Weekly sermons preached at ECCD
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Hier finden Sie alle Predigten der Ecclesia Church
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Agência de informação da Igreja Católica em Portugal
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This podcast is made available from Evangelical Christian Church. Waterbury, CT
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Dieser Podcast bietet dir die Möglichkeit, die aktuellen Predigten unserer Gemeinde anzuhören!
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Sermons and Stories from Eastside Community Church of Memphis.
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Christ Community Church (formerly ECC)
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A collection of media, reflections, and resources from our weekend gatherings. For additional information on Ecclesia Houston visit us online at http://ecclesiahouston.org
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Lord's Day sermons from Ecclesia Church of Dallas. www.ecclesiachurch.org
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The ECC Podcast provides an ongoing opportunity for you to stay connected with us through weekly "behind-the-scenes" conversations between our Pastors & Leaders!
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Weekly audio messages on the world-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ and the life-changing love of God from Island ECC in Hong Kong. For more resources and to get connected with us, visit our website at www.islandecc.hk
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Diskutujeme o aktuálním dění a současných tématech s odborníky, kteří mají k dané problematice co říct. Pojďte se spolu s námi vzdělávat v otázkách souvisejících s vírou a křesťanstvím obecně.
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Ray Eppard discusses how to implement biblical principles into politics and government.
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Wir sind eine Kirche mit Standorten in Roth und Hilpoltstein, in der Menschen neue Hoffnung schöpfen können und bedingungslos angenommen werden; ein Ort, an dem Menschen die Möglichkeit haben, Gott zu begegnen. Die Gottesdienste am Sonntag sind das Highlight der Woche, wir treffen uns um gemeinsam Gott zu feiern, von Gott zu hören und Zeit miteinander zu verbringen. Das Kernstück unserer Gottesdienstes ist die realitätsnahe und praxisorientierte Predigt, durch die jeder von uns herausgeforde ...
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Interviewing academics at all levels in order to promote all levels of study on the history of Christian Churches.
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A show about weirdos. Hosted by comedians John Fahy, Aaron Pita, and Matt Brousseau, each episode tells a tale about someone who lives afoul of the rules most of us live by.
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Sunday Sermons and more.
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Dreams can't be caught unless they are chased, and eccentricity is but a symptom of brilliance. I interview extraordinary people who forge their own path, make their own rules, and live outside the norms of society. Together, we can learn from each other. Remember, foolish people keep making the same mistakes, smart people learn from their mistakes and successes, and extraordinary people learn from the mistakes and successes of both themselves and of others. That is what Dream Chasers and Ec ...
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Welcome to the weekly audio podcast for Eagle Christian Church in Eagle, Idaho. Our mission is to reach people with the gospel message of Jesus Christ, teach people to become devoted disciples of His, equip people for acts of service, and send them into ministry. As a Christian church, we do not claim to be the only Christians or the only church, but we will seek simply to be known as Christians without a denominational label. We do not see ourselves as better than anyone else but as a group ...
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We are excited to bring you our Sunday Morning sermons. We hope they bless you wherever you may be listening.
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Welcome to the Ecclesiastes podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Entrepreneurs, Executives, & Eccentrics" is a podcast that explors the world of business through in-depth interviews with a diverse range of guests, hosted by Scott Turman. From a visionary entrepreneur who has turned dreams into a successful venture, to accomplished executives shaping industries, and eccentric personalities with unique approaches to business and life, Scott navigates through their stories with a blend of curiosity and expertise. Gain valuable insights, learn from the experi ...
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Official Podcast Channel for Encounter Christian Center, Charlotte Hall, MD.
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السلام عليكم جميعا ومرحبا بكم في بودكاست EccoCast. بودكاست سردي ومستقل اتكلم عن ما شاهدته من أنميات خلال الفترة اللي راحت في مدة زمنية مناسبة وان شاء الله اعطيتكم فكرة كافية ووافية عن الأعمال التي تحدثت عنها في الحلقة.
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Life-Study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Witness Lee's spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers.
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Podcasts del Cuarto Encuentro Internacional de Creación Coreográfica EnTiempoReal2018. Julio-agosto 2018 MÉXICO. Transmitido desde el Centro Regional de las Artes de Michoacán, en la Ciudad de Zamora, Michoacán. México. El Encuentro EnTiempoReal es una iniciativa particular de Sergio Rojas Granados & Israel Chavira Leal (compañía profesional de danza "Ecléctico & Bailarines Invitados) www.eccentiemporeal.com
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Podcast milik Economic Computer Club (ECC) Universitas Atma Jaya Jakarta yang akan membahas seputar teknologi yang relatable dengan kehidupan mahasiswa dan masyarakat pada umumnya. Everything about tech we know!! question & request : LINE OA ( @yfd7758z ), ig : ecc_uaj
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Ecclesia is a community of people in Hollywood, CA. Our mission is helping people find their place in God's family where we can discover and live God's purpose together.
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Two ordinary church members learning about what it looks like to live out a biblical Ecclesiology. Questions or Feedback? Email us at everydayecclesiology@gmail.com
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Ecclesia Arts Collective is a group of young men and women eager to serve God and others by using our art platforms to share the Gospel. Follow us on Instagram @ecclesiaartscollective
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Where #GamingTwitter and #MedTwitter collide. Sister pod to the ECHO Chamber. Hosted by @EmergencyBod and @DrJSherrington
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Como filhos de Deus, nos submetemos sem reservas ao Seu bom governo. Anunciar o evangelho da Graça ao maior número possível de pessoas; cuidar, ensinar, treinar e enviar aqueles que, soberanamente, forem sendo acrescentados à família de Deus!
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GDTLive : un podcast di giochi da tavolo (ma anche serie TV, videogiochi, fumetti, GdR, ecc..)
Alexander Quarella
Ciao, io sono Alexander, un tizio al quale piace parlare di giochi da tavolo, serie tv, videogiochi, fumetti, giochi di ruolo, film e altre nerdate! Tu, invece, non so come ti chiami ma sei su GDTLive, un Podcast che, essendo il mio, parla proprio di queste cose qua! Novità, curiosità, interviste, recensioni e voci di corridoio, dall'Italia e dall'estero in un formato leggero e tascabile! Segui il Podcast e aggiungilo ai tuoi social e ai tuoi feed preferiti, clicca qui: https://www.gdtlive.net/
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a missional church network
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Bienvenue sur la chaîne Ecclesia Catholica. C'est ici que Etienne Omnès et Maxime Georgel, deux protestants réformés passionnés de théologie, diffusent leur podcast amateur sur l'histoire de l'Église ! Vous pouvez nous retrouver sur notre blog www.parlafoi.fr
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Local Radio Broadcast
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A podcast that uncovers and analyses inverse perspectives in topics like the entertainment industry, mental health, politics, and many more.
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Conoce mejor a Jesus.
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Welcome to the Eccentric podcast, presented to you by Eccentric Media. A Canadian based start-up about technology. The Eccentric podcast is about tech and other general stuff, with special guests as well!
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The main work of ecclēsia is to build up the body of Christ by the consistent teaching of the Bible, book-by-book, chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse. The worship is simple, focusing on exalting the Lord.
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I want to share new Ideas, create bonds, and reinvent scholarly conversation. This podcast is about, Culture, Space, Movies, Books, People, Politics, Video games. Pretty much anything I can get my hands on. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/eccentrics/support
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Se você está a procura de um podcast que irá fazer você rir até a morte e que apresente um conteudo diferente de animê, mangá e entretenimento em geral, pare por algumas horas e acompanhe o podcast que tem o maior coeficiente de mortalidade por explosoões de cabeça.
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Wir glauben, dass Kirche die Zukunft gestaltet. Deshalb erkunden wir mit euch, was sich heute schon bewegt. Dafür machen wir uns mit euch auf eine Reise. Eine Reise auf der wir gemeinsam die christliche Landschaft erkunden wollen, voneinander lernen und Fragen stellen möchten. Wie sieht das konkret aus? Ganz einfach – in unserem Podcast interviewen wir Menschen die mit Gott heute schon auf neuen Wegen in Kirchen oder anderen Bewegungen auf Morgen zu gehen. Wir möchten deswegen heute relevant ...
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Small talk and jibber jabber about small animal (canine, feline) Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (ECC). Hosted by ECC specialist Shailen Jasani, Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical care, episodes cover a variety of topics relating to ECC including literature references and evidence-based medicine considerations. So join us for some ECC small talk, why don't you?
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Many of us seek to make peace something tangible – something we can grasp and claim as "our peace". However, true peace cannot be manufactured. When we lack this genuine peace, it can weigh heavily on our hearts and burden our souls. Listen closely and open your hearts to receive the transformative Gift of True Peace.…
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Dr. Steve Crane
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In this episode, Matt Swords and David Burr reflect on this past weekend's services and Lead Pastor Kevin Eshleman's message, "Let Light In," discussing what encountering the presence of God looks like and asking the question, "What does it look like for encountering Jesus to become normal life?"Matt Swords, David Burr
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This first Sunday of Advent, a Sunday of Hope, we lean into our longing for a Savior to come and set things right.Bob Whitaker
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Josiah Lawrence
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Title: Releasing Jesus' Faith (Pt 1) Text: You can also view the service at ECC’s Facebook Live or download our church app (Evangelical Christian Church - Waterbury) if you haven’t already. Would you please help us out in sharing this information especially with those who are not online. Remember the church is not a building, ~it’s the people of Go…
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Die Zeit des Wartens - Sabine Meier - 08. Dezember 2024 by Ecclesia KircheEcclesia Kirche
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This is program 7 of the Life-Study of Song of Songs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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Sermon preached by John Folmar in Song of Songs at the Evangelical Christian Church of Dubai.
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This is program 6 of the Life-Study of Song of Songs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 5 of the Life-Study of Song of Songs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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In this teaching, Trent Walker interviews Doobie Sabo on the war in Israel. As well as, many hot topics in the U.S. and how they will affect the world. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard
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Iniciamos consigo o caminho do Advento: são quatrosemanas rumo ao Natal, uma festa maior na vida dos cristãos que celebram o nascimento de Jesus. A Igreja católica propõe que este tempo de esperança navinda de uma boa noticia seja feito a partir de um caminho espiritual mas de ligação muito concreta com a vida de hoje. O padre Nuno Santos, da dioce…
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This is program 4 of the Life-Study of Song of Songs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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In this episode, I read aloud a short story I wrote about one of my favorite places, Isla Escudo de Veraguas. If you like short stories, sign un for me free newsletter at paultrammell.substack.com, and get a story in your email at the begining of each month, as well as occasional poems, essays, and book reviews.…
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In this teaching, Trent Walker interviews Doobie Sabo on the war in Israel. As well as, many hot topics in the U.S. and how they will affect the world. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard
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When was the last time you did anything fully? On this first Sunday of Advent, Pastor Sean challenges us to consider our presence as an act of worship. In an age of distraction, what would it mean to be fully present with the people in the room with us?Sean Palmer
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#ErsterMittwoch #BlakeLindsey #EcclesiaChurch #OnlineGottesdienst YouTube: https://youtube.com/live/L5vaCMvGFO4 ▬ JESUS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Falls du dich für ein Leben mit Jesus als deinen Retter entschieden hast, wollen wir das mit dir feiern. Lass es uns gerne über unsere digitale Kontaktkarte wissen ✝️ http://kontakt.ecclesia.church ▬ NEU HIER? ▬▬▬▬▬…
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This is program 3 of the Life-Study of Song of Songs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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In this teaching, Trent Walker interviews Doobie Sabo on the war in Israel. As well as, many hot topics in the U.S. and how they will affect the world. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard
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A Igreja Católica assinala este domingo o início de um novo ano no seu calendário litúrgico, que começa com tempo do Advento, compreendendo os quatro domingos anteriores ao Natal. Ao longo destas semanas, o Programa ECCLESIA conversa com o padre Paulo Duarte, religioso jesuíta, para ‘Preparar o Natal com o coração’, inspirados pela nova encíclica d…
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This is program 2 of the Life-Study of Song of Songs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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In this teaching, Trent Walker interviews Doobie Sabo on the war in Israel. As well as, many hot topics in the U.S. and how they will affect the world. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard
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Tony Neves, em Oliveira do Douro - CinfãesOliveira do Douro, em Cinfães, encheu-se de festa e povo, neste frio 1º de dezembro, para a apresentação de um novo livro do P. Luís Rafael Azevedo, seu pároco. Deliciado, mas provocado! – eis o meu estado de espírito depois de ler a obra ‘O papel da linguagem informal na comunicação da Igreja. De 30d.C.ao …
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This is program 1 of the Life-Study of Song of Songs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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In this teaching, Trent Walker interviews Doobie Sabo on the war in Israel. As well as, many hot topics in the U.S. and how they will affect the world. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard
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Sermon preached by John Folmar in Song of Songs at the Evangelical Christian Church of Dubai.
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Freude im Warten - Tim Maier - 01. Dezember 2024 by Ecclesia KircheEcclesia Kirche
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Ecclesia Bielefeld e.V.
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Kevin Eshleman – Let Light In!
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Відтворити пізніше
Pastor Kevin Eshleman talks about the power of Christ's light to invade darkness and welcome us into God's presence.Kevin Eshelman
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This is program 1 of the Life-Study of Ecclesiastes with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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Dr. Crane shares from Romans 15 about the characteristics of a strong church: bearing with others, building others up, believing the Bible, unity, acceptance, bringing glory to God, an being a light to all people. In other words, be like Jesus.Dr. Steve Crane
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Hope is a word that gets thrown around a lot at Christmas. It’s found on Christmas cards and in song lyrics. But what does it really look like to experience deep and abiding hope?Brett Hilliard
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#StefanVatter #EcclesiaChurch #OnlineGottesdienst ⬇️ HIER FINDEST DU WEITERE INFOS UND RESSOURCEN ⬇️ ▬ MITSCHRIFT und NACHBESPRECHUNG ▬ Die Bibelstellen zur Predigt und eine Möglichkeit aktiv mitzuschreiben, findest du in der digitalen Predigtmitschrift. Einen Download der Predigt findest du unter den Ressourcen. ✍️ Mitschrift: https://bible.com/ev…
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This is program 9 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 8 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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In this teaching Trent Walker interviews Ray Eppard on the Distrust on the media and where we should get our facts from. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all key podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard
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This is program 7 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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Os pequenos gestos nos lugares marginais e a importância de uma cultura com agricultura, com Maria Ressano Garcia - Emissão 28-11-2024
Uma investigação em Filosofia, a partir da obra escrita e do pensamento de Wendell Barry, abriu Maria Ressano Garcia a um caminho onde a ecologia, a espiritualidade e a sustentabilidade se encontram. No processo a jovem de 26 anos foi ao Kentucky, nos Estados Unidos da América, conhecer o ‘Barry Center’ onde encontrou semelhantes caminhos com as pr…
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Author Sung J Woo, "Lines"
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Відтворити пізніше
Sung J. Woo is the author of "Lines," a novel I recently read and loved. His short stories and essays have appeared in The New York Times, PEN/Guernica, Financial Times, and Vox. He has written five novels, Lines (2024), Deep Roots (2023), Skin Deep (2020), Love Love (2015), and Everything Asian (2009), which won the 2010 Asian Pacific American Lib…
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In this teaching Trent Walker interviews Ray Eppard on how we can fight for pro life. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all key podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard
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Tony Neves, na Praça de S. Pedro, em RomaLisboa e o mundo souberam no Panamá que as Jornadas Mundiais da Juventude iriam acontecer em Portugal, pela primeira vez. Assim foi e, em julho de 2023, a capital de Portugal tornou-se o epicentro de uma grande revolução juvenil, com cerca de 2 milhões de pessoas a encher a cidade de festa, colorido, diversi…
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This is program 6 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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In this teaching Trent Walker interviews Ray Eppard about the distrust of the media and where we should get our facts. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all key podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard
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Pastor Chris shares a message that bridges our series in Acts with Advent that emphasizes our role in the Kingdom of God and that together we are the Priesthood of Believers able to make a tangible impact in our community and around the world.Chris Seay
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This is program 5 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry
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A entrega dos símbolos da JMJ a uma delegação de Seul marca, simbolicamente, a passagem de testemunho de Lisboa, nesta solenidade de Cristo-Rei e Dia Mundial da Juventude, numa celebração presidida pelo Papa na Basílica de São Pedro. Entre os cerca de 100 portugueses que vão passar o testemunho aos jovens da Coreia do Sul, que acolhe a próxima ediç…
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