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Sabbath School Study Hour

Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!

You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly quarterly lessons! (60 minutes). Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.
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Sabbath School From Home

Cameron and Lachlan Rogers

Sabbath School is perhaps the most communal and participatory element of a regular Seventh-day Adventist church event (after foot-washing), but social distancing has us all isolated at home. This is a weekly Sabbath School styled conversation on Biblical themes and passages. Join in the conversation by writing comments/questions to .
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We present or expound on a principle or belief related to the SDA Sabbath School quarterly each week. We invite you to visit our website to learn more about who we are and, just as important, who we are not. Tune in each week for new and interesting insights to your Sabbath School studies.
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Hope Sabbath School

Pastor Derek Morris

An in-depth, interactive study of the Word of God. Each week, a group of young adults participate in a lively discussion of the Bible lesson. There are Hope Sabbath School members in more than 130 countries around the world.
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This podcast is for the weekly Seventh-Day Adventist Sabbath school lessons and other bible studies A new podcast will be added every sabbath (Saturday) and occasionally when other bible studies happen. I hope you enjoy the topic and that the lord blesses you with what is discussed.
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show series
How do we keep our awe and attention on the Love of God as the story ends? The Adventist church has various more-or-less clear pictures it regularly tells about the closing stages of the Great Controversy. It is certainly not unique in its fascination with the apocalypse and transition to a restored resurrected eternity. We discuss a few details wh…
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Are humans dualistic beings – two part beings, composed of a material body plus an immaterial soul? The reason some have this idea is the belief that matter cannot be organized to think, and therefore, the thinking ability of humans must be attributed to something immaterial. This is then used as a basis for the belief in the soul's naturally immor…
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Penulis Markus tidak pernah menyebutkan namanya. Tradisi gereja mula-mula mengindikasikan bahwa penulis Injil Markus adalah Yohanes Markus, yang pernah menjadi rekan seperjalanan Paulus dan Barnabas, kemudian menjadi sahabat Petrus.Adventist World Radio
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This week's first step will be to learn about Mark as reported in Scripture, to see his early failure and eventual recovery. Then the study will turn to the opening section of Mark with a look forward to where the story is headed and a look backward at why a failed and then restored missionary would write such a text.…
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Pertikaian besar telah berakhir, dosa tak ada lagi. Seluruh semesta sudah bersih. Dari Allah yang menciptakan semuanya, mengalir kehidupan, terang, kesukaan, keseluruh semesta. Dari atom paling kecil sampai dunia paling besar, menyatakan Allah itu kasih.Adventist World Radio
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Selama masa milenium, orang benar akan memiliki kesempatan untuk melihat secara langsung keadilan & kasih Allah dalam menangani masalah dosa. Setiap orang yang tidak ada di surga adalah karena penolakan pribadi mereka terhadap Kristus.Adventist World Radio
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Tidak seorang pun dibiarkan hidup di bumi selama masa 1.000 tahun itu. Iblis dan para malaikat jahatnya dibiarkan merenungkan malapetaka yang disebabkan oleh pemberontakannya. Seluruh alam semesta menyadari kembali bahwa upah dosa adalah maut.Adventist World Radio
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Kata Yesus, "Janganlah gelisah hatimu," adalah kepastian Yesus tidak akan pernah meninggalkan kita & akan datang kembali, membawa kita pulang. Inilah "pengharapan yang diberkati" yang telah mengilhami umat Allah yang setia di setiap generasi.Adventist World Radio
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Wahyu 16 menulis tujuh malapetaka terakhir akan dicurahkan ke atas dunia yang jahat. Seperti 10 tulah di Mesir, umat Allah akan terlindung. Janji Dan 12:1, “Pada waktu itu bangsamu akan terluput…barangsiapa yang…namanya tertulis di dalam Kitab itu"Adventist World Radio
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In this quarter’s final lesson, we will see Christ’s steadfast love during the most exciting time in the history of the universe and His complete and total triumph in the great controversy between good and evil. The Bible’s last book, Revelation, gives us hope for today, tomorrow, and forever.*Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 39-42 of Th…
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In the great controversy, what is Truth opposing? The lesson this week states it is a battle between "truth and error", but quotes from John 8 where Satan is called the "father of lies". It doesn't seem that error means exactly the same thing as lies, and so we explore this passage in John to see what might be the opposite of Truth. We strongly sus…
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Pemahaman untuk peristiwa-peristiwa akhir zaman begitu penting di masa krisis yang akan datang. Hanya Kitab Suci yang melindungi dari penipuan. Persiapan pribadi kita perlukan untuk menerima hujan akhir guna menyelesaikan pekerjaan Allah di bumi.Adventist World Radio
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Di akhir zaman, Roh Kudus akan dicurahkan dengan kuasa yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Injil akan disebarkan dengan cepat sampai ke ujung bumi. Ribuan orang bertobat dalam satu hari. Kasih karunia Tuhan & kebenaran berdampak pada seluruh bumi.Adventist World Radio
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Meterai Allah diterima di dahi, sedangkan tanda binatang itu diterima di dahi atau di tangan. Mengapa ada perbedaan? Meterai Allah ditempatkan di dahi. Dahi adalah simbol pikiran dan mewakili keputusan yang diambil secara sadar.Adventist World Radio
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Can matter be organized so that it can think? Or is there an immaterial part of humans that is responsible for thought, reason, and emotion? The SDA doctrine of the non-immortality of the soul is very well known among SDAs today, but what is less well known is the core reason behind this doctrine. This core reason is really the foundation on which …
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The aim of this week’s lesson is to reveal what the prophetic Word says about the closing events and discover a new Christ’s strength to take us through earth’s final conflict and get us home.*Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 37 and 38 of The Great Controversy.Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!
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We look honestly at the world in light of "the upcoming conflict" between God and Satan. The lesson this week takes a deliberate focus on the Catholic church and the pope, but we can't help looking broader for the Beastly powers mentioned in Revelation's description of end times. Our lived social experience no longer resounds to the great dichotomy…
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Allah tidak pernah memaksa kemauan hati nurani. Satan tetap berusaha mengendalikan mereka yang tidak dapat dibujuk, melalui pemaksaan kekejaman. Hanya yang membentengi pikiran dengan kebenaran Alkitab, akan bertahan melewati pertentangan besar terakhir.Adventist World Radio
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Binatang kedua "keluar dari dalam bumi". Bumi melambangkan daerah yang jarang penduduknya di dunia. Binatang ke-2 muncul menjelang akhir periode nubuatan saat binatang ke-1 berkuasa. Artinya, binatang ke-2 menjadi terkenal sekitar tahun 1798 M.Adventist World Radio
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Binatang muncul dari laut di Wahyu 13 adalah kekuatan agama murtad yang muncul dari Roma dan menjadi sistem penyembahan sedunia. Binatang ini bukan manusia; tapi organisasi keagamaan yang telah menggantikan kebenaran Firman Tuhan dengan keputusan manusia.Adventist World Radio
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Nubuatan menunjukkan penganiayaan akan dimulai dengan sanksi ekonomi, yaitu tidak seorang pun dapat membeli atau menjual kecuali memiliki tanda tersebut. Siapa pun yang menolak untuk menerima tanda tersebut pada akhirnya akan dijatuhi hukuman mati.Adventist World Radio
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Kitab Wahyu berbicara tentang kebenaran kekal yang diberikan Allah yang penuh kasih kepada generasi akhir zaman. Konflik antara Kristus & Iblis dimulai di surga mengenai penyembahan. Konflik ini akan mencapai klimaks terakhir dalam hal penyembahan.Adventist World Radio
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Konflik yang akan datang adalah mengenai penyembahan. Iblis menantang otoritas Allah dengan berusaha merongrong hukum Allah, secara khusus, hari Sabat yang akan menjadi pusat konflik global ibadah. Iblis membenci Sabat karena ia membenci Sang Pencipta.Adventist World Radio
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The aim of this week’s lesson is to reveal the coming conflict over worship. This week’s study emphasizes Jesus’ strength to take us through earth’s final conflict. *Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 35 and 36 of The Great Controversy.Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!
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Deception is a key theme when discussing spiritual conflict and controversy. The topic for this week is satanic deception, which the Adventist lesson guide identifies quite specifically with spiritualism. 2 Thessalonians 2 has a lot to say about a "man of lawlessness" instigating grand deceptions, but we find some of the details are not straightfor…
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Iman yang tidak teguh atas Firman Allah, akan tertipu & dikalahkan. Janji Juruselamat "Karena engkau menuruti Firman-Ku, maka Aku melindungimu". Ia mengirim malaikat surga untuk melindungi umat-Nya, agar yang percaya kepada-Nya tidak dikalahkan Satan.Adventist World Radio
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