Composer, violinist, and singer-songwriter Chrysanthe Tan speaks in 3-minute bursts on the introverted creative life. Or rather...what it's really like to be an independent, autistic artist in LA. (sigh)
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A brief update.Chrysanthe Tan
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A brief update.Chrysanthe Tan
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What intangible things would be on your resume? Instagram: @chrysanthetan Twitter: @chrysanthetan Facebook: /chrysanthetan Patreon: /chrysanthetanChrysanthe Tan
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On why creative people don't always realize they are creative. Instagram: @chrysanthetan Twitter: @chrysanthetan Facebook: /chrysanthetan Patreon: /chrysanthetanChrysanthe Tan
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AKA how many times can I practice saying hello? KowA5QUm7X5l21mbdbu4Chrysanthe Tan
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My microwave broke, and I learned a lesson about the ingredient of time in any art.Chrysanthe Tan
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This is a continuation of the last episode.Chrysanthe Tan
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Now that more people are working from home and discovering that home all the time life, I feel crowded.Chrysanthe Tan
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A brief update.Chrysanthe Tan
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The tasks that seem fun in the morning are very different than the ones that seem fun at night. Seems I need to master my arc.Chrysanthe Tan
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A brief update.Chrysanthe Tan
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A brief update.Chrysanthe Tan
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Chrysanthe Tan
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Chrysanthe Tan
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A brief update.Chrysanthe Tan
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A brief update.Chrysanthe Tan
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A brief update.Chrysanthe Tan
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A brief update.Chrysanthe Tan
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A brief update.Chrysanthe Tan
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Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Drop me a line at any of the following! Instagram Twitter Facebook Website Special Patreon crewChrysanthe Tan
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All the cellists, violists, and violinists listening to this will know exactly what I’m talking about… Instagram Twitter Facebook Website Special Patreon crewChrysanthe Tan
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What are your sleeping habits like? Instagram Twitter Facebook Website Special Patreon crewChrysanthe Tan
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So this is kind of roundabout... Instagram Twitter Facebook Website PS: Wanna hear the embarrassing song? Become a Friend of Xanthe (FOX) for instant access! :P That is in quotes so as to manage your expectations of this song...Chrysanthe Tan
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What do you think of this concept? Instagram Twitter Facebook Website PS: Wanna chat more and suggest future topics? Become a Friend of Xanthe!Chrysanthe Tan
continue reading which Xanthe goes to a party. Instagram Twitter Facebook Website PS: If you like what I do and want to join more conversations like this, you're invited to join my Patreon community!Chrysanthe Tan
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I think about this often. Instagram Twitter Facebook Website PS: If you like what I do and want to join more conversations like this, you're invited to join my Patreon community!Chrysanthe Tan
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Pondering things after listening to YouTuber Elle Mills talk on the PatreCon stage... Instagram Twitter Facebook Website Note: My patrons had early access to this episode last week! If you'd like to hear future episodes of Xanthe Briefly before everyone else, please consider joining my Patreon family!…
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Don't worry, this one isn't going anywhere. Instagram Twitter Facebook Website Note: My patrons had early access to this episode last week! If you'd like to hear future episodes of Xanthe Briefly before everyone else, please consider joining my Patreon family!Chrysanthe Tan
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Honestly, if you have any tips for managing this, I'd love to hear them... Instagram Twitter Facebook Website Note: I published this episode early to my patrons several days ago! From now on, I will be posting all my episodes early to my patrons first, before setting them to public release. If you'd like to hear future episodes of Xanthe Briefly be…
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Decisions are my kryptonite. Join my Patreon family! Instagram Twitter Facebook Regular ol’ websiteChrysanthe Tan
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Inspired. No spoons. What is life right now. Join my Patreon family! Instagram Twitter Facebook Regular ol’ websiteChrysanthe Tan
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Friends are a rare advent for least real friends who see me and get me. Join my Patreon family! Instagram Twitter Facebook Regular ol’ websiteChrysanthe Tan
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I'm doing something I've never done before, and it requires putting myself out there. SIGH. I'm nervous that everyone will be annoyed by my Patreon poster push, lose all of their respect for me, and simply not be interested in my (what I think is cool) offer. In other words, just a normal day! If you want the special poster, click here and become a…
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Failing but trying, dammit. Join my Patreon family! Instagram Twitter Facebook Regular ol’ websiteChrysanthe Tan
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I really needed this win today! Eternal thank you to my awesome vet, Westchester Veterinary & Cat Center. Please send Anakin good healing and health vibes as we finish up this treatment and move to aftercare. Join my Patreon family! Instagram Twitter Facebook Regular ol’ websiteChrysanthe Tan
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All that said, I am truly grateful that I am ABLE to work and that I have jobs. Speaking of which...if you enjoy Xanthe Briefly and want to support future episodes and have access to secret music demos, my private journal entries, and weekly private livestreams, you should totally join my Patreon family! Otherwise, I'd still love to connect with yo…
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So grateful for you. Yes you. You listening and reading right now. Speaking of which...if you enjoy Xanthe Briefly and want to support future episodes and have access to secret music demos, my private journal entries, and weekly private livestreams, you should totally join my Patreon family! Otherwise, I'd still love to connect with you on regular …
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I'm so glad I went to this awesome Patreon meetup. Creators must stick together! Speaking of which...if you enjoy Xanthe Briefly and want to support future episodes and have access to secret music demos, my private journal entries, and weekly private livestreams, you should totally join my Patreon family! Otherwise, I'd still love to connect with y…
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I’m totally kidding. But if you’re curious, it’s called Underscore. Twitter: @chrysanthetan Instagram: @chrysanthetan Facebook: Chrysanthe Tan —Chrysanthe Tancomposer, violinist, songwriterchrysanthetan.comChrysanthe Tan
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Don’t make assumptions about other people’s taste in music. Twitter: @chrysanthetan Instagram: @chrysanthetan Facebook: Chrysanthe TanChrysanthe Tan
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Part 2 of “Gig Hangover” episode Patreon family! Twitter Facebook Instagram Website Email: [email protected] [email protected] Tan
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Long gigs (and events) always make me feel hungover the next day. Patreon family! Twitter Facebook Instagram Website Email: [email protected] [email protected] Tan
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sensory isolation…warmth…comfort...cocoon…focus... Patreon family! Twitter Facebook Instagram Website Email: [email protected] [email protected] Tan
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Part 4/4. Current mood. It is October 2, 2017. Twitter: @chrysanthetan Instagram: @chrysanthetan Facebook: Chrysanthe TanChrysanthe Tan
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Part 3 of mood.Chrysanthe Tan
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Part 2. Current mood. It is October 2, 2017. Twitter: @chrysanthetan Instagram: @chrysanthetan Facebook: Chrysanthe TanChrysanthe Tan
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Current mood. It is October 2, 2017. Twitter: @chrysanthetan Instagram: @chrysanthetan Facebook: Chrysanthe TanChrysanthe Tan
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Truth be told, I like fidget cubes much better than fidget spinners (and I like other toys, materials, and stim activities more than I like either of those things). But still: Don’t ban them just because the neurotypical public may have “ruined” them and made them annoying for everyone. Many autistic and ADHD people like myself use them and rely on…
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Part 2 of 2. Tell me what you think of my voice! I’m honestly curious... Patreon family! Twitter Facebook Instagram Website Email: [email protected] Tan
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This is part 1 of a two-part episode. Patreon family! Twitter Facebook Instagram Website Email: [email protected] Tan
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