this podcast contains interesting interviews iwth jazz artists from all over the world
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Interview Joern & The Michaels - Lambooyhuis - Hengelo 2013Jazzmeeting
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Interview Tim Gant - NSJF - Rotterdam 2013Jazzmeeting
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Interview Al Mc Kay - JazzFest Gronau 2013 Cynthia & Al Mc Kay (Earth Wind & Fire)Jazzmeeting
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Interview Tuck & Patti - Metropool Hengelo 2012 Tuck, Cynthia & Patti Tuck, can you tell me in a few words, who is Patti and what do you feel for her, what does she give to you that enriches your life ? Same question for Patti When was that very moment that you said to yourself : I have a gift... this is it, this is worthwhile, precious, give, rece…
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Interview Marcus Miller - Jazzfest Gronau 2012Jazzmeeting
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Interview Marnix Busstra - Radio Hengelo 2011 Berthil Busstra, Cynthia Thijs & Marnix BusstraJazzmeeting
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Interview Greetje Kauffeld - Radio Hengelo 2011 Cynthia Thijs & Greetje KauffeldJazzmeeting
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Thianam & Michiel BorstlapInterview taken at Muziek Centrum Enschede, After the concert with Edsilia RombleyJazzmeeting
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