The newest sermons from Kalamazoo Community Presbyterian Church on SermonAudio.
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Nicht alle alten weißen Männer sind doof. Okay, sie sind vielleicht kalk und auch welk - aber Oliver Kalkofe & Oliver Welke sind unterhaltsam, kritisch, witzig - und das nicht nur im Fernsehen. Kalkofe und Welke sezieren in diesem Podcast jede Woche neu Aktuelles aus Fernsehen, Politik, Kultur und Gesellschaft sowie ihre Lieblingsthemen aus den 70er, 80er und 90er Jahren. Sie preisen das Gestern und machen sich darüber lustig, sie reflektieren das Heute und wagen einen Blick in die Zukunft. ...
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Kalam is a podcast about the culture, history and politics of the Middle East. Hosted by seasoned radio journalist Edgar Mannheimer, Kalam aims to be a source of knowledge and understanding about a region of the world that is so often misunderstood.
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Nicht alle alten weißen Männer sind doof. Okay, sie sind vielleicht kalk und auch welk - aber Oliver Kalkofe & Oliver Welke sind unterhaltsam, kritisch, witzig - und das nicht nur im Fernsehen. Kalkofe und Welke sezieren in diesem Podcast jede ...
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The messages from the morning and evening services at Second Christian Reformed Church of Kalamazoo, MI. The Senior Pastor is Rev. John Bothof.
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Alya Al Nuaimi invites you to embark on an intergalactic adventure through the cosmos with Kalam Astro. Stay up to date with the latest global and local astronomy news, including interviews with industry experts, and discover the secrets of the universe with mind-bending theories. Want some helpful tips on stargazing? Alya has got you covered.
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كلام ينوّر هو أول بودكاست عربي مبسط عن الحياة المالية كل حلقة عبارة عن رحلة استكشافية لتبسيط المفاهيم المالية المعقدة في كلام ينوّر بناقش أفكار وتجارب مالية مختلفة ونرد على التساؤلات المطروحة في الحياة المالية بشكل عام 🎙️ Omar Shams 🌐 📧 Instagram @kalamYenawar Twitter @KalamYenawar Facebook @kalamYenawar
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Welcome! This is a compilation of our Sunday Lessons.We’re a startup church, we planted in September 2020. At the Kalamazoo Church we believe that Christianity is done best when it is done together. And so if you live in the Kalamazoo area we would love to connect – be it coming to a Sunday Service, one of the small groups, or even just grabbing coffee with a member to learn more. You can visit Kalamazoo.Church for more.
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Ciepłe audycje dla najmłodszych słuchaczy stworzone przez psycholożkę! Przeżyjmy razem ogrom przygód w jurajskiej dżungli razem z Dinozaurem Kalo i jego Drużyną. Drużyna Dinozaura Kalo bawi, uczy i relaksuje!
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Welcome to EcomPod, the podcast where ecommerce store owners and marketing professionals come to level up their businesses. Hosted by Kal Wiggins, CEO of Epic Design Labs and an expert in ecommerce design, development, and marketing, this show delivers actionable advice, proven strategies, and insightful interviews to help you drive growth and maximize profits. Whether you're just starting out or scaling to the next level, EcomPod provides the tools and inspiration to succeed in the ever-cha ...
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Welcome to the Kalorn Tradition & Religion podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to the Kalos Center Podcast where we have conversations about faith, culture, and meaningful lives. One of the show's central themes is how Christians in any profession integrate their faith with what they their faith has legs in their work. We'll interview Christians from a variety of fields, scientists, philosophers, investors, artists, politicians, musicians, athletes, and many more. Folks like JP Moreland, most influential Christian Apologist of today, David Baunsen, a t ...
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reka ulang sebua sandiwara singkat atas kejadian yang cukup seram dalam bentuk audio
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!ARD kalk
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Modulando a história através dos kHz! Conteúdo Hip-Hop focado no corre dos DJs, produtores, fotógrafos e quem nem sempre brilha com mic nas mãos.
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Chris Kala podcast keskendub isiklikule arengule läbi eneseteadlikkuse ja iseenda analüüsimise edendamise. Saadete eesmärgiks on motiveerida ja inspireerida kuulajaid, olemaks rohkem ausam iseenda vastu, võttes seeläbi suuremat vastutust enda isikliku elu ees. Individuaalne avatus, julgus rääkida ja enda ning teistega läbinisti aus olemine on see, mis kasvatab eneseteadlikkust ning viib parema ja õnnelikuma elu juurde! Podcast keskendub meestele ja naistele, kes soovivad ennast arendada j ...
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Instagram-nya @KALOGUE "So let’s prove, you’re the pretty open minded person or not ..." Lo baper, lo loser.
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Wer gewinnt die goldene Klopapierrolle ? Toilettenhumor beim Spieleabend.
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Just documenting and sharing whatever I learn and experience through life. Stay tuned!
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Sermons from New Day Community Church Kalamazoo. For more info on our church, visit
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Welcome to KAL, where amazing things happen.
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Perbincangan dua insan yang pengen ikutan tren dulu aja, siapa tau konsisten. hehehe. Kita rekam, kita sebarin, kamu dengerin. Tiap rabu yah, sebelum potkes Rapot!
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waktu, cinta dan cerita semesta
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Kamu telah memperolehnya dengan cuma-cuma, karena itu berikanlah pula dengan cuma-cuma. (Matius 10:8) 你們白白的得來、也要白白的捨去。(馬太福音十8)
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Spreading a perspective and commenting on the current issues
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Aku kira semua orang akan jujur kalo lagi sendiri, akan sadar kalo lagi sendiri, akan apa adanya kalo lagi sendiri. Biasanya kalo lagi sendiri lah manusia mengambil startnya.
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AI Ki Aatmakatha
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Beri aku luka. Beri aku cinta. Kan kuubah semua menjadi barisan aksara indah tentang rasa.
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hahaha Cover art photo provided by Bia Andrade on Unsplash:
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रोजच्या धकाधकीच्या जीवनात, तुम्हाला एक सुखाचा कवडसा नक्की अनुभवायला मिळेल! या आपल्या कृष्ण कलामंच चॅनल मध्ये, मग ती भयकथा असेल, एखादी सामाजिक घटनेची जाणीव असेल किंवा एखादं कल्पनाविस्तारीत पात्र असेल, पण जे काही असेल ते तुमचं मनोरंजन नक्की करेल याची खात्री आम्ही देतो. Email-
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Suara kebenaran yang disampaikan oleh duta Kristus.
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Materi mentah untuk diajarkan di kelas dan seminar.
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This is my first podcast, please have fun listening and give feedback :)
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Selamat datang di Podcast Kata (Kala Terjaga). Dengan senang hati mendengarkan cerita yang dijaga hati-hati. Silakan diceritakan di /@kala_terjaga
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Welcome to the Md Kalam podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Potongan-potongan alinea kala senja. Berkisah tentang apa saja. Tidak selalu tentang aku. Bisa jadi kamulah tokoh utamanya.
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Sekedar bercerita soal isu sosial yang lagi banyak di nyinyirin warganet di negara +62 yang tidak pernah ada habisnya.
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Memotret kisah hidup manusia menjadi manusia
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Menyuarakan tulisan-tulisan sendu yang semoga mewakilimu. Disuarakan oleh "Setiaaaaa".
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Welcome to the DjB-zex Zekov Kaloiannh podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Hörspiel-Serie in 8 Folgen - nach wahren Begebenheiten. Kalkar, ein kleiner Ort am Niederrhein, wird in den 80ern zum Zentrum der Anti-AKW-Bewegung. Der Bau des "Schnellen Brüters" spaltet den Ort. Aktivistin Eva kehrt in die Heimat zurück und muss mit dem Widerstand der eigenen Familie rechnen. Mehr Infos findet ihr auf Schickt uns eure Fragen und Meinungen an
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Kalo Cowok Curhat Podcast adalah tempat dimana kuping kalian mendapat ‘fasilitas’ untuk mendengarkan pembicaraan orang lain. Segala macam hal akan dibicarakan sesuai mood pembicara. Selamat menikmati!
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Berbagai macam perspektif yang disajikan dengan berbagai rangkaian kata untuk saling bersua pada rekam jejak suara
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kalama sin pi toki pona! tenpo ante la jan ante li toki e ijo ante e musi ante. o kute pona! o toki tawa jan pali lon ilo Siko:
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Life of pi part 1 Cover art photo provided by Daniel Olah on Unsplash:
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In this episode of the EcomPod podcast, Kal Wiggins shares foundational insights for e-commerce entrepreneurs. He introduces the 'E-commerce Magic Formula' which includes traffic, conversion, average order value, and frequency of purchase. Kal discusses the stages of e-commerce growth, emphasizing the importance of goal setting and time management …
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A lot has been made of the terminology applied to Israeli "hostages" or "captives" and Palestinian "prisoners" or "terrorists". While the Israelis certainly are hostages and captives, thousands of Palestinians are languishing in Israeli prisons without a trial or formal charge. Many are tortured and sexually violated, and many are children and mino…
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كلام ينوّر أول بودكاست عربي مبسط عن الحياة المالية ، في اللينك ده هتلاقوا كل الروابط الخاصة بكلام ينور تقدروا تتواصلوا معانا وتسمعونا من خلالها زوروا موقعنا الإكتروني هتلاقوا الحلقة مكتوبة بالكامل وهتلاقوا ترجمة لبعض الكلمات والمصطلحات اللي اتقالت في الحلقة 196: episode-196 الخسارة هو مصطلح بيتكرر كتير جداً في عالم الاستثمار …
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Christian Psychology Institute co-founder Eric Johnson helps us to consider the rich resources we have as Christians as we do counseling and soul care. He discusses the history of modern psychology and how we’ve been trained not to factor our faith into it. He also cautions against neglecting the many rich insights available to us from the world of…
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Kalk und Welk machen sich bereit, sich Donald Trump zu unterwerfen - die anderen machen es ja schließlich auch. Vielleicht rettet uns aber noch der handgeschriebene Brief, den Friedrich Merz dem neuen US-Präsidenten schreiben will. Ansonsten gratulieren die beiden Boomer-Boys Kevin Costner, der dieser Tage 70 wird und würdigen den vor kurzem versto…
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Jonathan Landry Cruse
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Arab-socialism is deeply intertwined with arab nationalism – to the extent that they are sometimes used interchangeably: Pan-arabism, Arab Nationalism and Arab Socialism, to talk about especially its most well known movements, of the 1950s-1970s. In this series however, we will focus specifically on the rise of a peculiar "arab socialism", as a par…
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Preached by Jaren Singh on 1/19/25Kalamazoo Church of Christ
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Kalk und Welk machen sich bereit, sich Donald Trump zu unterwerfen - die anderen machen es ja schließlich auch. Vielleicht rettet uns aber noch der handgeschriebene Brief, den Friedrich Merz dem neuen US-Präsidenten schreiben will. Ansonsten ...
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Seminarian Joel Haan - Scripture: Matthew 16:24-26 Text: Matthew 16:24-26Seminarian Joel Haan
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Welcome to KALAM ASTRO, the podcast where we journey through the cosmos to explore the mysteries of the Universe! In this episode, we uncover the origins of the cosmos, fascinating exoplanet discoveries, and essential facts about the Sun and Moon: 💥 Segment 1: The Big Bang Theory How did the Universe begin? We delve into the Big Bang Theory—what it…
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Welcome to KALAM ASTRO, your go-to podcast for exploring the wonders of space and the latest developments in astronomy! In this episode, we dive into incredible advancements in space science, mysterious discoveries, and exciting celestial events: 🌌 Segment 1: Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences and Technology We shine a spotlight on the S…
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Rev. John Bothof - Scripture: Jeremiah 18:1-23 Text: Jeremiah 18:1-23Rev. John Bothof
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Jonathan Landry Cruse
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Direkt från Teater Tribunalen pratar Edgar och Sam om det brittiska mandatet i Palestina under mellankrigsåren. Vad var det för system, och hur bidrog det till Israels bildande och Nakba? Samtalet är inspelat inför en uppsättning av pjäsen Mandatet som behandlar samma tidsperiod, som sålt ut Teater Tribunalen i Stockholm i flera veckor.…
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كلام ينوّر أول بودكاست عربي مبسط عن الحياة المالية ، في اللينك ده هتلاقوا كل الروابط الخاصة بكلام ينور تقدروا تتواصلوا معانا وتسمعونا من خلالها زوروا موقعنا الإكتروني هتلاقوا الحلقة مكتوبة بالكامل وهتلاقوا ترجمة لبعض الكلمات والمصطلحات اللي اتقالت في الحلقة 195: episode-195 بنتكلم في حلقة النهاردة عن ازاي الضغط المجتمعي بيأثر…
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At long last it seems we have a ceasefire in Gaza, after over a year of war and genocide. But just as we were all breathing a collective sigh of relief, the Netanyahu regime seemed to sabotage the deal in the last minute. What does this mean? In the 20th instalment of Kalam Digest, Edgar, Sam and Nora take us through the implications of the ceasefi…
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Music has long been central to Palestinian culture in general and specifically to the culture of resistance. Reem Talhami is a Palestinian actress and singer who gained recognition for her singing during the First Intifada in the late 1980's. Today, she continues to sing and act, despite the situation for Palestinians deteriorating rapidly. During …
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Preached by Jaren Singh on 1/12/25Kalamazoo Church of Christ
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Pastor John Bothof - Scripture: Exodus 20:14; Matthew 5:27-30 Text: Exodus 20:14; Matthew 5:27-30Pastor John Bothof
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Welcome to KALAM ASTRO, your podcast for the latest discoveries, updates, and discussions about the mysteries of the universe. In this episode, we explore fascinating developments in space science and missions that are shaping our understanding of the cosmos: 🌌 Dark Photons at the Big Bang’s Dawn Could "dark photons" from the universe’s cosmic dawn…
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Welcome to KALAM ASTRO, the podcast where we explore the latest happenings in space and uncover the mysteries of the cosmos. In this episode, we dive into the exciting developments in Earth observation satellites, groundbreaking discoveries, and celestial events: 🛰️ The Race for Earth Observation Satellites Who’s leading the charge in the competiti…
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Rev. John Bothof - Scripture: Jeremiah 3:6-4:4 Text: Jeremiah 3:6-4:4Rev. John Bothof
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Jonathan Landry Cruse
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Jonathan Landry Cruse
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كلام ينوّر هو أول بودكاست عربي مبسط عن الحياة المالية كل حلقة عبارة عن رحلة استكشافية لتبسيط المفاهيم المالية المعقدة بناقش أفكار وتجارب مالية مختلفة ونرد على التساؤلات المطروحة في الحياة المالية بشكل عام زوروا موقعنا الإكتروني هتلاقوا الحلقة مكتوبة بالكامل وهتلاقوا ترجمة لبعض الكلمات والمصطلحات اللي اتقالت في الحلقة 194: episode-194 مع بداية 2025 …
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Minor military operations are still ongoing in Syria as HTS attempts to root out Assad loyalists in the city of Homs. In Gaza the genocide is ongoing, and Israel has forcibly disappeared doctor Hossam Abu Safiya, Director of the Kamal Adwan Medical Complex. Trump has promised to unleash hell in Gaza if hostages are not released – this comes just ov…
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We sit down with David Bahnsen to talk about the world of wealth management from a Christian perspective. How can this be done ethically in our fallen world? Bahnsen, recognized as a top financial advisor, discusses principles of free enterprise, biblical cautions about wealth, and the challenge of wealth inequality. His fresh perspective will give…
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For our first episode of the Kalos Center Podcast, we think it’s fitting to talk with J.P. Moreland, one of the most influential Christian apologists of our time. We discuss what it means to be a Christian philosopher, covering such topics as mind-body dualism, intelligent design, and why it’s important for all Christians to think deeply about thei…
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In the fourth instalment of Munadama, where the team behind Kalam "shoot the shit over alcoholic beverages", Sam, Nora, Edgar and Arthur discuss everything from Arabic grammar to dive bars in Damascus. These episodes are usually exclusively available for our Patreon subscribers, but in the (belated) spirit of the holidays we're unlocking this episo…
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Preached by Jaren Singh on 1/5/25Kalamazoo Church of Christ
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Rev. John Bothof - Scripture: Exodus 20:13; Matthew 5:21-22; 1 John 3:15 Text: Exodus 20:13; Matthew 5:21-22; 1 John 3:15Rev. John Bothof
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In this episode of KALAM ASTRO, we dive into the most anticipated spaceflight missions of 2025. From daring lunar landings to groundbreaking Mars exploration, 2025 is shaping up to be an exciting year for space enthusiasts! Segment 2: We discuss a fascinating update from scientists who say "follow the methane" to uncover potential signs of life on …
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We explore the UAE's space sector and highlight its key missions revealed for 2025, showcasing the nation's growing presence in the cosmos. In our discussion segment, we dive into billionaire Elon Musk’s ambitious strides in space exploration for the year 2025, including updates on SpaceX and his future plans. Our information segment brings lighthe…
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Rev. John Bothof - Scripture: Jeremiah 1:1-19 Text: Jeremiah 1:1-19Rev. John Bothof
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Jonathan Landry Cruse
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Jonathan Landry Cruse
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The Syrian writer and political theorist, Yassin al-Haj Saleh, has lived a remarkable life. As a student activist affiliated with one of Syria's communist parties, Yassin spent 16 years in Hafez al Assad's prisons. Then, shortly after the revolution of 2011, Yassin's wife, Samira Khalil, was abucted by the Islamist militia Jaysh al Islam. Samira wa…
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Preached by Josh McCoy on 10/20/24Kalamazoo Church of Christ
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كلام ينوّر أول بودكاست عربي مبسط عن الحياة المالية ، في اللينك ده هتلاقوا كل الروابط الخاصة بكلام ينور تقدروا تتواصلوا معانا وتسمعونا من خلالها زوروا موقعنا الإكتروني هتلاقوا الحلقة مكتوبة بالكامل وهتلاقوا ترجمة لبعض الكلمات والمصطلحات اللي اتقالت في الحلقة 193: episode-193 مع بداية كل سنة بتبتدي تحضر للسنة الجديدة سواء في شغ…
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Vor ihrer kleinen Winterpause tauchen die Boomer Boys kurz auf, um sich von ihrem Weihnachtsfest zu erzählen und wie übel diesem mitgespielt wurde von Söders Gesang und Lauterbachs Fingernagel. Sie gruseln sich vor Elon Musks weit reichendem Arm, der auch hier politisch mitmischen will und setzen auf die Comeback-Filme von Stromberg über Superman b…
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Vor ihrer kleinen Winterpause tauchen die Boomer Boys kurz auf, um sich von ihrem Weihnachtsfest zu erzählen und wie übel diesem mitgespielt wurde von Söders Gesang und Lauterbachs Fingernagel. Sie gruseln sich vor Elon Musks weit reichendem Arm, der ...
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#324 Jüri Orgusaar: Ärevus miinus hirm võrdub elevus – ettevõtlusvabadus, bränding ja hingamine
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ROHKEM INFOT JÜRI KOHTA - kõik Jüri teenused nähtavad ja eraldi landing Mastermindile ka olemas.https://www.brä - võimalus Jüri kaasata enda isikliku või ettevõtte brändikuvandi loomisesse. - Jüri disainiteenuse lehthttps:/ (paneks siia otse lingi ka mastermindile) - 🎙️ Jüri…
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Rev. John Bothof - Scripture: Psalm 119:105 19:7-14 43:3 Text: Psalm 119:105 19:7-14 43:3Rev. John Bothof
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Welcome to KALAM ASTRO, your cosmic guide to the wonders of space! In this episode, we explore fascinating topics that take us from the mysteries of black holes to the intriguing concept of parallel universes, and the challenges of space leadership: 🌌 Segment 1: Strange but True Space Facts Did you know that space is weirder than science fiction? W…
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Welcome to KALAM ASTRO, your ultimate podcast for exploring the mysteries of space and our place in the cosmos. In this episode, we delve into exciting discussions about who’s pushing the boundaries of space exploration and what the future holds for humanity among the stars: 🌍 Segment 1: Who Leads the Space Race? Which country holds the crown in sp…
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Welcome to KALAM ASTRO, your go-to podcast for everything space-related! In this exciting episode, we explore fascinating topics that take us from the controversies of our solar system to lessons learned from humanity's trials in space exploration: 🌌 Segment 1: The Great Pluto Debate Is Pluto really a planet? We dive into the history and science be…
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Welcome to KALAM ASTRO, your ultimate podcast for all things space exploration, innovation, and beyond. In this episode, we dive into: 🚀 Breaking News: Space42 secures a groundbreaking $5.1 billion contract from the UAE government to supercharge the development of next-gen satellites. What does this mean for the future of space tech? 🌍 Updates: NAS…
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