To create a forum to share our treasures to help us all become the best versions of ourselves.
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Yes, I am a proud father, of two inspiring daughters. There are so many of us that can share stories of how our children have made us so fulfilled. This is one of those stories and I am going to get right out of the way and share it with you all! The RFP Ultra Dad’s Podcast is sponsored by Time on the Trails – delivering you a customized experience…
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Hard to grasp that Thanksgiving is in a few days and the holiday season is upon us. For you, is this a time to speed into the new year or take time to reflect, before2024 is upon us? The RFP Ultra Dad’s Podcast is sponsored by Time on the Trails – delivering you a customized experience out on the trails in Arizona and beyond. Please visit us at www…
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No long intro to type up and share – just going to get right into the episode about doing things we sometimes don’t want to do and why it is critical at certain parts of our journey. The RFP Ultra Dad’s Podcast is sponsored by Time on the Trails – delivering you a customized experience out on the trails in Arizona and beyond. Please visit us at www…
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The title of todays episode comes from the book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck.If you are not familiar with her, she has studied the differences between the growth & fixed mindset; essentially how we can change from one to the other. This particular part of the book had talked about sustaining and practicing change, growth an…
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“The most precious gift you can give someone is the gift of your time and attention.” – Nicky Gumble (I think??) It has been a while since our last visit here so pulling together some thoughts of our experiences and things on my mind over that time. There is no real format or order, just my story of amazing people throughout our journey. The RFP Ul…
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How do you typically start your day? What gets you going or what may keep you going throughout? These are 7 statements that I was introduced to by Andy Andrews’ book, The Traveler’s Gift. These are what we are digging into today. The Buck Stops Here Seek Wisdom, Be a Servant to Others Be a Person of Action Have a Decided Heart Choose to Be Happy Gr…
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Simple intro – today’s episode inspired by: From John C. Maxwell’s Leadership Gold Ten Characteristics of a Growth Environment: Others are ahead of you. You are continually challenged. Your focus is forward. The atmosphere is affirming. You are often out of your comfort zone. You wake up excited. Failure is not your enemy. Others are growing. Peopl…
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Today’s episode fell into place nicely. I’ve been needing some change. I am speaking for Robin too since this is something we’ve been talking about for a long time. Full transparency – we’ve let our nutritional commitments lack over the last several months. Yeah – we’ve done our quarterly cleanses and did well with them but as soon as they were ove…
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As I am wrapping up Thinking for a Change by John C. Maxwell, I came across another couple parts that I am compelled to share. I guess these last few episodes have become a book review 😊. No worries, I believe all these lessons are great to pass along to see if and where they may resonate. This particular section is a quote by Thane Yost: “The will…
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RFP Podcast Episode #278 – Ultra Dad Session #86: Getting to know ourselves – a constant practice?
Last week I started reading Thinking for a Change, by John C. Maxwell. This one excerpt got me thinking a bit and it is the topic for today’s episode; let’s dive right in: “The younger you are, the more likely you will give your attention to many things. That’s good because if you’re young you’re still getting to know yourself, your strengths and w…
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There have been a couple thoughts going through my mind on the topic of relationships over the last few weeks. This morning, as my wife celebrate 21 years being married, I felt compelled to talk about that, and relationships as a whole. Today’s episode goes on that journey. The RFP Ultra Dad’s Podcast is sponsored by Time on the Trails – delivering…
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RFP Podcast Episode #276 – Ultra Dad Session #84: Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship
The title of today’s episode comes from several weeks back, as I was gathering some thoughts for another Journal Journey. It has been some time since I put one of those out & will get back to that shortly. As I was reviewing my journal at that time, the quotes below resonated with me but I wanted to do them in a spoken, rather than written, forum. …
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Recently started rereading Stephen Covey’s, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It has been several years since I dove into this one and not sure what compelled me to pick it up again, but I guess the timing of the messages I’ve been receiving were in line. The nuggets below are certainly resonated with considering many of the concerning things ha…
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Sharing some final thoughts and nuggets from Never Finished by David Goggins. Today’s episode is less about “performance” and more about the work and effort we get to put into ourselves each day. No too much on the intro but here are the quotes that resonated with me……thanks for tuning in! “Pride in my performance:” “Not half-assing” “Incremental p…
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Recently started reading Never Finished by David Goggins. My wife bought it for me as a Christmas present and I tore right into it. Today’s episode goes into the particular excerpt below and how it directly resonated with my past and my continuing pursuit of being that better version of myself. “I was carrying a boulder as big as the world on my ba…
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Over the holiday break I was reading Steve Magness’ book, Do Hard Things. In one chapter, he referenced Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning. Both great books and linked in the notes here. The nugget that resonated with me by Viktor Frankl was how he described finding fulfillment as “creating, experiencing, and suffering.” Those that read Man’s…
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Last week I had the good fortune to attend a leadership webinar. Most of the content shared didn’t resonate much with me. Like most of these events, books, or other opportunities to learn and grow, I always get one nugget that I walk away with. This one was from Ed Mylett. He was talking about personal growth and how as we transition how that provi…
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RFP Podcast Episode #270 Ultra Dad Session #78: Friendship Community Thankfulness Experiences!
This is a mash up of different experiences and observations over the last few weeks. The words, which I wrote down as a reminder for what to discuss on this week’s episode and didn’t intend to be the title – works out well. Enjoy – the last few weeks, although not ideal, turned out to be pretty awesome in most aspects! The RFP Ultra Dad’s Podcast i…
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This topic has come up over the years, being in a position to train our kids to leave the house and become great adults. My wife and I set that process in motion, as a vision we wanted to realize, many years ago. First however, I needed to set the tone, by become a better adult myself. That was the initial step in working to be a better husband, fa…
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RFP Podcast Episode #268 – Ultra Dad Session #76: Stupid Courage Saw this imaged included with today’s podcast earlier and had to talk about it. Summarizes much of what I experienced with the race last week, and like ultramarathons, provides another metaphor for life. Not big introduction, time to settle in and hopefully grab a nugget or two? The R…
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“Are we here to achieve or experience?” “Are we here to be good or authentic?” “Are we here to build for tomorrow or dig into today?” “Are we here to save for a perfect future or to fuel a flawed but loving present?” “Just what is the nature of our work once awake?” These are compelling questions that were shared in Mark Nepo’s book, The Exquisite …
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Heard this question asked of someone last week and got me thinking: “When did you realize you made it?” What does that really mean, thought? I also thought do we ever truly make it, because in my mind, that “finish line” continues to keep moving! This and some other updates, nuggets, and pieces of humor on this episode. The RFP Ultra Dad’s Podcast …
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No big intro for today’s episode. We are going to get right to it. The RFP Ultra Dad’s Podcast is sponsored by Time on the Trails – delivering you a customized experience out on the trails in Arizona and beyond. Please visit us at and on social media via IG, FB, TW & LI. Keep an eye on the Ultra Dad’s Instagram account @ #ultra_dads.…
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Typically, I put out a race wrap up in the form of a blog but wasn’t driven to write this one, so we are doing it in a podcast. Much gratitude to my wife Robin for being around for the first third of the race and with some inspiring words of wisdom around the midpoint with a phone call & text 😊. Also, much thanks to Aravaipa Running (Jangover Night…
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Pretty epic pictures taken from a run this past Saturday morning. The first on is the moon setting! That’s right, the moon setting and part of the inspiration for today’s topic. The other came from a mentoring conversation I had with another athlete getting ready to do their first event and from this video and quotes below: The Participant: Underst…
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RFP Podcast Episode #262 – Ultra Dad Session #70: Unexpected Troubles The pictures included with this episode were taken 4 days apart from one another on opposite ends of the coast. One in the Arizona desert the other on the Gulf Coast of Florida. When I looked after recently taken the last one, I thought about change, and how fast it can happen. H…
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Another solo session this week and appreciate y’all for the patience. Thanks to all for the continued support. We are just settling back in from taking our eldest, Isabella, to college. It was an exciting, at times emotional, fun, and growing experience, for all of us. It was also a bit exhausting putting 3400 miles on the car and driving for 24 ho…
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Another solo session this week and appreciate y’all for the patience. Thanks to all for the continued support. This weeks episode was inspired again by, Happy Mind, Happy Life: The New Science of Mental Well-Being by Rangan Chatterjee. It was also driven by our family coming off of a vacation last week and the adjustment getting back to reality. I’…
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Another solo session this week and grateful to get back-to-back ones out. Thanks to all for the continued support. This weeks episode was inspired by another book, Happy Mind, Happy Life: The New Science of Mental Well-Being by Rangan Chatterjee. A few nuggets to list here that drove me to put this out and we go into some of the weeds with a little…
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Today’s episode is another solo mission and a compilation of from several resources over the last couple of weeks. Don’t really need to put too much into this outline, the show notes below and title above sum it quite well. Enjoy folks and have a great 4th of July weekend! John Maxwell’s Go for Gold: Go for Gold: Inspiration to Increase…
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Growing up, and maybe even at times today, we all want to belong; be a part of something. We all want to love, be loved, and be accepted. When we get it, do you ever feel like we’ve earned it? We work to get somewhere and be someone and when it comes to fruition, is it questioned? Ego can be powerful, so can doubt. A great nugget from Stephen Lau i…
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The last few weeks have been amazingly wild, wacky, fun, full of loved ones, experiences, and a lot of work. Unfortunately, priorities shifted as you can probably tell considering it has been about 3 weeks since we’ve produced any content. This Sunday provided me with an opportunity to review some of my thoughts and notes over that time. Although, …
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RFP Podcast Episode #255 – Ultra Dad Session #63: Surprising Sunday Shenanigans
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1:08:47These last couple of years have provided for unknown circumstances and created opportunities for us to be flexible, to pivot, and adjust to the unexpected. This impromptu, surprising RFP Ultra Dad’s session is brought to you by Covid…..unfortunately Bryan was chased down but since he had some more downtime we were able to get together. It was more …
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We had a good week with two recently, but it is a solo go with Mike today. It has been said we can have upwards to 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts per day. How often are we letting those thoughts control us? Most of the time. How often do we get to control our thoughts? I don’t think we have that power. Thoughts pass and most of those 60k-80k, whatever t…
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That is right – Bryan and I pulled it off and got in another podcast in less than a week. Yes, we were, as he put it, “scatterbrained,” and I believe we may have been a bit burnt out from the week. With both of us having to put time in on Saturday too, we did our best. At these moments however, we have to take advantage of whatever time we both hav…
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After several months both Bryan and I made it happen. It was however not without technical difficulties. No video this go around but we were able to get a podcast launched are grateful to be able to share it with you all. Yesterday afternoon/evening we caught up from adventures over the last few months and discussed homeownership, Abington Heights …
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A couple months ago I read Lou Holtz’ Autobiography, Wins, Losses, and Lesson: An Autobiography. There is one comment talking about the differences in players from today’s generation and those he coached years ago. He indicated that now it is more about rights and privileges rather than obligations and responsibilities. That is our subject today, a…
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Stumbled on this podcast a few weeks back and do apologize for the delay in getting another show back out to you all. We’ve referenced and spoke about Tom Bilyeu’s podcast, The Impact Theory. This one linked below with Benjamin Hardy hit me right at a critical point in making a decision.…
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Over the weekend I was reminded of the book by Sharon Lechter & Dr. Greg Reid, Three Feet from Gold. There wasn’t something particular about the book, but I did recall the main point of not giving up; or as the title states, “keep digging.” Like most of the blog and podcast topics, they are typically about struggles and events along our personal jo…
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“We all have dungeons but so many are afraid to talk about them.” – David Goggins Over the years I’ve learned firsthand, through much failure, but also from being brave, that sharing my insecurities and vulnerabilities can be incredibly satisfying and cleansing. It can also provide another person with the permission to do the same, resulting in rel…
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We tried to pull a joint Ultra Dad podcast together this week but impromptu soccer tournaments and more wrestling on the schedule tied us up. Much love and apologies and our hope is that calendars will crack a bit in the coming weeks to hear both of us again! Soon 😊. For today, it is just Mike and I guess we can say this may be another bit of a boo…
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The full quote from the title above is from Jay Glazer and reads, “adversity is a gift. You find out who you are!” Some of the audience may know the name, Jay Glazer, those that do watch the NFL. He is one of the analysts, commentators on Fox’ NFL Weekend Shows. What I learned, from listening to him on the Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theory Podcast, is that…
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Another solo adventure this week. The weekdays had been challenging for us to both connect and now the weekends are getting tough 😊. Hopefully this weekend coming up we can make it happen??? Touched on the topic of “showing up” several weeks ago and today we dig into it deeper. It is a big part of growth and moving forward, maybe the initial part, …
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The next week or so may be difficult for us to both be on a show with schedules and commitments. Next time we will have some good news to share but this week it is a solo adventure. Speaking of adventures, you ever not get started on one because of something? Fear, anxiety, doubt or that perception of, “I just don’t think I am ready yet!” A few wee…
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Another Sunday morning edition of the RFP Ultra Dad podcast. Didn’t intend to dig into this topic but, as we all continue to relentelessly move forward in life, we are faced, each day with decisions to make. Many times those choices are difficult and we tend to disappoint others along the way. Today’s episode dives into that topic, with some laught…
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A special Sunday edition of the podcast this week, celebrating our 50th Ultra Dad episode. Nothing special or profound, but always good to catch up and chat. Today we touch on skiing and reminiscing about Montage Mountain many years ago. We did into some Covid discussing, navigating this new variant, pausing activities, and being adaptable. We talk…
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RFP Podcast Episode #241 – Ultra Dad Session #49: Year End Wrap Up
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1:15:42It has been a wild and wacky year for the Ultra Dad Podcast. Just like life, and as we discussed during this last session of 2021, it had its peaks and valleys. However, just like life again, we kept moving forward, left foot right foot, and had some additional, year end stories to share. We went down a few rabbit holes but feel we had a nugget or …
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RFP Podcast Episode #240 – Ultra Dad Session #48: Sunday Coffee & Catch Up
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1:17:55It has been over a month since we both got together for Ultra Dad podcast so apologies for all those that tune in. Today, a Sunday morning edition, we got caught up with stories, life, and some funny moments. Maybe a nugget or two but mostly just some perspective around the holiday season, high school soccer, wrestling, and drama 😊, of course weath…
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Solo edition with just Mike and a bit of a turn from Friday thoughts to Monday thoughts. Bryan and I have been challenged to synch up calendars the last few weeks so decided to go about it alone, with the hopes he and I are back it, maybe end of this week. Today is just some things that have been rattling around my noggin and areas we are all growi…
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Back to back Friday nights and this one was all about the girls. The Shane twins, Cora & Taylor, were front and center for a pre-race conversation about their 5k tomorrow. The event is part of the Girl’s on the Run program they are a part of, which is a nationwide non-profit organization to help with physical and mental health development. You can …
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