Der Gerichtspodcast mit Heike Borufka und Basti Red: Die hr-Gerichtsreporterin und der Podcaster sprechen über echte Kriminalfälle, echte Gerichtsurteile, das echte Leben und das deutsche Justizsystem.
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Ob Tötungen im Cannabis-Wahn, illegale Autorennen oder Auftragsmorde: Im Hamburger Gerichtssaal 237 werden die spannendsten Kriminalfälle verhandelt – und Gerichtsreporterin Elke Spanner ist immer mit dabei. In diesem Podcast teilt sie mit Journalistin Anna Rüter ihre persönlichen Eindrücke und erklärt, warum Urteile manchmal anders ausfallen, als man vielleicht denken würde. Das ist Stoff für wahre True Crime Fans, die tiefer in die Materie eintauchen, unser Rechtssystem besser verstehen wo ...
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Näher dran geht kaum. Gerichtsreporterin Cornelia Hartmann ist seit Jahrzehnten in den Thüringer Gerichten unterwegs. In diesem Podcast erzählt sie, was täglich vor der Richterbank abgeht. Das sind nicht nur spektakuläre Fälle, denn der Alltag sieht anders aus! Bei jedem der bespochenen Fälle war sie selbst mit dabei und hat Zeugen, Täter, Anwälte und Opfer beobachtet.
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’Geriatric’ Mamas is the original, real and raw podcast empowering women over 35 to embrace pregnancy and motherhood. Join hosts Jessica Rizzieri and Sonia Welch Tapley as they share authentic fertility stories, insightful motherhood news and entertaining motherhood moments from guests, listeners and social media!
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Field recordings by Thijs Geritz, a Dutch illustrator, animator and an avid field recordist.
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Karrierépítés, sikeres pályafutás a gyakorlatban. Beszélgetések, tudásmegosztás a Baráth András karrier-tanácsadóval és a Gerilla Mentor Klub oktatóival, neves szakértőkkel.
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Join Jayme and Beth (long time friends and proud geriatric millennials) as they dive into a tapestry of topics. From nostalgic interludes that will transport you back to the ‘80s and ‘90s to laugh-out-loud cringe-inducing tales to the day to day realities of entering your mid life. This podcast is your personal soundtrack for the everyday mundane, carefully designed to add a touch of joy to your routine. Whether you're powering through workouts, commuting, or simply taking a well-deserved br ...
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Mahir Ünsal Eriş ve Dr. Töre Sivrioğlu, Geri Dönüyoruz’da tarihe, kültüre, antropolojiye, arkelojiye ve sanata bakıyor, hem geçmişi hem de bugünü konuşuyor, insanın insan olma macerasını merakla heyecanlı soruların cevaplarının peşinden koşuyor.
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Puisi - puisi yang semoga saja nyawanya sampai ke relung hati setiap telinga yang mau mencoba mendengarkan.
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A geriatrics and palliative care podcast for every health care professional. We invite the brightest minds in geriatrics, hospice, and palliative care to talk about the topics that you care most about, ranging from recently published research in the field to controversies that keep us up at night. You'll laugh, learn and maybe sing along. Hosted by Eric Widera and Alex Smith. CME available!
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Semua rasa harus diceritain, tapi enggak semua manusia pandai bercerita atau bingung mau bercerita kepada siapa. ^_^
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Say what you need to say - do it with a heart wide open 💝🗣👣🙌🏻✍🏽 Denne podcasten handler om adopsjon, relasjoner, EQ, mennesker, undring, psykisk helse, Jesus, mamma. Og om å ønske hverandre godt istedenfor vondt.
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MMOA Podcast - Physical Therapy | Fitness | Geriatrics
Dustin Jones, PT, DPT, GCS, CF-L1: Physical Therapist
MMOA (Modern Management of the Older Adult) helps rehab & fitness pros get results with older adults. Brought to you by the Institute of Clinical Excellence, tune in to hear pertinent geriatric discussions, relevant research, & treatment ideas. Good for Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Assistants, Students, New Grads, Seasoned Veterans, Geriatricians, & Fitness Professionals. Find out more at
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geri Iordanova
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Fiktive Fälle über Kinder und andere Erziehungsberechtigte, aus dem echten Leben mit echten Ereignissen. Wöchentlich neue Fälle, die die selbsternannten Experten Detective Playground und General Podcaster analysieren. Unzensiert wird mit der heutigen ''Erziehung'' Tacheles geredet.
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Recodings of my research meetings
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Tagblatt-Redakteur Eike Freese und Gerichtsreporter Jonas Bleeser sprechen über Kriminalfälle und Gerichtsprozesse aus der Region Tübingen/Reutlingen - vom gefälschten Parkausweis bis zum Mord. Dabei geht es nicht nur um die spektakulären Geschichten am Landgericht, sondern auch um die Fälle, die das Amts- oder Schöffengericht beschäftigen. Denn auch dieser Justizalltag ist spannend, geht es doch vor Gericht auch im vermeintlich Kleinen häufig ums große Ganze.
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Futbolda gündeme dair konular hakkında ve tarihteki kırılma anlarıyla ilgili 'ya olmasaydı' konseptiyle podcast içeriği üreten bir platform
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Geritalks is a unique practice dedicated to caring for older adults across the spectrum of care in the state of New Mexico. We see patients in our clinics across the Dona Ana County area and beyond, including nursing homes, assisted living facilities, rehabilitation hospital, and even your own homes. Today, we have about a whole host of support staff endeavoring to deliver the very best geriatric healthcare possible to our seniors who consider us their primary healthcare providers.
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Feeling Family mit Dagmar Gericke - der Mama-Podcast für Herz und Verstand.
Dagmar Gericke - Mama-Coaching
Das ist der Mama-Podcast für Herz und Verstand. Hier geht es um ein bedürfnis- und bindungsorientiertes Familienleben, in dem auch du nicht zu kurz kommst.Mit vielen Interviews und viele Tipps rund um mehr Glück und Entspannung für dein Familienleben. Ich selbst bin Mama-Coach, Theaterpädagogin und Mama von 4 Kindern. Hier teile ich mein Wissen von über 30 Jahren Muttersein mit großen und kleinen Kindern, für mehr Freude und Entspannung im Leben mit deinen Kindern.
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A podcast with Thato Bloom, The Blooming Geriatric, on just about anything in life. I will be discussing striking a work-life balance, pursuing your dreams, health and wellness, Mjolo: The Pandemic, money, the economy, load-shedding, and so much more. Episodes available every Wednesday.
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Der Menschenfresser von Duisburg, der Feiertagsmörder aus Essen, der Vampir von Düsseldorf – zahlreiche spektakuläre Verbrechen haben in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten die Region erschüttert. Mehr als 30 Jahre lang hat Gerichtsreporter Stefan Wette über diese Fälle für die Regionalzeitung WAZ aus NRW berichtet. Im True-Crime-Podcast rollte er die spannendsten Geschichten gemeinsam mit den Moderatorinnen Brinja Bormann und Gesa Born noch einmal auf. Am 1. Juli 2023 ist Stefan Wette ist im Alter ...
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Design system consultants Amy Hupe and Geri Reid are going back to design systems school. In this series, Amy and Geri put aside their vocal and opinionated assumptions to dive deep on design systems topics; from Figma libraries to design tokens to deciding if AI can really write decent documentation. Climb aboard the school bus for a field trip on the history, the conversations and the foundations that really makes a design system great.It’s time to crack open the textbooks and head back to ...
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Samuel Yeboah wird 1991 bei einem Brandanschlag auf eine Asylbewerberunterkunft in Saarlouis getötet. Der Geflüchtete aus Ghana stirbt mit 27 Jahren. Obwohl es damals immer wieder Anschläge auf Flüchtlingsunterkünfte im Raum Saarlouis gibt, stellt die Polizei die Ermittlungen nach elf Monaten ein. Der Mordfall Samuel Yeboah wird zu den Akten gelegt. Jetzt, drei Jahrzehnte später, hat der Generalbundesanwalt Anklage gegen einen damals schon stadtbekannten Neonazi erhoben. Der Prozess hat Mitt ...
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Home Health Minute: Home Health | Physical Therapy | Geriatrics
Home Health Section of the American Physical Therapy Association
The podcast for Home Health Physical Therapists/Assistants from the Home Health Acadamy of the American Physical Therapy Association. Regular conversations that will keep you informed, engaged, and better able to serve your patients.
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Welcome to 2025 with us, your favorite Geriatric Millennials! In this episode, we’re diving into the realities of turning 45, navigating post-holiday life, and embracing the chaos of a new year. We’ll share our thoughts on setting intentions, finding balance, and making small changes that bring a bit more joy and ease to everyday life. Join us for …
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If we know that exercising has such potent and in many times IMMEDIATE effects on mood, then the question becomes, why aren’t ALL of us doing it with no issues? Some of our older adults (and clients of all ages) think of EXERCISE like a cuss word. Yuck. They HATE it. They have a visceral reaction to it. This is known as the AFFECTIVE response of ex…
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In dieser Folge wird ein hoher Beamter am Oberlandesgericht verurteilt. Der Mann hat Aufträge an Freunde vergeben. Warum der Chef des Angeklagten ein "Totalausfall" war, erzählen Gerichtsreporterin Conny Hartmann und Redakteur Oliver Gussor.Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
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Who’s at your patients table? This week @sbship8_dpt discusses what resources we should seek out and have in our back pocket for our clients to help promote holistic health in the new year! Want to make sure you stay on top of all things geriatrics? Go to to check out our Free eBooks, Lectures, & the MMOA Digest!…
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In this episode we talk about our experiences at a magical emporium in Portsmouth, NH, insights from our palm readings with Jezmina Von Thiele, the hilarious moments from our New Year’s nail salon visit, ghost stories from Jessica's childhood home, and we take a very deep dive into the topic of midlife crises. We discuss the signs of a midlife cris…
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Verurteilt! (124): Blutrache der Stasi
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Im März 1998 wird der Taxifahrer Hans Plüschke auf einer Bundesstraße Nähe Hünfeld in Osthessen erschossen. Morgens um 4 Uhr, nachdem er seine letzten Fahrgäste in einer Diskothek abgeholt hat. Er stirbt durch einen gezielten Schuss ins rechte Auge. 36 Jahre zuvor, im Sommer 1962, starb an der gleichen Stelle der Hauptmann der Nationalen Volksarmee…
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Join Beth and Jayme as they reminisce about the best of 2024! From AeroGardens to pickleball, 2024 was a year of surprises for Beth and Jayme! Join them as they share their best moments and unexpected joys. Best of 2024 TV: Agatha All Along (2024) The Serpent Queen (2022) Marry My Husband (2024) Never Have I Ever (2020) Music: LoFi Hip Hop Cali Reg…
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Happy new year everybody! As we start the new year, many people are reflecting on what they hope to achieve in the coming months. In today’s episode, Cristina does a reflective exercise where she asks you all to rate yourselves as old people in training. She encourages you to rate your health behaviours that are going to set you up for the active a…
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On this episode we’re talking about setting and manifesting goals for the new year, as well as practical strategies like vision boards and affirmations with a special side-note on manifesting fertility! We delve into overcoming negative self-talk, establishing morning routines, and the power of visualization in achieving success. Additionally, we s…
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Raub und Diebstahl? Kann man jemanden wegen Mordes verurteilen, wenn die Leiche unauffindbar ist? Und hat Elke Lieblingsrichter*innen? Zum Staffelfinale beantworten Anna Rüter und Elke Spanner Hörer*innenfragen rund ums deutsche Strafrecht. Außerdem klären sie Details und nennen jüngste Entwicklungen zu bereits besp…
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Hey friends, we’re wrapping up 2024 with a look back at the things we absolutely loved this year! Join us as we dive into the movies, books, and beauty products that made the year unforgettable. We’re talking about everything from the dreamy romance of Irish Wish to the jaw-dropping twists in The Silent Patient. And if you’re into beauty, we’re spi…
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🚨 Frailty: Hope is NOT a Strategy 🚨 @jmusgravept shares the importance of evidence-supported screening & interventions to fight physical frailty in older adults. Hope without a strategy is an empty promise. Did you know that 80% of older adults are either frail or pre-frail? This can lead to falls, hospital visits, and loss of independence. But the…
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Ein Mann tötet den neuen Partner seiner Ex. Das wirft die Staatsanwaltschaft dem Angeklagten vor. Der streitet sich mit seinem Verteidiger im Gericht. Die Hintergründe erzählen MDR Thüringen Gerichtsreporterin Conny Hartmann und Redakteur Oliver Gussor.Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk
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Join Ellen Csepe to discuss how GLP1 medications impact fracture risk! Spoiler alert 🚨 it's more complicated than you may think! Want to make sure you stay on top of all things geriatrics? Go to to check out our Free eBooks, Lectures, & the MMOA Digest! check out the research charcuterie board below!…
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On this episode we’re talking about family photos, sub-zero life in Maine and then we dive into multiple methods to cleanse oneself and one's space in preparation for the new year including cleansing scent, the practice of smudging aka smoke bathing, and the importance of self-care rituals. Our conversation also touches on the spiritual aspects of …
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Am 8. Januar 2022 lag in Schmitten im Taunus in der Nähe des Feldbergs viel Schnee. An diesem Nachmittag spielten Kinder und Jugendliche in dem Wintermärchen, während ein Anwalt in der Nähe spazieren ging. Plötzlich wird er von einem Schneeball getroffen. Er macht den Werfer aus, einen 9-Jährigen, schnappt sich den Jungen, schubst ihn in den Schnee…
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Join Jayme and Beth for a festive stroll down Christmas movie memory lane! In this episode, they try to match iconic holiday movie quotes to their films. Whether you're a Christmas movie superfan or just love a good seasonal vibe, this episode will add a dash of holiday cheer to your day! __________ Join the Geriatric Millennials Community! Instagr…
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Intentional Underdosage: When & How 🤔What do we do when our patients’ are more capable than what they perceive? Join @dustinjones.dpt as he discusses a vital skill in #geriatrics to get folks as fit as possible - Intentional underdosage. This skill can help you progress patients to achieving things they previously thought were impossible! Want more…
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Sleigh Bells Are Ringing & We’re Just Nope, Nope, Noping; It’s A ‘Geriatric’ Rewind!
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On this ‘Geriatric’ Rewind episode, we discuss coping with infertility during the holidays, the story of Santa Claus for older children, a 2023 update on the tragic Tamika Thomas IVF Medication case, Potty training using the Oh Crap! Potty Training Book, instagram poll results on geriatric celebrity mamas being responsible for reminding us that we …
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We’ve talked a lot before about integrating psychiatry into palliative care (see here and here for two examples). Still, we haven’t talked about integrating palliative care into psychiatry or in the care of those with severe mental illness. On this week’s podcast, we talk with two experts about palliative psychiatry. We invited Dani Chammas, a pall…
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Was ist ein kollegialer Umgang – was schon eine sexuelle Belästigung? Und welche Bedeutung hat das “Nein ist Nein” mit Blick auf die seit Jahren laufende #metoo-Debatte inzwischen vor Gericht? Elke Spanner und Anna Rüter sprechen über einen Ausbildungsleiter aus Hamburg, der das Machtverhältnis gegenüber seinen Auszubildenden ausnutzt und ihnen kör…
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Jayme and Beth are back, diving into the holiday icks that make this season both magical and maddening. From awkward hugs with germy kids to cringe-worthy early decorations, they’re calling it all out with humor and honesty. Join the ladies as they tackle holiday music pitfalls, public gift-giving clout, Hallmark clichés, and over-the-top Elf on th…
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Vor mehr als 20 Jahren wird eine Frau eiskalt erschossen. Von den Tätern fehlt lange jede Spur. Wie die Ermittler den Tätern doch auf die Schliche gekommen ist, erzählen Ihnen MDR THÜRINGEN-Gerichtsreporterin Conny Hartmann und Reporter Oliver Gussor. Mehr zum Prozess und zum Urteil lesen Sie unter diesem Link.…
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Constipation can be miserable. It’s painful and uncomfortable As geriatric clinicians, we have so much treatment options we can leverage to help our clients out. Open up the conversation about constipation, and then try out some of these ideas Dr. Christina Prevett goes through in today’s episode.
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In this episode of the MMOA podcast, Dustin Jones interviews Mike Studer, a prominent figure in physical therapy, discussing his extensive career and the motivation behind his book, 'The Brain That Chooses Itself.' The conversation explores the importance of choice in health interventions, the role of autonomy in patient care, and the value of disc…
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Join @macybolt as she JUMPS into 5 tips for successfully introducing jumping and impact to older adults!
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'Geriatric' Coffee Convos: Merry Fertility, Happy Parenting & Namaste From Our Locked Bathroom Door!
On this episode we’re talking about what you need to know if you’re trying to conceive or preparing for conception during the holidays, how to deal with unsolicited parenting advice, and then we’ll have a little Holiday De-Stress Meditation by WhatsUpMoms! Enjoy and please subscribe! Thanks for listening! Please subscribe & tell a friend! For a ful…
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Surrogate decision making has some issues. Surrogates often either don’t know what patients would want, or think they know but are wrong, or make choices that align with their own preferences rather than the patients. After making decisions, many surrogates experience regret, PTSD, and depressive symptoms. Can we do better? Or, to phrase the questi…
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In einem Frankfurt Restaurant eskaliert am späten Abend des 6. August 2011 ein Streit zwischen einem Koch und seinem Chef. Im Verlauf des Streits greift der Koch - 44 Jahre alt - zum Fleischermesser und sticht auf den 50 Jahre alten Restaurantbetreiber ein. Dann rennt er auf die Straße, legt schließlich das Tatmesser weg und lässt sich widerstandsl…
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Beth and Jayme are diving into Gen Z slang to brighten your holiday season! Just in time for those cringy but hilarious interactions with the youngsters at all your holiday gatherings. From "standing on business" to "making it out of the group chat," they’re breaking it all down! __________ Join the Geriatric Millennials Community! Instagram: @theg…
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Geri Dönüyoruz’un 80. bölümünde Mahir Ünsal Eriş ve Töre Sivrioğlu, alfabetik sırayla yol aldıkları klasik müzik ansiklopedisini şekillendirmeye devam ediyorlar. Serinin ikinci bölümünde de, klasik müzik tarihinin ağırlık merkezlerinden biri olan B harfinden çıkamıyoruz; Beethoven'dan açtığımız bahsi Berlioz'a kadar sürdürüyoruz.…
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Join @jmusgravept as he reviews an observational study completed in the acute setting looking at the impact of the ability or inability to walk on health outcomes & effect of progressive resistance training on non-ambulatory acute care patients. “The impact of mobility limitations on geriatric rehabilitation outcomes: Positive effects of resistance…
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This weekend, the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris will reopen, five years after the devastating fire of 2019. As a frequent visitor over the years, this magnificent building has always captivated me. One of my passions is creating field recordings, and I've captured numerous audio moments in and around the Notre-Dame. I've been gathering stories abou…
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Join Kay Mayordomo, PT, DPT (@kaym23) as she discusses the role that travel/tourism can play in healthy aging! Want to make sure you stay on top of all things geriatrics? Go to to check out our Free eBooks, Lectures, & the MMOA Digest!
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On this episode it’s first things first; we’re going to share Sonia’s eggnog cocktail recipe… and then we’re going to start with something that’s been on all of our minds this year, the pressure on moms to be the magic of Christmas! Next we’ll be sharing fun Holiday things to do on a budget, experience gifts for kids that don’t break the bank, the …
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