Podcast by First Baptist, Keller, TX
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The prophet Zephaniah warns that the Day of the Lord is near and will be terrible.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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The book of Habakkuk instructs us on what to do when we don’t understand God’s plan.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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God’s power and mercy are on display in the book of Nahum.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In the book of Micah, we find encouragement for living faithfully in a time of national spiritual decline.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In the short book of Joel, we see God’s sovereignty in disaster in the past, the present and the future.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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Today, we begin our summer study from the minor prophets, starting with the book of Hosea.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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Paul concludes his letter to the church at Rome with a solemn warning, warm wishes and praise to God.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In Romans 16, we find a long list of people that Paul loved and served with.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In our text Paul reveals his dream to take the gospel to Spain.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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Having concluded his doctrinal teaching, the Apostle Paul turns to personal remarks to conclude his letter to the Romans.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In part 2 of his message from John 17, pastor Tony shares that Jesus actually has requests that he lifts up to the Father on behalf of his disciples.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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Pastor Tony shares Jesus' high priestly prayer while in the upper room with His disciples before He went to be crucified on the cross.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In John 11, Jesus declares His sovereignty over death.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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Pastor Keith shares about the triumphal entry into Jerusalem through Psalm 24.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In Romans 15:1-13, the Apostle Paul holds up Christ as our example of selfless living.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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Paul continues to give practical instructions to believers on how to get along with other believers. He reminds us to build up one another and not to tear down the work of the Lord.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In Romans 14:13-18 the Apostle Paul reminds Christians to value one another more than our personal preferences.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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Beginning in Romans 14, the Apostle Paul gives instructions to believers concerning non-essential matters of conscience.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In our text, God through Paul calls believers to prepare for the Lord’s return.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In Romans 13:8-10, the Apostle Paul contrasts financial debt to the debt of love.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In Romans 13, the Apostle Paul gives instructions to believers concerning our relationship to human government.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In today’s text, the Apostle Paul applies doctrinal truth to our relationships with unbelievers.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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Pastor Tony shares how God saves as the people of Israel celebrate the passover in the book of Ezra.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In Romans 12:9-13, the Apostle Paul gives makes application for the deep doctrine of Romans 1-11.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In today’s text, the Apostle Paul explains the relationship of fellow believers in the context of the local body of believers.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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Beginning in Romans 12, the Apostle Paul transitions the Book of Romans to the application of theological truth.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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On Christmas Day, it is appropriate to reflect on the doctrine of the Humiliation of Christ.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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Through the doctrine of the incarnation, we see the condescension of the Savior.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In the final pericope of Romans 11, Paul breaks out in worship to God.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In this week’s text, the Apostle Paul reveals God’s plan for the nation of Israel.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In Romans 11:16-24, the Apostle Paul compares Gentile believers to wild olive branches grafted into a tree.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In today’s text, the Apostle Paul continues his argument that God has a future plan for Israel.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In today's passage, Paul continues his explanation of God’s plan for Israel.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In Romans 11, the Apostle Paul continues to explain God’s relationship with Israel.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In today’s message, Pastor Tony shares how we can be an aroma of Christ to God.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In today’s text, the Apostle Paul continues his apologetic of why God is not to blame for Israel’s unbelief.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In today's sermon we find the biblical rationale for our participation in missions.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In our text, the Apostle Paul contrast saving faith with works righteousness.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In today's text the Apostle Paul explains that God’s righteousness is different than man’s righteousness.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In today's passage, the Apostle Paul references two prophets from the Old Testament too show that God’s purposes in election are consistent with His revelation that salvation is by grace through faith alone.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In our text, the Apostle Paul utilizes a familiar Old Testament analogy to answer objections to God’s sovereignty in salvation.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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In today’s passage, Paul addresses accusations that God’s mercy is unjust.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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Paul offers three examples form Israel’s history to prove that salvation is not through ethnicity.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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Paul begins the second half of his letter to the Roman church by answering objections to God’s plan for Israel.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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This is our fifth and final message on church membership. In Hebrews 10, the author lays out our obligation to make progress in our daily walk through the means of grace.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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Pastor Keith looks at fellowship in the church from Acts chapter 2.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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A truly healthy church is one where each of its member is serving by utilizing their spiritual gift for the building up of the body. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul encourages the church to understand that every member matters and that each one is vital to the health of the church.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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Pastor Scott looks at Biblical stewardship and practical ways we can glorify God with money both as a church and as individuals.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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This week, we begin a series on church membership as we walk through our covenant. The first and most important obligation we have to one another is love.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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Revelation 19:7-10 describes the celebration that takes place after the Lord Jesus brings his bride to her new heavenly home.First Baptist, Keller, TX
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