30:10Daily Audio Bible
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Nahum 1:1-3:19, Rev 8:1-13, Ps 136:1-26, Pr 30:7-9Daily Audio Bible
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Micah 5:1-7:20, Rev 7:1-17, Ps 135:1-21, Pr 30:5-6Daily Audio Bible
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Micah 1:1-4:13, Rev 6:1-17, Ps 134:1-3, Pr 30:1-4Daily Audio Bible
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Jonah 1:1-4:11, Rev 5:1-14, Ps 133:1-3, Pr 29:26-27Daily Audio Bible
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Obadiah 1:1-21, Rev 4:1-11, Ps 132:1-18, Pr 29:24-25Daily Audio Bible
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