Have you considered the importance of truly understanding the transformation your customers desire in order for your business to be successful? Many business owners can miss the mark with this, resulting in ineffective marketing and lost sales which we do not want. So in this episode, I share a structured approach with seven key questions to uncover the exact transformation your customers want. Through real-life examples and actionable strategies, I explain how identifying this transformation can lead to a truly successful launch. You’ll also get a FREE downloadable worksheet to help you apply these insights to your own business.
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Do you really know what your customer's transformation looks like? And more importantly, do you understand why it's absolutely critical to your business success? So many business owners that I've worked with think they know what the transformation is that their customers want, but in my experience, most of them don't.
And if you don't have clarity on that transformation, then your marketing message is likely missing the mark, which means you are leaving sales on the table. That's why today I am walking you through the seven key questions that I use with my clients to uncover the exact transformation that their customers truly want.
And when you get this, and you truly understand the transformation your customers want, it's going to be the difference between a wildly successful launch, And one that falls flat.
Hello and welcome back to another episode of the your dream business podcast. Thank you so much for hanging out with me. I really, really do appreciate it. I know that your lives are very busy and my aim is to deliver you some really good strategic, inspirational content that hopefully helps move your business forward.
[00:02:00] Today, is a great episode. I nearly said good and I thought, can I say great? Yeah, I can say great. It's going to be great. Today we're going to be talking about understanding the transformation that you are trying to get for your customers, because this is something I have seen so many people get wrong and it's really harming their business and it's really harming the results that they can get in their business.
So I wanted to do an episode just devoted to how do you understand and how do you find out the transformation. But this is incredibly difficult to do when you're talking generically because it's such a personal thing and it's so easy for me to sit with a client, be on a group call with some of my members, and for me to get the transformation out of them really quickly because I'm asking the right questions, I'm probing, and also My job as a marketeer is that I understand these things and I can work out the transformation pretty quickly, which then [00:03:00] enables them to better market to these people.
So how am I going to help you understand your transformation when we're doing this over a podcast? Well, I've got some real life examples to give you and that's how I'm going to do it. The other thing that I've done is I have put together a little download with the key questions that I'm asking in this episode so that you can Ask yourself these questions and hopefully get to the right answer.
So if you want to download that, head over to teresaheathwareing.com/376. They're the numbers, not words, and you will be able to get the link for this free download where the questions that I'm going through here, which are ones I ask people when I'm having a call with them.
They're the questions that you're going to get to be able to have in a worksheet, make notes and come up with your transformation for your customers. The reason this is so important is because basically this is everything. This is all the marketing that we do. Everything is around, where is your customer now and where are they trying to get to?
[00:04:00] And anything that you create from a sales page, webinar, landing page, lead magnet, any of those things all leads to what is the transformation that your customer is looking for. In this example, I'm going to give you, I'm going to treat it as if we're doing a webinar for these customers, because one of the things that I've been talking about and I share when I talk about launching is that we do a prelaunch.
So the prelaunch is before you even talk about the fact that you're going to do a webinar or a challenge or a bootcamp, there is certain content that you have to do in the prelaunch that is going to prime and ready your customers and. Get them to the point you need to get them to in order to then start promoting the webinar or the workshop or whatever it is that you're going to promote before you then go into the sale.
And there is a really smart strategic process in which we use to go through this because [00:05:00] if you don't have this, you're kind of just dropping things on them and some people will get it, some people won't and hopefully by the end of this episode, you're going to understand what I mean by that. Also, if you have any friend in business and you really want them to succeed, I want you to send them this episode and say, this woman who I listened to, she said, I had to send it you because I want you to succeed.
So I want you to do that. And I want you to send them this episode because I promise this is going to help anyone in business, even though the examples I might give are webinar examples or talking as if we're doing a webinar, don't fear. I'm just using the launch process and the webinar process as a way to structure me.
It's not really that you have to go through a webinar. Okay, so let me give you a really wide example, and then I'm going to give you two actual examples. One, actually, at time of recording that I just had last night. So at time of recording this, I am running my [00:06:00] webinar workshops and we had the first call last night and this was actually a conversation I had on last night's call.
So it was such a great one as I was doing this podcast recording today. And then another of my clients, I'm using them as an example to give you another idea how this works. Okay. Let's start with the big example. Big example is, imagine you want to book some flights. When someone markets you from, I get BA emails all the time because I used to fly with BA all the time, although they're not great between you and I.
So, so I get emails all the time. Now BA very, very rarely market the plane or the flight to me. Because the transformation I'm looking for isn't getting on a flight. The transformation that I am looking for is getting to the destination. So when an airline company promotes or markets their services, they never share, or I [00:07:00] don't say never because you never know, but they predominantly do not share content around the food you're going to have on the plane, or the seat, or.
what it's like waiting for the plane or any of those things about the actual journey itself. They show you the destination. They show you the thing that you're going to get at the end of it. When it comes to the transformation that you're looking for as a customer, you're looking to get somewhere.
You're looking to get to a destination. And In all reality, you don't really care how you get there. You want just the quickest and easiest, and that just happens to be a flight, predominantly for places that are not in your country. And they know that. They know that the plane journey is just part of the process.
And the plane journey is the means to the end of getting to another destination. When they mark et They don't necessarily market around the plane journey. They market around the destination. They [00:08:00] look at what is it our customers want. What they want is to get somewhere they're not. And that's where they focus their marketing.
So that's a really simple way to understand marketing the transformation, not necessarily the thing that you do. And this is the main problem in, in small business marketing and online marketing that I see. is that people are trying to sell and promote the thing they do. Whereas that's not always what your customer wants.
Now, I'm not saying you never talk about that. You absolutely do. However, when it comes to really trying to hook your customer in for something like a webinar or hook them in for a lead magnet, it's less about the thing that you do and more about the transformation they want. Okay. So that was a kind of warmup as a really silly example.
Let's talk about two very real examples. What I'm going to do is take you through the structure and this structure is what I've put in that freebie for you that [00:09:00] you can find at teresaheathwaring.com/376. The first question I want you to think about is what is the product, service or program that you want to sell?
So in this example that I've got, this was a membership aimed at therapists that was there to help them with their business mindset and marketing. So that was the thing that the client wanted to sell was her membership that helps them with their business marketing and their mindset. Question two, which I obviously asked her on this call, what is the biggest problem that your customer has that your product service or program helps them fix?
Your customer is going to have a ton of different problems and you are probably going to fix a ton of different problems, but I want you to think of the biggest. What is the one thing that's on their mind? What is the thing that is the biggest problem that they have? When I asked her, she said that their biggest problem was that they didn't understand how to market themselves or how to use marketing.
So my next question to her, and my next question to [00:10:00] you is why is that important to them? And her response was. Well, if they have no understanding on how to market themselves and they don't want to be visible, then they're not going to be able to reach their ideal client. And I asked her again, and why is that important?
And she said, because they want those clients to engage in therapy services. Now, that's getting to the transformation. We have to dig a bit deeper. And sometimes you have to go, and why? And why? And why? And why does that matter? And why does it care? And one of the things I said to her last night was, actually, they would happily not do any marketing.
If I said to you tomorrow, that you could run a business, make loads of money and never had to do a reel again, or so what show on social media, or do any kind of marketing, you know. Like me who would snap my hand off, right, because that stuff's hard work and it takes a lot of work. So I don't want to do it.
Sometimes [00:11:00] I do, but like people generally don't want to do these things, but they're doing them because it's a means to an end. If I said to people, and I always joke and give the example, if I said to you, instead of doing a webinar, you could stand outside with a sandwich board and it would get you more sales.
We would probably do it. I might need to have a mindset work with you first, but. Ultimately what we're trying to get is sales and ultimately what her customers are trying to get the sales. So that's why when I kind of pushed her and said, and what does that mean? And why is that important? And what's that thing?
And the final question was so that they can, what is it that they're trying to do? So their main problem and the transformation that they were really looking for was they wanted to engage more therapy clients. They wanted more customers because ultimately they want to make some more money in their business and in businesses that often comes down to it.
However, you can't just jump straight to do you want to make more money in your business because that isn't quite hitting the same thing either. So we got to that point where [00:12:00] she kind of confirmed that they were looking for more clients and the marketing was the route to get more clients. So then I asked her, what's the one thing that you can teach or share in your product, service, or program, in her case, it was a membership that is super effective when helping them with.
And that's where you would fill in whatever your kind of transformation was. In her case, it was helping them with getting more clients. That's where we need to look at your product and go, out of all the things that you help them with, out of all the things that you teach, out of all the things that you share, what is one of the most effective things that really helps them get more clients in her case?
So one of the things that she said was niching, is that she teaches niching in her membership and actually that's a really good and useful way for them to get more clients. So I was like, awesome. So what we would do then is we would do a webinar around niching. And we would probably [00:13:00] use some language along the lines of how niching can help you get more clients because their ultimate problem is they want more clients and her thing is that they, she can help by niching.
So I hope that that kind of makes sense from that point of view. We I find out what the product was. We find out what the general reason for buying that product is. And then we kind of hone down and down and down and really got to the crux of it. Then we basically looked at what in that product is the one thing that will help them, that is the most super effective.
Then we've taken that and their transformation and put it together into a webinar. So. I said that the webinar could be something like, you know, how to niche and, or, you know, how niching can get you more clients. So the reason I wanted to give the webinar example or a launch example around this is because I teach that prior to any launch, we need to do pre launch content.
And I really hope you're going to understand [00:14:00] why we do it when I give this next, when I move on to the next question, the next question I asked her. All we talked around was what do they need to know or understand before you can teach them that? I'll just say that again. What do they need to know or understand before you can teach them that?
So let's go back to her example that how niching can get you more clients. Well, they would need to know what is niching, like, let's, we have to assume that your customer knows nothing. Now, I don't want you to go like, so, so, so very basic, but you do need to go probably way more basic than you think you do.
So she could create a post or some content around what is niching. She could create content around how others have niched in that industry and what it's done for them. Then the final question, which is all part of the pre launch content, is what objections might they have about learning [00:15:00] about the thing?
Again, in her case, it was niching. So what objections might they have? First objection might be, do I even need to niche? Why is niching important? Do I have to have a niche? So try and think about what are the objections that People are going to come up with things like, does niching really get me more clients?
So you might want to share content around someone who niched and got clients. Can you see how honing into these things is really helping discover and understand that transformation and then helping you create content to get people ready for. You helping them with that transformation. Okay. I'm going to go to another example.
I really hope that one helped. It's a different example because I wanted to give you some different things to focus on. So example number two is someone in my community who has a course that helps tutors get international students. So let me just [00:16:00] explain that just in case you're not sure, because I wasn't, basically they used to be a teacher, they no longer wanted to teach, they then became a tutor and they're currently teaching people in the same country as them, but they want international students.
That's what she sells. She sells a course on how to attract international students via marketing and that sort of thing. Okay, so if I look at her main or biggest problem, so back to those questions, let me read that question again so you can hear it again. What is the product or service or program you want to sell?
Well, I've just said the course. What is the biggest problem your customer has that your product, service or program helps them fix? So their biggest problem is that they can't get or they don't know how to get international students. So then my next question is, why is this important to them? So why do they want those international students?
They want them because they get to work in the day and not the evening. If you're in the UK and you have an international student in China, then when they're wanting [00:17:00] tutoring in...
392 епізодів
Have you considered the importance of truly understanding the transformation your customers desire in order for your business to be successful? Many business owners can miss the mark with this, resulting in ineffective marketing and lost sales which we do not want. So in this episode, I share a structured approach with seven key questions to uncover the exact transformation your customers want. Through real-life examples and actionable strategies, I explain how identifying this transformation can lead to a truly successful launch. You’ll also get a FREE downloadable worksheet to help you apply these insights to your own business.
If you enjoyed this episode then please feel free to go and share it on your social media or head over to
and give me a review, I would be so very grateful.
Connect with Teresa on
Sign up to Teresa's email list
Do you really know what your customer's transformation looks like? And more importantly, do you understand why it's absolutely critical to your business success? So many business owners that I've worked with think they know what the transformation is that their customers want, but in my experience, most of them don't.
And if you don't have clarity on that transformation, then your marketing message is likely missing the mark, which means you are leaving sales on the table. That's why today I am walking you through the seven key questions that I use with my clients to uncover the exact transformation that their customers truly want.
And when you get this, and you truly understand the transformation your customers want, it's going to be the difference between a wildly successful launch, And one that falls flat.
Hello and welcome back to another episode of the your dream business podcast. Thank you so much for hanging out with me. I really, really do appreciate it. I know that your lives are very busy and my aim is to deliver you some really good strategic, inspirational content that hopefully helps move your business forward.
[00:02:00] Today, is a great episode. I nearly said good and I thought, can I say great? Yeah, I can say great. It's going to be great. Today we're going to be talking about understanding the transformation that you are trying to get for your customers, because this is something I have seen so many people get wrong and it's really harming their business and it's really harming the results that they can get in their business.
So I wanted to do an episode just devoted to how do you understand and how do you find out the transformation. But this is incredibly difficult to do when you're talking generically because it's such a personal thing and it's so easy for me to sit with a client, be on a group call with some of my members, and for me to get the transformation out of them really quickly because I'm asking the right questions, I'm probing, and also My job as a marketeer is that I understand these things and I can work out the transformation pretty quickly, which then [00:03:00] enables them to better market to these people.
So how am I going to help you understand your transformation when we're doing this over a podcast? Well, I've got some real life examples to give you and that's how I'm going to do it. The other thing that I've done is I have put together a little download with the key questions that I'm asking in this episode so that you can Ask yourself these questions and hopefully get to the right answer.
So if you want to download that, head over to teresaheathwareing.com/376. They're the numbers, not words, and you will be able to get the link for this free download where the questions that I'm going through here, which are ones I ask people when I'm having a call with them.
They're the questions that you're going to get to be able to have in a worksheet, make notes and come up with your transformation for your customers. The reason this is so important is because basically this is everything. This is all the marketing that we do. Everything is around, where is your customer now and where are they trying to get to?
[00:04:00] And anything that you create from a sales page, webinar, landing page, lead magnet, any of those things all leads to what is the transformation that your customer is looking for. In this example, I'm going to give you, I'm going to treat it as if we're doing a webinar for these customers, because one of the things that I've been talking about and I share when I talk about launching is that we do a prelaunch.
So the prelaunch is before you even talk about the fact that you're going to do a webinar or a challenge or a bootcamp, there is certain content that you have to do in the prelaunch that is going to prime and ready your customers and. Get them to the point you need to get them to in order to then start promoting the webinar or the workshop or whatever it is that you're going to promote before you then go into the sale.
And there is a really smart strategic process in which we use to go through this because [00:05:00] if you don't have this, you're kind of just dropping things on them and some people will get it, some people won't and hopefully by the end of this episode, you're going to understand what I mean by that. Also, if you have any friend in business and you really want them to succeed, I want you to send them this episode and say, this woman who I listened to, she said, I had to send it you because I want you to succeed.
So I want you to do that. And I want you to send them this episode because I promise this is going to help anyone in business, even though the examples I might give are webinar examples or talking as if we're doing a webinar, don't fear. I'm just using the launch process and the webinar process as a way to structure me.
It's not really that you have to go through a webinar. Okay, so let me give you a really wide example, and then I'm going to give you two actual examples. One, actually, at time of recording that I just had last night. So at time of recording this, I am running my [00:06:00] webinar workshops and we had the first call last night and this was actually a conversation I had on last night's call.
So it was such a great one as I was doing this podcast recording today. And then another of my clients, I'm using them as an example to give you another idea how this works. Okay. Let's start with the big example. Big example is, imagine you want to book some flights. When someone markets you from, I get BA emails all the time because I used to fly with BA all the time, although they're not great between you and I.
So, so I get emails all the time. Now BA very, very rarely market the plane or the flight to me. Because the transformation I'm looking for isn't getting on a flight. The transformation that I am looking for is getting to the destination. So when an airline company promotes or markets their services, they never share, or I [00:07:00] don't say never because you never know, but they predominantly do not share content around the food you're going to have on the plane, or the seat, or.
what it's like waiting for the plane or any of those things about the actual journey itself. They show you the destination. They show you the thing that you're going to get at the end of it. When it comes to the transformation that you're looking for as a customer, you're looking to get somewhere.
You're looking to get to a destination. And In all reality, you don't really care how you get there. You want just the quickest and easiest, and that just happens to be a flight, predominantly for places that are not in your country. And they know that. They know that the plane journey is just part of the process.
And the plane journey is the means to the end of getting to another destination. When they mark et They don't necessarily market around the plane journey. They market around the destination. They [00:08:00] look at what is it our customers want. What they want is to get somewhere they're not. And that's where they focus their marketing.
So that's a really simple way to understand marketing the transformation, not necessarily the thing that you do. And this is the main problem in, in small business marketing and online marketing that I see. is that people are trying to sell and promote the thing they do. Whereas that's not always what your customer wants.
Now, I'm not saying you never talk about that. You absolutely do. However, when it comes to really trying to hook your customer in for something like a webinar or hook them in for a lead magnet, it's less about the thing that you do and more about the transformation they want. Okay. So that was a kind of warmup as a really silly example.
Let's talk about two very real examples. What I'm going to do is take you through the structure and this structure is what I've put in that freebie for you that [00:09:00] you can find at teresaheathwaring.com/376. The first question I want you to think about is what is the product, service or program that you want to sell?
So in this example that I've got, this was a membership aimed at therapists that was there to help them with their business mindset and marketing. So that was the thing that the client wanted to sell was her membership that helps them with their business marketing and their mindset. Question two, which I obviously asked her on this call, what is the biggest problem that your customer has that your product service or program helps them fix?
Your customer is going to have a ton of different problems and you are probably going to fix a ton of different problems, but I want you to think of the biggest. What is the one thing that's on their mind? What is the thing that is the biggest problem that they have? When I asked her, she said that their biggest problem was that they didn't understand how to market themselves or how to use marketing.
So my next question to her, and my next question to [00:10:00] you is why is that important to them? And her response was. Well, if they have no understanding on how to market themselves and they don't want to be visible, then they're not going to be able to reach their ideal client. And I asked her again, and why is that important?
And she said, because they want those clients to engage in therapy services. Now, that's getting to the transformation. We have to dig a bit deeper. And sometimes you have to go, and why? And why? And why? And why does that matter? And why does it care? And one of the things I said to her last night was, actually, they would happily not do any marketing.
If I said to you tomorrow, that you could run a business, make loads of money and never had to do a reel again, or so what show on social media, or do any kind of marketing, you know. Like me who would snap my hand off, right, because that stuff's hard work and it takes a lot of work. So I don't want to do it.
Sometimes [00:11:00] I do, but like people generally don't want to do these things, but they're doing them because it's a means to an end. If I said to people, and I always joke and give the example, if I said to you, instead of doing a webinar, you could stand outside with a sandwich board and it would get you more sales.
We would probably do it. I might need to have a mindset work with you first, but. Ultimately what we're trying to get is sales and ultimately what her customers are trying to get the sales. So that's why when I kind of pushed her and said, and what does that mean? And why is that important? And what's that thing?
And the final question was so that they can, what is it that they're trying to do? So their main problem and the transformation that they were really looking for was they wanted to engage more therapy clients. They wanted more customers because ultimately they want to make some more money in their business and in businesses that often comes down to it.
However, you can't just jump straight to do you want to make more money in your business because that isn't quite hitting the same thing either. So we got to that point where [00:12:00] she kind of confirmed that they were looking for more clients and the marketing was the route to get more clients. So then I asked her, what's the one thing that you can teach or share in your product, service, or program, in her case, it was a membership that is super effective when helping them with.
And that's where you would fill in whatever your kind of transformation was. In her case, it was helping them with getting more clients. That's where we need to look at your product and go, out of all the things that you help them with, out of all the things that you teach, out of all the things that you share, what is one of the most effective things that really helps them get more clients in her case?
So one of the things that she said was niching, is that she teaches niching in her membership and actually that's a really good and useful way for them to get more clients. So I was like, awesome. So what we would do then is we would do a webinar around niching. And we would probably [00:13:00] use some language along the lines of how niching can help you get more clients because their ultimate problem is they want more clients and her thing is that they, she can help by niching.
So I hope that that kind of makes sense from that point of view. We I find out what the product was. We find out what the general reason for buying that product is. And then we kind of hone down and down and down and really got to the crux of it. Then we basically looked at what in that product is the one thing that will help them, that is the most super effective.
Then we've taken that and their transformation and put it together into a webinar. So. I said that the webinar could be something like, you know, how to niche and, or, you know, how niching can get you more clients. So the reason I wanted to give the webinar example or a launch example around this is because I teach that prior to any launch, we need to do pre launch content.
And I really hope you're going to understand [00:14:00] why we do it when I give this next, when I move on to the next question, the next question I asked her. All we talked around was what do they need to know or understand before you can teach them that? I'll just say that again. What do they need to know or understand before you can teach them that?
So let's go back to her example that how niching can get you more clients. Well, they would need to know what is niching, like, let's, we have to assume that your customer knows nothing. Now, I don't want you to go like, so, so, so very basic, but you do need to go probably way more basic than you think you do.
So she could create a post or some content around what is niching. She could create content around how others have niched in that industry and what it's done for them. Then the final question, which is all part of the pre launch content, is what objections might they have about learning [00:15:00] about the thing?
Again, in her case, it was niching. So what objections might they have? First objection might be, do I even need to niche? Why is niching important? Do I have to have a niche? So try and think about what are the objections that People are going to come up with things like, does niching really get me more clients?
So you might want to share content around someone who niched and got clients. Can you see how honing into these things is really helping discover and understand that transformation and then helping you create content to get people ready for. You helping them with that transformation. Okay. I'm going to go to another example.
I really hope that one helped. It's a different example because I wanted to give you some different things to focus on. So example number two is someone in my community who has a course that helps tutors get international students. So let me just [00:16:00] explain that just in case you're not sure, because I wasn't, basically they used to be a teacher, they no longer wanted to teach, they then became a tutor and they're currently teaching people in the same country as them, but they want international students.
That's what she sells. She sells a course on how to attract international students via marketing and that sort of thing. Okay, so if I look at her main or biggest problem, so back to those questions, let me read that question again so you can hear it again. What is the product or service or program you want to sell?
Well, I've just said the course. What is the biggest problem your customer has that your product, service or program helps them fix? So their biggest problem is that they can't get or they don't know how to get international students. So then my next question is, why is this important to them? So why do they want those international students?
They want them because they get to work in the day and not the evening. If you're in the UK and you have an international student in China, then when they're wanting [00:17:00] tutoring in...
392 епізодів
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