Interview on paranormal subject
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¡Ya Párate!, el morning show de LOS40
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このプログラムは、東京のFMラジオステーション「JK RADIO TOKYO UNITED」で放送中のコーナー「FOOTBALL FANATIC」から世界のサッカー情報や、試合の行方を、ジョンカビラが大胆妄想「応援」ヴァーチャル実況いたします!
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Keeping Afghanistan in the spotlight through the stories of its people. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Меня зовут Яков Файн (а.к.а. Yakov Fain). Живу в Штатах с 1992 года. Много лет работал программистом. Являюсь автором и соавтором десятка книг по программированию. Являюсь со-основателем двух компаний. На этом канале я провожу регулярные стримы о текущих событиях. Этот канал - продолжение аудио подкастов, которые я записывал много лет под ником БудАм (Будни Америки). Два других моих канала называются "Карьера в ИТ" и "Программист читает библию"
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An Apostolic Pentecostal Congregation, that believes and preaches only what is written in The Living Word of God.
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R’ yakov Danishefsky teaches at Avodas Halev in Chicago and is a therapist with a special focus on relationships. He wrote a book about attachment theory and connecting to hashem. Kollel Toras Chaim is a program dedicated to helping yidden learn and live rebbe nachman’s torah and its essential advice for our generation. Join the WhatsApp Status 👉 Join the WhatsApp Group 👉
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Ni Makala yanayoangazia kwa jicho la tatu mazingira halisi ya dunia yalivyo bila kusahau kile ambacho kinachangia kuyaharibu. Utapata kufahamu namna ambavyo mazingira na rasilimali zinavyoharibiwa huku pia teknolojia ikijumuishwa. Hakika mazingira mazuri ya leo ni dunia yako kesho.
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One man sitting on the toilet of life, talking his shit...😉💩
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Volamos a la velocidad que define a este tiempo. 'Generación Ya' se alimenta de los nuevos movimientos culturales y sociales que moldean el presente y el futuro.
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Hosts Samantha and Derek take turns telling each other conspiracies, mysteries, and overall interesting stories.
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A shesyoga.hesfit podcast
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Follow along as two adults dive into young adult books and series in order to unpack the universal appeal of the genre that transcends age and gender barriers.
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Explores LGBTIQA+ issues with interviews, music and commentary.
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YAK steht für innovative und regenerationsfördernde Schlafprodukte, die Dir dabei helfen, neue Höchstleistungen abzurufen und Deine Ziele zu erreichen. Dieser Podcast ist die Audiospur vom Youtube Kanal "Yakbett"
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Discover how to become the BEST version of you. Dr. Rigsby guides you to achieving excellence with ordinary wisdom from the greatest generation. Listen to "How Ya Livin'?" ...and begin to transform your life!
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The 2000s pop music podcast, presented by David Lim and Joel Babbington. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook: @rightbackpod. Email us:
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From great new books to favorite classic reads, from news to the latest in on-screen adaptations, Hey YA is here to elevate the exciting world of young adult lit.
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It's a podcast that brings you week by week, art, culture, traditions, stories, education, what affects and benefits our community. Educate and informed yourself because It's Time!
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Since 2010, Yakuza Kick Radio (hosted by Jay Cat Morris) has always combined the most razor-sharp wrestling analysis and social commentary in the game. The show has also given us interviews from a cavalcade of independent wrestling stars, with a focus on Combat Zone Wrestling. Currently, Jay Cat has joined forces with Stan to review/recap every CZW show from 2001. But, Jay Cat also continues to use his platform to analyze happenings in the wrestling world (and beyond).
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Nyumba ya Sanaa ni Makala ya Utamaduni ambayo inatoa fursa kwa wasanii na wadau wa sanaa kuwasilisha maoni yao kwa ajili ya maendeleo ya kweli ya Afrika na dunia kwa ujumla, tukiwa na lengo la kudumisha na kuendeleza tamaduni nzuri katika mwingiliano wa tamaduni uliopo, tukizingatia maisha ya kisasa na utandawazi kwa ujumla.
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Ngobrolngobrol santai aee!!!
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Kyle "KBNoSwag" Bauer and his legion of friends; Nick, Brandon Walker, Rone, Lil Sas, Kate, Steven Cheah and Big Cat gather each weekday at 1PM ET Live on the Barstool Yak YouTube to talk about exclusively the most important topics of the day. This is the podcast version of that show. 10x. You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit
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Hey guys, this is YA GIRL'S KDrama Podcast! ..... Maddie, Christina and Elle have been hamming and hyping KDramas since 2022. Join them every week to discuss Rowoon, best KDrama kiss scenes, man lisps, korean men in headbands, and Rowoon. ... Also check out THE K.DROP for Maddie and Elle's take on all thing KPop, new and old. (still waiting on that Joshua Hong interview...) ..... PLEASE connect with the girls on INSTAGRAM: @yagirl_kdramapod, or on Discord: For ...
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The Spiritual Genius Show is the #1 podcast for unlocking more of your spiritual genius so you can REALLY have it all. Get ready to discover little-known secrets and strategies you can use to increase your income by being more of who you are. On this show, you’ll also hear from world-class entrepreneurs, leaders, athletes and celebrities sharing how they’ve tapped into their Spiritual Genius along with how you can do the same.
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Robert And Amy yakk about news, culture, religion and whatever from a secular and atheist perspective. Join us for the weekly Mr Potter award or a yakking session. New episodes every Sunday!
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The Salty Yak Outdoor Podcast is a podcast from Texas where we talk about saltwater kayak fishing....most of the time. We started to this podcast in 2019 to help other kayak anglers catch more fish, be safe on the water and just enjoy the outdoors. We have built a strong community so if your into kayak fishing, archery, dee hunting, hunting out West or just being outdoors come catch us!!!
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Check Ya Perspective, is a podcast were we come to connect and converse with the people. Sharing our perspectives about love , life and learning to live fully. Sprinkle in the CRC (Comment research committee) who enjoys roaming Instagram for interesting comments and the social implications
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Media review
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The Heartbeat of Jersey, Pulse of the Culture.. Bringing you the latest in News, Trends, Topics, and Entertainment. Follow us on all socials @mindyajerseybusiness
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Listen to me, V, gamify my life and spin my wheels in podcast form. Unequal parts personal, playful, passive-aggressive, performative, and more!
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Sun Valley Church is a Christian church that is in essential agreement with the historic creeds and confessions of the Protestant Reformation. We exist to glorify God by creating an authentic Christian community that is Gospel-Centered, Grace-Driven, and Mission-Minded.
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Ils·Elles sont nantais·es résolument européen·ne·s, plein·e·s de talents et d’énergie. Artistes, sportif·ves, entrepreneur·ses, créateur·rices de mode, politiques... Elles·Ils font battre le cœur de l’agglo et le vôtre chaque mois sur les ondes nantaises d'euradio. Y’a pas que les mecs ! : 6 magazines de 52 minutes proposés et préparés par les étudiant·es d’Isefac Bachelor.
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Espacio creado para abrir la conversación y hablar sobre cualquier tema. Lugar donde las personas se sientan bienvenidas, validadas y escuchadas. Podcast hecho para aprender, desaprender, crecer y contar experiencias. Instagram/Tik Tok: @jarlese Youtube: ¡Hablar Y Ya! Podcast
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Friendship, adventure, first kisses, first fights, and sometimes supernatural: Young Adult novels are a treasure given to us by authors around the world. Best friends and comedians Laura Petro and Meggie Gates are sitting down for their very own book club to reread the series that shaped their school years in ”YA, We Read It!” because yes. Yes, they did actually read it.This is a podcast on Audio Mint Podcast Network.
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Este programa se ocupa de esa parte de la historia que no suele contarse.
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Weekly sermons from Central Assembly of God in Yakima, WA. Join in-person or online Sundays at 10:45 AM!
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Lets go on a tangent
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Film Yak is a weekly podcast featuring in-depth movie discussions. Each week one of our cohosts chooses a film for the three of us to watch, discuss, debate, angrily gripe about, and sometimes even praise. After the discussion, we play a nice round of Letterboxd roulette to see what film two of the cohosts will be saddled with watching and reporting on during the subsequent episode. Follow us on IG: @filmyakpodcast Subscribe to us and rate us on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to po ...
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Where Ya From? Podcast creates an atmosphere where all people—regardless of our differences—can openly discuss ideas, issues, culture, experiences, faith, and more so we can learn from each other and the Word of God. New episodes released weekly on Tuesdays. Where Ya From? Podcast is presented by the Voices Collection, a part of Our Daily Bread Ministries.
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Morning Show líder del país con El Gallo y Cristina Boscá. De lunes a viernes de 6 a 11 de la mañana y sábados de 7 a 10h
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A podcast celebrating the work of San Diego State University alumni working in various Communications fields and inspiring the current students to achieve their career goals. Hosted by SDSU alum Josh Suchon.
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Apapun kita obrolin
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The Chini Ya Mbúyú podcast is a Feminist movement-building platform created by young women, whose mission is not only to advance Feminist principles in all areas of leadership but also advance narratives that allow young women and girls across the continent to rise to leadership positions and occupy space. A podcast, that tells stories of women, who have come before us, women amongst us and women whose potential cannot be silenced. A force that cannot be muted, a revolution that will be mark ...
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Escucha los podcast y mejores momentos de Anda Ya. Bromas, entrevistas, nuestros VIPS,... para que no te pierdas nada del morning show número 1 en España
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Co mě napadne, nasere nebo zaujme - série SYPU TO Z HLAVY. Subkulturní témata - SUBKULTURA. Náhled do depresí - série V DEPRESI. Česky.
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Two friends from the beauty industry chat about all things scent and smell. Every week, Smell Ya Later explores the myriad ways we interact with the aromas and odors in our lives, the scents seared into our memories, and how scent defines the way we envision our future. Hosted by Tynan Sinks & Sable Yong For more info, check out our website: Follow @smellyalater.mp3 ( on Instagram for episode updates and maybe memes som ...
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Generación Ya - Santa Salut | Barbecho con David Sancho - 25/03/25
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1:58:35Entrevistamos a la rapera Santa Salut, una autentica todoterreno del rap capaz de cabalgar sobre cualquier base como demuestra en su nuevo disco, QUEENS OF GROOVE. A segunda hora hablamos con el ilustrador David Sancho, autor del cómic Barbecho. Una historia sobre la despoblación que resume los últimos 100 años de las zonas rurales de nuestro país.…
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Studio Genesis
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LO MEJOR: El tiempo que dedicamos los españoles al día a COTILLEAR, las respuestas al preguntar dónde es la feria de abril, y La visita inesperada que tendremos el jueves
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People around us may think they know what’s best for our future, but in the end, it’s God’s plan that matters most. This is a truth Grammy-winning recording artist Mali Music learned younger than most. Mali was just a teenager when he decided, against his family, friends, and loved ones’ wishes, to pursue his passion for creating music. In this pre…
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114: Britney Spears - “Britney” Part 1: ‘I’m A Slave 4 U’ and Album Highlights
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1:11:18Is this thing on? Pop fans, we have been Anticipating this deep dive into one of Britney Spears’ most seminal albums: “Britney”. Arriving in 2001, ahead of her 20th birthday, our teen-pop sensation was growing up and is making sure the world is hearing what she has to say. Join Joel and David as they dive into this iconic body of work over a two-pa…
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Hoy en ¡Ya Párate! de LOS40 con Delia y Faisy … El Pollo Elizondo nos da el resumen deportivo ... Puras noticias positivas en nuestra sección “La Hora Feliz”... Leoncio Cósmico y " La Insólita" … pero empezamos con “La hora de los niños”
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It’s been a long time since we had a conversation and we have a lot to catch up on. In this episode we talk with RF Keys, founder of the Fall Back Music Group. We discuss how he got into music. His label’s mission. Dealing with adversity creatively. And so much more. Join me as I holla at RF Keys (IG: callmekeys_)…
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Get ready for your own personal bicycle taxi tour of Buffalo. I rip around, narrating my experience, running errands, muse on the astronomy of my anatomy, and express all my bi-cycle'd desires. And a very cute ending with a surprise guest clowned on me moment. Buckle up, I take sharp turns. Wanna Support the Show? Share this shareable link. Where E…
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El origen de la nobleza en Europa se pierde en la noche de los tiempos. En el caso de España, no quedó confinada a los pequeños territorios de la península o las islas. También se extendió a América, donde fue reconocida la nobleza de habitantes de aquellas tierras, como en el caso del ducado de Moctezuma de Tultengo, hoy grande de España. Con el i…
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Uchoraji ni Ajira ,Wasanii wa sanaa hii Zanzibar wananeemeka na kazi zao, Ungana na Steven Mumbi akizungumza na Obedience na Muki kutoka Zanzibar.RFI Kiswahili
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Send us a text Physical violence can take many forms. We're breaking down the myths and providing essential information. #chiniyambuyuAkili Dada
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The Molly Hadfield Social Justice Oration is a free event that focuses on women's social, economic and cultural empowerment. Presented by the City of Darebin, Wednesday, 2 April, with orations starting at 7 pm, Darebin Arts Centre, 401 Bell St, Preston. Speakers are Kristine Olaris, Nadine Christensen, Sheena Mathieson and Zena Cumpston, who joins …
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In today’s episode, Dr. Rick Rigsby offers a fresh perspective on genuine leadership. Moving away from today's flashy leadership trends, Dr. Rick shares timeless wisdom through stories from his father's life—simple habits that laid the groundwork for lasting influence. Could these everyday behaviors be the secret to authentic leadership? Listen in …
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Through Two: Moon Lovers - Scarlet Heart Ryeo
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1:03:53Maddie, Christina, and Elle are back for another throwback drama! They have decided to watch Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo. Luckily, it’s now on Viki! Thanks, Viki. (lol tag them) In this Through Two, the ladies debrief on the first two episodes and discuss the characters, plot, and random things they noticed. This show is beloved by many so they…
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Mind Ya Jersey Business: Test Taking (We hate it)! Police Officer killed in Newark, NJ. Another L for the state! As a culture do be over glorify being from the hood? Have you had the opportunity to experience life outside of your neighborhood? If so, what was your experience like? You know we talk sports! Steven A. Smith signs a five year $100 mill…
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In this this episode I share my perspective on dreams and I ask the audience to share with me what do dreams mean? do they hold any spiritual significance? Support the showCandi_youknowme
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En este episodio me senté con Valeria a hablar sobre su proceso como emprendedora a tan corta edad con su empresa Morena Lucia. Además, hablamos su experiencia trabajando con el diseñador Jean Cintrón, su relación con su familia, la creación de contenido, entre otras cosas. ¡Espero que les guste!Jarlese
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Laura and Meggie wish they could tell you that The 100: Homecoming is about everyone having a nice big dance on Earth, but unfortunately that's not the case. The remaining dropships have landed on Earth, which is great because Glass can reunite with her friends, but it's much much worse considering her mom just died and Vice Chancellor Rhodes is he…
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Audra Stafford (1997-01) has covered news and entertainment in San Diego County for more than two decades and is currently a morning reporter and fill-in anchor for NBC 7 San Diego. Even though she always aspired to be a reporter, Audra was heavily involved in Associated Students as an undergrad. While most SDSU students have to leave the market an…
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Elles sont nantaises, résolument européennes, pleines de talent et d’énergie. Artistes, sportives, entrepreneuses, créatrices de mode, personnalités politiques... Elles font battre le cœur de l’agglo et le vôtre chaque mois sur les ondes nantaises d'euradio. Y’a pas que les mecs ! ce sont 6 magazines proposés et préparés par les étudiant·e…
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This is what happens when we're left to our own devices in front of two hot mics, a bevy of new scents, and no guest 🙃 [What we smell like today: Bond No. 9 Greenpoint, Phlur Rose Whip] 🌐 Find more info, episodes, and merch at ☎️ Leave us a voice message on the SYL Hotline at and we may respond on a futu…
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Raundi ya tatu ya mataifa kuwasilisha ahadi zao za kitaifa, NDCs za kukabili mabadiliko ya tabianchi
RFI Kiswahili
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Namna wakazi wa maeneo ya vijijini wanafikiwa na huduma za maji nchini Tanzania.RFI Kiswahili
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MOCKINGJAY by Suzanne Collins
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1:51:03We're back for our final episode covering the original THE HUNGER GAMES trilogy with Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins, as well as the 2014 and 2015 films directed by Francis Lawrence! What a journey! What a time! We talk about the bleak realities of war, trauma and PTSD, the continuing failures of humanity, love triangles (just to mix it up), and more…
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