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Derik Jones

4 Minds. One Story. We have fused two age-old activities; Storytelling and the game Telephone into a thrilling new medium. Storytellers. We build delicious little narratives. Come try one.
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Chaque dimanche, Jérôme Cadet décrypte la communication d'un politique, d'une marque ou d'une personnalité. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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GREAT STORIES about GREAT STORYTELLERS shares insights into storytellers whose names you no doubt recognize—names like Edgar Allen Poe, Steven Spielberg John Grisham and Walt Disney—but reveals the backstories you probably never heard about them. The podcast features different kinds of storytellers—authors, directors, playwrights and even a poet or two. In short 10-15 minutes episodes, this fun and sometimes funny podcast features anecdotes and tidbits about storytellers, with each episode s ...
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Storytellers Podcast

Our State Magazine

Listen as the pages of the magazine come to life in the Storytellers podcast, a new series featuring the voices of six Our State writers, including Editor in Chief Elizabeth Hudson. Each podcast episode features a writer reading their column aloud, allowing each distinct voice to shine. You can experience Our State wherever you go — in the car, on your walk, or while cooking dinner.
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StoryTellers Live

StoryTellers Live

On the StoryTellers Live podcast, everyday people share real and personal stories. Some stories are profound, challenging, and emotional, while others are more common and relatable, shared with honesty and humor. All of these stories reveal what God can do in our lives when we trust Him with the details.
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Story of the Storytellers

The Storyteller

Join me as we go through the life stories of storytellers at a simple level. No complex literary analysis, just a person talking to himself about some other people who’ve made an impression on his life.
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Zena Dell Lowe is a seasoned and engaging teacher with a passion for writers and storytellers. Her focused, concise, and practical episodes (all roughly 20 minutes) not only explore the nuts and bolts of the craft, but also dive deep into the inner life of the artist and the "why" behind creativity. If you believe that story matters, you'll want to give this podcast a listen.
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The Storyteller's Tavern

The Storyteller's Tavern

Mush Hughes and Leigh Northrup talk with makers and artists to learn more about the stories behind their projects and their creative journeys so far. Thanks for joining us here in the tavern!
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The power and meaning of stories and storytelling and how we make use of it . The importance of stories to different groups of people through the ages. How do we create and develop our own storytelling . The potency of our own story.
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A Marathi podcast about Audiobooks and books. Where every once in a while, we will be talking about everything that is Audiobooks. It will feature author interviews, voice artist interviews, book lovers and more. The podcast is powered by Storytel. स्टोरीटेल कट्टा आहे एक आगळं-वेगळं गप्पांचं ठिकाण. इथं रंगतात गप्पा पुस्तकांविषयी, ऑडिओबुक्स विषयी. इथं उलगडतं लेखक-कलाकारांचं अंतरंग...त्यांचं रसिकांशी असणारं नातं. शिवाय, स्टोरीटेल घेऊन येत असलेल्या अनेक बोलक्या पुस्तकांची थेट ओळखही इथं होईल.
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Visual Storytelling

Gary Fernon

Welcome to visual storytelling with me, Gary Fernon, the podcast where I talk things photography and video that help you create better visual content for yourself, and your clients. If you enjoyed these episodes then why not subscribe to hear more like this. My main focus is all about sharing, so let’s start a conversation. But above all, be creative, be inspired, be you.
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Abenteuer Reportagefotografie – Podcast über visuelles Storytelling

Kai Behrmann: Visueller Storyteller und Fotograf

Mit Bildern Geschichten erzählen: Im "Abenteuer Reportagefotografie"-Podcast dreht sich alles um das visuelle Storytelling. Was macht eine Geschichte fesselnd und welche Methoden gibt es, sie mit Bildern zu erzählen? Lerne, die Momente deines Lebens, an die du dich erinnern möchtest, visuell festzuhalten. Egal, ob auf Reisen oder vor der eigenen Haustür – und mit welcher Kamera.
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storytelling with data podcast

storytelling with data

Rid your world of ineffective graphs and mediocre presentations, one exploding 3D pie chart at a time! The storytelling with data podcast from bestselling author, speaker and workshop guru, Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic covers topics related to data storytelling, better presentations, and all things data viz.
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Join host Fred Ranger On The Visual Storytelling podcast, where we explore the art and craft of creative storytelling through photography and filmmaking in this day and age. This show features candid conversations with some of our time's most innovative and inspiring creators and practical insights & tips to help you improve your storytelling skills. Whether you're a pro or just starting, learn how to connect with your audience through compelling stories. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify ...
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Geschichten, die verkaufen - Storytelling und Content Marketing

Bernhard Kalhammer & Uwe von Grafenstein

Mit guten Geschichten Kunden und Mitarbeiter gewinnen. Das erprobte Training für Storytelling & Content Marketing: Mehr Kunden und Umsatz durch Business Storytelling und Content Marketing. Geschichten, die verkaufen ist das zertifizierte Schritt-für-Schritt-System für Unternehmer, Selbstständige und Führungskräfte im Bereich Marketing, HR und Vertrieb mit Bernhard Kalhammer und Uwe von Grafenstein Kunden gewinnen, Mitarbeiter gewinnen, Vertrieb verbess ...
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„DIE STORY - Der Storytellingpodcast für Unternehmer“ bringt echte Geschichten und tiefgründige Einblicke ans Licht. Hier erzählen Unternehmer, warum sie die geworden sind, die sie heute sind. Erfahre mehr über die prägenden Momente, persönlichen Hintergründe und die Zusammenarbeit, die ihre einzigartige Story geformt hat. Lass dich inspirieren, deine eigene Geschichte zu entdecken und damit Menschen zu erreichen, die wirklich zu dir passen.
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Storytelling in a Small Town

Trent DeVerter, Brian Harmon, & AJ Soto

Trent, Brian, and AJ share how they started storytelling businesses in the small city of Snohomish, Washington. Learn about their small business struggles, joys, and opportunities in video production, live event production, and podcasts, while learning to run a business.
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The Odyssey Storytelling Podcast

Odyssey Storytelling

Each month community storytellers take to the Odyssey Storytelling stage to relate true (well, mostly), personal stories loosely related to a pre-chosen theme in front of a live audience. The stories are not read or memorized, they are told from the life experiences and creativity of the teller.
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D2 Storytellers

D2 Storytellers

Coming to you from the communications department at Harrison School District 2 this is our opportunity to chat with the students, staff, and people doing important things in our schools and community. We hope you’ll follow along as we upload these in-depth conversations every month to help you get to know these amazing people and to better understand the work going on behind the scenes to support, encourage, and inspire our students here in southeast Colorado Springs.
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A podcast dedicated to helping higher ed marketers tell better stories and enroll more students. Hosted by video producer and storytelling coach, John Azoni, these episodes provide quick-win practical advice you can put to use in your marketing right away.
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The Storyteller Squad

The Storyteller Squad

Hello Adventurers~! The Storyteller Squad is a narrative driven actual play podcast. Our cast use roleplaying games and cooperative improvisation to weave stories together. Join our heroes, as they discover the magic, mystery, and vibrant characters who populate the supernatural world of our story. If you're seeking epic tales of adventure, healthily mixed with slice of life and queer themes of love and friendship, then settle in for the "10 Hours Lofi and Chill for Autumnal Lesbians and Wit ...
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Подкаст від - це розмови з маркетологами-практиками та креативними підприємцями. Корисні історії, поради та інструменти, які можна застосовувати для власного бізнесу. - команда, яка допомагає компаніям будувати довіру та лояльність людей за допомогою ефективного контенту.
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KnotWork Myth & Storytelling

Marisa Goudy

On KnotWork, we explore the mythology and folklore of Ireland, and beyond. Episodes begin with a story, followed by a deep dive conversation about how this age-old tale still resonates today. Our guests include oral storytellers, writers, artists, musicians, and spiritual leaders. Occasionally, in our Myth Workers and Culture Makers series, our guest offers a song, a meditation, or another bit of creative magic. We talk about what it means to live a myth-inspired life. These conversations ex ...
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In days of old, bards and troubadours roamed the countryside, telling their stories to anyone who wanted to hear. Today, we bring the bards’ tales to you with these intriguing stories and exciting adventures, performed for you by our own talented readers. Tune in and enjoy the story!
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Begeistere deine Kunden mit deinen biografischen Business Stories und überzeuge sie, dass du der richtige Coach, Mentor oder Creator für sie bist. Dieser Podcast zum Thema Business Storytelling, Positionierung und Personal Branding ist unschlagbar. Er zeigt dir, wie du mehr Sichtbarkeit erlangst, Kunden gewinnst und dich leichter positionierst, indem du auch Informationen aus dem Human Design & den Gene Keys einbeziehst, um als Autorität in deinem Metier wahrgenommen zu werden Moderiert wird ...
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Audio Oasis Storytelling

S.Y. Cole

Ever want to escape? Get away? Rest your mind? You've come to the right place. Welcome to the Audio Oasis Storytelling Podcast. Here we share stories about life, confessions, the power of music, and even matters of the heart. These are mini-stories created for you to stop by, listen, think, laugh, and most importantly, rest. It is an audio oasis for your journey... Safe travels, enjoy and be well. PODCAST WEBSITE: [email protected]
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Risk! Storytelling Podcast

Risk! Storytelling Podcast

RISK! is a live show and podcast “where people tell true stories they never thought they’d dare to share in public” hosted by Kevin Allison, of the legendary TV sketch comedy troupe The State. It's featured people like Janeane Garofalo, Lisa Lampanelli, Kevin Nealon, Margaret Cho, Marc Maron, Sarah Silverman, Andy Borowitz and more, dropping the act and showing a side of themselves we’ve never seen before. See more information at
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Host Kent Hance shares insightful, educational and often hilarious stories from his legendary life as a lawyer, a former U.S. Congressman, a university chancellor, and most notably, a native Texan. With themes ranging from leadership to politics and great friendships with some colorful characters, this podcast is an opportunity for Hance to share some of his rare, behind-the-scenes experiences and to solidify his unofficial title as The Best Storyteller in Texas.
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Welcome to Rupees Over Ramen, the show where we discuss Animation, Storytelling, and tons of other nerdy stuff. We'll be talking with fellow artists and storytellers. Good times are ahead, so grab a nice hot bowl of ramen, some chopsticks, and join in on the discussion every month ✌
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Welcome to a journey of revolutionary storytelling with Christian Ace Stettler. Dive into unique stories and diverse perspectives to foster critical dialogue, empathy, and understanding. Through storytelling grounded in social work values, we aim to challenge the status quo, ignite transformation, and build a community of change-makers. Join us in exploring social work, justice, and what it means to be truly revolutionary.
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J.T. the L.A. Storyteller


I was born and raised in central Los Angeles. I discuss intersections of race, gentrification, small business, City and County elections, and more of what's shaping my Pueblito today. I publish episodes every other Friday; for the full catalogue, visit
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The Storyteller's Night Sky

Mary Stewart Adams

What's going on in the night sky right now? Find out with Star Lore Historian Mary Stewart Adams, who narrates the stories written across the sky each week in order to restore the mythic grandeur of knowing the stars. Here, ancient mythologies are woven together with poetry, astrology, contemporary astronomy, and the new star wisdom astrosophy, to reveal the brilliant story of now.
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Shabdaphule शब्दफुले by Sujata – मराठी कथांचे सुंदर जग!मराठी कथांचे सुंदर जग! प्रेम, गूढ, भयकथा, थरारक आणि भावनिक कथा ऐका उत्कंठावर्धक निवेदनासह. Shabdaphule शब्दफुले by Sujata – The Marathi Storytelling Podcast! Mystery, romance, horror, and emotional dramas brought to life with immersive narration. Tune in for compelling stories that take you on a journey of words. Subscribe now for the best Marathi audio stories! #ShabdfulePodcast #ShabdaphulebySujata_MarathiPodcast #Marathi_podcast #Mara ...
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पुस्तक वाचनातून उत्तम वाचकच घडतो असं नव्हे तर त्यातून प्रेरणा घेत उत्तम लेखकही घडू शकतो. साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्काराने सन्मानित युवा लेखक, संपादक प्रणव सखदेव हे त्याचेच एक आदर्श उदाहरण. प्रणव सखदेवचा लेखनाकडे झालेला प्रवास, त्यातील अनुभव, त्याचे चौफेर वाचन आणि साहित्यनिर्मितीकडे पाहण्याचा वेगळा दृष्टिकोन याची उलगड करणारा हा स्पेशल पॉडकास्ट.…
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Welcome to Ratchet Book Club, where we read Good Classics and Hood Classics alike. In this episode, I begin Waking With Enemies by Eric Jerome Dickey. You can purchase Waking With Enemies on Amazon by clicking this link: Voicemail number: 916-633-1537 Thoughts or Questions? Email us at [email protected]. Twitter: …
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Jola Naibi was raised in Lagos, went to school in the U.K., has lived in Switzerland and now calls the U.S. her home. She has been writing creatively from the diaspora for more than twenty years and is the author of TerraCotta Beauty, a collection of short stories which capture the essence of life in the city of Lagos. Her work has also been featur…
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In this episode of "Kent Hance: The Best Storyteller in Texas," Kent discusses the critical issue of bail reform in Texas, focusing on Senate Joint Resolution Number 6 (SJR 6). Hance shares insights from his legal career, highlighting the essential role of bail bondsmen and recounting anecdotes that illustrate their impact on ensuring court appeara…
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Subscribe today and support the author's artform of storytelling. In this episode, we delve into the transformative power of storytelling through a heartfelt reading of "A Letter to My Younger Self" by Helen Lambert. Helen's work beautifully encapsulates the essence of living in the present, encouraging listeners to cast aside the shadows of past r…
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Subscriber-only episode In this episode, we delve into the transformative power of storytelling through a heartfelt reading of "A Letter to My Younger Self" by Helen Lambert. Helen's work beautifully encapsulates the essence of living in the present, encouraging listeners to cast aside the shadows of past regrets and embrace the gift of today. Thro…
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Felix kann verlässlich Kunden gewinnen, weil er Storytelling in seinem Social Media Marketing anwendet und so die nachhaltigen Angebote seiner Digital Druckerei erfolgreich verkauft. Deine kostenfreie Storytelling-Analyse: Felix Fuchs von DigitalDruck Hilden ist unser Kunde bei "Gesch…
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Women’s Day Special Story! Valvacha Paus – A heart-touching story of life's unpredictability, a mother’s resilience, and an emotional connection. This story will stay with you!Listen and tell us – What memories does unseasonal rain bring to your life? On this Women’s Day, let’s honor the strength of women!कथानिवेदक: सुजाता लेखिका: शैलजा मिरजकर Writ…
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Eastey Agency Internal Alert! The city of Boston has become shrouded in an aura of timeless night. Missing persons reports from across the city pour in and a massive blackout affects major portions of the city grid. Detection spells indicate the presence of two incredibly powerful spirits within the aura’s area of effect. Local field operatives, th…
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One of the best parts of getting to meet new folks in the Maker Community is hearing stories of makers who’ve taken the leap into full-time creativity. This time, we’re sitting down with Yesi, a woodworker and DIY enthusiast, introduced to us by our good friend and friend of the pod Jpaul. Yesi’s story is one of transformation—what started as home …
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Join us on The Visual Storytelling Podcast as we reconnect with the incredibly talented photographer and instructor, John Hendrick. With his unique journey and insights, John shares his experiences and stories that have shaped his path in the world of photography. Tune in for an inspiring conversation with a true artist and friend! Discover more ab…
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पाकिस्तानची आजची अवस्था पाहता देश म्हणून तो सपशेल अपयशी असल्याचे पुढे येते. प्रत्येक आघाडीवर त्याची केवळ पिछेहाटच नव्हे तर तर दयनीय अवस्था झालेली आहे. हे असे का झाले, त्यांचा नेमका प्रॉब्लेम काय आहे, तेथील लष्कर काय करते, राज्यकर्ते दिशाहीन का आहेत, तिथे मध्यमवर्ग का नाहीय या व अशा प्रश्नांची मालिका पुढे येते. त्याचीच संगतवार मांडणी करणारे `पाकिस्त…
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Parents will go through extreme measures to get their children to eat their vegetables. Listen to this magical story, “The Pea and Princess” written by Kelsey McIntyre to see what the vegetables have to say about it. Read by Dana Flowers. A Production of We Are One Body® Audio Theatre. Used by We Are One Body ® Audio Theatre with the permission of …
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Crime House has a new original show, Crime House True Crime Stories. Every Monday, take a deep dive into some of the world’s most notorious true crime cases from that week in history, all connected by a captivating theme – infamous serial killers, mysterious disappearances, tragic murders, and more. Join host Vanessa Richardson every Monday. Search…
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Welcome to Ratchet Book Club, where we read Good Classics and Hood Classics alike. In this episode, I conclude An NBA Wives Holiday by Lady Lissa. You can purchase An NBA Wives Holiday on Amazon at Voicemail number: 916-633-1537 Thoughts or Questions? Email us at [email protected]. Twitter: @RatchetBookClub, @Rash…
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A Classic RISK! episode from our early years that first ran in April of 2013: Live From North Carolina! Our wonderful show from the North Carolina Comedy Arts Festival in February. Stories from Josh Gondeman, Jane Borden, Robert Bland and Paula Pazderka. • Pitch us your story! • Support RISK! through Patreon at…
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In this episode, Kent offers an in-depth analysis of President Donald Trump's recent address to Congress. He lauds the speech as one of Trump's most compelling, emphasizing the critical issues it tackled. Kent reproaches Democrats for their lack of support during the address, especially when topics concerning individuals affected by crime and illne…
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Subscribe today and support the author's artform of storytelling. What if a simple family outing could transform into an epic adventure laden with the magic of nature and profound familial bonds? Join us as we share the enchanting tale of Vim and their journey to a mystical waterfall, as narrated by Lee Rickwood. This isn’t just a birthday celebrat…
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Subscribe today and support the author's artform of storytelling. Ever tried to open a bank account as a clown? Join us for a whimsical adventure featuring Dorin Hart's tale "A Question of ID" from the Voice Within Anthology. Imagine a bank lobby turned stage, where Petal the clown, with her pink tutu and audacious spirit, leads her jester friends …
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#HowardNorman #ComeToTheWindow #LiteraryFiction #HistoricalNovels #AuthorInterview #BookTalk #Memoir #LiteratureLovers #FinalNovel #Storytelling #WritersLife #NovelWriting #BookRelease2024 #LiteraryJourney #CreativeWriting Join us as we dive into the imaginative world of Howard Norman, an accomplished author celebrated for his evocative storytellin…
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Welcome to the Visual Storytelling podcast. Let’s discuss some common topics that businesses have difficulty with when it comes to photography. Over the next five episodes I’m going to be focusing on some common topics that businesses may have, or do have difficulty with when it comes to photography, so whether you’re a photographer, a business own…
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Alex Steed, who often advocates for those who need help, tells Taj about finally learning how to advocate for himself. • Pitch us your story! • Support RISK! through Patreon at or make a one-time donation: • Get tickets to RISK! live shows: • Get the RISK! Book and sho…
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Please Support Our Show: Join us on Substack Love KnotWork Storytelling? Your financial contribution (via Substack) helps me pay the amazing team that puts this show together. Get the stories behind each episode and stay connected between seasons. Subscribe to our newsletter Myth Is Medicine. OUR STORY Did Saint Patrick have a wife? Irish folklore …
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Welcome to Ratchet Book Club, where we read Good Classics and Hood Classics alike. In this episode, I continue An NBA Wives Holiday by Lady Lissa. You can purchase An NBA Wives Holiday on Amazon at Voicemail number: 916-633-1537 Thoughts or Questions? Email us at [email protected]. Twitter: @RatchetBookClub, @Rash…
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The Bible tells us to let God’s Word dwell richly in our hearts (Col. 3:16), focus on what is true (Phil. 4:8), and keep our eyes set on eternity (2 Cor. 4:18). Today’s storyteller is going to beautifully remind you of the benefits that come from living out these verses. Emily Holman, from our Tupelo, Mississippi community, shares her journey of st…
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Troy Blackwell, Jr. is a proud Afro-Latino from the Bronx,NY, a trusted spokesperson, and government executive who has worked for 2 presidential administrations and 3 national campaigns. Most recently, Troy served as President Biden's Deputy Chief Communications Officer at the U.S. Department of Commerce and as a council member on the White House w…
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Welcome to Ratchet Book Club, where we read Good Classics and Hood Classics alike. In this episode, I continue An NBA Wives Holiday by Lady Lissa. You can purchase An NBA Wives Holiday on Amazon at Voicemail number: 916-633-1537 Thoughts or Questions? Email us at [email protected]. Twitter: @RatchetBookClub, @Rash…
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Brittany Ross and Buck Ball talk about all the ways that love can be a rough time! • Pitch us your story! • Support RISK! through Patreon or make a one-time • Get tickets to RISK! live • Get the RISK! Book and shop for • Take ou…
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Logan and Tyler talk discuss the classic film Casablanca. Along the way they talk about everything from timeless performances to overcoming indifference in the face of evil. Check it out! Join the Sanctified Storytelling Substack! - Join our community on Discord! If you have a question for the show, send…
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In this episode of "Kent Hance: The Best Storyteller in Texas," Kent begins with a "Saying of the Day" segment, sharing quotes that set the stage for a deeper conversation on the Ukraine conflict, U.S. foreign policy, and NATO's role. Chancellor Hance provides insights on the human cost of the war, the dynamics between U.S. leaders and President Ze…
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He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecc. 3:11 God’s timing in the plan of your life is everything. But what do you do as you wait for that plan to unfold? Today’s storyteller reminds you exactly what to do: you pray, you seek, and y…
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Welcome to Ratchet Book Club, where we read Good Classics and Hood Classics alike. In this episode, I begin An NBA Wives Holiday by Lady Lissa. You can purchase An NBA Wives Holiday on Amazon at Voicemail number: 916-633-1537 Thoughts or Questions? Email us at [email protected]. Twitter: @RatchetBookClub, @Rashani…
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Mein Gott, was hat mir diese Folge Spaß gemacht! Roland ist ein langjähriger Freund von mir und erzählt im Podcast, wie eine Frage Rolands komplettes Leben in durcheinanderbrachte und was aus diesem Leben geworden ist. Viel Spaß beim Hören. „DIE STORY - Der Storytellingpodcast für Unternehmer“ bringt echte Geschichten und tiefgründige Einblicke ans…
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Whether it’s a person we love, a place we cherish, or even just a feeling, a Safe Space brings us peace throughout our life’s journey. We rang in 2025, with six members of our Tucson community sharing about how they found their safe spaces! The storytellers were: Anna Darian Jodi Engelberg Ana Montanez Elena Acoba Emily Viola Produced by Angela Orl…
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The 1800's... Ugh! So many rules... Bonnets, carriages, opera gloves, oh my. Yet and still... some (not all) of those rules of polite society are valid, even in 2025. So get your bonnet on and give us a deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep curtsey, boo.
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अंधारात एक प्रवास… एक रहस्यमय रस्ता… एक चेतावणी आणि हातात फक्त लायटर – जर काही वाईट समोर आलं तर !Lighter – एक भयानक प्रवास | Marathi Horror Story ऐका या थरारक मराठी कथेला, ShabdaPhule शब्दफुले by Sujata वर! Writer: Abhishek Buchke Voice and Presentation : Sujata SalviFollow Shabdaphule शब्दफुले by Sujata for more inspiring stories!YouTube Link : ⁠⁠…
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Storytelling For Social Impact 7 E7: The Art Of Making Your Voice A Force For Good with Andrea Pacini Andrea Pacini In this episode of the Storytelling for Social Impact Podcast, host Ravinol Chambers welcomes guest Andrea Pacini, an author, speaker, and presentation coach. Andrea discusses his book, 'Confident Presenter,' and shares practical tips…
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Kunden gewinnen wird ganz einfach mit einer optimalen Präsentation z.B. in Powerpoint, Keynote und Co. So wird dein Vortrag oder dein Pitch ein voller Erfolg! Zur Analyse deiner Präsentation: Präsentationen, die verkaufen: Du willst deine Angebote, Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Ideen…
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Kuba-Ausstellung, das Ende von GATE7, Entwicklung von „Abenteuer Reportage Fotografie“ und Neuausrichtungen in unserer Fotografie: In dieser Folge sprechen Thomas B. Jones und ich über das, was uns aktuell bewegt. Aber wir werfen auch einen Blick zurück und nach vorne. Freu dich auf einen bunten thematischen Rundumschlag. Weitere Informationen, Lin…
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Joppe Quaedvlieg is a communications specialist based in Helsinki. He invented a tool to help people dig up from their heart and soul why you do what you do. Joppe calls this tool Descriptive Communication. It is a new method to streamline your approach to assigning tasks, removing guess work, and creating clear strategies – […]…
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