Bacotan orang insomnia, yang hadir setiap 3 kali dalam seminggu. Contact person via dm ig: ltm_nokturnal
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Launching LTM 1st Podcast - Introduction of LTM
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Give it a listen!
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Let's Talk Medicine, where teaching is a hobby, and medicine is a passion!
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Enjoying your marriage journey through healthy happy married relationships.
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Questions about intimacy outside of bedroom, menopause/sex & more.
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We're talking healthy marriages!
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Healthy Marriages
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Healthy Marriages
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Obrolan nonfaedah bagi yang gabisa mencerna faedah bagi yang mencerna
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Obrolan tersantai bareng dua sejoli yang LDR bdg-jkt. Mantaplah pokok nya, buat yang dengerin makasih yak kalau yang belom dengerin ya coba dengerin sampe abis wkwkkw btw sorry kalau agak berisik yaa sound nya.
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Obrolan yang dilakukan oleh buyut dengan cicit nya soal pergaulan anak sma. Yang mau dengerin makasih banyak yang ga mau dengerin ya gapapa toh ini iseng-iseng
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Obrolan penting ga penting antar manusia nokturnal, selamat mendengarkan. Btw kalau mau dengerin ya makasih, kalau enggak ya bodo amat.
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Healthy Marriages
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Healthy Marriages
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Healthy Marriages =Healthy Families
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Healthy Marriages
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Healthy Marriages results in Healthy Families!
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Healthy Marriages creates Healthy Families!
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Healthy Marriages
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Healthy Marriages
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Healthy Marriages
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Healthy Marriage Relationships
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Healthy Marriages
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Healthy Marriages
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Building your Foundation
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Introducing Steven and Audrey
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Pre- Vision Board luncheon & Launching 1st Podcast
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Jaundice, available here -> .LTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Pyloric Stenosis, available here -> .LTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Tuberculosis, available here -> .LTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Seizures & Epilepsy, available here -> . Facilitated and organized by Tariq JawadiLTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Molecular basis of carcinogenesis, available here -> . Facilitated and organized by Jinan AlRashoudLTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Breast Cancer, available here -> . Facilitated and organized by Jinan AlRashoudLTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Pediatric Developmental Milestone, available here -> . Facilitated and organized by Jinan AlRashoudLTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, available here -> .LTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Skin Cancer, available here -> . Facilitated and organized by Jinan AlRashoudLTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Osteoporosis, available here -> . Facilitated and organized by Tariq JawadiLTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Failure to Thrive, available here -> .LTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Menstrual Cycle, available here -> . Facilitated and organized by Rana AlzahraniLTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Hypertension, available here -> . Facilitated and organized by Jinan AlRashoudLTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Congenital Heart Disease, available here -> .LTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Hyperlipidemia, available here -> .LTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Rheumatic Fever, available here -> . Facilitated and organized by Jinan AlRashoudLTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Rheumatic Heart Disease, available here -> . Facilitated and organized by Tariq JawadiLTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Pneumonia, available here -> . Facilitated and organized by Rana AlzahraniLTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Restrictive Lung Disease, available here -> . Facilitated and organized by Rana AlzahraniLTMed
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This is the audio recording of the study guide Breathing Physiology, available here -> . Facilitated and organized by Rana AlzahraniLTMed
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sgfd gherg heh eat rat e aaaah LTM
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