Eye-opening For Your Ears เปิดหู เปิดตา เปิดใจ เปิดโลก
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Celebration of 40+ years on the fringe of show business. Stories, interviews, and comedy sets from standup comics... famous, and not so famous. All taped Live on my Comedy stage. The interviews will be with comics, old staff members, and Friends from the world of Comedy. Standup Sets by Dana Carvey, Jay Leno, Tom Dreesen, Jerry Seinfeld, Larry Miller, Mark Schiff, Bobcat Goldthwait, Paula Poundstone, Garry Shandling, Ray Ramano, Cathy Ladman, Willie Tyler & Lester, and MORE. My web site has ...
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Ben Standig of The Athletic brings his unique insight and reporting covering the Washington Commanders, Washington Wizards and other DC Sports teams. He also shares his league wide access to decision makers across the NFL.
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The purpose of this podcast is to help Latter-Day Saints better understand their history and increase their faith. The podcast hosted by Dr. Gerrit Dirkmaat, associate professor of Church History and Doctrine at BYU.
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The Standuphistorian, Crispin Thomas joins others in discussing momentous events from WW2.
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"Stan Wyjątkowy" to program, w którym Andrzej Stankiewicz, Dominika Długosz, Kamil Dziubka i Jacek Gądek dyskutować będą o najważniejszych politycznych wydarzeniach tygodnia. Czołowi dziennikarze Onetu i Newsweeka zapewnią słuchaczom i widzom nieszablonową, często żartobliwą, ale zawsze merytoryczną rozmowę, a ich ogromne doświadczenie dziennikarskie i znajomość kulisów polskiej sceny politycznej gwarantują potężną dawkę informacji.
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Selección de los mejores contenidos de Stand-Up producidos por Comedy Central a lo largo de su historia.
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Zuzanna Dąbrowska, Michał Wróblewski, Marcin Zawada - dziennikarze największych krajowych redakcji na antenie Polskiego Radia 24 pytają o stan rzeczy w polskiej polityce.
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Risky Standard is an actual-play podcast featuring a group of rowdy best friends playing a variety of tabletop role-playing games to tell stories set in original worlds. Currently playing Beam Saber (by Austin Ramsay) to follow the adventures of a squad of mech pilots fighting for a revolutionary space federation in a war against encroaching empire. Find us on Twitter at @standardrisky.
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By women. For women. About everything. Standard Issue is a podcast championing women's voices, and packed with interviews, news, film, opinion and humour. For advertising enquiries, email sales@auddy.co
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The news podcast for North Durham.
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The official podcast for the Western Standard The Western Standard is an independent source of news and commentary fighting for a strong and free Western Canada, committed to the truth even when it hurts, and forever pledged to refuse government funding. Hosted by Cory Morgan covering news of the week along with analysis from guests.
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Wake. Work. Win. Along with some firehouse kitchen table laughs.
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Each episode features music, interviews and information.
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The STANDARD H Podcast is a casual conversation about the lives of entrepreneurs and those growing companies. We discuss each guest's background in business as well as hobbies. Topics often include cars, watches, food & travel, and even architecture.
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Oklahoma Sooners Podcast full of shenanigans, deep dive into the numbers and guest experts on the Xs and Os.
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The podcast of the independent Manchester United fanzine United We Stand. Influential, incisive, irreverent and proudly independent, UWS tells it like it is.
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Zwei Menschen, eine Unterhaltung, hunderte Themen. Dieser Podcast wird euch unter Garantie nicht hübscher machen, es könnte jedoch sein, dass ihr was lernt oder euch unterhalten fühlt. Möglich ist ja bekanntlich alles.
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Daily devotionals for navigating through life as women and daughters of God standing in his grace and unfailing love.
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The weekly Financial Standard podcast covers the latest developments in finance, investment trends, and economics that are shaping the future of Australia’s wealth management landscape by talking to leading professional voices in Australia and from around the world. Brought to you by Financial Standard. Take the lead.
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A (usually) weekly program of conversation and commentary.
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Comedians go up with no prepared material, ask for audience suggestions, and create Stand-Up On The Spot. Hosted by Jeremiah Watkins. Watch the series on Youtube.
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The Standard Deviations podcast is a weekly production that looks at money, mind and meaning, all through a psychological lens. Each week, psychologist and New York Times bestselling author Dr. Daniel Crosby interviews a fascinating new guest, experts in everything from finance to literature to wellness. Each guest provides listeners with three concrete ways to apply what was learned that week, ensuring that weekly listening becomes part of a path to a richer life. Episodes are brief, resear ...
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Nel Faro Podcast parliamo di dipendenze, raccontiamo storie di vita reale, testimonianze di rinascita di chi la dipendenza l'ha vissuta sulla propria pelle. Proviamo ad accendere una luce nelle ombre tempestose della droga, e lo facciamo in pieno stile StandUp Host @danilocuccagna Prod @Metodostandup Regia @Antoniomasiello Autori @danilocuccagna @antoniomasielloofficial
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人在國外卻不知道怎麼和同事聊天? 身在台灣但想知道全球最近紅什麼? 聽膩了網路酸民帶的議題風向了嗎? 不太科技、不夠新創、沒有世界觀、每個星期從美國帶回來的二手消息, 上班前、下班後,用最政治不正確的方式聊給你聽。 DAwu | TEDDY Powered by Firstory Hosting
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This podcast helps managers in organizations do their best work. We have interesting guests and provide strategies, tactics and hacks to avoid burnout, improve results and engage our teams at work.
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Coverage of politics, lifestyle, environment, technology, innovation and money matters from a uniquely Texas perspective.
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Saifedean's The Bitcoin Standard Podcast is the place to discuss Bitcoin and economics from the Austrian school's perspective. Listen to the weekly saifedean.com discussion seminar, where a group of learners from all over the world discuss the website's online courses, as well as a wide variety of economic, political, and social issues, and occasionally host special guests for the discussion. The podcast also includes the most interesting interviews conducted with Saifedean on other shows.
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Daily Gazette digital content producer Stan Hudy along with news reporter Shenandoah Briere team up in the studio and on their beats to talk about events within The Daily Gazette Family of Newspapers coverage area. The focus is on updates, interesting topics in a fun, entertaining way.
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The Guide to Finding Your Person. Your go-to podcast for the highs, lows, and laughs of all things dating. Swipe right on the perfect blend of entertainment and dating wisdom with Ant. Presented by BetterHelp. Make Your Mental Health a Priority Today. Get 10% off of your FIRST month by visiting betterhelp.com/ANT Instagram: instagram.com/standinonpod MERCH: spmerch.org YouTube: shorturl.at/gILOZ Discounts: antferrella.com/partners Business: biz@antferrella.com
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Podcast dari komunitas Stand-Up Indo Bandung
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Join hosts Luke Justen and Brady for a discussion and ranking of important sports, culture and news topics.
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From the roots of our natural world to the challenges of modern society, this is a show about Ireland’s past, present, and future.
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Discussing the latest in educational concerns, parental rights, culture, politics & news. Equipping you with information as you prepare to stand.
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Your go-to source for all things San Francisco 49ers podcasts. We'll have long-form shows, 49ers in Five, daily updates, shorts and more! A member of the Fans First Sports Network.
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Jazz and entertainment Raising The Standards…Jazz, humor, local features and interviews with some of the most remarkable people on the planet. Listen to Raising the Standards live every Saturday from 12:00pm to 1:00pm PST on https://santacruzvoice.com
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We talk about the Nashville Predators. There is no better show in Smashville. In fact, one might even go so far as to call it The Gold Standard of Preds podcasts.
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God’s Word offers encouragement that fuels our faith and deepens our trust in Jesus. In this weekly podcast, Paul and Noah open the Bible in search of practical principles for standing strong. Let’s dig in!
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Welcome to the Stand Like Men podcast. Join Logan and Daniel as we delve into the true purpose of masculinity and what it means to be a man.
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Podcast by Gary Parsons & Karl Reilly
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Semi-professional jokesters Colton Drake and Jay Berg critique standup comedy specials by WAY more successful comics. Coming at to you live from Jay’s mom’s basement. Segments include: ”What’s for Dinner, Mom?”; ”Why I’m a Better Comic than _____”; ”Fashionisto”; and, ”This Week in Plumbing”.
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Welcome to the Alexander Standard! Join us as we rank the heirs of Alexander the Great from Perdiccas to Cleopatra VII and decide if they meet the Alexander Standard!
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The Gods will do battle to see who is the Last God Standing!
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Stand Up France c'est le podcast que vous écoutez si vous vous intéressez à la comédie Stand-Up. Animé par Briac et Scott Fins Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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PCA Pastors, George Sayour & Darin Stone, discuss how the Gospel impacts our daily lives.
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- To, co robi Trump, to zarządzanie poprzez chaos, poprzez sprzeczne wypowiedzi, działania. Trudno odczytać w tym wszystkim prawdziwe intencje Donalda Trumpa, chociaż w niektórych aspektach, rosyjskiego dyktatora i stosunku do niego czy też pewnej bezwzględności wobec Ukrainy, one się rysują - mówił w Polskim Radiu 24 Marcin Piasecki (Rzeczpospolit…
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This episode features Gordie Johnson from Big Sugar, Bob & Doug Mackenzie and music from Jack White, Slik Toxik, Sven Gali, Killer Dwarfs, Captain Tractor, Spirit of the West and Finger Eleven.Stan Ashbee
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PiS ma kłopot z Trumpem. Morawiecki dostał zarzuty. Kochanek posłanki PiS wyszedł z paki #OnetAudio
Zapraszamy do zapisywania się na newsletter "Stanu Wyjątkowego". Co tydzień zwracamy Państwa uwagę na kluczowe wydarzenia oraz polecamy interesujące teksty. Zapisać można się tu: https://wiadomosci.onet.pl/tylko-w-onecie/newsletter-stan-wyjatkowy-zapisz-sie-na-nasz-nowy-newsletter/q7dq8jv Prezydent Polski Andrzej Duda został przez Donalda Trumpa up…
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NY Phoenix co-owner Sam Clifford stopped by the Daily Gazette podcast studio to discuss the inaugural opening weekend for Schenectady's newest professional basketball team, the New York Phoenix. The squad opens at 7 p.m. this Friday, Feb. 28, at Amory Studio NY and will play again on March 1. Sam talked about bringing a team to Schenectady, the leg…
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Comedy Central España
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Tune in to hear: What was René Girard’s concept of mimetic theory and how do we see this play out in modern science? Why is our ability to effectively forecast what will bring us joy potentially less developed than our forecasting of pain and displeasure? What is the cognitive bias Impact Bias? How and when were mirror neurons discovered and what r…
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There has been some good news this week, if you squinted right. So we're saying "no thank you" to the White House bullies and "yes please" to big legal developments, potty training, the pursuit of happiness and teaching boys about positive masculinity. Plus, there's boxing news in Jenny Off The Blocks. You're welcome. You can find out more about th…
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Derek Fildebrandt, Nigel Hannaford, and Cory Morgan discuss Mark Carney's aversion to reporters, the Alberta and British Columbia budget issues, and Trump's seeming irrationality in sparking a trade war with US neighbours. They are joined today by Shaun Polzcer, Jarryd Jäger, and James Snell in this episode of The Pipeline.…
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Cory talks about how there will be no better time to get pipelines constructed than now. Today's guest is Emmanuelle B. Faubert of the Montreal Economic Institute on hospital bed congestion.Western Standard
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The Girl/Guy Code star's 3rd comedy special is on the chopping blocks in this SUS episode. Illness forced Jay to scramble to fill a show last week (0:40). Our lack of knowledge of "geometry" rears its ugly head again as we welcome Indonesia and Hong Kong to our cadre of listeners (3:50). Introducing Chris D (9:05). Overall impressions (15:00). Colt…
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ส่องเหตุผล หลัง เผ่าภูมิ โรจนสกุล รัฐมนตรีช่วยว่าการกระทรวงการคลังชี้ เศรษฐกิจไทยอยู่ในช่วงขาขึ้น โดยกระทรวงการคลังคาด GDP ไตรมาส 1 ปีนี้โต 3.4% สูงสุดในรอบ 10 ไตรมาส รายละเอียดเป็นอย่างไร ‘เงินบาท’ กลับมาแข็งค่าเร็วเป็นผลจากอะไร แนวโน้มค่าเงินบาทเป็นอย่างไร พูดคุยกับ วชิรวัฒน์ บานชื่น นักกลยุทธ์ตลาดการเงินอาวุโส สายงานตลาดการเงิน ธนาคารไทยพาณิชย์ …
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The Athletic’s Ben Standig is joined by NFL Media's Gregg Rosenthal for a look at the Commanders entering free agency and the Deebo trade. Pick your adventure at DE (Khalil Mack?), WR (Davante Adams?) and safety (keep Jeremy Chinn?). Jonathan Allen's value. Ben also takes a spin around the NFC East looking at where the suddenly motivated Cowboys dr…
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Jed York is gaslighting you The San Francisco 49ers are going to lose a lot of players this offseason, according to Adam Schefter. Yet instead of just admitting they don't want to pay people, Jed York is trying to sell this idea that he doesn't have the money to pay them - which simply isn't true. CHECK OUT UNDERDOG FANTASY: Sign up and deposit for…
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Wildfires are burning in different parts of the state. The latest on containment efforts and on the continued risk. President Trump’s address to a joint session of Congress received an intensely divided reception. What he said that could impact Texas. In our ongoing exploration of how Texas came to get the energy system it has today, we go back int…
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In this episode, we delve into the inspiring story of Esther, a young Jewish girl who rises from obscurity to become queen in the Persian Empire. Orphaned at a young age and raised by her kinsman Mordecai, Esther's life takes an unexpected turn as she is placed in the palace of Shushan. Through the lens of Esther's journey, we explore themes of fai…
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The first Brock Purdy contract offer is in The 49ers have already begun negotiations with Brock Purdy, and they reportedly only offered him $45 million per year. Adam Schefter went on Pat McAfee's show to carry water for the team and pretend like they're in a bad financial situation - they aren't. One Thing to Read: https://t.co/C1STrm2jYj CHECK OU…
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Financial Standard journalist Andrew McKean speaks with Morningstar analyst Lochlan Halloway about the latest ASX reporting season, unpacking why the fundamentals suggest business as usual – despite the market’s reaction telling a different story.Financial Standard
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Margaret Atwood via Harold Pinter? Volker Schlöndorff’s 1990 adaptation of what’s become a feminist classic promises “a haunting tale of sexuality in a country gone wrong”. So there’s that for starters. Will Mick, Hannah and Jen get onboard with Schlöndorff’s vision of Gilead and what happens to the women living in it, or will they, like Pinter, fi…
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ชมวิดีโอ EP นี้ใน YouTube เพื่อประสบการณ์การรับชมที่ดีที่สุด https://youtu.be/uOWixoDZESE.พูดอังกฤษอย่างไรให้ลื่นไหลเหมือนฝรั่ง?.เหตุผลที่ภาษาอังกฤษบางคนฟังดูลื่น คล่อง อาจไม่ใช่แค่สำเนียงดี พูดเร็ว พูดชัดเท่านั้น แต่จริงๆ แล้วอาจจะเป็นเพราะเขาพูด ‘ลื่น’ เพราะเขา ‘เชื่อมเสียง’ได้อย่างลื่นไหล.คำนี้ดี Free English เอพิโสดนี้ ล่ามฟ้า-บุญฑิกา รัตนประสิ…
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ชมวิดีโอ EP นี้ใน YouTube เพื่อประสบการณ์การรับชมที่ดีที่สุด https://youtu.be/8T2kTt2agAgก่อนมนุษย์จะเดินทางสู่อวกาศได้สำเร็จ ก้าวแรกก่อนหน้านั้นคือเหล่าสัตว์อวกาศ เราอาจเคยได้ยินชื่อ ‘ไลก้า’ สุนัขอวกาศตัวแรก แต่ความจริงแล้วมีเหล่าสัตว์อีกหลายตัวจากหลายประเทศที่ได้รับภารกิจนี้เช่นกันอวกาศคาดไม่ถึง เอพิโสดนี้ ชวนคุยถึงภารกิจส่งเหล่าสัตว์ไปอวกาศเพื่อ…
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Morning Wealth | เตือนสหรัฐฯ! เสี่ยงเผชิญวิกฤตหนี้ภายใน 3 ปี หากไม่เร่ง ‘ลดการขาดดุล’ | 5 มีนาคม 2568
เสียงเตือนจาก เรย์ ดาลิโอ ผู้ก่อตั้งกองทุนเฮดจ์ฟันด์ Bridgewater Associates ถึงรัฐบาล ‘ทรัมป์’ ให้เร่งมาตรการลดการขาดดุลงบประมาณในทันที ก่อนที่สหรัฐฯ จะเผชิญวิกฤตหนี้ครั้งใหญ่ภายใน 3 ปีข้างหน้า รายละเอียดเป็นอย่างไรเจาะปัญหาสำคัญของ ‘ประกันสังคม’ การเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพเพื่อประโยชน์ส่วนรวมของผู้ประกันตนควรทำอย่างไร พูดคุยกับ รักชนก ศรีนอก สส. กทม. พรรค…
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Відтворити пізніше
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1:37:58We talk the St Pat's and Sligo games, Rory, Roddy and Ian Harte. There's an interview with St Pat's fan 'Dodge' as Rovers look for their first league win of the season on Friday night.Gary Parsons & Karl Reilly
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Bully Ball: More Brock Purdy wrangling + Combine fits for the 49ers
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Відтворити пізніше
1:01:37More Brock Purdy wrangling + Combine fits for the 49ers Adam Schefter just went on the McAfee Show and said the San Francisco 49ers can't go as high on Brock Purdy's contract as he might want because of their "financial situation." What does that mean and is this situation in danger of blowing up? Plus, Jason and Steph tell you which standouts from…
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Texas is in the crosshairs as tariffs against Mexico and Canada take hold. Why, what it means, and could short-term pain add up to long-term gain? At the state capitol, a bill aimed at raising wages for workers who care for people with disabilities. Why some fear it won’t be enough to stem a critical shortage of such workers in Texas. “Office Space…
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How the Niners plan to replace Deebo Samuel The San Francisco 49ers have moved on from Deebo Samuel, and Tim Kawakami shared what he's hearing about how they plan to replace his production. Plus, Tim continues to believe that John Lynch will try to trade the 11th pick in the draft in order to acquire a star defensive lineman. One Thing to Read: htt…
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263. Nuclear power and Bitcoin, with Kenji Tateiwa
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1:30:57Kenji Tateiwa is a nuclear engineer with the Tokyo Electric Power Company and a bitcoiner. He joins us to discuss nuclear power, its safety and reliability, and the prospects for Bitcoin mining with nuclear and renewable energy. Enjoyed this episode? Join Saifedean's online learning platform to take part in weekly podcast seminars, access Saifedean…
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Comedy Central España
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Stephen Pulvirent and I haven’t caught up in a while in person - he’s been busy with a newborn, I’ve been traveling and working on production stuff when in LA - so I invited him onto the show, somewhat selfishly, to see what he’s been up to. He recently launched a new venture with our good friend Justin Hast called The Enthusiasts, in addition to h…
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Imagine losing it in public, a video going viral and the whole world calling you a bad mother. That's what happens in playwright and actor Anna Morris's new play Son of A Bitch, now at Southwark Playhouse. Anna chats to Hannah about raging in public, viral videos, empathy, and the pressure on women to be mothers. Good mothers. Excellent mothers. Yo…
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Has something changed with Brock Purdy? The tone around the Brock Purdy conversations seems to have shifted with the San Francisco 49ers. John Lynch made sure to mention they might not get a deal done, now Tim Kawkami says they could offer him a shorter term deal. Who does that with a franchise QB? Plus, we react to Deebo Samuel getting traded out …
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S4E17 - 溝通能力是職場重中之重、Bitcoin 大爆跌, iphone16e 有人會買嗎?
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Відтворити пізніше
1:02:32到底 #Jellycat 在紅什麼? #溝通能力 是職場重中之重 #Bitcoin 大爆炸,好可怕到底在跌什麼? 怎麼什麼壞東西都指向 #北韓 ? #iphone16e 全新上架!果粉主持人會買嗎? Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck943mj43cs5q0873kd2ttu51/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Morning Wealth | ปลดเงื่อนไขเข้าคาสิโน ‘ต้องมีเงินฝาก 50 ล้าน’ เงื่อนไขใหม่เป็นอย่างไร | 4 มีนาคม 2568
Відтворити пізніше
Відтворити пізніше
1:00:18‘คลัง’ ถอดเงื่อนไข คนไทยเข้า ‘คาสิโน’ ไม่ต้องมีเงินฝาก 50 ล้านบาท แค่ยื่นแบบภาษีย้อนหลัง 3 ปีก็เล่นได้ รายละเอียดเป็นอย่างไรประเมินภาพรวมการลงทุน ควรปรับกลยุทธ์อย่างไร พูดคุยกับ สุทธิชัย คุ้มวรชัย Head of Investment Strategy ฝ่ายกลยุทธ์การลงทุน บล.อินโนเวสท์ เอกซ์THE STANDARD
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ชมวิดีโอ EP นี้ใน YouTube เพื่อประสบการณ์การรับชมที่ดีที่สุด https://youtu.be/k4hSPYWvN7M8 Minute History เอพิโสดนี้ ว่าด้วยการช่วงชิงตำแหน่งผู้นำพรรคคอมมิวนิสต์รุ่นที่ 5 ของสาธารณรัฐประชาชนจีนจากเดิมที่ ‘สีจิ้นผิง’ เหมือนจะเป็นตัวเต็งแบบไร้เทียมทาน ทว่ากลับมีชายคนหนึ่งที่ก้าวขึ้นมาเป็นผู้ท้าชิงแบบสมน้ำสมเนื้อ ด้วยโปรไฟล์ที่วัดกันได้แบบหมัดต่อหมัด …
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Executive Espresso EP.535 6 อินไซต์การตลาด 2025 ลูกค้าคิดอะไร ตอน 1/2
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Відтворити пізніше
1:23:46ชมวิดีโอ EP นี้ใน YouTube เพื่อประสบการณ์การรับชมที่ดีที่สุด https://youtu.be/15V-9TcLkxYด้วยโจทย์ทางเศรษฐกิจ สังคม และการดิสรัปต์ของ AI ที่ท้าทายธุรกิจมากกว่าที่เคย การตลาดที่จะพิชิตใจลูกค้าในยุคนี้ต้องรู้ว่า ‘ลูกค้าคิดอะไร’เคน นครินทร์ พูดคุยกับ อรรถวุฒิ เวศรานุรักษ์ ผู้ก่อตั้งและประธานเจ้าหน้าที่บริหาร adapter digital group ถึง 6 เทรนด์ความเปลี่…
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- Od momentu tej kłótni w Białym Domu wydaje się, że doradcy obu stron, a w szczególności prezydenta Ukrainy, "zadziałali" na swoich mocodawców. Widzieliśmy tę wymianę tweetów, w której prezydent Zełenski kilkukrotnie dziękował USA i Trumpowi za wsparcie - mówił w Polskim Radiu 24 prof. Jarosław Szczepański (Uniwersytet Warszawski).…
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With a hot, dry summer looming, how some state lawmakers want to reduce the risk of wildfires. It’s been decades since active-duty troops patrolled Big Bend. Now they may be headed back to the national park. Nearly two years after one of the deadliest human smuggling incidents in Texas, a look at how victims’ families and survivors are coping. And:…
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The Deebo Details
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1:06:08The Athletic’s Ben Standig is here for more thoughts on the Commanders' risk-reward trade for Deebo Samuel and the free agency fallout with Al Galdi (The Al Galdi podcast). Ben also assesses Washington’s post-trade/post-Combine options at 29 for this "Mock Draft Monday." HOME | Ampire Media Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adcho…
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John Lynch follows through on his promise The San Francisco 49ers traded Deebo Samuel to the Washington Commanders, just as GM John Lynch said they would at his Wednesday press conference at the Scouting Combine. We examine what the 49ers got from their extension in 2022 and whether it was worth it. Plus hear from Director of Player Personnel Tariq…
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What does prayer look like? Who should we pray for and how should we pray? Today we look at scripture to try to answer these questions and improve our prayer lives This is a two part episode.Daniel and Logan
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Episode 21: 'Un tossico anomalo' con Fabio Cantelli Anibaldi e Danilo Cuccagna
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1:16:10Fabio Cantelli ci apre il cuore raccontando il suo percorso, dalla vita frenetica e pericolosa nelle strade milanesi, al suo tempo a San Patrignano sotto la guida di Vincenzo Muccioli. 🎧 Ascolta ora su tutte le piattaforme e lasciati ispirare dalla storia di Fabio - una luce guida nel buio delle dipendenze. Founder: @DaniloCuccagna Direzione Creati…
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James' sober teaching regarding the power of the tongue offers a lot of application for us as we journey through James! Fill out our Listener Survey or Submit a Question. Paul and Noah both preach and teach with the Cedar Park church of Christ in Cedar Park, TX. You can visit our site at: https://www.cedarparkchurchofchrist.org/…
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Like many new parents, Emily Callaci - writer and professor of history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison - was amazed by the amount of housework that came with looking after small children. Her new book, Wages for Housework, is a history of the fascinating movement of the same name and explores how feminists before her have approached the dile…
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Sooners stock is RISING!
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1:21:27Brad and Rob discuss the additions of Jim Nagy and the Ben Arbuckle offense. We're joined by W&P Offensive Coordinator Connor Floden to start our Clinic Series on the Ben Arbuckle offense. You can find Coach on his X @CJFLODEN and at his Discord Coaches Den. 0:00 Introduction 4:30 Jim Nagy 20:00 Coach Floden Intro 25:00 Dashboard Walkthrough 33:00 …
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Morning Wealth | วิกฤต ‘หุ้นไทย’ หลุด 1,200 จุดรอบนี้ ต่างกับ 12 ปีที่ผ่านมาอย่างไร | 3 มีนาคม 2568
มองหุ้นไทยผ่านสายตานักลงทุนและนักวิเคราะห์รุ่นใหญ่ หลุด 1,200 จุดรอบนี้แตกต่างอย่างไรกับ 3 รอบก่อนในช่วง 12 ปีที่ผ่านมาวิเคราะห์หุ้นไทย เสี่ยงลงต่อแค่ไหน พูดคุยกับ ประกิต สิริวัฒนเกตุ กรรมการผู้จัดการ บลจ.เมอร์ชั่น พาร์ทเนอร์ ‘คลัง’ เตรียมหารือ ‘สมาคมธนาคารไทย’ จี้ผ่อนคลายเกณฑ์ปล่อยสินเชื่อให้รายเล็กเพิ่ม รายละเอียดเป็นอย่างไร…
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7 Things We Love About… EP.42 Ralph Lauren จากเนกไท สู่อาณาจักรพันล้านที่มีมากกว่าแค่เสื้อโปโล
ชมวิดีโอ EP นี้ใน YouTube เพื่อประสบการณ์การรับชมที่ดีที่สุด youtu.be/6eMyTpePyno.กว่า 50 ปีที่ Ralph Lauren เปิดร้านขายเนกไทที่ห้าง Bloomingdale’s จนเติบโตเป็นธุรกิจแฟชั่นหมื่นล้านจนถึงทุกวันนี้ ซึ่งหลายคนอาจคุ้นเคยกับสไตล์เสื้อผ้าที่คลาสสิก จากเสื้อโปโลไปจนถึงหมีเท็ดดี้ที่สะท้อนภาพความลักชัวรีแบบอเมริกันเป็นอย่างดี.7 Things We Love About... สัปดา…
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