How do you know when it’s time to make your next big career move? With International Women’s Day around the corner, we are excited to feature Avni Patel Thompson, Founder and CEO of Milo. Avni is building technology that directly supports the often overlooked emotional and logistical labor that falls on parents—especially women. Milo is an AI assistant designed to help families manage that invisible load more efficiently. In this episode, Avni shares her journey from studying chemistry to holding leadership roles at global brands like Adidas and Starbucks, to launching her own ventures. She discusses how she approaches career transitions, the importance of unpleasant experiences, and why she’s focused on making everyday life easier for parents. [01:26] Avni's University Days and Early Career [04:36] Non-Linear Career Paths [05:16] Pursuing Steep Learning Curves [11:51] Entrepreneurship and Safety Nets [15:22] Lived Experiences and Milo [19:55] Avni’s In Her Ellement Moment [20:03] Reflections Links: Avni Patel Thompson on LinkedIn Suchi Srinivasan on LinkedIn Kamila Rakhimova on LinkedIn Ipsos report on the future of parenting About In Her Ellement: In Her Ellement highlights the women and allies leading the charge in digital, business, and technology innovation. Through engaging conversations, the podcast explores their journeys—celebrating successes and acknowledging the balance between work and family. Most importantly, it asks: when was the moment you realized you hadn’t just arrived—you were truly in your element? About The Hosts: Suchi Srinivasan is an expert in AI and digital transformation. Originally from India, her career includes roles at trailblazing organizations like Bell Labs and Microsoft. In 2011, she co-founded the Cleanweb Hackathon, a global initiative driving IT-powered climate solutions with over 10,000 members across 25+ countries. She also advises Women in Cloud, aiming to create $1B in economic opportunities for women entrepreneurs by 2030. Kamila Rakhimova is a fintech leader whose journey took her from Tajikistan to the U.S., where she built a career on her own terms. Leveraging her English proficiency and international relations expertise, she discovered the power of microfinance and moved to the U.S., eventually leading Amazon's Alexa Fund to support underrepresented founders. Subscribe to In Her Ellement on your podcast app of choice to hear meaningful conversations with women in digital, business, and technology.…
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Olen purjehduksesta innostunut maakrapu, joka hankki 70-luvun alun Albin Vega-veneen ruotsista. Se on nyttemmin myyty ja tilalle on tullut Sunwind 27. Tulen Tuuliajolla podcastissa pohtimaan purjehtimiseen, purjeveneen omistamiseen ja kunnostamiseen liittyviä asioita. Tulen kertomaan teille ne kaikki kauheimmatkin tekemäni mokat, joita tulee taatusti tekemään matkan varrella.
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Progetto tuunica CREATIVI su tshirt Tu crei,Tu vendi, Noi postiamo GRATIS FB tuunica
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Vihreä Tuuma -podcastissa fundeerataan laajasti vihreää ajatusmaailmaa koskettavia teemoja. Tuomme yhteen asiantuntijoita, vaikuttajia ja aktivisteja, joilla on erilaisia näkökulmia maailmamme viheliäisiin ongelmiin. Tarjoamme mahdollisuuksia oppia uutta tästä ajasta. Podcastia julkaisee Ajatuspaja Visio. Ehdota käsiteltäviä aiheita ja vieraita: AJATUSPAJAVISIO.FI/AJATUSPATA/
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A podcast for Indigenous people by Indigenous people. Our love letter to Oaxacalifornia. Hosted and produced by Luis A. Lopez-Resendiz and Janet Martinez.
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Creativi su t-shirt- podcast su canale YouTube
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Wasa Innovations - Ajattelun Uudet Tuulet is a series of podcasts focused on ideas, innovations and practices, which can bring success and new to the community, business and culture. Tämä podcast-sarja keskittyy ideoihin, innovaatioihin ja käytäntöihin, jotka voivat luoda menestystä ja uutta yhteisöissä, yrityksissä tai kulttuurin saralla. Podcasts are made mostly in Vaasa, Finland, and the city is mentioned often, but all ideas are useful also in more general perspective. Series is a part o ...
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Welcome to "Tuum Est" by the University of British Columbia's Student Alumni Council (SAC). Our podcast aims to empower and showcase members of the UBC community, including students, faculty, and alumni.
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"Tuuliajolla taas! 🛥️🌊" Ensimmäinen kunnon käynti veneellä tälle kaudelle – nyt se alkaa! 🎉 Pohdintaa tulevasta kaudesta, projekteista ja siitä, mitä kaikkea on luvassa. Tulkaahan mukaan fiilistelemään ja jakamaan veneilykauden alun tunnelmat! 🎥 Katso video Spotifyssa ja liity matkalle! 🔔 Muista seurata, niin pysyt mukana aallonharjalla!…
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Homilía I Domingo de Cuaresma (09.III.2025)Padre Jesús Zurita
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Lc 9, 22-25En aquel tiempo, dijo Jesús a sus discípulos:«El Hijo del hombre tiene que padecer mucho, ser desechado por los ancianos, sumos sacerdotes y escribas, ser ejecutado y resucitar al tercer día».Entonces decía a todos:«Si alguno quiere venir en pos de mí, que se niegue a sí mismo, tome su cruz cada día y me siga. Pues el que quiera salvar s…
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Testimonio-entrevista con el Padre Diego Canales en el programa "La higuera de Zaqueo" en Radio María (enero de 2023)Padre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía VI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Rom 5, 5: "la esperanza no defrauda, porque el amor de Dios ha sido derramado en nuestros corazones por el Espíritu Santo que se nos ha dado"Padre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía en el V Domingo del Tiempo OrdinarioPadre Jesús Zurita
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Padre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía en la solemnidad de la Epifanía del Señor (06/01/25)Padre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía en el II domingo después de NavidadPadre Jesús Zurita
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Padre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía en el Domingo de la Sagrada Familia (29.XII.24)Padre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía en la Solemnidad de la Natividad del SeñorPadre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía IV Domingo de AdvientoPadre Jesús Zurita
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Padre Jesús Zurita
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San Francisco Javier - Soledad martirial en corazón virginalJavier, misterio de soledad. Es la última pincelada que completa el retrato. La más desconocida, la que no se suele destacar quizá lo suficiente en sus biografías, pero es la más entrañada en el alma del santo, **el hilo de oro y sangre que va tejiendo toda su vida.****Soledad martirial en…
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Homilía primer domingo de Adviento ciclo CPadre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía en la solemnidad de Jesucristo Rey del Universo (24/11/24)Padre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía XXXII Domingo del Tiempo OrdinarioPadre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía XXVII Domingo del Tiempo OrdinarioPadre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía XXV Domingo del Tiempo OrdinarioPadre Jesús Zurita
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Tämä on ehdottomasti mukavampi nauttia youtubessa, koska tänne sitä videota ei saanut ladattua. Mutta juu, syyskuinen sunnuntai, eli purjehduspäivä. Purjehdin Kokkolan majakan ympäri laiturinaapurin kanssa. Tunnin verran löpinää seitsemän tunnin purjehdukselta. Mukavaa jatkoa ja ollaan kuulolla.
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Homilía en la memoria del martirio de San Juan BautistaPadre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía en la fiesta de san Agustín (28.VIII.2024)Padre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía en el día de santa MónicaPadre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía XXI Domingo del Tiempo OrdinarioPadre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía en la fiesta de San Bartolomé (24 agosto)Padre Jesús Zurita
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Padre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía XVII Domingo del Tiempo OrdinarioPadre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía XVI Domingo del Tiempo OrdinarioPadre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía XV Domingo del Tiempo OrdinarioPadre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía XII Domingo del Tiempo OrdinarioPadre Jesús Zurita
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Purjehduskesä 2024 on nyt kunnolla korkattu. Tässä lyhyt päivitys veneilyjuhannuksesta ja kesän suunnitelmista. Hyvällä fiiliksellä edetään.
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Homilía en el día de san Luis Gonzaga, 21 de junio 1Jn 5, 1-5 Mt 22, 34-40Padre Jesús Zurita
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Padre Jesús Zurita
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Pikainen päivitys tuoreeltaan lasketun veneen kajuutasta. Toivon mukaan on tulossa mukava purjehduskesä 👍
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Fiesta de san Bernabé ApóstolPadre Jesús Zurita
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En la fiesta del Inmaculado Corazón de MaríaPadre Jesús Zurita
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Padre Jesús Zurita
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Padre Jesús Zurita
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Padre Jesús Zurita
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Padre Jesús Zurita
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Padre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía sábado VI semana de PascuaPadre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía VI Domingo de PascuaPadre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía V Domingo de PascuaPadre Jesús Zurita
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In this episode, Student Alumni Council members Xya Parashar and Ruby Kramer chat with UBC Arts Undergraduate Society President Emma Martin-Rousselle. This episode aims to help UBC students understand "How To Be [Their] Own Personal Assistant" by interviewing a UBC Student Leader on how she manages all of her extracurricular activities with her bus…
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Padre Jesús Zurita
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Homilía martes II semana PascuaPadre Jesús Zurita
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¡Más una catequesis que una homilía!Padre Jesús Zurita
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In this episode, Student Alumni Council members Romina Hajizadeh and Tanisha Kadia chat with UBC Student Senators Laia Shpeller, and Emmanuel Cantiller. This episode will help UBC students understand what Senate is, and how it serves them! -- Music Credits: quartet Gordy Smurf • Tenor Sax: Gordy Li • Keys: Quincy Mayes • Bass: Piyotr Kao • Drums: S…
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