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JLPT N1 日本語ききはじめ

日本語ききはじめ N1 Nippon KiKi Hajime

Learn Japanese language and culture / good for learners aiming for N1 (JLPT). N1取得、大学院進学などを目指す日本語学習者の皆さんに、日々のニュースに日本の文化、歴史などを絡めてお話します。 最近、少しずつYouTubeにも「文字起こし」を載せていっています。 読みながら学びたい人はこちらもどうぞ。 https://www.youtube.com/@nihongo_kiki_hajime
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JL’s Podcast

Jean Luc

Welcome to JL's Podcast. However you find us, whatever you listen to, we hope it serves you. Whatever questions you have or further conversations, take it to your trusted people and may it all lead to us all living the way of Jesus and transforms our world. Happy listening!
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JLL Perspectives

JLL Australia

JLL’s commercial real estate experts, together with industry leaders, provide a snapshot into the latest developments in the real estate sector impacting our cities, our workplaces, and the broader built environment.
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The podcast from Osaka for Japanese language learners. Especially advanced level learners around JLPT N1 N2 level. Talking about grammar, culture, society, what we can see through the language. 日本語上級レベル向けポッドキャストです。 พอดแคสต์สำหรับคนที่เรียนภาษาญี่ปุ่นระดับสูง หรือ ระดับ N1,N2 พูดเป็นภาษาญี่ปุ่นเท่านั้น 感想やメッセージがあればぜひ送ってください。→ jpnpodcast@gmail.com レッスンに興味がある方→ http://www.jpnlessonosaka.net/ Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/nishifumi355/ Please support me with the amazon gift card if you l ...
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JLounge Podcast.

JLounge Podcast.

Jlounge Podcast es una plataforma para hablar de lo que nos afecta e interesa. Hablemos de todo y de nada. JLonge parte de la comunidad LGBTQ+ de Chicago, representando desde el 2009.
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Principal JL is an educational leader who explores various topics facing educational leaders today! The Mission of this podcast is to inform and inspire other Educational Leaders on how to be their best for their Schools by honing their skills and talents so they may impact their teachers, staff members, students, parents/guardians, and community members positively for their School District! Come with a Growth Mindset as we journey through Educational Leadership!
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分享網路創業行銷,心靈命理占卜,投資理財,主要是這些都跟我們工作創業生活,甚至到生存都習習相關,如果你喜歡我的頻道,覺得有幫助到你,你也可以分享給你的親友,一起受益喔😀 Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@rawpixel
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JLG Booktalks

Deborah B Ford

Deborah B. Ford, Director of Library Outreach for Junior Library Guild, presents ready to use podcasts of the latest releases in children's literature. Get out your wish list and give it a listen!
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The Words of Jlax

JLAX - L . F. G

Here I will stray away from my youtube style and go more in depth in my experiences. Sharing my mind, opinions and viewpoints on the blessings I have received. Ultimately the goal is the same. To help YOU LIVEFORGREATNESSNOW. To assist you and have a no bullshit approach for self realization in your life. Check me out on youtube for more fire content. Youtube : https://youtu.be/pzAjuL7blVs Instagram.com/jlax_l.f.g https://liveforgreatnessnow.com/
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There are people working tirelessly to create modern, inclusive places where we live, work and play. This is a podcast about them: Who they are, what they do, and the stories behind their ambitions to shape the spaces around us for the better.
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Genevieve Rose

Welcome to JLE “jelly” a podcast where I tell stories and my animals pretend to listen. The purpose of JLE is to analyze topics involving Jesus, everyday life, and various forms of entertainment- in it all we will decide whether or not the choices made lead closer to Heaven or closer to Hell. It is an honor for my voice to be the barrier between those listening and their innermost thoughts.
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JLL Chicago Industrial Real Time

Hosted by JLL industrial researchers George Cutro and Chad Buch

Listen as experts discuss market trends, hot topics, deal coverage and other industrial news. JLL researcher George Cutro welcomes guests from various backgrounds to chat about these topics, and more. Contact us with questions about the industrial real estate market or to submit a future topic idea.
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JLA Japanese Listening

JLA Japanese Listening

Welcome to JLA, Japanese Listening Advanced!! Enhance your Japanese ability by listening to real, natural Japanese conversation. You can check script and learn new words and phrases which you might not find in dictionary! Listen to the sound, check the script, and learn advanced Japanese!!! Follow us on twitter or facebook too, so that you can find scripts too!
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JLD Therapy for You!

Jennifer Davis, OTR

This is where you can find helpful tips on parenting and helping your child gain independence in movement, communication, and self-care. We want to hear from you! Let us know your struggles so we can help both you and others!
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JLG Grey's Anatomy Podcast

JLG Podcasting

This podcast is devoted to the show Grey's Anatomy. There will be episode recaps and the rest is all about listener interaction. I want to hear everyone's favorite moments, favorite quotes and anything they want to share about the show! Be sure to send in the information!
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The JL Show

The JL Show

Recorded from 2012 to 2016, The JL Show is a groundbreaking podcast charting the teenage years of several young men as they experience the highs and lows of school and broadcast it all in real time.
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Dê a cada dia a possibilidade de ser o melhor dia da sua vida. Escute um podcast e venha nos conhecer! Aqui temos narração e interpretação de teatros, contos e poemas para todos que apreciam e necessitam desta ferramenta. Para os amantes da literatura em geral.Textos narrados e interpretados pelos alunos da Escola E.E.F.M. Joaquim de Lima Avelino. Sábio é aquele que para ser feliz tem que escutar um podcast!
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The JLEE Experience

Jason Lee

Hey, what's up! Thank you for stumbling along my show! This podcast was created in order to help as many people as possible in their lives & in business. Whether it's self-motivation, productivity hacks, marketing strategies, entrepreneurship, or time management, I am here to help. I feel as though I have been through enough rough patches, hard lessons, and learning experiences in my life in order to help someone in a positive way. If you want to learn more, check out my youtube channel: htt ...
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這裡胡說 | JL Talks | Things in Travel

生活.旅遊.航空 | 傑西大叔

旅行就是生活 生活就是旅行 每一趟旅行都有不同收穫 每一天生活都要充實精采 這裡胡說是一個討輪旅遊跟生活頻道 在跟每一個朋友的閒聊當中 挖掘出隱藏在其中的五感體驗以及人生經驗 ⭕傑西大叔還在哪邊走跳 https://linktr.ee/jltalks LINE社群、BLOG、FB、IG、片尾曲歌單都在這 ⭕小額贊助節目 https://p.ecpay.com.tw/D91EF ⭕合作聯繫 jesselin.com@gmail.com Super Polka, NewsSting Inspired by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4443-super-polka Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3918-inspired https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4124-newssting License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Pow ...
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show series
Fan Mail! Are you struggling to maintain your passion in a leadership role? Join us as we explore the secrets to sustaining your leadership journey while avoiding burnout. This episode dives into practical strategies for setting healthy boundaries, ensuring you remain energized and effective in your role. We discuss the vital importance of building…
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N1取得、大学院進学などを目指す日本語学習者の皆さんに、ニュース、日本の文化、歴史などをお話します。最近、少しずつYouTubeにも「文字起こし」を載せていっています。 ⁠ https://www.youtube.com/@nihongo_kiki_hajime 今日は「小さな島」の話。 Keywords: 富裕層(ふゆうそう)、高付加価値(こうふかかち)、沼島(ぬしま)、矛(ほこ)、中央構造線(ちゅうおうこうぞうせん)、断層(だんそう)、ナウマン象(ぞう)、急峻な(きゅうしゅん)、上立神岩(かみたてがみいわ)、崇める(あがめる)、真水(まみず)、なわばり、離島(りとう)、限界集落(げんかいしゅうらく)…
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There is something significant God is wanting us to take by force like never before. Peace and Joy because it’s needed for your journey. And the truth of the matter is, both are already yours in Christ Jesus. Do you believe this? Are you a believer in Jesus Christ? If so, why are you not feeling or experiencing what He’s already given? Do you desir…
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Special Guest Host Billy D from Magazines and Monsters helps Chris & Cindy cover “The Great Brain Robbery”. When Flash and Lex Luthor accidentally switch minds, calamity ensues! Will Lex as Flash escape the Watchtower? Will Flash as Lex escape the amorous intentions of the mystic Tala? And does he even want to?Subscribe via iTunes or Spotify.This p…
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In this episode, Don Cantor and Alex Ozar dive into the challenging landscape surrounding Israel on college campuses, particularly elite East Coast institutions. They explore how students, often identifying as Jewish, find themselves navigating a complex and increasingly politicized environment. The conversation includes discussions on balancing co…
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Fan Mail! This episode explores the journey from good to great in education by fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Key topics include adopting a growth mindset, the value of professional development, recognition of staff, effective communication, and collaboration for better student outcomes. • Discussing the concept of a growth mindset …
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Word of encouragement as we wrap this season to enter spring 2025 very soon. I don’t know about you but the shift has already occurred. Spring is in full swing. The Lord wants us to use the end of February, to prepare mentally and spiritually for spring and summer 2025. As we shared in our two part episode, Year of Double Grace:Mobility, Faith & Lo…
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Private capital is feasting on Melbourne commercial real estate as institutional and overseas investors hold out for greater stability. But things are changing in 2025. Perspectives podcast host Rebecca Kent chats to Piper Dedrick, institutional investment specialist at JLL, Nick Drake, JLL's joint head of leasing in Victoria, and Jessica Van Raay,…
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Fan Mail! What happens when a single conversation can redefine your entire career path? Angela Kelly, a dedicated educator and leadership coach, shares her inspiring journey from a brief stint in studying finance to discovering her true calling in education. Her story is one of transformative growth, beginning with the Upward Bound program, which s…
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N1取得、大学院進学などを目指す日本語学習者の皆さんに、ニュース、日本の文化、歴史などをお話します。最近、少しずつYouTubeにも「文字起こし」を載せていっています。 ⁠ https://www.youtube.com/@nihongo_kiki_hajime 今日は「AIと考古学」の話。 Keywords: 地上絵(ちじょうえ)、人類学者(じんるいがくしゃ)、酸化(さんか)、絞り込み(しぼりこみ)、家畜(かちく)、巡礼(じゅんれい)、古墳(こふん)、建築物(けんちくぶつ)、地形(ちけい)、考古学(こうこがく)、古文書(こもんじょ)、判別(はんべつ)、解読(かいどく)、沈没船(ちんぼつせん)、開陽丸(かいようまる)、破片(はへん)、酸素(さんそ)、海洋国家(かいようこっか)…
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On this Valentine’s Day, we close out our series, Dating & Marriage Prerequisites! In this series finale we want you to embrace this truth: Jesus has made you worthy. In accordance to John 15:16, which says… “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you as…
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Talking about colors in Japanese 色の名前について話しました。 Vocabulary: ぼちぼち→little by little, so-so (Kansai dialect ) 改訂版(かいていばん)→revised edition 橙(だいだい)→type of orange 鏡餅(かがみもち)→Japanese traditional new year decoration made from mochi 代々(だいだい)→for generations 縁起(えんぎ)がいい→ good luck, good omen レッスンに興味がある方  My website→⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠http://www.jpnlessonosaka.ne…
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Fan Mail! Unlock the secrets of harnessing data to revolutionize educational leadership! Discover how effective data-driven decision-making can transform student attendance and uplift teacher performance, all while fostering a supportive school culture. This episode guides you through strategies used by school improvement teams to identify and addr…
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N1取得、大学院進学などを目指す日本語学習者の皆さんに、ニュース、日本の文化、歴史などをお話します。最近、少しずつYouTubeにも「文字起こし」を載せていっています。 ⁠ https://www.youtube.com/@nihongo_kiki_hajime 今日は「受験」の話。 Keywords: 教育基本法(きょういくきほんほう)、新制大学(しんせいだいがく)、旧制大学(きゅうせいだいがく)、学府(がくふ)、国学(こくがく)、洋学(ようがく)、藩校(はんこう)、私塾(しじゅく)、官立大学(かんりつだいがく)、一期校(いっきこう)、二期校(にきこう)、難問(なんもん)、奇問(きもん)、委ねる(ゆだねる)、総合型選抜(そうごうがたせんばつ)、推薦入試(すいせんにゅうし)、定員割れ(ていい…
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We had a lot to cover in this one y’all! But I believe it will be worth the listen. We want to encourage you to begin mastering faith, communicating well and being patient now rather than later. Why? It’s one of the BIGGEST INVESTMENTS you can make to your future relationships and marriage. God created marriage to be a blessing, not a burden. Remem…
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A glut of new development and relentless interest rises over the past two years saw key real estate markets in Melbourne put ‘on the bench’ by some investors. A slow return to the office after Covid lockdowns didn't exactly help lift these markets either. As a result, the recovery many expected in 2024 didn't eventuate. But it may have been the 're…
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Fan Mail! Unlock the secrets to effective conflict resolution and transform your leadership skills with insights from Principal JL in the latest episode of the Coach"Em Up Leadership Series. Discover how mastering the art of difficult conversations can make you a more effective leader in education, by learning to navigate complex situations with em…
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N1取得、大学院進学などを目指す日本語学習者の皆さんに、ニュース、日本の文化、歴史などをお話します。最近、少しずつYouTubeにも「文字起こし」を載せていっています。 ⁠ https://www.youtube.com/@nihongo_kiki_hajime 今日は「鹿の国」の話の続き。 Keywords: 諏訪大社(すわたいしゃ)、狩猟採集(しゅりょうさいしゅう)、取り込む(とりこむ)、不可欠(ふかけつ)、明治維新(めいじいしん)、術(すべ)、最適(さいてき)、自給率(じきゅうりつ)、代替可能(だいたいかのう)、飛脚(ひきゃく)、盆地(ぼんち)、恨み(うらみ)、呪い(のろい)、祟り(たたり)、実在(じつざい)、六波羅探題(ろくはらたんだい)、京都所司代(きょうとしだい)、武芸(ぶげい)…
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Tonight we continue the series with part 3, growing capacity for love and to love. There’s no better way to prepare to meet the right one and allow yourself to have a healthy marriage, unless you first grew your capacity for love and to love in singlehood and in your dating relationship. Can you really say you’re ready to date and you’re ready to b…
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En este episodio, Trini y Tapia echan un vistazo a los temas que nos afectan e interesan. Hablamos de todo y de nada, pero, sobre todo, exploramos la realidad que muchas familias mixtas están enfrentando en medio de la injusticia de esta administración. Lo peor que podemos hacer es contribuir a la ignorancia cuando tenemos la oportunidad de ser par…
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Guest Rav Moshe Moskowitz Overview: This episode features Rav Moshe Moskowitz, JLC Director at Johns Hopkins, discussing his approach to Torah learning, his connection to the Pachad Yitzchak, and how he connects with students through Torah. He shares personal stories, offers insights on dealing with challenges, and shares powerful pieces of Torah r…
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Unite the Seven! JLUCast returns with coverage of “Patriot Act”, featuring special guest, Gord Tolton from Praire Justice: The Greg Sanders Vigilante Podcast! When General Eiling becomes a hulking man-beast, can a group of the League’s less powerful members defend Metropolis from this Superman-level threat? Starring the Seven Soldiers of Victory!Su…
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Fan Mail! Discover the essentials of motivating and inspiring educators in our latest Coach"EM Up leadership series episode. What if unlocking the true potential of your teaching staff could be achieved through authenticity and vulnerability? We promise you’ll walk away with strategies to cultivate a positive school culture, from sharing personal s…
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N1取得、大学院進学などを目指す日本語学習者の皆さんに、ニュース、日本の文化、歴史などをお話します。最近、少しずつYouTubeにも「文字起こし」を載せていっています。 ⁠ https://www.youtube.com/@nihongo_kiki_hajime 今日は「鹿の国」の話。 Keywords: 諏訪盆地(すわぼんち)、諏訪大社(すわたいしゃ)、総本山(そうほんざん)、神事(しんじ)、御柱祭(おんばしらさい)、御頭祭(おんとうさい)、剥製(はくせい)、国譲り(くにゆずり)、解釈(かいしゃく)、稲作(いなさく)、縄文(じょうもん)、弥生(やよい)、狩り(かり)、神聖(しんせい)、太占(ふとまに)、既得権益(きとくけんえき)、保守的(ほしゅてき)…
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Tonight we continue our series, “ Dating & Marriage Prerequisites” and we’re talking about foundations, boundaries and intentions. I have seen this trend in my generation and if I am being completely honest, it’s a result of two people who were not clear on their foundations, boundaries and intentions and were led by desire without direction and wi…
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¡Hola! Nuestro episodio ya está disponible en todas las plataformas que distribuyen el formato podcast, como Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Deezer y muchas más. También puedes escucharlo en nuestra casa: www.jloungeelpodcast.com. En este episodio hablamos de temas relevantes que afectan a nuestra comunidad en general. Además, abordamos aque…
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