Saint Stephen’s Chapel seeks to reach San Antonio area with the ancient, yet transforming message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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Amid the storms of life, the works of love, performed for the glory of the anchor of our soul, Jesus Christ, are evident signs that we will inherit the promises of God.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Scripture teaches that non-believers in the church will ultimately reject Christ, while true believers are motivated by the Spirit to grow spiritually by building on the foundational doctrines of the faith.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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In our walk with Christ, we must pursue spiritual maturity by consuming the solid nourishment of God’s Word to distinguish good from evil.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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God welcomes everyone to come to Him, but only through Jesus Christ, the Great High Priest, who intercedes on behalf of all believers.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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In God’s perfect timing, He sent His Son, Jesus, born of a woman and under the law, to redeem and transform us into children of God—children who, through the Spirit, can cry out, "Abba, Father."Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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God reveals His glorious love through the Word, who became flesh, filled with grace, and fully acceptable for the atonement of everyone who believes in Him.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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God’s Word functions like a scalpel, penetrating the division of soul and spirit, calling us to enter into the heavenly rest of His glory obtained through faith in Jesus Christ.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Don’t fall asleep in unbelief, or you will die in your sins. Therefore, ‘Today, if you hear His voice,’ enter into God’s rest through faith in Jesus Christ.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Jesus Christ is the builder of God’s house, composed of living stones—true believers fitted for the glory of the Lord.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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It is a colossal tragedy to be ever hearing but never understanding and to be ever seeing but never perceiving the eternal impact of the gospel through faith in Jesus Christ.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty; what His holiness demands from us, Jesus provides.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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God’s Word urges us to respond to the message of salvation delivered by the Son of God, Himself, Jesus Christ, ‘lest we drift away’ in unbelief.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Jesus Christ reigns supreme; He has been given the name that is above all and an eternal throne, for He is our salvation. Thus, all must yield in worship to the King of Glory.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Our God is the God who speaks. In the past, God expressed His love for us through the prophets. In these last days, He has spoken in His Son, Jesus Christ, the exact visible representation of the invisible God and the essence of His radiant glory.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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The spiritual rebirth that occurs through faith in Jesus Christ is more than just transactional. It is also transformational, involving the entire person—heart, mind, and soul—creating a new life that reflects this eternal change.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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The preaching of the Cross has the divine power to destroy fortresses of wickedness and take every thought captive to obey Christ.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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God invites us to receive the grace of His salvation by looking to the Cross and believing in the Exalted One, Jesus Christ, who entered into our sinful wilderness and overcame it.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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The Gospel reveals God's power to save everyone who believes in Jesus' justifying work. Therefore, “the righteous will live by faith.”Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Faith in the Divine Truth of Jesus liberates us from the deceptive captivity of a sinful world where everyone does what is right in their own eyes.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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God’s saving grace, received through faith in Jesus Christ, brings life to our dead souls, transforming our relationship with Him, our influence on others, and our impact on the community.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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“Do Not Fear!” Jesus Christ is our Redeemer. We must not be afraid, for He is our God who strengthens, helps, and upholds us in His Righteousness.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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All Scripture in the Bible is inspired by God. It provides wisdom for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and guides us to live our lives in a manner pleasing to God.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Jesus's death is completely sufficient for the salvation of everyone who believes in Him; nothing else is needed. “It is Finished!”Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Jesus Christ is the living Bread of Life, the essential nourishment for the salvation of our souls.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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The Sabbath is a gift from God and Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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At the cross of Jesus Christ, something greater than the salvation of sinners was accomplished: God's glory and righteousness were vindicated.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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If the causation of our immorality is sin, the effect of which is eternal death, then the only hope for restoration to eternal life is in the One who died for our sins Jesus Christ.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Blow the Trumpet for the Day of the Lord is near! Repent and believe in Jesus Christ.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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The ways of the Lord Jesus are right, and each person's destiny will be determined by their relationship with Him.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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God will either destroy the sinner or the sin within the sinner. Faith in Jesus Christ is the determining factor.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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The religious attempt to manipulate God, while those who are saved submit to Christ.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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In Jesus Christ, God’s judgment and mercy for the reconciliation of His people Kiss.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Those who sow the wind of a Christless gospel will reap the whirlwind of God's wrath.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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True repentance demonstrates conversion, the crown of which is reconciliation with God through faith in Jesus Christ.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Insincere worship is meaningless because God is not the prisoner of His sacraments. True worship can only be achieved through a relationship with Christ alone.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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“Believing is Seeing!” Christ pronounces the blessing of eternal life upon everyone who believes in Him but has yet to see Him.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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The Kingdom of God is a Reality to be sought, not a Concept to be pondered. Jesus is the only way into this eternal existence.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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In the death of Jesus, God paid a King's ransom for our redemption.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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God’s Love through the Blood of Christ gives Hope to the Hopeless.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Jesus Christ is the embodiment of God’s Amazing Love. Everyone who believes in Him shall never perish.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Spiritual adultery committed by God's people, the Bride, against the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, highlights how deeply we can hurt the One who loves us the most.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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God’s Sovereign Plan for the Salvation of the World comes Only through faith in Jesus Christ.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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The Word of God has told us everything we need to know; therefore, failure to believe in Christ is inexcusable.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Rejoice Christian! Our Redeemer Lives and in our flesh we shall see God.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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God exalts the Humble who rest in the promises of Jesus Christ shown by their repentance.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Where God’s Love Is, Obedience to Christ Must Follow.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Jesus Christ Came Down From Heaven to Rescue Our Soul.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Rejoice! Jesus came forth from Ancient of Days to be born in Bethlehem for the salvation of His People. He now Stands and Shepherds His flock in the majesty of His glorious Name.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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Jesus is the Star Who rose out of Jacob. Everyone who comes to God through the Light of Christ will be Children of the Most High.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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The Blood Covenant between God and His People for the atonement of our souls is fulfilled through the shed Blood of Jesus on the Cross. His Blood for our Lives.Saint Stephen’s Chapel
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