Conversations entre professionnels de la nutrition.
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Silly spooky podcast about all things strange.
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My best Phrases in Urdu
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Welcome to the MMMUSD Education podcast where we explore, share, challenge and search out innovations in education, starting right here in our own backyard of Vermont.
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#MMMDaily is the Millennial Mindset Mastery Daily tidbit you need to master your beautiful mind. Each episode covers an important mindset-oriented topic in easy, bite-size pieces. Tune in, grow, then come back for more!
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Hey I'm mckinley Jones join my journey to some cool things I guess 😋 so much coming love💙
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Guided meditations released every week. From a modern standpoint, how do we bring meditation into our everyday lives. Let's dive deep into the science of a meditation practice.
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One game and one topic for discussion. Want to be a part of the show? Email us at [email protected] and your game or topic could be chosen for the next podcast!
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This channel is for the missionaries who served in the MMM. The intent of this channel is to get an update on what people have been up to lately and to share real, vulnerable experiences and thoughts.
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MJs Mindful midday motivational mantras! The Podcast that makes you say, "MMmmm". Here with you everyday, in every way, to assist U in manifesting the exceptional reality you've been dreaming about! Created to help give you an energy boost & give you a spike instead when you feel you're plateauing!
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A show for pro wrestling fans! Each week Mikie, a long time pro wrestling fan, and Andrea, a newcomer to wrestling fandom bring you reviews of pro wrestling events that week, pro wrestling news, and more!
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This podcast is about a journey from small money to big money. How to make it. How to stay under the radar. How to act like a bamboo tree.
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Aquí encontrarán predicas en vivo desde nuestro templo Igl. Cristiana Pentecostes del Movimiento Misionero Mundial en New Britain CT. 26 Union St. New Britain CT 06051. Pastora Jeanette Gonzalez.
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A week by week recap and discussion podcast going through each and every episode of the hit mid-2000s teen drama: The OC. Each week, Scott and Elyse Daly will watch an episode and get in front of some microphones to talk about these wacky teens and how old they make us feel. Subscribe now and ensure you never miss an episode!
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A Podcast about the video entertainment industry (Film, TV, commercial, music video, etc.) and the people who work on it, all from the eyes and ears of an Italian and London based person who wants to grow in the film industry. Each episode is hosting every kind of cast and crew from all backgrounds and departments, where our conversations do not only make our audience feel inspired but also entertain. You can find my podcast also on my website: ...
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Subscribe to this podcast and get a weekly update on the latest House, Trance, Dance and Electro music from around the World!
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The SE Tech Podcast, hosted by Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP, is a place to build connections and learn about startup and fast-growth tech companies in the Southeast. We interview founders and entrepreneurs to discuss their companies, business models, and experiences. Inquiries are welcome and can be sent to Samantha Crotty at [email protected]. Disclaimer: The content presented on the SE Tech Podcast is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice, n ...
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Le diabète, avec Marine Chamberaud
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1:17:1300:00:00 - Introduction à la discussion sur le diabète00:02:15 - Marine Chambureau : parcours et spécialisation00:05:30 - Différences entre diabète de type 1 et type 200:08:45 - Risques associés au diabète et hérédité00:12:00 - Diagnostic du diabète de type 100:15:30 - Diagnostic du diabète de type 200:18:00 - Gestion du diabète de type 1 vs type 2…
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Le jeûne (juste une mode ?), avec Axel Sedano
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1:07:5300:00:00 Introduction de l'épisode sur le jeûne avec Axel00:01:15 Présentation d'Axel Sedano, diététicien00:02:30 Définition du jeûne00:04:00 Types de jeûne expliqués00:06:45 Popularité du jeûne intermittent00:09:00 Impact du repas sauté dans le jeûne intermittent00:11:30 Effets similaires du jeûne et de la restriction calorique00:13:45 Jeûne pour …
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La grossophobie (+ TCA & obésité), avec Jérémy Gorskie (@menthe_banane)
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1:20:130:00:00 : introduction 0:00:50 : présentation Jérémy 0:01:34 : définition « psycho-nutritionniste » 0:02:40 : la différence entre psychologue et psycho-nutritionniste 0:03:30 : l’importance de la formation 0:08:15 : évolution de la pratique au fil des années 0:12:05 : nuance autour des plans alimentaires 0:13:40 : ça veut dire quoi une prise en cha…
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0:00:00 : introduction 0:01:30 : pourquoi avoir écrit un livre sur les produits laitiers ? 0:04:00: parcours scientifique de Vassilis 0:07:55 : boire du lait à l’âge adulte ? 0:08:47 : on ne buvait pas de lait à l’époque paléolithique 0:10:55 : les études sur le lait sont financées par les industries laitières et ne sont pas recevables 0:12:55 : le…
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La nutrition du sport, avec Nouchka Simic (
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1:18:110:00:00 : introduction0:01:08 : présentation Nouchka0:02:35 : comment évaluer les besoins des sportifs ?0:04:55 : les erreurs les plus fréquentes0:06:40 : déséquilibre en macro nutriments0:08:35 : plans alimentaires0:10:30 : l’hydratation0:15:10 : consommation de café0:18:05 : la supplémentation chez le sportif (article de l’ANSES)0:19:50 : quels c…
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0:00:50 : présentation Duncan0:02: 34 : définition de l’obésité0:03:45: le syndrome métabolique0:04:35 : une prise en charge diététique avec Duncan0:06: 15 : cause de l’obésité0:10:45 : importance des marqueurs biologiques0:12:45 : limite entre le diététicien et le psychologue0:15:20 : définition de la santé (charte Ottawa)0:17:05: la place de l’al…
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Le métier de diét en libéral, avec Charlotte Pelé
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1:20:350:00:28 : présentation Charlotte 0:01:20 : premières démarches pour l’installation en activité libérale 0:04:00 : numéro RPPS 0:05:05 : le statut de micro-entrepreneur 0:06:15 : la comptabilité et les impôts 0:9:40 : les autres charges 0:13:05 : visio ou présentiel ? 0:15:40 : se faire connaître 0:17:50 : les cartes de visite 0:22:50 : Google my Bu…
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La sécurité des aliments et les additifs : inquiétudes ? Avec Clem_le_diet
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1:19:470:00:30 : présentation Clément0:02:00 : qu’est ce que la sécurité alimentaire ?0:05:30 : définition additif0:06:30 : la réglementation autour des additifs alimentaires0:09:30 : l’effet cocktail0:10:40 : étude chez les animaux0:13:20 : réévaluation0:15:20 : pourquoi les additifs font peur ?0:19:00 : chimique / naturel0:22:30 : se fier à la longueur …
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La vegétalisation de l'alimentation, avec Dr. Sébastien Demange
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2:05:310:00:25 : présentation Sébastien 0:01:05 : les alimentations végétales 0:04:00 : végétaliser son assiette concrètement 0:06:40 : les recommandations officielles 13:30 : végétaliser l’alimentation dans restauration collective 0:16:30 : chiffres végétariens / végétaliens 0:19:55 : 2 fois moins de viande auparavant 0:21:30 : les protéines 0:28:00 : le…
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La prise en charge diététique du SOPK, avec Marie Chouvier
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1:02:180:25 : présentation Marie1:03 : qu’est ce que le SOPK1:50 : kystes ?2:39 : symptômes du SOPK3:44 : critères de diagnostic6:32 : évolution SOPK9:27 : phénotypes SOPK11:02 : biologie sanguine12:50 : prise en charge diététique16:50 : petit déjeuner recommandé20:15 : charge glycémique25:56 : résistance à l’insuline23:44 : bienfait activité physique26:4…
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Un microbiote au top chez l’enfant, avec Céline Richonnet
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1:13:240:25 : présentation Céline0:45 : définition microbiote3:30 : le rôle de la maman enceinte pour le microbiote de son enfant5:45 : pluralité de consommation9:20 : rôle des oméga-311:00 : l’avantage de l’accouchement par voie basse16:00 : les bienfaits de l’allaitement22:20 : lien microbiote et cerveau27:00 : comment savoir si son enfant a un bon micr…
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0:25 : présentation Coralie 1:00 : qu’est ce que l’alimentation émotionnelle 1:50 : comment identifier un rapport compliqué à la nourriture ? 3:30 : influence des réseaux sociaux sur le comportement alimentaire 6:10 : grignotage par ennui 8:20 : une envie passe en 20 minutes 10:15 : différence entre envie de manger et faim 14:00 : petit déjeuner ob…
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0:20 : présentation Mirana0:55 : qu’est ce qu’une pâtisserie diététique1:30 : densité énergétique des pâtisseries2:24 : se déshabituer du goût sucré3:40 : produits allégés7:00 : adapté pour les diabétiques ?7:20 : quid du sucre blanc8:40 : les sucres « naturels »13:20 : sucre de coco15:30 : les catégories des sucres19:00 : les édulcorants intenses …
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Les fonctions cognitives et la nutrition, avec Dr. Célia Mores
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1:00:48Ressources : Linkedin et Facebook : Célia Mores Nutriradio : « la sphère Neuro » Instagram : @celiamores7506 Livre : « ama» Thierry Thomas : "Mon Programme anti-stress en 7 jours" ___________________ ETUDES : Etudes myrtilles rats :Duffy KB, Spangler EL, Devan BD, Guo Z, Bowker JL, Janas AM, Hagepanos A, Minor RK, DeCabo R,Mouton PR, Shukitt-Hale. …
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Tancrède Albertelli est diététicien-nutritionniste et a pratiqué au sein d'une structure hospitalière dédiée à l'accueil d'adolescents présentant un TCA.-------------------------------0:40 : présentation3:00 : signes qui alertent5:00 : personnes touchées5:30 : changement du comportement7:00 : vigilance des parents8:10 : associations spécialisées8:5…
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Les outils scientifiques de la perte de poids, avec Dr Kévin Seyssel
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1:31:410:15 : présentation2:05 : le déficit calorique4:30 : les régimes hypocaloriques9:00 : adaptations métaboliques de la perte de poids rapide15:30 : pertinence de l’IMC18:00 : d’autres outils23:20 : le comptage de calories29:00 : modèle MyPlate34:00 : calcul des besoins des patients39:30 : les portions46:10 : l’avantage de l’entrée de crudités53:00 : …
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In this episode, we speak with Ricky Steele, Author of The Heart of Networking.The Heart of Networking is a book written by Ricky Steele cohesively painting the picture of his remarkable story while revealing step-by-step the secrets of building your own business network. A story of pain and triumph preparing you for a lifetime commitment to an eth…
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0:15 : présentation 0:40 : pourquoi la micro nutrition ? 1:22 : comment intégrer la micro nutrition dans les consultations 3:00 : utilité de la micro nutrition pour tous ? 3:47 : les micro nutriments souvent déficitaires 5:35 : le travail avec les médecins 8:43 : les dosages demandés 13:30 : les hormones thyroïdiennes 18:10 : le rôle de l’activité …
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L’accompagnement du cancer et la nutrition, avec Maxime Leblanc
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1:11:43Maxime Leblanc est diététicien-nutritionniste dans un service hospitalier d'oncologie. Il partage son expérience de terrain, ses anecdotes et conseils autour de l’accompagnement de patients atteins de cancer. 0:30 : présentation Maxime 1:16 : les types de cancer pris en charge 2:40 : intervention à tout stade de la maladie 3:20 : définition de « l’…
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035 - Battlefield 2042 - Game Cross Promotion
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1:10:23One game and one topic for discussion. In this episode our game is Battlefield 2042. Our topic is Video Game Cross Promotion, Marketing. Email us at [email protected] to talk to us about our game and/or topic. Play along with us on our next game and send in your comments. We would love to hear from you! Twitter -…
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Élise Vanderelst est diététicienne et athlète spécialiste du demi-fond (championne d'Europe en salle du 1 500, athlète belge la plus rapide de tous les temps sur 1 000 m outdoor et 1 500 m indoor et outdoor et sur le mile). 0:30 : présentation Elise (athlète) 1:10 : une semaine d’entraînement pour Elise 2:17 : Elise en tant que diététicienne 5:00 :…
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In this episode, we speak with Lee Demby, Co-Founder of Boardroom Insiders.Boardroom Insiders is a business intelligence platform designed to help sales and marketing teams target the C-suite to close bigger deals faster. It allows companies to tap a digital database of 26,000+ executive profiles, each containing a wealth of insight into the C-leve…
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034 - Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Future of Remakes
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1:59:33One game and one topic for discussion. In this episode our game is Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Our topic is Video Game Remakes. Email us at [email protected] to talk to us about our game and/or topic. Play along with us on our next game and send in your comments. We would love to hear from you! Twitter - Jimmy Gang'…
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0:20 : présentation de Margot 1:10 : définition scientifique post partum 1:30 : le post partum dans la réalité 2:45 : anticiper le post partum 4:00 : préparer les plats à l’avance 4:30 : livraison de repas pour les mamans 5:50 : les aliments « de secours » 10:20 : ne pas se focaliser sur la perte de poids en post partum 11:20 : quand consulter un /…
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L’endométriose, c’est quoi ? Comprendre. Soulager via l’alimentation. Avec Anne-Charlotte Garet
Conversation avec Anne-Charlotte Garet, diététicienne-nutritionniste et autrice du livre "Soulager l'endométriose grâce à une alimentation anti-inflammatoire". 00:20 : présentation Anne Charlotte 02:42 : qu’est ce que l’endométriose ? 05:23 : détecter l’endométriose 06:40 : endométriose et prise de poids 09:55 : symptômes 11:20 : identifier les dou…
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In this episode, we speak with Gary Campbell, CEO & Co-Founder of WineView.WineView makes wine more accessible to the average consumer while helping restaurants sell more wine. In addition, they provide the infrastructure for beverage directors and managers to build out custom wine training specified to their wine list and menu. The WineView databa…
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Conversation autour de l'hyperphagie. Justine de mmmEat et Cindy Favier échangent sur ce trouble du comportement alimentaire. Cindy Favier est hypnothérapeute, psychologue et diététicienne-nutritionniste. 0:27 : Cindy se présente 1:29 : Cindy explique ce qu’est l’hyperphagie boulimique 3:10 : on s’interroge sur la fréquence des crises d’hyperphagie…
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033 - Paradise Killer - Mass Effect Series
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1:38:39One game and one topic for discussion. In this episode our game is Paradise Killer. Our topic is the Mass Effect Series. Email us at [email protected] to talk to us about our game and/or topic. Play along with us on our next game and send in your comments. We would love to hear from you! Twitter - Jimmy Gang's T…
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In this episode, we speak with Angel Rutledge, Co-Founder of Meetify.Meetify is a mobile app that simplifies the process of scheduling in person meetings. Meetify aims to enrich relationships for a better world through time spent face to face with others. App users can have a centralized location for planning, with less room for confusion and error…
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In this episode, we speak with Tony Wallace, CEO & Founder Of Automate America.Automate America is a one stop shop for advanced manufacturing and automated services. With a platform connecting over 30,000 trusted automation professionals with high-value automation contracts from various industries. Customers can easily post work at their desired ra…
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032 - Elden Ring - Representation in Video Games
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1:20:40One game and one topic for discussion. In this episode our game is Elden Ring. The topic is Representation in Video Games. Email us at [email protected] to talk to us about our game and/or topic. Play along with us on our next game and send in your comments. We would love to hear from you! Twitter - Jimmy Gang's…
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In this episode, we speak with Justin Adams, Co-Founder and CEO of Aiwyn.SE Tech Podcast - Hosted by MMM Tech Law
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Ciao People, In this episode, I introduce Andrea, an established actress who works for Italian, Hungarian, German and American productions. With more than 20 years of experience as an Actress, she describes the differences between working in a European to an American film. She tells the difficulty that actors face, in a competitive and stressful in…
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Ciao People, In this Stand-Alone Talk, I speak about working as a Freelance (or Self-Employed, a person working for different companies rather than a single one). Based on my personal experiences, I describe both the pros and cons of working for many people and for myself, which despite it can be confusing and unexpected, it is also very satisfying…
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In this episode, we speak with Dan Flaherty, Founder & President Of Mountain West Consulting.Mountain West Consulting helps small and mid-sized business owners grow their business by implementing sales enablement (strategy, process, tools, people), leading their sales organization, and increasing the valuation of a company for purchase. They also p…
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031 - Tunic - Why Didnt Paul Play Tunic
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1:35:30One game and one topic for discussion. In this episode our game is Tunic. The topic is Why Didn't Paul Play Tunic. Email us at [email protected] to talk to us about our game and/or topic. Play along with us on our next game and send in your comments. We would love to hear from you! Twitter - Jimmy Gang's Twitter…
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One game and one topic for discussion. In this episode our game is Pokemon Arceus. The topic is Final Fantasy XIV. Email us at [email protected] to talk to us about our game and/or topic. Play along with us on our next game and send in your comments. We would love to hear from you! Twitter - Jimmy Gang's Twitter…
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Ciao People, Welcome to my first Stand Alone Talk, an episode (as the name says) where I talk without guests. In this episode, I explain my way to find work in the production industry and how to make a good CV or a Cover Letter. I give info on the websites I look for and useful work groups I found on Facebook. I also give secondary advice on how to…
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029 - Ghosts of Tsushima - Game Studio Acquisitions
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1:38:32One game and one topic for discussion. In this episode our game is Ghosts of Tsushima. The topic is Game Studio Acquisitions. Email us at [email protected] to talk to us about our game and/or topic. Play along with us on our next game and send in your comments. We would love to hear from you! Twitter - Jimmy Gan…
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Ciao People, In this episode, I have the pleasure to talk with Taichi, a Filmmaker from Japan who lives and works in London. Director (both in Japan and UK) for commercials, music videos and documentaries mostly focused on sport and the music industry, he talks about his first featured film as well as his next project. He tells us the differences b…
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mmmHmmm Plays 002 - Nier Replicant
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1:18:57Welcome to the mmmHmmm Plays Podcast! Our secondary show with a much more open format for discussion. Listen in to hear the games, news, and topics that interest us most. In this episode Mike and Jimmy discuss the Nier Replicant remake. There will be heavy spoilers for both Nier Replicant and Automata just as a warning. Twitter -…
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Ciao People, In this episode, I introduce Laura, a Focus Puller from France working in London for feature film, music video and web content productions. She explains in a few words how the camera department works and each role within the department. She also explains the differences between a 1st and a 2nd Assistant camera and how to move from each…
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028 - Tribes of Midgard - Movie and TV Adaptations
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1:38:50One game and one topic for discussion. In this episode our game is Tribes of Midgard. Our topic is Movie and TV Adaptations. Email us at [email protected] to talk to us about our game and/or topic. Play along with us on our next game and send in your comments. We would love to hear from you! Watch us on Twitch Sunday's and Monday's 7cst/8est. ht…
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027 - Deaths Door - Dubs v Subs
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1:07:01One game and one topic for discussion. In this episode our game is Deaths Door. Our topic is Dubs v Subs. Email us at [email protected] to talk to us about our game and/or topic. Play along with us on our next game and send in your comments. We would love to hear from you! Watch us on Twitch Sunday's and Monday's 7cst/8est.…
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026 - Civilization VI - Diablo 2: Resurrection
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1:08:49Welcome to the Video Games mmmHmmm Podcast. One game and one topic for discussion. In this episode our game is Civilization VI. Our topic is Diablo 2: Resurrection. Email us at [email protected] to talk to us about our game and topic. Or play along with us for our next game and send in your comments. We would love to hear from you! Watch us on T…
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Ciao People, In this episode I introduce Yana, a cinematographer from Russia who lives and works in London. Yana tells us everything about her job as Director of Photography (DOP in short) and her ways to plan a shot in pre-production. With various job backgrounds and many experiences working in many productions from around the world, she explains …
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mmmHmmm Plays 001 - What We Playin?
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1:15:05Welcome to the mmmHmmm Plays Podcast! Our brand new show with a much more open format for discussion. Listen in to hear the games, news, and topics that interest us most. In this episode Jimmy, MIke, and Seth discuss all the games they have currently been playing and talk about our new Twitch channel. Watch us on Twitch Sunday's and Monday's 7cst/8…
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025 - SMT III Nocturne - Battlefield 2042
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1:16:28Welcome to the Video Games mmmHmmm Podcast. One game and one topic for discussion. In this episode our game is Shin Megami Tensei III: Notcturne. Our topic is Battlefield 2042. Have a game or topic you would like us to discuss? Be a part of the show! Email us at [email protected] Watch us on Twitch Sunday's and Monday's 7cst/8est.…
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024 - Division 2 - Switch Remake Rumors
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1:19:30Welcome to the Video Games mmmHmmm podcast where we discuss one game and one topic! In this episode our game was The Division 2 and our topic was the rumored Switch upgrade. This episode was recorded right before the OLED announcement. Have a game or topic you would like us to discuss? Be a part of the show! Email us at [email protected] Watch u…
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This week...this show is really bad now, so we're gonna go ahead and end it next week! Also, our baby is the best! Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Twitter: @doofmedia See all of our podcasts, writing, and more at!
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