Podcast by NASTRAHY.CZ
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Welcome to the home of all things D&D for the Nastygram podcast! We'll be bringing you actual play arcs with episodes dropping every other week on Tuesday.
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Though travel and adventure have historically been publicly claimed by men, women have always been part of those narratives, too. Each week, host and Condé Nast Traveler editor Lale Arikoglu shines a light on some of those stories, interviewing female-identifying guests about their most unique travel tales—from going off-grid in the Danish wilderness to country-hopping solo—sharing her own experiences traveling around the globe, and tapping listeners to contribute their own memorable stories ...
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El boletín de las 12:00 horas tiene una duración de 10 minutos y se emite en asturiano. La actualidad general del día en nuestra lengua.
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Nastygram is an actual play RPG podcast that is all about the game! We might take our RPG nerdage seriously but not ourselves. Our goal is for you to feel like you are at the table with us as we build stories collaboratively across a variety of game worlds and systems while keeping the authentic feel of tabletop roleplaying amongst friends. Join us weekly to listen and let's get Nasty!
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Naš pogled je kolumna, ki jo pišejo sodelavci Radia Ognjišče. Pogled je sicer rezerviran za oči. Kot takšen pozna več perspektiv. Ker je »naš«, se trudimo, da ima pogled na dogodke, ki se dotikajo vseh nas, tudi globino, še več, naša želja je, da se naš pogled sreča z vašim.
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Resenha, corneta e futebol! Debates sobre as notícias diárias do futebol com humor, opinião e informação. Episódio novo aqui de segunda a sexta! Integrantes: @rodrigoadams @lelebortholacci @espinosapedro @lucianopotter @rafeldiverio @diorv @gomesraphael @oleooliveira
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Nasty Knuckles is an original show created by co-hosts, Riley Cote and Derek "Nasty" Settlemyre. The show will feature a mix of interviews, never before heard storytelling, hockey-talk, and maybe some pranks...Tune in every week for a new episode! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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¡Vuelve El Alma!
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Try to post all his songs
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Nicole Rafiee and Jake Thatcher love the sound of their voice so much, they decided to monetize off of it every other Monday. For advertising opportunities: [email protected] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw8_yg1camlWnYfX_0tfECw Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/talknastytome/support
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Pogovorna oddaja „Naš gost“ prinaša pred poslušalce potret znane osebnosti. Navadno gostimo ljudi, ki so s svojimi znanji, uspehi na kulturnem, športnem, glasbenem, znanstvenem ali kakem drugem področju dosegli izstopajoče uspehe. Po drugi strani pa v teh oddajah prisluhnemo tudi osebam, ki so si tekom let pridobile veliko življenjskih izkušenj in modrosti. Oddaja Naš gost je vsekakor ena od kronskih oddaj našega sporeda, saj lahko poslušalcu predstavi zanimive ljudi, pa tudi življenjske oko ...
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Audioknihy ušima redaktorů naposlech.cz
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Podcast by Autokult.cz
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کتاب هایی که میخونم بیشتر داستان های کوتاه ادبیات مختلف هستند. این کتابهای صوتی رو اول تو وب سایتم منتشر میکنم. https://nastale.com
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Kasia Chrobak i Agnieszka Szczepanek spotykają się co dwa tygodnie. Są feministkami, jak każdy rozsądny człowiek. Gadają o tym wszystkim, też o tym co dla nich znaczy być feministką, bo cały czas sobie to definiują. Trzy odcinki podcastu opowiadające o historii feminizmu są lekturą i wstępem do kursu „Płeć, seksualność, polityka /Gender, sexuality, politics/” na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim. Portal Vogule Poland określił podcast jako jeden z ich „najukochańszych polskich podcastów. Uwielbiam mądroś ...
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≪ PODCAST PRO POTĚCHU TĚLA, DUŠE A MYSLI ≫ Věřím, že skrze poznání a pochopení může byt svět lepším místem k životu. IG @wearerisingasone
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Discussing topics that many ponder but won’t discuss Cover art photo provided by Cobro on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@cobro
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Persistent and Nasty is a script-reading, debate and art as activism initiative for women and gender minorities in the stage and screen industries. We are committed to an intersectional approach and aim to use the space we’ve created to provide a platform for the spectrum of marginalised voices in our culture. Through a series of script readings, live debates and a regular podcast series, we aim to amplify the unrepresented voices in theatre and film. Our goal is to create a project that is ...
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Podcast by Ahlberg, Barnard, Vingros Carlson
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Previsões astrológicas pela astróloga Fernanda Penteado www.fernandapenteado.com
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Lättsamma samtal mellan standupkomikern John Olsson och gäster. John vill släppa sitt kontrollbehov av att alltid göra mycket research och i denna podd är han nästan oförberedd. Instagram: @john_olsson_ Hemsida: www.johnolsson.se
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متخصص من طيران ناس لمناقشة المواضيع المتعلقة بصناعة الطيران والسفر والسياحة. نناقش المسؤولين والمؤثرين والمهتمين لنجعل عالم الطيران والسياحة أقرب
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Un table ronde, 6 cerveaux pas hyper bien irrigués et beaucoup de mauvaise foi musicale.
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Join Nascia (Nas), a Taiwanese-Singaporean life and business optimization coach, on NasTea Talk – the podcast that serves up a refreshing blend of global awareness, personal development, and mindful living. Drawing from her diverse background, including leadership roles in international businesses and a deep dive into Zen practice following a profound personal loss, Nas offers a unique perspective on navigating today’s world. Each week, we explore ”Global Brew” – analyzing current events and ...
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Wealth Creation
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Produzido pela Professora Manoela que ministra Filosofia na E.E. Priscila Fernandes da Rocha.
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En själ på resa efter visdom. Jag möter upp olika individer och får ta del av deras historier, mysterier och viktiga men för sällan nämnda samtalsämnen. Ibland skrattar vi också. Samlat i det mycket kreativa och nytänkande formatet; podcast.
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W podcaście “Nastawienie na rozwój” opowiadam o tym w jaki sposób podnieść jakość swojego życia. Jeśli Twoje życie skupia się tylko na pracy od 8 do 16 i żyjesz bez poczucia sensu, to ten podcast jest dla Ciebie… Miłego słuchania!
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Welcome to The Radio Nasties Podcast, a podcast about the good, the bad & the ugly of horror and cult cinema, but mostly the bad. Come join the Radio Nasties Nation with Hosts Richard & Vic! Instagram @radionasties Twitter @RNasties Email [email protected]
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Looking at all the films in the Video Nasties scare
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At home in the world.
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Aplique aplique
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Nasty's vessel to exchange information and ideas with others, as well as share opinions and spread knowledge on popular topics.
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Escape Routes with Condé Nast Traveller is our new podcast showcasing the magazine's most transportative travel storytelling. Let us take you to some of our favourite places, if only in your imagination, with the soul-lifting memoirs and daydream-worthy destinations of our most-loved travel stories, read aloud by the writers who penned them.
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Cykl audycji o tym jak zielono-błękitna infrastruktura może wpływać na klimat i nasze najbliższe otoczenie.
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Dynasty Fantasy Football
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“No Pity Story - NastyBoy CC” podcast is for everyone who needs a “best friend” to keep them focused, and an “I've been there before” Private practice Psychotherapist; to help in keeping their mental as well as their physical health in check as they face the many "Challenges" of everyday life. Nastyboy CC is Using self for a real-life experiment to prove to people from the “ghettos”, teenagers from down below, the society-rejected beautiful souls that with a daring focus and painful discipli ...
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Hur ser morgondagens resande ut? Lars Backström är VD på Västtrafik och här i podcasten pratar han med gäster om trender och fenomen som påverkar hur vi rör oss mer hållbart i framtiden.
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Let’s talk about it! Sex,love,marriage and so much more!!
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DM-Nastics - the gym for Dungeon Masters to work out their minds! Hosts DM Neal and DM Celeste talk through exercises to keep your DM muscles strong and so your players don't ask "Do you even lift!?"
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Ajde da vidimo sta se to ovde desava i ko je ovde lud.
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Writer/Director Dan Nastro's take on the Dracula legend.
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Mateja Subotičanec
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Społeczeństwo nie mogłoby funkcjonować bez pracy emocjonalnej – to ona sprawia, że relacje są płynne, konflikty są łagodzone, a ludzie czują się komfortowo. Jednocześnie jest niewidzialna, ponieważ nie jest traktowana jako „prawdziwa” praca, lecz jako naturalna cecha kobiet (hello, esencjalizm!)Wraz z Angeliką Kucińską dyskutujemy o książce Rose Ha…
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Rubrika je tokrat prinesla iskreno zahvalo darovalcem, ki so sodelovali v Pustni Sobotni iskrici, ki je zbrala 159.016 evrov za otroke v Angoli.Radio Ognjišče
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Tracee Ellis Ross’ earliest memories involved traveling the world with her mother, Diana Ross, but it was at the age of 22 that she discovered what solo travel could give her. This episode, Lale sits down with Tracee, who on March 8 will be honored on Women Who Travel’s annual Power List, to discuss how solo travel can be an act of radical self car…
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Episode 193: Chris Pronger 2.0 | Trade Deadline Analysis, 4 Nations Recap + More
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1:26:33Hall of Fame NHL defenseman Chris Pronger joined us for an interview for a second time! Before we hop on with Prongs, Riley and Derek start the show discussing Derek’s son’s recent games, Pavel Datsyuk’s flute, and Max Talbot night in Pittsburgh. Jumping into some Flyers talk, Riles and Nasty talk about the overtime loss to the Penguins, OT win vs …
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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A Tangled Web: Chap 18. The Handmaidens (D&D5E)
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1:34:58Zy'vir and Jiddin team up to try to infiltrate the shadows of Shar that are stalking the city while Sylavar and Sylai face a dark ritual to seek a new patron. In both their paths lie the most loyal creatures of the Spider Queen... Thanks to A Wilhelm Scream for intro music, "Walkin' with Michael Douglas" more here https://www.awilhelmscream.com/ Th…
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Přívlač live #61 - Naše zahájení 2021
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1:41:04Rekapitulace zahájení sezóny 2021, vaše postřehy a malé ohlédnutí do minulosti.NASTRAHY.CZ
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Oddaja je prinesla vpogled v svet tekmovalnega plesa s 23-kratno državno in štirikratno svetovno prvakinjo v standardnih in latinskoameriških plesih Katarino Venturini. Gostja je z nami delila grenke plati sijoče kariere pa tudi čudovite občutke biti najboljši na svetu. Slišali smo, kako se po nenehnem potovanju na vse konce sveta prikrade želja po…
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Manca Hribar se v svojem komentaru tokrat spominja kopice raznolikih porok, ki jih je v svojem življenju doživela. In prav nedavna poroka jo je vrnila v preteklost, v čase rosne mladosti, ki jih je preživela v objemu lokalne župnijske skupnosti …Manca Hribar
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With the Academy Awards days away, Lale talks to actor-activist Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor, who plays Hattie in the Oscar nominated film "Nickel Boys". Aunjanue talks about the joy and pain of growing up in Mississippi which she still calls home, as well as her suggestions on what to see - and not see - on a road trip though the South. Learn about your …
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Episode 192: Colby Armstrong from Spittin' Chiclets joined us!
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1:38:39NHL winger Colby Armstrong from Spittin Chiclets joined the pod this week! Before we hop on with Army, Riley and Derek start the show discussing Canada beating USA in the championship game of the 4 Nations Face-Off, McDavid scoring the game winning goal, Jordan Binnington coming up clutch. Moving along we talk about the Flyers 3 game winning streak…
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Cyberpunk Red Rising: Ep 4. Subroot (Everyday Heroes)
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1:32:52The edge runners are coming to the end of the line and close to discovering the root of the brain dance they have been tracking. But in the world of Cyberpunk, reality and surreality often get blurred, and what's on the other side will turn everything on its head... Thanks to A Wilhelm Scream for intro music, "Walkin' with Michael Douglas" more her…
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Hunter Schafer (we stand with you girl) + Euphoria season 3 drama.
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1:14:56⭐️ TALK NASTY TO ME TOUR TIX: https://www.nicolerafiee.com/ ⭐️ Jake and Nicole are running the Companion campaign, discuss taking a w33d pill for the first time, as well as Hunter Schafer deserving BETTER! Join Club Nasty! / talknastytome ☞business email: [email protected] Where to listen: https://open.spotify.com/show/57bGQm6... Follow Nicol…
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Přívlač live #60 - Přípravy na zahájení 2021
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2:20:29Už to brzy vypukne a přípravy jsou na místě!NASTRAHY.CZ
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O svojem duhovniškem poslanstvu, glasbenem delu in še čem je pripovedoval župnik v Levpi Lojze Kobal. Igranja orgel se je učil pri prof. Jožetu Troštu, vodil razne pevske zbore, tudi v koprski stolnici, bil ravnatelj Orglarske šole Nova Gorica, na začetku pa sodeloval v enem prvih ansamblov, ki so ustvarjali t. i. duhovno ritmično glasbo, Klicarji.…
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Sound baths. Silent retreats. Cryotherapy. When it comes to wellness, there’s an encyclopedia’s worth of experiences, treatments, and rituals to dip your toe into. But where on earth to start? This week, Lale is joined by three experts—Lydia Bell, Traveller UK’s senior features editor, Yariella Coello, the blogger behind The Beauty Backpacker, and …
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Episode 191: Mike Richards on USA vs Canada, 4 Nations Face-Off, 2010 Olympics + MORE
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1:14:04Riley and Derek start the show recapping the 4 Nations Face-Off so far, previewing Canada vs USA championship game, starting a game with 3 fights in 9 seconds, the Tkachuk brothers, Crosby’s effort level, Team Sweden and Sam Ersson, injuries piling up, and Tom Wilson. After that, Philadelphia Flyers LEGENDARY captain Mike Richards returns to the sh…
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Potem ko je mladi ameriški podpredsednik J.D. Vance v svojem dolgem govoru zbranim predstavnikom evropskih zaveznikov natočil čistega vina, ko jim je pridigal o nujnosti jasnih ciljev, o temeljih demokracije, svobodi govora, nesprejemljivosti cenzure, pomenu dialoga in poslušanja ljudstva in brezglavosti nekontroliranih migracij ter jih spomnil, da…
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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A Tangled Web: Chap 17. Dark Pathways (D&D5E)
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1:33:24The city of Menzoberranzan seems doomed and perhaps the only ones who could save it care little for its survival. But the paths they will seek might come into line with that very cause if the threat looming in the hells is to be defeated. If only the allies can stomach the sour deals that will have to be made to give them the power they need... Tha…
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