Listen weekly to inspiring messages from our Lead Pastor Josh O'Callaghan and the LifeHouse team.
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Lifehouse exists to invite all people to live an uncommon life by following Jesus, doing life together, getting in the game, and leaving a legacy. For more information visit
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ライフハウスインターナショナルチャーチのメッセージポッドキャストへようこそ。日本のライフハウスチームによる、聖書に基づいたインスピレーションと励ましに溢れたメッセージとティーチングを毎週配信しています。メッセージは英語と日本語のバイリンガルで語られ、あなたの信仰の成長と豊かな人生を送るための助けとなることを目的としています。 Welcome to the message podcast for Lifehouse International Church in Japan. Join us each week as we share inspirational, encouraging Bible-based preaching and teaching from the team at Lifehouse. Messages are bilingual (English & Japanese) and aimed to help you grow in your faith and live a fulfilled life. ライフハウスチャーチと繋がる / Connect ...
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Welcome to the Podcast Channel of LifeHouse Church led by Senior Pastors Richard and Helen Kobakian. LifeHouse is a vibrant, growing church located in Melbourne that loves seeing people connected to Jesus and growing passionately in their faith. We hope these messages inspire you to live your life with purpose!
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If you're looking for more great teaching from LifeHouse church, you're in the right place.
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Weekly Messages By Pastor Christopher Betner, Lead Pastor of the Lifehouse Church of NJ. - Lets do LIFE together.
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Lifehouse Hong Kong is a dynamic, fun, and passionate English & Cantonese-speaking church based in Jordan, Hong Kong. We currently have weekly church services every Sunday at 11:30 am onsite at Jordan and online. Find out more about Lifehouse Hong Kong at 香港生命堂是一間位於佐敦,充滿活力、愉快和熱誠的雙語(英丶粵)教會。 我們目前每週日上午 11:30 在佐敦現場舉行崇拜以及在線上進行直播。 歡迎你加入我們!瀏覽更多有關香港生命堂的資訊:
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Lifehouse exists to reach people with God's love and message of hope. We have a vision and mission to see lives changed, restored, and set free. . . Lifehouse is led by Pastor Patrick Grach and is a part of the Lifehouse Network of churches. . . With multiple service times and locations in the quad-state area (MD-PA-WV-VA), Lifehouse is a place for people of all ages and backgrounds. We hope you'll join us for a weekend service soon. . . For more information about services and times, visit: ...
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All messages from Lifehouse Conference 2018 & 2019!
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Weekly Messages from the Team at Lifehouse Adelaide. Each week we dive into the word to provide inspiration, guidance and support for all, whatever your situation. To get in touch with us, please go to:
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Keep up with LifeHouse Church Smyrna in Smyrna, DE.
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Welcome to Lifehouse Church, Chesterfield podcast. We are so glad you found us. We hope these messages inspire you, encourage you and give you hope for the future. We host services online and in-person (9:30 & 11:30 am) which we would love for you to attend. We are located on Chatsworth Road in the centre of Chesterfield. If you want any more details about Lifehouse church please visit
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Podcast by Lifehouse NN Dream Team
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Life Without Lack - The Lord Is My Shepherd by LifehouseLifehouse
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Theme for 2025 1/5 Sunday Sermon with Sermon Text: Matthew 28:16-20Rev. Dr. Christopher Betner Sr.
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This week Ps Tash shares the first message of the year and of our new series on the Psalms by looking at the joy that comes with confession.
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Thank you for listening to the LifeHouse Church Podcast. We pray that Pastor Armando Tocci's message 'God's Resolution For You' blesses you. For more details about LifeHouse Church visit or download the LifeHouse Church app.
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Who's ready for the new year ahead? Let's dive in to the first message of 2025 as we learn about speaking goodness over our year. 大家準備好迎接新的一年了嗎?讓我們一起探討2025年的第一個信息 - 如何充滿信心和帶著神的祝福地面對新的一年。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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(Bilingual) このメッセージではモンティー牧師が「新しい光を輝かせよう」について以下の3つのポイントから話します。 In this message Ps Monty talks about "Shine a New Light" in these 3 points: 詩篇113:1-3 ERV / Psalm 113:1-3 NIV イザヤ42:10 JCB / Isaiah 42:10 NIV イザヤ43:19 JCB / Isaiah 43:19 NIV ヨハネ8:12 JCB / John 8:12 NIV イザヤ42:5-7 JCB / Isaiah 42:5-7 NIV 使徒13:47 ERV / Acts 13:47 NIV 1.神様は大きなことを、新しいことをして…
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LifeHouse Church
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Lifehouse at Home - You Raised Me Up | Ben Rothwell by LifehouseLifehouse
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This week Ps Jacob shares around the idea of God's holy presence and what it means for our lives as Christians.
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Thank you for listening to the LifeHouse Church Podcast. We pray that Pastor Richard Kobakian's message 'God Loves New Things' blesses you. For more details about LifeHouse Church visit or download the LifeHouse Church app.
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Pop quiz! Do you remember the theme of this year? If not, don’t worry. We got you covered. Tune in this week as we take a look back at this year and what we learned about God and His plan for us! 知識問答!你還記得今年的主題嗎?如果你忘了,沒關係,我們來幫你。這個星期讓我們一起來回顧在過去一年裡,關於神與祂的計劃我們都學到了些什麼吧!Lifehouse Hong Kong
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(Bilingual) このメッセージでは将史牧師が『イエスは「恵みと真理」によって来た』について以下の4つのポイントから話します。 In this message Ps Masashi talks about Jesus Came With “Grace & Truth” in these 4 points: ヨハネ1:17 ERV / John 1:17 NIV ヘブル3:5-6 ERV / Hebrews 3:5-6 ESV エペソ1:7 ERV / Ephesians1:7-8a NIV ヨハネ8:31-32 ERV / John 8:31-32 NIV ルカ5:4-7 ERV / Luke 5:4-7 NIV ルカ5:8-11 ERV / Luke 5:8-11 NIV ヘブル2:…
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Thank you for listening to the LifeHouse Church Podcast. We pray that Pastor Timothy Garisto's message 'The Gift of Eternal Life' blesses you. For more details about LifeHouse Church visit or download the LifeHouse Church app.
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Ps Josh shares a Christmas message about how through the birth of Jesus, we can be born again.
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Christmas at Lifehouse: Why? | Pastor John Ware by LifehouseLifehouse
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Thank you for listening to the LifeHouse Church Podcast. We pray that Pastor Richard Kobakian's message 'El-Gibbor' blesses you. For more details about LifeHouse Church visit or download the LifeHouse Church app.
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This week Ps Brock brings the fourth part of our Born Like Jesus series by looking at the shepherds and their presence at Jesus' birth.
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It’s finally Christmas! Are you ready to hear the story of Jesus? Let’s all gather together to sing carols and hear what Christmas is all about. 終於到了聖誕節!你準備好來聆聽耶穌的故事了嗎?讓我們聚在一起,吟唱聖歌,聆聽聖誕的故事吧。Lifehouse Hong Kong
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(Bilingual) このメッセージではロド牧師が「クリスマスの喜びのストーリー」について以下の7つのポイントから話します。 In this message Ps Rod talks about "The Joy of the Christmas Story" in these 7 points: イザヤ 7:14 JCB / Isaiah 7:14 NIV ルカ 2:4-7 ERV / Luke 2:4-7 NIV ルカ2:9-12 ERV / Luke 2:9-12 NIV ルカ 2:15-20 ERV / Luke 2:15-20 NIV マタイ 2:9-11 ERV / Matthew 2:9-11 NIV ローマ 5:8 ERV / Romans 5:8 NIV 1.救い主の約束…
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Better Christmas - Embrace The Wait | Pastor John Ware by LifehouseLifehouse
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The Promise Sermon Series Episode 3 12/15 Sunday Sermon with Sermon Text: John 3:14-17Rev. Dr. Christopher Betner Sr.
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Thank you for listening to the LifeHouseChurch Podcast. We pray that Pastor Richard Kobakian message 'The Missing Peace'blesses you. For more details about LifeHouse Churchvisit or downloadthe LifeHouse Church app.
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Ps Mark continues in our Christmas series by looking at the character of King Herod and how we have opposition in our lives.
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The wisemen traveled far to worship the King. Their journey shows us the heart of true worship. Join us this week to be inspired by their story! 智者遠行去崇拜國王。他們的旅程展現了真正的崇拜之心。這個星期加入我們一起來從他們的故事中獲得啟發吧!Lifehouse Hong Kong
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(Bilingual) このメッセージでは登牧師が「世界が待ち望んだ救世主(賢者たちの視点)」について以下の3つのポイントから話します。 In this message Ps Noboru talks about "The World is Waiting for a Savior(The Wise Men’s Perspective)" in these 3 points: マタイ2:1-2 ERV / Matthew 2:1-2 ERV マタイ2:3-6 ERV / Matthew 2:3-6 ERV マタイ2:9-11 ERV / Matthew 2:9-11 ERV マタイ23:12 口語訳 / Matthew 23:12 NLT ヨハネ3:16 ERV / John 3:16 ER…
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LifeHouse Church
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Better Christmas - Embrace The Mess | John Ware by LifehouseLifehouse
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The Promise Sermon Series Message 2 12/8 Sunday Sermon with Sermon Text: Luke 2:8-14Rev. Dr. Christopher Betner Sr.
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This week Ps Walter continues on our Born Like Jesus series by speaking about the importance of the wise men.
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Ordinary people, extraordinary news. God chose shepherds to hear the first Christmas announcement—what does that mean for us? Let’s explore together this week! 普通的人,特別的消息。神選擇牧羊人作為第一個聽到聖誕的消息的人——這對我們而言有何意義?這個星期讓我們一起來探索吧!Lifehouse Hong Kong
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(Bilingual) このメッセージではモンティー牧師が「クリスマスは誰のためにあるの?」について以下の4つのポイントから話します。 In this message Ps Monty talks about "Who Is Christmas For?" in these 4 points: イザヤ7:14 JCB / Isaiah 7:14 NLT ヨハネ 10:10 JCB / John 10:10 NIV ルカ1:30-31, 34-35 JCB / Luke 1:30-31, 34-35 NLT ルカ2:6-7 JCB / Luke 2:6-7 NLT ルカ2:8-14 ERV / Luke 2:8-14 NLT ヨハネ 3:16 JCB / John 3:16 NLT 1.ユダヤ…
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LifeHouse Church
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Better Process Part 3 by LifehouseLifehouse
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The Promise Sermon Series Message 1 12/1 Sunday Sermon With Sermon Text: Isaiah 9:1-7Rev. Dr. Christopher Betner Sr.
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Thank you for listening to the LifeHouse Church Podcast. We pray that Ps. Richard Kobakian message I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing blesses you. For more details about LifeHouse Churchvisit or downloadthe LifeHouse Church app.
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Ps Josh begins our new Christmas series Born Like Jesus by looking at the character of Mary and her humility.
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Did you know? The story of Jesus was prophesied about hundreds of years before he was born! Join us this week as we uncover the promises that led to Christmas. 你知道嗎?耶穌的故事在他出生前幾百年就被預言了!本週與我們一起揭開聖誕節的承諾吧!Lifehouse Hong Kong
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(Bilingual) このメッセージでは太助牧師が「 クリスマス=あなたのための約束」について以下の6つのポイントから話します。 In this message Ps Tasuke talks about "Christmas = A Promise for you" in these 6 points: 聖書箇所 ルカ18:26-27 JCB / Luke 18:26-27 NLT 創世記3:14-15 JCB / Genesis 3:14-15 NLT イザヤ7:14 JCB / Isaiah 7:14 NLT ミカ 5:2 JCB / Micah 5:2 NLT イザヤ9:6 JCB / Isaiah 9:6 NLT マタイ1:21-23 NLT / Matthew 1:21-23 …
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Discover how faith can move mountains and transform your life. Learn about God's provision, the importance of generosity, and the power of declaring His promises over your challenges. Be encouraged to trust in God’s Word, step out of self-preservation, and experience His presence in every area of your life.📖 Key Scriptures:1 Kings 17:9-16Luke 5:1-1…
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LifeHouse Church
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11/24 Sunday Sermon with Sermon Text: Psalm 34:1-10Rev. Dr. Christopher Betner Sr.
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Thank you for listening to the LifeHouseChurch Podcast. We pray that PastorJoel Chelliah message 'Like Father Like Son'blesses you.
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Worship is a celebration of who God is and what he has done. It's a time to rejoice in God's goodness, faithfulness, and the joy and gratitude that comes from being in God's presence...More Than A Song - Week 4 | Pastor Patrick Grach | November 24, 2024..Stay Connected!Watch live at our Online Campus: Lifehouse.OnlineOnline Website: www.lifehousech…
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