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Grace Touch

Grace Touch

This podcast is an ongoing reflection about being a believer in and follower of Jesus. For 2023, the short episodes will focus on Oneness with God and how we can pursue intimacy with Him from a place of rest. Join us on our Teachable Course for more in-depth content about ‘The Yielded Life’: Support this podcast:
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In this episode, I briefly discuss the rejection of God by His people at Sinai and the truth that He has ALWAYS invited us all to intimacy with Him. This is a noisy episode recorded while walking outside, and I did that on purpose to illustrate the way our relationship with God happens in the midst of everything else. So, it is noisy and the volume…
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This first episode of 2023 shines a light on the importance of Oneness with YHWH and on the fact that it is the most important pursuit we can focus on, if we are interested in becoming who we are in Christ. Intrigued? Listen and if you would like to hear more, join me on Photo by Mohammed Awwam for UnSplash --- …
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Il s'agit du dernier épisode de GT pour cette année, qui décrit à quoi s'attendre en 2023. Vous pouvez envoyer quelques commentaires sur les épisodes que vous avez écoutés en 2022. Photo de Nicholas Hoizey pour UnSplash--- Support this podcast:…
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This is the last episode of GT for this year, which outlines what to expect in 2023. Please send some feedback on the episodes you listened to in 2022. Photo by Braden Collum for UnSplash--- Support this podcast:
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Dans cet épisode, les questions suivantes sont abordées à la lumière de la Bible : Quelle(s) voix écoutons-nous ? Pourquoi trouvons-nous tellement plus facile de croire le mal que le bien, les mensonges que la vérité ? Pourquoi cédons-nous si facilement notre héritage contre un « bol de lentilles » (remplacez par votre équivalent culturel le plus a…
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In this episode, the following questions are tackled with insight from the Bible: Whose voice(s) are we listening to? Why do we find it so much easier to believe the bad than the good, the lies than the truth? Why do we so easily trade our inheritance for a “bowl of lentils” (replace with your most appropriate cultural equivalent)? Are we pursuing …
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This episode discusses ways in which Jesus approaches warfare and what we can learn from His approach. Huge thanks to Anne Hamilton for inspiring most of this from her teachings. A citation from Brian Orme is included in the podcast. Photo by Hasan Almasi for Unsplash. --- Support this podcast:…
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Cette épisode traite de la manière dont Jésus aborde le combat spirituel et de ce que nous pouvons apprendre de Son approche. Un grand merci à Anne Hamilton pour avoir inspiré une grande partie de cet épisode à partir de ses enseignements. Une citation de Brian Orme est incluse dans le podcast. Photo de Hasan Almasi pour Unsplash.--- Support this p…
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This episode is dedicated to celebrating WOMEN and reminding us of God’s favour towards us throughout the history of His recorded relationship with humanity. My friend Bridget Nunn-Harvey and I built our discussion around Anne Hamilton’s fantastic book, the third of her series about God and women. Listen, be amazed, stand up and dust yourself off! …
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Il y a de quoi parler... il y a une cause à défendre... notre monde a besoin de (re)venir à la vie, de se réaligner avec les plans et les projets de YHWH... et la vie et la mort sont au pouvoir de la langue (dit la Bible). Mais peut-être avez-vous parlé et parlé (entre deux périodes de découragement)... peut-être vous demandez-vous parfois si cela …
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There is a cause... we have reason to speak... our world needs to come to life, to realign with YHWH's plans and purposes... and life and death are in the power of the tongue (says the Bible). But maybe you have spoken and spoken (between moments of discouragement)... maybe you sometimes wonder if it makes a difference... Think of this first episod…
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Tune in to this very interesting chat with Jessie Tang, founder of ACross Culture Podcast, multitalented artist and thinker. We discuss backgrounds, cultures (first, second, third and more), multicultural church, bridge-building and of course identity in relation to our Christian faith. Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year ahead!Here is an inter…
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How do we negotiate the tension between what is in front of us, the reality of what is going on around us, and we are waiting, hoping, praying for? Tune in and please send feedback. Photo by Sydney Rae on Unsplash --- Support this podcast:
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Cet épisode couvre un nombre de points clés et conclut sur l'importance de comprendre qui nous sommes aux yeux de Père, et notre identité en Christ.Photo : Ana Municio pour Unsplash--- Support this podcast:
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Time to draw closer and get sharpened further, to bring God’s Kingdom on earth as in heaven. See Anne Hamilton’s FB post as a starting point to this discussion: Photo by John Arano on Unsplash --- Support this podcast:…
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Looking at Joshua 10 and an excellent publication by Anne Hamilton (available at about time and thresholds, this episode draws a link between God, Time, the Summer Solstice and thresholds … for our edification. Photo by David Monje for Unsplash --- Support this podcast: https://pod…
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Rejoignez-nous ce week-end de Pentecôte pour une discussion profonde et fascinante de Coco et de notre invitée Ida Béma sur 'le plus grand commandement' et son lien avec l'effusion du Saint Esprit. Soyez béni.e.s !Photo d'Emmanuel Phaeton sur Unsplash--- Support this podcast:…
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For this episode, I had a very interesting chat with Pastor Mark Sowersby ( Pastor Mark has a very powerful testimony that it will undoubtedly be a blessing to all listen to it. Photo by Paul Gilmore for Unsplash--- Support this podcast:…
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Et si notre compréhension de la Pâque et de sa signification était inexacte ? Écoutez et dites-moi ce que vous en pensez ! Photo de Handy Wicaksono pour Unsplash--- Support this podcast:
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Lorsqu’on examine ce qui s'est passé entre Abraham, Sarah et Abimélec dans la Genèse, cela nous amène à réfléchir à ce qui est juste, et à la manière dont Dieu fonctionne parfois. À l'approche de la Pâque, réfléchissons au sacrifice réellement immérité de Jésus pour nous. Photo par Irene Strong sur Unsplash--- Support this podcast: https://podcaste…
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Looking at what happened between Abraham, Sarah, and Abimelech in Genesis gets us thinking about fairness and the way God sometimes operates. In the lead up to Easter, let’s reflect on Jesus’s really undeserved sacrifice for us. Photo by Irene Strong on Unsplash--- Support this podcast:…
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La lecture de l'histoire de Sha'ul ( Saül ) et de la manière dont le Royaume d'Israël lui a été arraché parce qu'il craignait l'homme au lieu d'obéir à Dieu m'amène à réfléchir sur l'état de nos cœurs en ce moment. Je propose que nous tirions parti du confinement et des opportunités que cela crée pour le calme et la réflexion pour tourner pleinemen…
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Reading the story of Sha'ul (Saul) and how the Kingdom of Israel got torn off him because he feared man instead of obeying God leads me to reflect on the state of our hearts at this time. I propose we take advantage of lockdown and the opportunities it creates for stillness and reflection to turn our hearts fully to God, embrace His perspective abo…
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Nous connaissons toutes/tous des personnes qui passent leur temps à critiquer tout ce qu’elles voient, ce qu’elles entendent ou ce qu’elles vivent… Se pourrait-il que ces personnes qui ont la critique facile soient en fait des personnes qui ont une aptitude à construire, qui attendent simplement d’être encouragées, invitées à élever leur perspectiv…
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We all know people who always always criticising everything as soon as they see, hear or experience something... Could these terrible critics be builders waiting to be encouraged/invited upward? Who is tough & tenacious enough to help them pull out of them a solution instead of just criticism? Let’s gain some perspective from some examples in the B…
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Dans ce premier épisode de la quatrième saison de Grace Touch, nous commençons à explorer les mystères les plus profonds de la Parole de Dieu. Faisons-nous les œuvres que Jésus a faites ? De plus grandes ? Qu’est-ce que cela signifie que d’être dans les lieux célestes en Christ ? Photo de Kazuend pour Unsplash--- Support this podcast: http…
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In this first episode of the 4th season of Grace Touch, we start exploring the deeper mysteries of the Word of God. Are we doing the works that Jesus did? Greater things? What does it mean to be seated in the heavenly places? Photo by Noah Buscher for Unsplash --- Support this podcast:…
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A discussion about some of the things God has been doing in our hosts Coco and NJ's local communities and churches. Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash. --- Support this podcast:
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It’s been roughly 100 years since humanity experienced anything similar in magnitude and gravity to what the world is faced with at this time, the difference being that we have far more technological and medical means to face it. It is not surprising that the Lord would use this time to bring things to a pause and reset us in order to launch us int…
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Il y a environ 100 ans que l'humanité n'a pas connu une expérience similaire à celle à laquelle le monde est confronté actuellement, en termes d'ampleur et de gravité, la différence étant que nous disposons de moyens technologiques et médicaux bien plus importants pour y faire face. Il n'est pas surprenant que le Seigneur utilise ce temps pour fair…
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In this episode, Coco and NJ reflect on the story of Israel’s exile in Babylon and how God encouraged them to bloom where they were planted. We believe this encouragement is still as valid today for God’s people. Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash--- Support this podcast:…
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Reflexions de Coco Mbassi et NJ Mvondo sur la Parole de Dieu, en situation de crise. Épisode 5, saison 2. Photo by Bruno Cervera on Unsplash. --- Support this podcast:
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In this episode, our hosts Coco and NJ Reflect on the Bible in relation to the Covid-19 virus and its effects on humanity. Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash --- Support this podcast:
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How do we understand Paul’s really precious and much loved words in Romans chapter 8 verse 28? Do they mean we believe in fate? Is the die cast or can we make a difference? Join the chat and let us know what you think! Photo by Greg Rakozy on UnSplash--- Support this podcast:…
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In this episode, we discuss ways of identify the next steps to take as we seek to continue walking in God’s will for the rest of the year. Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash--- Support this podcast:
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Dans ce premier épisode de l’année 2020, nous (Coco Mbassi et NJ Mvondo) partageons la manière dont nous avons débuté l’année avec le Seigneur et ce qu’Il nous met à cœur pour la nouvelle année. Nous célébrons également le retour de NJ Mvondo dans le podcast. Photo de Amanda Frank pour Unsplash --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.c…
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In this episode we are delighted to be back as a duo! With the amazing NJ a.k.a. Nathalie, I (Coco) discuss the start of the year and the steps we take to ensure that our year starts the right way, the God way. Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash--- Support this podcast:…
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In this episode we discuss the origins of Christmas, the fact that it is most certainly not the actual date of Christ’s birth, and the attitude we believe we should have towards this festival. I draw some of the points of the discussion from one of Anne Hamilton’s and Ryan Venn-Dunn’s posts on Facebook. Photo by Jan-Henrik Franz for Unsplash--- Sup…
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The Bible says no one can see God and live. The only exception given in the Bible is Moses who saw God face to face. What did this statement foreshadow? How does it apply to us (post incarnation, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ)? Tune in to listen. Photo by Evi Radauscher for Unsplash --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify…
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In this episode we look at Jesus' words to His disciples in the garden of Gethsemane, when He asked them to sit and wait at the entrance of the olive yard, while He went to pray, just before His arrest, judgement, torture and crucifixion. The discussion looks at the passage (Matthew 26: 36 - 46), and the potential reasons why Jesus said that to His…
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En tant que chré, nous sommes appelé.e.s à attendre patiemment, avec une bonne attitude et sans se décourager. Comment le faire de la bonne manière sans pécher ou mettre sa confiance en des idoles ? Comment les dons de prophétie de Dieu peuvent-ils nous aider à le faire ? Photo de ZSun Fu (Unsplash)--- Support this podcast: https://podcast…
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This short episode reflects on what the Bible says about our reaction as Christians to the death of our loved ones. Photo by Ameen Fahmy for Unsplash.--- Support this podcast:
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