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Words of Life

Words of Life

WORDS OF LIFE is a 15-minute, weekly show from The Salvation Army. It features interviews and powerful testimonies, engaging conversations about topics impacting the church today, and deep dive Bible studies. The show is available on your favorite podcast store and is airing on more than 200 radio stations around the world.
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Wonderful Words of Life

L. David Harris

Each 1 Reach Many Ministries presents the Wonderful Words of Life broadcast. At E1RMM we strive to offer family friendly programming that ultimately leads to a life-saving relationship with Christ. Although our host L. David Harris does preach, the programs are not preachy. Enjoy the the variety of formats including testimonies, interviews, Bible teaching, etc. for the benefit of your soul and those over whom you have influence.
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====== "Hayatın Sözleri", "İyi Haberler", "Müjde Şarkıları" - Türkiye'de Konuşulan Bazı Diller / "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - Some Languages Spoken in Turkey ======
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===="کلمات زندگی" ، "خبر خوب" ، "آوازهای انجیلی" - زبانهای کوچک صحبت شده در ایران ==== ====Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - Minor Languages Spoken in Iran====
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「生命の言葉」; 「良いニュース」; 「ゴスペルソング」- 日本で話されている主な言語 / "Words of Life"; "Good News"; "Gospel Songs" - Major Languages Spoken in Japan
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Terry Ivy is a pastor, author, and church planter. As founder and president of an international church planting ministry, his team has planted 157 churches since Dec. '11 in rural regions of the 10/40 missionary window. His podcasts are recorded in a casual setting and designed to explore the questions that believers and unbelievers have concerning the Christian faith. They are modeled for people "on the go" as each podcast is short enough (15 minutes or less) to listen to while walking for ...
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===="ពាក្យនៃជីវិត", "ដំណឹង​ល្អ", "ចម្រៀងដំណឹងល្"អ / នៅក្នុង ភាសាកម្ពុជាសំខាន់ៗ==== (ខ្មែរ អង់គ្លេស បារាំង ឡាវ ឡាវ (ហ្លួងព្រះបាង) ថៃ ថៃ (កណ្តាល) កុកងឺ តេជោ មីនណាន កាតាំង ហាកា ហៃណាន ចាម ចាមខាងលិច ចារ៉ាយ រ៉ាដេយ វៀតណាម ទឹង វៀត។ ឆុង, កាកូ, គុយ (កុយ), ក្រវិត, គ្រឹង, ឡាំ, សោម៉ារ៉ា, ទំពួន ឆុង, កាកូ, កុយ(កុយ), ក្រវិត, គ្រឹង, ឡាំ, សោម៉ារ៉ា, ទំពួន, ប៉ោ, ស្ទៀង, សៀង, ឡាវេ) // ===="Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs"/ In Major Cambodia Languages==== (Khmer, English, French, Lao, Lao(Luang Prabang) ...
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"ຖ້ອຍ ຄຳ ແຫ່ງຊີວິດ"; "ຂ່າວດີ"; "ຂ່າວປະເສີດ" - ໃນປະເທດລາວພາສາຫຼັກທີ່ໃຊ້ / "Words of Life"; "Good News"; "Gospel Songs" in Lao
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==== "מילות חיים", "חדשות טובות", "שירי הבשורה" - עם שפות עיקריות המדוברות בישראל==== (עברית, יידיש, קווארה, ארמית, בוכרית, יהודית-טאט (ג'הורי), לאדינו, ערבית, ערבית מרוקאית, ערבית יהודית-עיראקית, ערבית פלסטינית, אנגלית, רוסית, פרסית (פרסית), פולנית, אמהרית, טיגרינה, רומניה, דויטש, ספרדית, גאורגית, יהודית-גאורגית, צרפתית, אפריקאית צרפתית, טורקית, הונגרית (מגירית), אוקראינית, מראתית, דומארית, איטלקית, טאגלוגית, תאילנדית , סינית, יוונית, אדיגה) ===="Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Hymns" ...
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====="Hayatın Sözleri", "İyi Haber", "Müjde Şarkıları" - Türkiye'de Konuşulan Başlıca Diller =====- (Türkçe, Kürtçe, İngilizce, Arapça: Modern Standard(Sharif), Arapça Kuzey Levanten Kuzey Lübnan, Zaza Dersim, Zazakî, Farsça, Gagauzca, Lazca, Kabardeyce, Adıgece, Ermenice, Azerice, Abhazca, Kırım Tatarcası) ===== "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - Major Languages Spoken in Turkey =====- (Turkish, Kurdish, English, Arabic: Modern Standard(Sharif), Arabic North Levantine North Leba ...
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====== "کلمات زندگی" ؛ "خبر خوب" ؛ "انجیل آهنگ ها" - زبانهای اصلی در ایران صحبت می شود ====== (فارسی، فارسی، آذربایجانی، کردی، کرمانجی، گیلکی، مازندرانی، لری (لر، لری)، عربی، بلوچی، تالشی، ترکمنستان) ====== Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songs" - Major Languages Spoken in Iran" ====== ,Farsi, Persian, Azerbaijani, Kurdish, Kurmanji, Gilaki, Mazandarani, Lori(Lur, Luri), Arabic, Baluchi ) (Talysh, Turkmence
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====== "जीवनका शब्दहरू", " राम्रो समाचार", "सुसमाचार गीत" - नेपालीमा बोलिने प्रमुख भाषाहरू / "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Song" - Major Languages Spoken in Nepali ======
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===== "जीवनका शब्दहरू", "राम्रो समाचार", "सुसमाचार गीतहरू" - नेपालमा बोलिने केही साना भाषाहरू / "Words of Life", "Good News", "Gospel Songds" - Some Minor Languages Spoken in Nepal =====
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===="Bishaaro Wanaagsan", "Heesaha Injiilka", "Ereyada Nolosha" - Luqadaha Ugu Muhiimsan ee Lagu Adeegsaday Soomaaliya==== (Somali, Carabi Standard, Carabi, Ta'Izzi Yemeni, Yemeni Carabi, Carabi Ta'izzi-Adeni, Carabi Taa'izzi-Adeni Taa'izzi, Carabi Ta'izzi-Adeni Adeni, English, Af Maay, Afar(Afaraf) , Swahili, Talyaani, Baluchi Makrani, Baluchi(Bari), Baluchi(Galbeed):Pakistan,Turkiga, Aweer) ===== أخبار سارة" ، "ترانيم الإنجيل" ، "كلمات الحياة" - اللغات الرئيسية المستخدمة في الصومال ===== ( ...
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===="اللغات الرئيسية المستخدمة في سوريا - "كلمات الحياة" ، "الأخبار السارة" ، "ترانيم الإنجيل"===== (عربي ، عربي سوريا ، عربي دمشق ، كلامون سوري ، حلب سورية ، عربي لبناني شمالي ، عربي بيروت ، عربي بغداد ، عربي فلسطيني ، لو عربي مصري ، كردي (شمالي: عفرين) ، كرمانجي (قياسي) ، آرامي ، آرامي سوريا ، سريانية كلدانية ، أذربيجانية ، عربية بدوية ، إنكليزية ، فرنسية ، أرمينية سورية ، قبارديان ، أديغة ، شيشانية ، أبخازية) =="Gotinên Jiyanê", "Nûçeyên Baş", "Stranên Mizgîn"- Bi Zimanên Sereke ku li Sûr ...
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===== "Durmuş sözleri", "Hoş Habar", "Hoş Habar aýdymlary" - Türkmenistanda gürleýän esasy diller(12 den 19) / "Слова жизни", "Благая весть", "Евангельские песни" - Основные языки, на которых говорят в Туркмении(№12 до №19) / "Words of Life", ""Good News", "Gospel Songs" - The Major Languages Spoken in Turkemenistan(No.12 to No.19) =====
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==भारतीय लोकप्रिय भाषा इसके अनुसार नंबर की वक्ताओं(No.१३ को No.२९) - "खुशखबरी", "जीवन के शब्द", "इँजील गीत"== (मैथिली, भीली/भिलोदी, संताली, कश्मीरी, गोंडी, नेपाली, सिंधी, डोगरी, कोंकणी, कुरुख, खानदेशी, तुलु, मैतेई (मणिपुरी), बोडो, खासी, हो) === Indian Popular Languages According to Number of Speakers (From No.13 to No.29) - "Good News", "Words of Life", "Gospel Songs === (Maithili, Bhili/Bhilodi, Santali, Kashmiri, Gondi, Nepali, Sindhi, Dogri, Konkani, Kurukh, Khandeshi, Tulu, Meitei (Manip ...
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====== "كلمات الحياة" ، "الأخبار السارة" ، "ترانيم الإنجيل" - اللغات الرئيسية المستخدمة في العراق ====== (عربي قياسي ، عربي العراق ، آشوري العراق ، عربي بلاد ما بين النهرين البغدادي ، عربي بلاد ما بين النهرين خوزستان ، عربي مارديني ، عربي شرق أوسطي ، سرياني ، عربي شمال المشرق السوري حلب ، عربي شمال بلاد الشام دمشق ، العربية شمال المشرق العربي كالامون السوري ، العربية شمال بلاد الشام البيروتية ، عربي لبناني ، عربي فلسطيني ، عربي الخليج شرق المملكة العربية السعودية ، الخليج العربي الكويتي الحض ...
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==== भारतीय प्रचलित भाषा जिनके एक लाख से दस लाख वक्ता (३०-६०) - "खुशखबरी", "जीवन के शब्द", "इँजील गीत" ==== (कुई, गारो, त्रिपुरी (कोक बोरोक), मिजो, हल्बी, कोरकू, मिरी, मुंडारी, कार्बी, कोया, आओ नागा, सावरा, कोन्याक नागा, खड़िया, अंग्रेजी, माल्टो, न्याशी, आदि, थडौ (कुकी), लोथा, कूर्गी, राभा, तंगखुल, मैथिली, अंगामी, फोम नागा, कोलामी, कुवी, दिमासा, लद्दाखी, सुमी) ==== INDIAN POPULAR LANGUAGES THAT HAVE 100,000 TO ONE MILLION SPEAKERS(FROM No.30 TO No.60) - "GOOD NEWS","WORDS OF LIFE" ."GOSPEL S ...
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==== "Firman Kehidupan", "Kabar Baik" dan "Lagu Injil" -Bahasa Indonesia Utama,Dialek dan Bahasa Etnis ==== (Jawa, Jawa: Suriname, Jawa: Yogya, Jawa: Banyumas, Betawi: Bermazmuz, Betawai: Jakarta, Betawi, Lampung, Lampung:Api, Rejang, Indonesia, Aceh, Minangkabau, Banjar, Sundanese, Bali, Madura, Sasak, Teochew, Mandarin, Hakka, Dayak, Ma'anyan, Batak, Batak:Simalungun, Nias, Wempy, Makassar, Bugis, Toraja, Mandar(Manjar), Manado(Minahasa), Gorontalo, Mongondow, Sangilhe, Timor Barat, Maluku ...
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===="كلمات الحياة" ، "الأخبار السارة" ، "الأغاني الإنجيلية" - الأسرة العربية والخليجية واللغات العربية الأخرى المستخدمة في قطر==== (الخليج العربي ، الخليج العربي ، شرق المملكة العربية السعودية ، الخليج العربي ، الحضاري الكويتي ، اللغة العربية الفصحى ، الإنجليزية ، العربية السودانية ، العربية السودانية الخرطوم ، العربية شمال المشرق العربي دمشق ، العربية شمال المشرق العربي كالامون السوري ، العربية شمال المشرق السوري حلب ، العربية شمال المشرق اللبناني ، العربية الشمال الشرقي البيروتي ،العربية ا ...
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Word of Life Apopka

Pastor Darrell Morgan

Welcome back to Word of Life. Thanks for joining us! For more sermons like this check us out on: Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/word-of-life-apopka/id1142290922 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WordOfLifeChurchApopka Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wordoflifeapopka/?hl=en WolApopka.com
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Introducing the daily messages by R. J. Rushdoony on the uncompromising faith.These daily messages on the faith for all of life are unlike any compilation of Christian "devotional" ever published. A Word in Season reveals the intense, but simple, approach to applying one's faith to every area of life and thought. This is all done in a format of bite-sized readings on the uncompromising faith.
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Word of Life Study Series

Brice C. Craig

If you’ve been looking for comprehensive Bible school curriculum that explores redemptive realities in Jesus Christ, grounded in the Word of God- look no further. The goal of this podcast is to spread the life transforming Word of God throughout the world: for the equipping of the saints to do the work of the ministry, and to build up the Body of Christ in what Jesus has accomplished for us through His death, burial, resurrection and seating at the right hand of God the Father. There's such ...
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Living Life Through the word of God Podcast. I’m Pastor Dr. Darlene Smith. John 6:63 My word is Spirit it is Life. How else to live life but through the word of God? Jesus said that He came so that we may have life and that more abundantly. God spoke a word in my heart years ago and started me on a path leaving the past behind and pressing on to God's purpose for my life. It was by the Grace of God I was saved. Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves ...
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The life-changing truths shared in the worlds most widely distributed daily devotional Rhapsody of Realities written by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome will refresh , transform and prepare you for a very fulfilling, fruitful, and rewarding experience with God’s Word. Enjoy God’s glorious presence and victory, as you take a daily dose of His Word! God bless you!
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show series
In this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Program we will be looking into 1 Corinthians 13 which is popularly called the "Love Chapter". There is no love that can be greater and more effective than the love of God.+++++++You can find more information on my website: https://pastorjohndunning.com/You can hear my personal testimony on this …
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In part-2 of our 3-part conversation with Dr. Keener, we focus on the work he has done in studying extra-biblical, historic sources that add so much credibility to the New Testament. Dr. Craig S. Keener is F. M. and Ada Thompson Professor of Biblical Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary. He is the author of 37 books with 1.4 million copies in cir…
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Introducing the daily messages by R. J. Rushdoony on the uncompromising faith.These daily messages on the faith for all of life are unlike any compilation of Christian "devotional" ever published. A Word in Season reveals the intense, but simple, approach to applying one's faith to every area of life and thought. This is all done in a format of bit…
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Introducing the daily messages by R. J. Rushdoony on the uncompromising faith.These daily messages on the faith for all of life are unlike any compilation of Christian "devotional" ever published. A Word in Season reveals the intense, but simple, approach to applying one's faith to every area of life and thought. This is all done in a format of bit…
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Introducing the daily messages by R. J. Rushdoony on the uncompromising faith.These daily messages on the faith for all of life are unlike any compilation of Christian "devotional" ever published. A Word in Season reveals the intense, but simple, approach to applying one's faith to every area of life and thought. This is all done in a format of bit…
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👋Welcome back to Word of Life Church Livestream. Thanks for joining us!For more information visit us at:Wolapopka.comWAYS YOU CAN GIVE :■ 🔗 Website https://www.aplos.com/aws/give/Pastorlisamorgangmailcom/general■💎 Crypto https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/3ed8f82e-d0c0-4849-8af7-818c2b553232■ 📱 Text to Give https://www.wordoflifeapopka.com/text…
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Living Life Through the Word of God Podcast: Every first Wednesday of each month starting at 7:00 pm EST. I pray that this podcast will be a blessing to you; Please share and feel free to visit any of our social media with one click. Https://linkfly.toPast... Main Scripture for today is Mark 4:39And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the…
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👋Welcome back to Word of Life Church Livestream. Thanks for joining us!For more information visit us at:Wolapopka.comWAYS YOU CAN GIVE :■ 🔗 Website https://www.aplos.com/aws/give/Pastorlisamorgangmailcom/general■💎 Crypto https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/3ed8f82e-d0c0-4849-8af7-818c2b553232■ 📱 Text to Give https://www.wordoflifeapopka.com/text…
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From our Fondren 6pm service, in Pastor Joel Sims’ message “Humility and Holiness”, he shares from Isaiah’s vision of the throne. When Isaiah came to the place where he allowed God to purify him, he was ready to be sent by God to do His work.Word of Life Church - Joel Sims
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In this episode, “How God Speaks to Us,” Pastor Joel Sims shares practical steps to help you recognize and understand the Holy Spirit’s guidance more clearly. Discover how drawing closer to the Shepherd makes it easier to hear His voice in your daily life.Word of Life Church - Joel Sims
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Jesus is the kingdom of God in person. And Jesus is the one who now fills all things everywhere with himself. What happened to Jesus on Mount Tabor when he was transfigured in appearance from an ordinary Galilean Jew into his true appearance as the glorious Son of God, is what will happen in the eschaton to all of God’s creation.…
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Send us a text Welcome to the Gospel Series- The Discourses of Jesus: www.wordinspire.org Discourse: “The Validity of Jesus’ Testimony” Reference: John 8:12-30 Theme: The Father has Testified of Jesus being the Messiah- Miracles and Fulfillment of Scripture Context: Jesus was Teaching the People in the Temple Courts John 8:12-30 When Jesus spoke ag…
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Send us a text Welcome to the Gospel Series- The Discourses of Jesus: www.wordinspire.org Discourse: “Jews Continue in Unbelief” Reference: John 7:46-53; 12:37-43 Theme: The Religious Leaders were a Great Example of Unbelief, Denying the Undeniable Context: At the End of the Feast of Tabernacles, The Pharisees were trying to Arrest Jesus John 7:46-…
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Broadcast, We will conclude our study of 1 Corinthians Chapter 12, which speaks to us of the unity of every member of the Body of Christ and how the Lord has set in the Church the ministry gifts of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers.+++++++You can find more information on my w…
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👋Welcome back to Word of Life Church Livestream. Thanks for joining us!For more information visit us at:Wolapopka.comWAYS YOU CAN GIVE :■ 🔗 Website https://www.aplos.com/aws/give/Pastorlisamorgangmailcom/general■💎 Crypto https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/3ed8f82e-d0c0-4849-8af7-818c2b553232■ 📱 Text to Give https://www.wordoflifeapopka.com/text…
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👋Welcome back to Word of Life Church Livestream. Thanks for joining us!For more information visit us at:Wolapopka.comWAYS YOU CAN GIVE :■ 🔗 Website https://www.aplos.com/aws/give/Pastorlisamorgangmailcom/general■💎 Crypto https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/3ed8f82e-d0c0-4849-8af7-818c2b553232■ 📱 Text to Give https://www.wordoflifeapopka.com/text…
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👋Welcome back to Word of Life Church Livestream. Thanks for joining us!For more information visit us at:Wolapopka.comWAYS YOU CAN GIVE :■ 🔗 Website https://www.aplos.com/aws/give/Pastorlisamorgangmailcom/general■💎 Crypto https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/3ed8f82e-d0c0-4849-8af7-818c2b553232■ 📱 Text to Give https://www.wordoflifeapopka.com/text…
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👋Welcome back to Word of Life Church Livestream. Thanks for joining us!For more information visit us at:Wolapopka.comWAYS YOU CAN GIVE :■ 🔗 Website https://www.aplos.com/aws/give/Pastorlisamorgangmailcom/general■💎 Crypto https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/3ed8f82e-d0c0-4849-8af7-818c2b553232■ 📱 Text to Give https://www.wordoflifeapopka.com/text…
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👋Welcome back to Word of Life Church Livestream. Thanks for joining us!For more information visit us at:Wolapopka.comWAYS YOU CAN GIVE :■ 🔗 Website https://www.aplos.com/aws/give/Pastorlisamorgangmailcom/general■💎 Crypto https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/3ed8f82e-d0c0-4849-8af7-818c2b553232■ 📱 Text to Give https://www.wordoflifeapopka.com/text…
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👋Welcome back to Word of Life Church Livestream. Thanks for joining us!For more information visit us at:Wolapopka.comWAYS YOU CAN GIVE :■ 🔗 Website https://www.aplos.com/aws/give/Pastorlisamorgangmailcom/general■💎 Crypto https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/3ed8f82e-d0c0-4849-8af7-818c2b553232■ 📱 Text to Give https://www.wordoflifeapopka.com/text…
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Pastor Joel continues his message from last Wednesday, showing how a true disciple of Jesus is willing to lose and let go of the things of this world to follow Jesus.Word of Life Church - Joel Sims
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👋Welcome back to Word of Life Church Livestream. Thanks for joining us!For more information visit us at:Wolapopka.comWAYS YOU CAN GIVE :■ 🔗 Website https://www.aplos.com/aws/give/Pastorlisamorgangmailcom/general■💎 Crypto https://commerce.coinbase.com/checkout/3ed8f82e-d0c0-4849-8af7-818c2b553232■ 📱 Text to Give https://www.wordoflifeapopka.com/text…
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Pastor Joel Sims tackles the destructive nature of comparison and its impact on our spiritual and emotional well-being. Drawing from Scripture and personal reflections, Pastor Sims encourages believers to embrace their unique identity in Christ and break free from the trap of comparing themselves to others. Through biblical principles, he highlight…
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In this message, “Fully Restored,” John Romick shares that the Gospel isn’t just about being forgiven; it’s about being fully restored. Jesus didn’t rescue you just to leave you at the gate; He brought you all the way into the house. You’re not just accepted; you’re appointed. You’re not just cleansed; you’re called. You’re not just saved; you’re s…
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Today we launch a 3-part conversation with Dr. Craig Keener. Dr. Craig S. Keener is F. M. and Ada Thompson Professor of Biblical Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary. He is the author of 37 books with 1.4 million copies in circulation. His books have won 13 national and international awards, including six from Christianity Today. In this first ep…
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In his Sermon on the Plain Jesus tells us that God is our Father, and that our Father is merciful; and because we are children of God, we should be merciful just as our Father is merciful. Jesus calls us to mercy, not merely because mercy is a superior ethic or because mercy tends toward peace, as true as that is; rather, Jesus calls us to be merci…
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Welcome to the Word of Life AG podcast! Today Pastor Annie Bullard shares from Paul’s letter to the Colossians... If you're looking for next steps, please head to our website at https://www.wordoflifeag.org/.Word of Life Assembly of God
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of LifeRadio Broadcast, we will be looking into 1 Corinthians 12:9b-10, speaking of the last of the 6 Gifts of the Spirit will be discussing, which are the Gifts of Healing, the Working of Miracles and the Discerning of spirits.+++++++You can find more information on my website: https://pastorjohndunning.com/Y…
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In this message from our Fondren 6PM service, “Nothing to Hide,” Pastor dives into a teaching that motivates us to live a life that honors God and is always ready for exposure. He urges us to maintain a clear heart that is free of anything worth covering up.Word of Life Church - Joel Sims
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Send us a text Welcome to the Gospel Series- The Discourses of Jesus: www.wordinspire.org Discourse: “Jesus’ Teaching Ministry Questioned” Reference: John 7:14-24 Theme: Jesus was not Representing Himself, but God the Father as Savior of the World Context: Jesus was in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles John 6:25-27 Not until halfway through…
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Send us a text Welcome to the Gospel Series- The Discourses of Jesus: www.wordinspire.org Discourse: “Is Jesus the Christ?” Reference: John 7:25-32 Theme: Jesus was the long awaited Messiah, Savior and Christ that the World was looking for Context: Jesus was in Jerusalem during the Feast of Tabernacles Teaching in the Temple Courts John 7:25-32 At …
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