Créateur de programmes audio. Toutes les deux semaines, un nouvel épisode. En alternance : « Des voix qui portent », « Passeurs de mémoire » et « Questions et réflexions ».
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Donnell Rawlings doing Donnell Rawlings things.
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Un moment données, c'est le podcast orienté cas d’usage de ceux qui façonnent et utilisent la donnée
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The latest podcast feed searching 'Pastor Edward Donnelly' on SermonAudio.
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Chris and Dan are serial entrepreneurs who've built, sold, scaled & failed companies worth hundreds of millions of dollars. So, like, we get it - business is hard. But we also love it, it's fun! Fortunately- we've got an epic network of some of the most inspiring builders on the planet who aren't boring and will teach you everything you'd never learn in business school - and therefore everything you'll actually need to build yourself a better future and have some lols along the way. Contact: ...
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The Drive with Tim Donnelly airs weekdays 3-6pm on 99.9 The Fan in Raleigh, North Carolina. Clips are published every evening after the show.
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L'émission qui donne la parole aux influenceurs et aux entrepreneurs ! On y parle de leurs parcours, leurs motivations, le milieu de l'influence, l'envers du décor de leur métier, leurs passions et leurs projets. Bonne écoute ! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Ebook download: Get the latest meditations right on your phone: (WA 3rd group) (Viber) In each meditation's description section, you'll find a handy link to its transcript. The meditations are curated from diverse sources like Carvajal's CWG. Fr. Conor lends only his voice to these reflections.
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Join comedians Carl Donnelly and Julian Deane each Monday morning as they interview a comedy guest (well, Carl tries to interview them while Julian interjects and tries to get them cancelled!) (M)
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Welcome to the Donnetta Peaks podcast, where amazing things happen.
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In this podcast, Aidan Donnelly is in discussion with numerous guests to get insights into their journey, their highs and lows, their management styles, and the lessons they have learned along the way. Most of Aidan’s time has been spent focusing on the financials of these companies but what is more fascinating to him is how companies operate, how the entrepreneurs started them, and the business people/managements who run them. But as with most things, a work/life balance is essential, so it ...
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Der Donnerstalk ist euer Talkshow-Format im Studentenfunk. Jede Woche widmen sich Katha, Nele, Simon E., Simon G. und Lena immer anderen spannenden Themen. Hör rein und diskutiere mit – jeden Donnerstalk LIVE!
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Welcome to Donnel Smith, where amazing things happen.
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Hear us speak on sports
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Anthony Donnelly
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Stay Wild Keep Reading®, LE podcast qui donne envie de lire ! Animé par Sylvia Minne et produit par READING WILD®. Dans chaque nouvel épisode un artiste - musicien, écrivain, dessinateur, comédien - se confie au micro de Sylvia Minne sur son rapport à la lecture et les livres qui ont marqué sa vie. Amoureux des livres, prenez garde : votre Pile A Lire #pal va encore augmenter! Ne râtez plus aucun épisodes en vous abonnant à notre podcast via votre plateforme de diffusion de podcasts préférée ...
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Un podcast pour découvrir des femmes inspirantes, marcher dans leurs pas et déployer nos ailes. Chaque deuxième jeudi du mois, nous donnons la parole à une personnalité afin qu’elle mette en lumière deux femmes qui ont influencé son parcours de vie. Ensemble, faisons vivre le matrimoine ! Nous sommes Alexandra Ughetto et Caroline Lesire et l’empowerment féminin est au cœur de notre engagement. Alexandra Ughetto est philosophe de formation, sociologue et coach. Elle accompagne les femmes à se ...
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Le podcast des acteurs de la data
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The podcast is about Edward Bennecker, a young man who joined the Donner Party encountering the ups and downs of traveling West. Cover art photo provided by Jonathan Knepper on Unsplash:
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A 3,000 mile road trip into one of America's darkest stories: The Donner Party.On an adventure that is alternatively hilarious and harrowing, writer Colleen Scriven follows in the footsteps of the Donner Party from Missouri to California in a camper van with her friend and co host, Hope Andrejack, in an attempt to better understand the true horror story like never before.
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Herzlich Willkommen, wir sind eure Gastgeber, die Dopplers 😌Wir plaudern bissl über Themen, die uns derzeit beschäftigen, eure Vorschläge oder einfach Brandaktuelles.
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Chiacchiere da Venere é un podcast dedicato allo sviluppo personale femminile e raccoglie le pillole di formazione e ispirazione a cura di Cristina Pedretti, ideatrice del Percorso 3MesiXSvoltare, con il quale aiuta le DONNE a REALIZZARSI, CONCILIANDO ambizioni personali, professionali ed affettive. Segui Cristina su... BLOG: MAIL: iTUNES: YOUTUBE: https://www.y ...
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🔹Business Owner 💻📱 🔹Vlogger ✏📽 🔹Entreprenuer 🔥🤓 🔹Mum of 3 💖 . You can have it all, and so can your kids
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Podcast by Tanika Donnell
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Deine Bundesliga Manager Show für die Vorbereitung auf den Spieltag. Wir kümmern uns um die wichtigen Fussball, Manager und Fantasy-Sports Themen. Unsere Betrachtung des Spiels ist die Sicht der Unterschiedsspieler, die wir Gamechanger nennen. Die Analyse zielt darauf ab, Fussball-Fans und Fantasy-Manager tiefgreifend auf die mögliche Spieler-Performance zum Wochenende vorzubereiten. Bei Fragen, Anmerkungen oder konstruktiven Feedback kontaktiert uns über die Kommentarfunktion bei www.ligain ...
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Curiosi di scoprire cosa si nasconde dietro la 'social life' di donne moderne e imprenditrici digitali e come riescono a conciliare passioni, lavoro, affetti, vita sociale e privata? Realizzato in collaborazione con Samsung, Donne Connesse è il podcast per scoprire come la tecnologia, alleato delle donne di due generazioni, Millennial e Gen Z, permetta di affrontare le sfide quotidiane e raccontarle, #nofilter al microfono, indagando diverse latitudini della vita quotidiana, in maniera schie ...
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Listen to Building Success Stories to learn how to build your own success story. In the Building Success Stories podcast, Ann Donnelly shares her insights, tips, stories, and news related to digital marketing, business management, and a number of various topics on building success. Besides her own insights, Ann will interview guests who will share their success stories.
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Una diversa forma di femminismo. Il Podcast offre l’opportunità di capire che ciò che le donne sono e hanno oggi lo devono alle donne del passato e ciò che potrà essere è solo nelle loro mani. In ogni episodio una donna “troppo forte per un periodo che la voleva debole” e che ha fatto sentire la sua voce uscendo dal tradizionale ruolo che la società le imponeva. Se ti va sostienimi offrendomi un caffè a questo link:
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Billet d’humeur sur les mauvais usages de la langue française et autres tics de langage répandus dans les podcasts, à la radio, ou à la télé. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Un luogo dove parlare di donne.
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I am a 17 year old DJ from the UK and i have DJing for 4 years now. I am hoping to release new content regularly with new styles and genres. Any song ideas or new suggestions please send to me at Thanks Donne
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VITE DI UOMINI (e DONNE) NON ILLUSTRI, protagonisti di vite parallele, spesso clandestine, sempre ignorate.
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Véritables spéléologues de l’information, Armel Hemme et Sarah-Lou Bakouche descendent dans les profondeurs de l’actualité, en quête d’une info qui donne envie de se lever léger.
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Behind every successful entrepreneur is a trail of mistakes, mishaps and regrets. This podcast is for any aspiring or current entrepreneur or leader who struggles with the idea that you have to get it right every single time in order to be successful. Who feel that they need to be perfect in order to make it. Our guests candidly share their stories of failure. And what they did in those pivotal moments of failure to step up and turn their lemons into lemonade. We learn how business owners ar ...
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Storie di successi e di sconfitte, fra l'Italia e il Mondo. A cura di Paolo Bricco
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Fin dagli antichi le olimpiadi sono sempre state un luogo magico, privo di limiti e contese. Un luogo dove tutto è possibile e le barriere sembrano sgretolarsi. Benvenuti su "Donne di Gloria", il podcast in cui diamo spazio a tutte quelle eroine che nel corso degli anni hanno scelto proprio le olimpiadi per cambiare il mondo. Un incredibile viaggio fra momenti di sport ed epiche imprese dall'epilogo inaspettato. Un podcast scritto e narrato da Max Corona, autore e voce del podcast di success ...
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Istruzione, lavoro, aspirazioni personali, visione del futuro: dal dopoguerra a oggi il mondo ha subito un profondo cambiamento, accelerato negli ultimi anni dall'impatto del digitale. Ma qual è stato l'effetto che questa evoluzione ha avuto sul mondo femminile? Lo racconta l'audiolibro “Donne di futuro – Generazioni a confronto sul lavoro di domani”.
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BABYSITTING TREVOR - Silver: Best Comedy Podcast, The British Podcast Awards 2018 - Comedians Carl Donnelly and Chris Martin, help their weird eccentric Aussie "uncle" Trevor Crook tasks to become a more rounded human... with varying degrees of success. They're essentially staging an intervention to give his life direction... and make themselves laugh in the process. @babysittingtrev Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Pour ses 100 ans, Eqla a fait appel à 12 auteurs et autrices belges francophones. Douze plumes singulières, issues du slam, de la littérature jeunesse, du polar, du roman et même de la poésie, parmi lesquelles Caroline Lamarche, Adeline Dieudonné, Xavier Deutsch, Nicolas Crousse, etc. Nous leur avons lancé le même challenge : écrire une nouvelle originale autour des sens ou de la perception. Un thème volontairement inclusif, mais aussi un défi en termes de création. Car si chacun « voit » le ...
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Nous sommes encore en été pour quelques jours, même si la lumière a déjà changé et que l’automne s’annonce, l’été prend son temps. Les vendanges ont commencé chez Hervé Bizeul dans le Roussillon et je lis toujours avec autant de plaisir ses billets. Il nous permet de suivre ses pensées et ses réflexions. Je trouve que c’est un cadeau bien que nos vies soient différentes : il regarde le soleil se lever sur ses vignes et moi sur les grues du chantier en bas de chez nous.
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Paris GOOD food + wine Paris' premier food+wine podcast. It's the first ever English language radio show/podcast about the city's food and wine scene broadcast from and produced in Paris, France. Hosted ...
Paige Donner - Host & Producer
Host-producer Paige Donner brings you Local GOODfood+wine (formerly Paris GOOD food+wine). The first-ever English language radio/podcast show about food and wine broadcast from Paris, France. Show NOTES: & @localfoodwine Contact For more goodness: Download the Paris Food And Wine APP in APP Store and Google Play! Paris Food And Wine offers you tips, deals and promotions on all the best restaurants, cafés, bar ...
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Assez parlé, le podcast qui donne envie d'écrire de l'école Les Mots
Assez parlé par l'école d'écriture Les Mots
Assez parlé, le podcast où les écrivains se livrent. Pourquoi se sont-ils lancés dans l'écriture ? Qui sont les écrivains d'aujourd'hui ? Où écrivent-ils ? Les Mots leur pose la question ! “Écrire” : un acte divin, ineffable, inspiré ? A l’école d’écriture Les Mots, on tourne ce verbe dans tous les sens, et on pose toutes les questions, même les plus “sacrées”. On considère que l’écriture s’exerce, se raconte, se transmet, se chante, se dit, s’écrie. Dans le Podcast “Assez parlé”, on veut en ...
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Donne & Management è per le donne che ogni giorno affrontano nuove sfide sia in ambito lavorativo che personale. In ogni puntata, incontrerai una imprenditrice, una professionista, una donna come te che ha scelto, con determinazione, di realizzare le proprie ambizioni di carriera senza rinunciare alla vita privata e agli affetti. Un costante esercizio di management, mediazione e life balance che sarà di ispirazione anche per molti maschi in ascolto! Donne & Management è il podcast di EWMD - ...
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À notre micro, Vinz Kanté nous parle de sa reconversion d’animateur de radio vers l’engagement pour l’écologie. Il nous présente deux femmes contemporaines et puissantes : la philosophe militante Angela Davis et la docteure en énergétique Yamina Saheb. Dans cet épisode, on parle de transfert des traumatismes, d’apprendre à vivre ensemble autrement,…
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Entretien littéraire avec Kamel Daoud - épisode hors-série
Відтворити пізніше
Відтворити пізніше
Entrez dans l'univers littéraire de Kamel Daoud Quels sont les mots qui le bouleversent, l’accompagnent, le transportent ? Quelles références littéraires conseille-t-il à quelqu’un qui souhaite progresser dans l'écriture ? Ensemble, nous explorerons son univers en découvrant les références, les phrases et les inspirations qui ont façonné son parcou…
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Da manager aziendale a libera professionista: come Alessia ha costruito il suo progetto professionale indipendente con strategia, metodo e senza salti nel vuoto. Quando ho conosciuto Alessia in call, si trovava nel momento ideale per iniziare il percorso di coaching: non stava scappando da un lavoro che odiava, ma cercava un modo per trasformare le…
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Dans cet nouvel épisode, j’ai le plaisir de recevoir Chloé Loisillier, directrice générale Europe de la marque Violette FR. Avec un parcours déjà impressionnant, Chloé a débuté chez Oh My Cream, où elle a été guidée par la fondatrice, Juliette Levy Cohen, qui l’a accompagnée dans des choix de carrière déterminants. Ensemble, nous allons plonger dan…
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Відтворити пізніше
Відтворити пізніше
MAYLIS DE KERANGAL, QUELLE LECTRICE ÊTES-VOUS ?Stay Wild Keep Reading #30, le podcast qui donne envie de lireUne conversation animée par Sylvia Minne Durée épisode : 01h14mn19sc© READING WILD - 2024Stay Wild Keep Reading est le podcast de Reading Wild qui explore la relation des artistes à la lecture. Quels livres ont marqué leur parcours personnel…
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This Episode is sponsored by Dubai's Department of Economy and Tourism (DET). Discover why Dubai is the ultimate business hotspot here: AD In just 64 years, Dubai transformed from a small fishing village into a global hub for trade, technology, and innovation. This video explores what drove Dubai's rapid evolution…
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Tim Donnelly & Graham Hill discuss the recent wave of positive media attention surrounding the Carolina Panthers after back-to-back wins against the Giants and Saints. While the wins have sparked new optimism, Tim & Graham remind Panthers fans to keep perspective, as the team’s overall record still sits at 3-7.…
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Tim Donnelly & Graham Hill break down NC State basketball’s 82-70 win over Coastal Carolina, marking the second consecutive game where the Wolfpack never trailed. Tim & Graham analyze how NC State controlled the game from start to finish.
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Tim Donnelly & Graham Hill break down the Carolina Hurricanes tough 4-1 loss to the Utah Hockey Club. Tim & Graham analyze what went wrong for Carolina, key moments in the game, including Utah scoring three quick goals in just 2 ½ minutes during the third period.
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Tim Donnelly & Dennis Cox discuss how Carolina Panthers head coach Dave Canales should use Adam Thielen when he returns from injury, and how it will impact Xavier Legette and Jalen Coker.
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Tim Donnelly & Dennis Cox discuss the College Football Playoff rankings, including how ACC football still gets looked down upon by the CFP committee.
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Tim Donnelly and Dennis Cox discuss Cooper Flagg and Duke basketball losing to Kentucky basketball.
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Tim Donnelly & Dennis Cox discuss how Carolina Panthers head coach Dave Canales still won't name Bryce Young the starting quarterback over Andy Dalton.
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Tim Donnelly & Dennis Cox discuss NC State football and UNC football needing to make bowl games, even if bowl games don't matter anymore.
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Tim Donnelly and Dennis Cox discuss Cooper Flagg and Duke basketball facing a veteran team in Kentucky basketball.
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Tim Donnelly & Dennis Cox discuss the Carolina Hurricanes getting a 5-2 win over the Vegas Golden Knights despite not having Seth Jarvis due to injury.
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Richard Harpin turned a simple home repair service into a $5.3 billion empire with Homeserve. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or seasoned business owner, Richard reveals the secrets behind scaling, leadership, and resilience and shares the 8 crucial business lessons that will help you achieve long-term success. Get ready for actionable insi…
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Tim Donnelly and Dennis Cox discuss Cooper Flagg cramping for the second straight game for Duke basketball, and how Jon Scheyer can't afford that against Kentucky basketball.
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Tim Donnelly & Dennis Cox discuss Chuba Hubbard, Bryce Young, Dave Canales, and the Carolina Panthers earning a 20-17 OT win over the New York Giants.
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Tim Donnelly and Dennis Cox discuss UNC basketball losing in a close game to Kansas basketball.
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Tim Donnelly & Dennis Cox discuss Chuba Hubbard, Bryce Young, Dave Canales, and the Carolina Panthers earning a 20-17 OT win over the New York Giants.
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Tim Donnelly & Dennis Cox discuss how Duke football coach Manny Diaz was able to slow down NC State football and QB CJ Bailey.
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With Carl away, Julian is in charge and joined by two very funny men in Dominic Holland and Tom Toal. They chat about New York, Dominic’s superhero son, non-alcoholic beer, corporate gigs and much more! If you enjoy the show and want to hear the full length episodes plus extras, sign up to our Patreon at Learn more about yo…
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Tim Donnelly and Dennis Cox discuss UNC basketball traveling to Kansas basketball in a big early season matchup for North Carolina basketball.
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Tim Donnelly and Dennis Cox discuss how college basketball needs to make more memorable experiences for both players and fans during the non-conference season.
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Tim Donnelly & Dennis Cox discuss what message the contract extension for Chuba Hubbard sends to the rest of the Carolina Panthers players.
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Tim Donnelly & Dennis Cox discuss what Carolina Panthers QB Bryce Young can do to prove himself to start the rest of the year for Dave Canales and the Carolina Panthers, and how this game will impact his future.
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Tim Donnelly & Dennis Cox discuss the Carolina Hurricanes getting a 5-1 win over the Pittsburgh Penguins with Pyotr Kochetkov having a bounce-back game in goal.
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In this episode, we dive deep into the whirlwind that’s been Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter and why it might be his most advantageous move to date. From making headlines with his partnership with President Donald Trump during the election to dominating the news cycle ever since—Elon’s influence is skyrocketing. But why did he buy Twitter? What’…
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Tim Donnelly & Dennis Cox discuss how Duke football coach Manny Diaz will try to slow down NC State quarterback CJ Bailey.
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Tim Donnelly & Dennis Cox discuss how NC State football and head coach Dave Doeren can make sure CJ Bailey doesn't explore other options in the transfer portal.
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Tim Donnelly and Dennis Cox discuss UNC basketball getting tested when they go on the road to face Kansas basketball.
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Tim Donnelly & Dennis Cox discuss if the Carolina Panthers signing Chuba Hubbard to a contract extension is a good decision or bad one by general manager Dan Morgan.
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Maria Mahon has extensive business experience in leadership positions in the media, technology and service industries. Maria brings a unique blend of international entrepreneurial and leadership experience to the companies she works with at executive, board and advisory level. She has previously held the position of Marketing Director for Dublin’s …
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Tim Donnelly & Dennis Cox are joined by TNA Wrestling Tag Team champions Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy ahead of their Impact taping in Fayetteville, NC, wrestling in North Carolina, and the relationship between NXT, WWE, and TNA. Also, The Hardy's discuss stars like Joe Hendry and Leon Slater.
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Tim Donnelly & Dennis Cox discuss the first College Football Playoff rankings, including how ACC football still gets looked down upon, where schools like Notre Dame get boosted by brand name.
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Tim Donnelly & Dennis Cox discuss the Carolina Hurricanes getting a 6-4 win over the Philadelphia Flyers, with Martin Necas scoring the game-winning goal.
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