How many times a day you say “situation” when discussing your single, co or solo parenting woes? We’re back with a natter about these situation-ships us parents find ourselves in. My Instagram feed is regularly filled with distant friends, mostly mum crushes but the occasional daddy, lamenting that their partner’s flown the coop on whatever birthday or business trip and they’re HAVING to take on the single parenting. Early mornings, late nights, taking on the burden of being the sole source of emotional support, physical presence, not being able to go out after hours, meal prep and school routines. You’re exhausted and frustrated and overwhelmed and there’s not another adult in the house to talk to or vent with or co-parent. Co-parenting can sometimes feel like high-intensity sprints of solo parenting. Balancing all of life’s challenges are hard enough on their own, but add in a breakup or divorce and we are thrown off kilter. There’s no question that it is a process – it takes time to find your rhythm. Forget about washing away the days frustrations with some “adult time,” however you interpret that. Solo parenting offers a light at the end of the tunnel, the return of your parenting partner. Single parenting is forever, possibly. But is it? Is it Really. Have a listen…