Kakaako, Honolulu, Hawaii
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We all need to be saved from something. From suffering, from conflict, from self-destructive habits, from our sin. Jonah cried out to God for salvation from the belly of a whale, and God answered miraculously.Matt Dirks
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God is always on the move, bringing his truth, power, and grace to new people. He’s calling us to join him in his mission, but so often he first needs to move in our hearts. If you're searching for God’s purpose for your life, then this message is for you.Matt Dirks
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How should we choose a spouse (or help our kids prepare to choose a spouse?) What should we prioritize when we find a spouse? Thankfully, Proverbs is full of answers for us.Mike Ohara
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We all love the idea of having friends. The problem is, we don’t actually have friends. We might have work-friends or social-media followers, but sociologists say our culture is in the middle of a “friendship recession.” And there are measurable effects to our health and well-being. So what does it take to build real friendships? As always, Proverb…
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Your cat can hear better than you and your dog can smell better than you. But no other animal in creation can speak like you. Communication is one of the primary ways God’s image can be seen in you. Proverbs says, like God, we have the power to bring life through our words. So how can we unleash that power?…
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Our relationship with money? It’s complicated. Some of us idolize it. Others feel guilty for having it. But God created wealth, so he wants us to build it, enjoy it, and give it away, while avoiding the dangers that come with it.Matt Dirks
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Many people are just surviving at work, but what does it take to start thriving at work? How can we choose work we’ll love, and love our work even if there's parts we don't choose? If you're contemplating your career right now, tune in to this message.Matt Dirks
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How do you make big decisions in life? Do you just see what gives you most peace? Or ask God for a sign? Or do you just do something and ask God to bless it? Proverbs gives us a strategy for decision-making that’s a lot more wise than any of those options. If you're wrestling with a big decision in life, tune into this message.…
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You don’t need to hate God to derail your life. You just need to be fine with how you are right now. God designed us to be constantly stretching and growing, and that starts with our souls. If you're feeling the need for change and growth, tune into the message.Matt Dirks
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We’re all looking for strategies to optimize our daily lives. But fitness-hacks and housekeeping-hacks can only take us so far. We need life-hacks that can optimize our friendships, careers, marriages, finances, and mental health. That’s where the book of Proverbs comes in. It gives hard-won wisdom on real-life issues. It helps us align our lives t…
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There’s a secret piece of information. If you know it, your life will be transformed. If you don’t, your life might be destroyed. It’s the secret to finding contentment, and Paul’s going to let us in on it.Matt Dirks
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Maybe it's social media, maybe it's FOMO (fear of missing out - probably induced by what people are watching on social media!) but anxiety in Americans is high. What's interesting is that in a survey of young adults, we see that the fears are much more “common” than we might think: financial concerns, jobs, relationships, and parents. The research …
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We've all faced relational conflicts—whether as a toddler scrapping over toys, as a teenager feeling left out, or as an adult butting heads with coworkers and family members. Paul’s going to offer us guidance on how to respond, and it’s less about proving who is right, and more about doing what is right, which leads to greater happiness.…
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Ever find it hard to let go of the good and bad in life? Maybe you catch yourself playing the comparison game, or longing for the "good old days,” or even feeling like you’re drowning in regret and disappointment. Paul wrestled with all these things, and his approach was to forget both his brightest achievements and his darkest sins. This gives us …
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We think we'll gain happiness by gaining things. Money and possessions. Epic experiences and vacations. Status and respect. A perfect family. Then we come to the book of Philippians and we meet a guy named Paul who found true happiness when he lost all those things, and gained something else in exchange. What’s that one thing that made him so ridic…
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All of us follow the examples of other people. But what kind of examples are we following? Paul will help us identify the kind of people who will help us thrive in life, when we model our lives after them.Matt Dirks
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We can see darkness creeping in. Problems like drug abuse, violent crime, and involuntary homelessness are on the rise in Hawai’i. But Philippians 2 says God has a plan to address the darkness: “YOU shine like stars in the world.” So how can we shine at our brightest?Matt Dirks
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All of us who follow Christ want to be seen as servants. The problem is that none of us want to be treated like servants. But there’s deep happiness we can find when we consider others more important than ourselves.Matt Dirks
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Put on your imagination cap and answer this: if you were living your best life now, what would it look like? We all have our own dream life, but Paul found a way to be happy whether life is a dream or a living nightmare: by finding life in Christ. If you're feeling burned out by life, check out this message and be encouraged!…
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God commands us to be happy (Phil. 4:4), but how are you supposed to obey that command when life is terrible? We’ll see a path to joy by looking for how God might be working in trying and stressful situations. If you're enduring suffering right now, we invite you to tune in to this message and be encouraged by God's word!…
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