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Valley Bible Church Podcast
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The VBCA is a healthcare platform for healthcare leaders and practitioners. An advisory group leading the way to value-based care by innovating the way we think about 'value' in healthcare. This podcast provides practical tools and a place to talk about innovations, regulations, negotiations, and updates. Powered by Carenodes.
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The Virginia Building and Code Officials Association Podcast - Discussing the codes and people who ensure the built environment is safe and meets the code.
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The official podcast of Victory Baptist Church. The church is located in the Abilene/Ovalo Texas area
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Dedicated to the in-depth teaching of scripture, theology, doctrine, church history and hermeneutics. You can listen or participate in each course by doing the required reading and assignments. New content will be added frequently and special live broadcast will also occur to add to the learning experience. The podcast is produced by Victory Baptist Church located in the Abilene/Ovalo Texas area.
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Rev. Prosper Asamoah is both the pioneering and current Senior Pastor of Victory Bible Church International, Love Sanctuary. He is also the Executive President of The Empowerment Project, an organization dedicated to coaching, capacity building, and healthy church solutions. In addition, he serves as the Founding President of Spurgeon Ministerial Institute, a leadership and training school ministry. Rev. Asamoah’s passion is to see a new generation of people raised for Jesus who are passiona ...
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11am Foundations (Series in Genesis) Genesis 1:28-2:20Pastor Larry Howard
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This episode explores the rising tide of healthcare startups pursuing value-based care (VBC) with ambitious visions to improve patient outcomes and lower costs. However, without a robust patient acquisition strategy, many founders find themselves struggling to meet volume requirements, maintain contracts, and deliver quality care. Through candid di…
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How do you make the leap from Flight Attendant to Certified Building Official? Let Brandon Rou show you how it's done!Christina Jackson
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11am Matthew 11:28-30Dr. Nicolas Ellen
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11am Foundations (Series in Genesis) Genesis 1:27Pastor Todd Bolton
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This podcast episode dives deep into the complexities of mental health parity and the implications of the Mental Health Parity Act. The conversation emphasizes the necessity for behavioral health services to be treated with the same level of care and coverage as physical health services, addressing the ongoing disparities in treatment and reimburse…
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11am Foundations (Series in Genesis) Genesis 1:26-27; 2:4-8Pastor Tim Vahlstrom
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La tasa de interés para una hipotea de 30 años llegó a estar entre 6.54-6.9% para la semana que acaba de terminar (Oct 24). Les comparto algunas de las razones que citan los analistas de por qué está pasando esto y como se el futuro de esta tasa.https://www.mortgagenewsdaily.com/mortgage-rateshttps://www.freddiemac.com/pmms…
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Conversamos con Angélica Pierini, creadora del App Moon Baby, sobre como ha sido el proceso de desarrollar y comercializar el app, a pesar que Angélica no tiene el conocimiento técnico. En este episodio hablamos de como crear el concepto, contratar desarrolladores, crear un demo hasta aprobarlo en las tiendas de Apple y Google. Requiere esfuerzo y …
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11am Foundations (Series in Genesis) Genesis 1:1–2:3Pastor Larry Howard
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11am Foundations (Series in Genesis) Genesis 1:1Pastor Todd Bolton
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Varios indicadores económicos de esta semana subieron: inflación subió, el número de desempleados, el interés de las hipotecas. Les compartimos nuestros comentarios y las fuentes de noticias.Este 17 de Octubre vamos a conversar sobre Emprendimiento Digital, ¿Cómo desarrollar y comercializar un app? es un evento online gratuito, para participar regi…
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Los Miami Dolphins son el primer equipo que busca inversión privada. El dueño esta buscando vender parte del equipo, con un paquete que incluye participacion en el Hard Rock Stadium. Este proceso coloca a los Dolphins en una valuacion estimada de $7B.Venezuelan Business Club
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11am Deuteronomy 6Dr. Phillip A. Howard
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Este 10 de Octubre, Vamos a tener un evento en línea y gratuito para conversar con Angélica Pierini sobre cómo ha sido su experiencia en la creación, desarrollo y comercialización del App Moon Baby. Acompañanos y trae tus preguntas, regístrate en en este enlacehttps://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/8as3qut/lp/730718ed-9913-42aa-bace-28cff218d94…
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Muchos nos preguntamos cómo afecta a nuestras vidas el corte en la tasa de interés de la Reserva Federal? Les comparto algunos puntos importantes que debemos tomar en cuenta.Venezuelan Business Club
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11am Unstoppable Joy (Series in Philippians) Philippians 4:10–23Pastor Todd Bolton
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Joseph Blackman is the founder of Vitendo - a Training and Education company with an innovative approach to training the public sector workforce. He also hosts The Public Works Podcast. Learn more about Vintendo and The Public Works Podcast at www.vitendo.us.Christina Jackson
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11am Unstoppable Joy (Series in Philippians) Philippians 4:1–9Pastor Larry Howard
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11am Unstoppable Joy (Series in Philippians) Philippians 3:17–21Pastor Tim Vahlstrom
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11am John 17:20–26Shawn Davis
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11am Matthew 28:18–20Pastor Todd Bolton
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11am Unstoppable Joy (Series in Philippians) Philippians 3:12–16Pastor Larry Howard
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11am Unstoppable Joy (Series in Philippians) Philippians 3:1–11Pastor Todd Bolton
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11am 2 Chronicles 9:1–8aDr. Sukhwant Bhatia
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11am Unstoppable Joy (Series in Philippians) Philippians 2:19–30Pastor Tim Vahlstrom
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11am Unstoppable Joy (Series in Philippians) Philippians 2:12–18Pastor Larry Howard
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11am Unstoppable Joy (Series in Philippians) Philippians 2:5–11Pastor Todd Bolton
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Sharon Guidry is a code enforcement professional from San Bernadino, California. She joins Christina today to talk about the importance of diversity in the code enforcement world and what the future of the profession may look like.Christina Jackson
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11am Unstoppable Joy (Series in Philippians) Philippians 2:1–4Pastor Larry Howard
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11am Unstoppable Joy (Series in Philippians) Philippians 1:27–30Pastor Tim Vahlstrom
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Stacy Bristow could be called the accidental code enforcer. From the sheriff's office to author, now code enforcement, her success lies in the mentors she has surrounded herself with.Christina Jackson
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11am Unstoppable Joy (Series in Philippians) Philippians 1:19–26Pastor Todd Bolton
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11am Unstoppable Joy (Series in Philippians) Philippians 1:12–18Pastor Larry Howard
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11am Unstoppable Joy (Series in Philippians) Philippians 1:1–11Pastor Tim Vahlstrom
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Conversamos con Siudy Garrido sobre su nueva puesta en escena de Amor Brujo. Esta artista venezolana, bailaora de flamenco con una gran trayectoria nos habla sobre como han renovado esta obra que se presenta el 15 de Junio en el Arsht Center de Miami, con más de 60 artistas en escena y en conjunto con la South Florida Symphony Orchestra.https://www…
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10am Impact Tomorrow Today Philippians 4:17–20Pastor Todd Bolton
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Conversamos con Nate Radomsky, Director Ejecutivo de Magis Americas, ONG que representa a Fe y Alegría en USA sobre todo el esfuerzo y proyectos que tienen en este momento. El 20 de Julio los Miami Marlins celebran la Herencia Venezolana en un partido contra los Mets de NY. Parte de las ventas de tickets se destinarán a Fe y Alegria Venezuela. Para…
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10am Impact Tomorrow Today Malachi 3:8–12Pastor Larry Howard
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9am Impact Tomorrow Today 2 Corinthians 9:6–15Pastor Todd Bolton
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Conversamos con el percusionista venezolano acerca de su nuevo album el cual va a ser presentado el 1ro de Junio en el Koubek Center de Miami Dade College.Para Irrepetible, Herrera convocó a nueve colaboradores, incluyendo a Cesar Miguel Rondón, Gloria Cuenca, Leonardo Padron, y el lamentado cantautor Aquiles Baez fallecido en 2022, quienes contrib…
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11am Impact Tomorrow Today Matthew 6:19–24Pastor Tim Vahlstrom
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Muchos emprendedores les cuesta encontrar la manera de que la su emprendimiento no dependa solo de él y poder lograr expandirse. En esta conversación con Carlos Jimenez exploramos diferentes maneras de poder lograr hacer crecer nuestro emprendimiento.Venezuelan Business Club
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9am Impact Tomorrow Today 1 Corinthians 8:1–9Pastor Todd Bolton
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Nathan Young is the Building Official In Amhurst County, VA with a focus on customer service.Christina Jackson
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9am Impact Tomorrow Today 1 Kings 17:1–16Pastor Larry Howard
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Iniciamos un ciclo de tips de negocios con Carlos Jiménez, consultor, autor y conferencista. En esta primer encuentro conversamos sobre la información que necesitamos para vender.Pueden contactar a Carlos en https://carlosjimenez.net/Recuerda compartir este programa y escucharnos por actualidad 1040 los sábados en la noche.…
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11am Called Out: Devotion in the Church 1 Corinthians 16Pastor Tim Vahlstrom
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Monica Whitney is a Permit Technician with Sussex County, VA. Her path getting into code enforcement was not typical. A relative newcomer who decided to give a new challenge a try.Christina Jackson
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11am Called Out: Devotion in the Church 1 Corinthians 15:50–58Dr. Phillip A. Howard
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