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A podcast series featuring standalone audio dramas produced by Legacy Radio Theater.
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The Jazz Legacy Radio Podcast looks at the careers of legendary jazz artists, and features interviews with master jazz musicians.
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"Welcome to New Legacy Radio, a station committed to educating, appreciating, and empowering our audience to reach their fullest potential. Our goal is to explore ways to improve the world around us. Through a diverse mix of music spanning today's hits, classics, and nostalgic favorites, we aim to bring joy to our listeners. Alongside comedy, news, sports, and a range of engaging content, we're confident you'll find it both entertaining and informative."
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At the end of His earthly ministry, Jesus gave instruction that we were to go and make disciples of all nations. He gave His authority and power to the Church to accomplish this task, and it has not been rescinded. Today we are reminded of this and exhorted to join in this work to reach the world.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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Today Derek looks at our debt to Israel. What is the position of the Christian church in relation to the Jewish nation? Throughout much of history Jews have been persecuted in the name of Christ, and Derek comments on what needs to be done to undo the effects of these experiences.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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Throughout Scripture care for the poor is stressed. God cares about the poor and as we take on His heart so we will open up ourselves to ministering to them. Derek brings out that we are lending to the Lord when we give to the poor. It is our responsibility to care for orphans and widows, a privilege that also brings a blessing.…
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Today Derek looks at our attitude toward finances. God knows what a person’s motives are concerning abundance, and He knows how to deal with our motives. We are encouraged to examine ourselves so that our motives are pure and our trust and security come exclusively from the Lord and not in riches.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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What is God’s prescription for prospering and being successful? Today we will be taking a look at Joshua and the instructions given to him: To meditate on God’s Word, confess it, and do what it says. Psalm 1 has similar instructions addressed to anyone who would seek God’s counsel. Meditate and do.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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In four different areas the Bible teaches that what we do with our finances is a way of honoring first God, then our parents, those who minister to us, and those who lead and pastor us. Derek explains from Scripture, so we can see the importance of using our finances to show honor.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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Today Derek moves this study into the area of faith, the essential condition for receiving anything from God. The demonstration of our faith pleases God, and as we exercise faith in seeking Him, He will reward it. In the area of finances, we show our faith by following His Word and sowing first so that we may reap; but it must be done in faith.…
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In today’s message, Derek shares about a revelation he had from the Lord. Using Scripture the Lord presented a picture of Jesus on the cross and revealed how He became a curse for us. All grace was made to abound to us through this perfect work of Christ.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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Derek begins this week by looking at God’s plan for our deliverance from the curses which are listed in Deuteronomy 28. Through the atoning substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross, a divine exchange took place, whereby Jesus took all of the curses so that we could be released from the curse and enter into the blessings of Jesus.…
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Today Derek looks at why curses come upon people: If we do not listen to God’s voice and do what He says. We can prevent these curses by listening and obeying. Using a number of verses in Deuteronomy 28, Derek brings out some of the results of curses.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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God gave specific instructions for the children of Israel to follow if they wanted His covenant blessings. The first requirement was to listen to the voice of the Lord and to obey. Derek takes a look at Deuteronomy 28, which lists the blessings of God that will come upon us if we will be diligent to listen and obey.…
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Today Derek addresses what Scripture has to say about wealth and abundance. Throughout the Word, wealth and abundance are described to be from God and they are essentially good. In today’s world, wealth and abundance are abused, but that doesn’t make them bad in themselves. God has given us the ability to produce wealth, thus confirming His covenan…
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Looking more at promises of abundant provision, Derek highlights the conditions God has given if we really want to receive from Him. Derek points out that in His great love and wisdom God may withhold something that is essentially good because it is not relatively good for us in our current situation.…
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Today Derek begins by giving practical guidance in how to appropriate God’s promises. This is not done by following a set formula, but by seeking the Holy Spirit to find from Him what to do in each situation we face. Derek gives steps to follow in obtaining the goal.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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The final principle of abundance that Derek lays out is that we are not to let circumstances interfere with what we are believing God for. It is our responsibility to keep your eyes on the promise and meet the conditions God has laid out. We can know God’s abundance.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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Today Derek looks at two more principles; the first being that all God’s promises are now available to us through Christ. Jesus is the channel and it is only through Him that we receive anything from God. The fourth principle is that the promises of God are expressions of His will, so when we pray according to a promise, we have faith to believe th…
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Our faith for abundance must be based on principles related to God’s promises. Derek’s first principle is that God’s provision is made available through His promises, so we must know what these promises are. The second principle is that these promises given by God are our inheritance. They belong to us and we must take hold of them.…
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What does abundance really mean? Today Derek delves into the explanation of abundance, revealing that it means we have all our own needs met and something left over to give others. Jesus could feed a multitude with a few loaves and fish. He also paid taxes by supplying the coins from the mouth of a fish. That was abundance.…
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In this series on God’s abundance it is vital to see how much we need Him. Only through revelation from God can we see the depth of our need and, as we do, restoration will begin to come bringing His abundance. God’s plan is that it will bring praise, honor, and glory to Him.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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If you or someone you know is going through a bitter time, don’t miss today’s message. Listen as Derek shares his own experience of crying out and saying to God, “Why do you only bless the things that first die and then are resurrected?” God’s answer will encourage you…Host, Stephen Mansfield
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God had a purpose in bringing the Israelites to the place of testing and it was a good purpose. Derek pointed out, “Man’s disappointments are God’s appointments.” at the bitter waters of Marah, God revealed the way to healing and He revealed Himself as the Healer. So, listen today and learn about “The Lord Our Healer.”…
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Have you ever experienced a bitter disappointment in life? Perhaps you are going through a time of incredible testing right now. Well, today you can be encouraged as Derek explains that “Man’s disappointments are God’s appointments.” Through the bitter waters of Marah, God revealed the way to healing through the “The Healing Tree”.…
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Why would God allow the Israelites to experience such bitter discouragement in the wilderness after miraculously delivering them from the Egyptians? Listen today and discover God had a plan and purpose in taking them through the wilderness to the waters of Marah (bitterness). It was a plan of great benefit.…
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Hear Derek’s teaching on an issue that has touched all our lives in one way or another – bitter disappointment. How we deal with bitterness either will make us or break us. Learn the right way to handle hard times and see “Life’s Bitter Pool” turned to sweet water.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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Today Derek finishes this study by looking at the last days of Paul from his writings to Timothy. Facing his last days in prison, forsaken by fellow-workers, deserted by friends, with inadequate provisions, Paul keeps his eyes on the prize he will receive from the Lord. He knows he has kept the faith and that God has kept him. He was committed to G…
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Each of us has an assignment—something God has for us to do in our life. Using Joshua as a pattern, Derek shows how to apply the principles the Lord laid down for him. With these principles under our belt, we may be confident He is with us to accomplish His plan. God’s basic requirement is: THINK the Word of God, SPEAK the Word of God, ACT the Word…
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In Derek’s words, “True security in life comes from committing yourself to God, finding the role that He has for you and then doing it—walking it out day by day, step by step—always with that motivation in your heart.” This is why you are here—to do God’s will. Derek shows us this was worked out in the life of Jesus.…
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Social security has become a major concern in many countries today. The need for such security is real, but we need to look at it from the standpoint of Scripture. The key is to employ faith—in lending freely, giving to the poor, casting our bread on the waters in many places. In so doing, we are sowing to the future when we may find ourselves in n…
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Today Derek discusses financial security and the role it plays in our lives. Does money have you or do you control it? Financial security doesn’t come through investments in worldly things, but in investing in the work of the kingdom of God. How much are you in for?Host, Stephen Mansfield
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Today we look at how to respond when people say bad things against you. One of Satan’s main weapons is the tongue, and when God’s people are attacked, it is God who vindicates. Remember that you are clothed with a robe of righteousness. The remedy for criticism and misrepresentation is to stay hidden in that secret place of God.…
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Today Derek relates how he was delivered from a spirit of depression as he applied principles from the Word. He exposes all forms of discouragement to be lies from Satan, not from God. The Holy Spirit is the Encourager. He may rebuke us; He may convict us, but He never discourages us.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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What do you do when fear or worry assail your mind? Derek looks at the enemies of peace and encourages us to trust in the Lord—trust in who He is and what He has done for us. As we focus on the good, fear and worry will soon be replaced by God’s peace which guards our hearts and minds.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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Today Derek poses the question: How can we get in to the secret place of security, when Scripture declares that it is hidden? There is only one way into it and that is through the cross of Jesus. We are crucified with Christ and our life is now hidden in Him.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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Derek begins this week reading from Psalm 91, calling this “God’s atomic bomb shelter.” What conditions do we need to meet to continually dwell in this secret place of the Lord? Derek will reveal them – also relating personal experiences where he was kept from harm.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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Derek shares two pictures of hope from the New Testament to show us how to hold on to hope in God no matter what circumstances we face. There is a place to go, a refuge in God’s Word to cling to. When times of instability come, we have an anchor to throw out that will catch hold and keep us, and that hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ.…
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Today Derek contrasts those who at the time of their death are united to Christ and those who are not. To the one, there is hope and encouragement, for we will see them again. To the other, there is only despair. Addressing the listener, Derek encourages everyone to commit themselves to Christ.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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Jesus is the Rock of our salvation, the precious Cornerstone. He is the One who is our all, our Shepherd who leads us in paths of righteousness for the sake of His name. To the one committed to Him, He is faithful and will lead us even through death’s door, making provision for our every need.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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How do you see things in life? Wisdom gives advice and rebuke on how to live, and it’s up to us to decide what way to go. We must fix our eyes on eternal things—things we cannot see but know from God’s Word are real. When storms come in our lives the determining factor will be whether we turn to God, the eternal things, or the temporal, worldly thi…
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Today we begin a series on where to find security in today’s very unstable word. Where do you look for security? Derek mentions various agencies, organizations, and services that provide certain types, but not real peace-giving security. In the book of Proverbs, however, Wisdom offers this very thing.…
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Derek finishes this study on grace by taking a statement from Paul and emphasizing that God’s grace is sufficient. Whatever the circumstances may be, if you are in the will of God, His grace is enough to see you through. He reminds us once again of the riches of God’s grace. There is no lack, no shortage of grace available to us.…
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Today Derek looks at how it was the grace of God that caused the Corinthian church to generously give to the poor in Jerusalem. The welfare of others was paramount as an outworking of grace. Many other truths are brought out from Scripture about giving. What a wheel of turning! As we give it is given back to us, and as it is given to us we can give…
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When grace comes into our lives, it will produce fruit and one vital area will be our lips. What comes out of your mouth? Grace and gratitude are two aspects of the same word, so when you have grace you will be thankful. Grace to our speech is like salt to our food.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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Did you know grace teaches you things? Today Derek looks at Paul’s letter to Titus, who was a young pastor. It instructs him to teach various groups and how to instruct them. Then Paul brings out that it is grace that does the teaching and how it will speak to your circumstances, giving wisdom and guidance. Be prepared to listen.…
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Using the Levitical blessing from Numbers 6, Derek notes that when the Lord turns His face toward you, His grace or favor is extended. Then, bringing us in to New Testament blessings, we see that grace comes first followed by peace—God’s peace. Where God’s peace is, there is the King’s presence.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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Today Derek finishes the week showing how grace leaves no room for boasting—except in what the Lord has done. Abraham had no reason for boasting; his righteousness was accounted to him on the basis of his faith. Our father of faith had nothing in himself and neither do we. All are dependent on God to extend His grace to us, taking the lowest and li…
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When we are born again, we become new creatures and that means our old man is dead. We have to deny self, acknowledge Jesus is Lord and Master. We are His slaves, also serving His servants. As we do this, we become vessels of grace. Derek shares from experience how this truth of finding himself where death of self-life has led to the manifestation …
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How do we learn to rely on God’s grace in our daily living? Today Derek offers three steps to help you walk out your reliance upon grace; affirm that Christ lives in you, put no confidence in your flesh, and rely on Christ’s all-sufficiency. Keep your eyes on the One who is faithful.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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What do you do to receive God’s grace? The answer is nothing; stop trying to do. Grace is not found in anything you can do; just receive it because of what Jesus has done for you. Stop trying to earn God’s grace and yield yourself without reservation to Jesus.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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What is the one essential requirement for receiving God’s grace? Derek makes no apologies for addressing this question. Scripture says “Humble yourself.” It is a decision each of us must make. We must guard against self-righteousness and pride by humbling ourselves and submitting to God. As we do, God’s grace will be extended to us.…
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Today we see how God took care of the problem of satisfying justice so that we could receive mercy. We were all sinners but Jesus came and took the punishment for us all. In His sacrifice we have been reconciled to God and grace is ours.Host, Stephen Mansfield
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