Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
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St. Paul Lutheran Church of Villa Park, Illinois, welcomes everyone -- we share our sermons with those who cannot attend or who just want to hear it again.
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St. Paul Lutheran Church
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St. Paul Lutheran Church - Reed City, MI
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As Jesus calls the first disciples, he invites them to take on more than they can handle, but in community with God and each other, they will be prepared for all that lies ahead.Rev. Zachary D. Wagner
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Fifth Sunday after EpiphanyRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus. Amen. Dear Saints, we have two examples in the readings this morning of a terrified conscience, and we want to think about that—what that means also for us. The first is Saint Peter, who was a disciple of Jesus already, but Jesus had released him, and James and John, back to their fishing for a time unt…
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The Purification of Mary and the Presentation of Our LordRev. Ross Davis
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[Machine transcription] In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Well, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, maybe you’re thinking deja vu. If you’re thinking that you’ve recently heard today’s gospel lesson, you would be correct. Six weeks ago, the first Sunday after Christmas, we had this exact text with a few verse…
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Anna and Simeon teach us how to listen to the Holy Spirit by waiting with patience and dedication for the Lord's will in our lives, and in doing so, a process of refinement occurs, bringing us closer to God and our fellow humans.Vicar Nicholas Breining
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St Titus, Pastor and ConfessorRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus, amen. Dear Aidan and Francis and all of the Lord’s children, we give thanks to God today that even though the flower fades and the grass withers, the word of the Lord endures forever. And we rejoice in that word now. Especially, we want to take up the problem that I think all of our texts are addressing…
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Jesus reveals his mission statement as he reads from the scroll of Isaiah, words rooted in liberation and justice. Led by the Spirit, the mission we share in Christ’s name remains unchanged in an ever-changing world.Rev. Zachary D. Wagner
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[Machine transcription] This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee and manifested his glory, and his disciples believed in him. Please be seated. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Dear brothers and sisters, this morning we hear a story about a wedding celebration that almost wasn’t—well, at lea…
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Second Sunday after EpiphanyRev. Ross Davis
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Jesus' public ministry begins with a memorable sign, changing water to wine at a wedding in Cana. Jesus' reluctance to participate in this way reveals the wider glory and grace of God, who is never reluctant to intervene on our behalf.Rev. Zachary D. Wagner
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The Baptism of Our LordRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus, amen. Dear saints, this morning we consider the wisdom and courage of baptism—the baptism that the Lord Jesus has given to all of his people. And if, by the way, you’re visiting and you haven’t been baptized, make sure to check in with me before you leave and we can work on that. Martin Luther says abou…
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As we celebrate the Lord's Baptism, may we remember how our own Baptisms unite us as a faith community, where we support one another by being cautious with expectations, and instead relying on Christ's faith to guide and sustain us.Vicar Nicholas Breining
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[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus, Amen. He has crammed just about every word for joy in the smallest possible space. Listen to what happens with these wise men when they see the star, which apparently had disappeared for a little while while they got to Jerusalem, and then the scribes called by Herod tell them that the Messiah is going …
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The Epiphany of Our LordRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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[Machine transcription] In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Every single year of his earthly life, our Lord Jesus came to Jerusalem to celebrate the seven days of the Passover according to the law of Moses. The faithful among Israel would remember God’s deliverance from Egypt. They would slaughter the lamb and shed it…
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Second Sunday of ChristmasVicar David Krueger
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We have so many people in our lives who share their wisdom with us, which is especially pertinent as we greet the Wise Men once more this Epiphany. A reminder of the expansive/inclusive good news that a Savior is born!Rev. Zachary D. Wagner
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[Machine transcription] In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Dear baptized believers in Christ’s church, the Holy Spirit has called you by the gospel, enlightened you with His gifts, sanctified and kept you in the true faith. God’s Word, connected with water, worked in you through holy baptism. Because of God’s p…
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First Sunday of ChristmasRev. Robert E. LeBlanc
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[Machine transcription] In the name of Jesus, Amen. The first is that we want to remember that our Lord Jesus Christ, the second person of the Holy Trinity, is eternal. That he was begotten of the Father before all worlds. In that eternal day, like we chanted in Psalm 2, today I have begotten you. We heard it confessed by John in the very first ver…
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Christmas DayRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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From the birth of creation, to the birth of Jesus in flesh, and after His resurrection, God's life has been, and always will be, a merciful truth and grace of a redeeming divine love, and is the light of all people.Vicar Nicholas Breining
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[Machine transcription] And there was a multitude of angels and the heavenly hosts praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased.” You may be seated. In the name of Jesus, Amen. Dear Saints, Merry Christmas, and may God’s peace be with you as we are gathered here on the eve of the 2026…
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Christmas EveRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Christmas Eve is a day steeped in tradition and nostalgia where the radical Good News on the incarnation can be easily lost. Today we're reminded that old news is still good news for all creation as Christ is born!Rev. Zachary D. Wagner
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Fourth Sunday in AdventRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Mary showed us a faithful and joyful way to to say "yes" when she was asked to be the mother of Jesus, and may we have an equally loving and praise worthy response when the Holy Spirit arrives in our lives.Vicar Nicholas Breining
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Third Sunday in AdventRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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While John's sermon may be a bit jarring (replete with fire, brimstone, & name-calling), it is indeed Good News. The Savior is bringing a new way of living that uplifts the marginalized and offers peace to all (vipers and non-vipers alike).Rev. Zachary D. Wagner
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Advent Midweek 2Vicar David Krueger
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Second Sunday in AdventRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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First Sunday in AdventRev. Robert E. LeBlanc
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Thanksgiving EveRev. Ross Davis
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Last Sunday of the Church YearRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Twenty-Sixth Sunday After PentecostRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Twenty-Fifth Sunday after PentecostRev. Ross Davis
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All Saints SundayRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Reformation SundayRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Twenty-second Sunday after PentecostRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Twenty-first Sunday after PentecostRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Twentieth Sunday after PentecostVicar David Krueger
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St Michael and All AngelsRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Eighteenth Sunday after PentecostRev. Robert E. LeBlanc
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Seventeenth Sunday after PentecostRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Sixteenth Sunday after PentecostRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Fifteenth Sunday after PentecostRev. Bryan Wolfmueller
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Fourteenth Sunday after PentecostRev. Ross Davis
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