The Black Sub-World podcast is a space where simple talk is used to engage and dissect complex issues such as power and privilege within the black community. As well as discuss how the abuse of power and privilege will prove detrimental to the progression of blacks in America.
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On Jan 7, 2023, Tyre Nichols’ humanity was stripped from him in the most gruesome manner. After performing the spiritual practice of watching the sunset, he commenced the drive home to enjoy the rest of the evening with his family and loved ones. And in a split second, he found himself in the throws of a situation that he may have heard about, read…
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Black people, in a sense, for centuries, have been existing in survival mode. This is the world we currently experience. But there is another world—a world where women and children are safe (a world where Black people are free to process the trauma we carry in our DNA from our slave ancestors). There is a way to create a world where all Black peopl…
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Context is important. Logic is important. Accountability is important.DeWayne R. Stallworth
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Historically, the black fist, acting as a gesture of acknowledgment for enslaved Africans, was a binding agent that communicated, at its very core, notions of the black fighting and rebellious spirit. Fifty-three years later, on February 23, 2020, Ahmaud Arbery, chased and hunted for 5minutes by three white racist men with a 12-gauge shotgun loaded…
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The connection between the U.S. government, war, corporations, racism, poverty, technology, culture, and societies runs deep. A good point of departure to obtain better insight into this complex issue, in my opinion, is with Dr. Martin Luther King’s thought and action toward the source of social oppression. By addressing this issue head-on, Dr. Kin…
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The Long Memory of the Black Freedom Struggle: Haiti, Global Corruption, and Black Solidarity
Langston Hughes once stated that “It was in Haiti that I first realized how class lines may cut across color lines within a race, and how dark people of the same nationality may scorn those below them.” What exactly did Langton Hughes observe in the Haitian experience that would lead him to make such a conclusion? Decades removed from this pronounc…
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In ancient times, early humans began to think about the gods as necessary to their quest to expand beyond their borders. The great beyond, i.e., their clan and tribal boundaries, entailed degrees of both danger and uncertainty. So they envisioned a power that could protect them on their quest to create societal space for their particular group. The…
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The great writer and intellectual giant James Baldwin once stated, "there is simply no possibility of a real change in the Negros situation without the most radical and far-reaching changes in the American political and social structure." In this instance, James Baldwin is essentially describing systemic racism—a dysfunctional way of one group of p…
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Understanding the Black Watchdogs: The Slave Ship, Kevin Samuels, Kamala Harris, and the Plight of Black America
Oppression. Betrayal. Deceit. Manipulation. These are generally not words used to describe and talk about what goes on within Black communities, at least not on a large scale. One is more prone to suggest that black people are the very ones being oppressed—the Betrayed. The Deceived. And even the manipulated. All of this is true. But in this episod…
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