The podcast about the science of learning and development
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O podcast da DeltaTrader sobre robôs de investimentos, mercado financeiro e muito mais!
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ما در دلتاکست قصد داریم درباره روشهایی صحبت کنیم که به ما کمک میکنن در مواجهه با چالشهای بازارهای مالی برخورد مناسبتر و حرفهایتری داشته باشیم
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توی این اپیزود از دلتاکست میخوایم در مورد این صحبت کنیم که چرا اندیکاتورها مهم اندDeltaCast
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توی این اپیزود از دلتاکست میخوایم در مورد ده نگرش مهم برای برنده شدن در بازار صحبت کنیمDeltaCast
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توی این اپیزود از دلتاکست میخوایم در مورد سه اصل مهم معاملاتی یعنی استراتژی، ذهنیت و مدیریت سرمایه صحبت کنیم.DeltaCast
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.توی این اپیزود دلتاکست میخوایم پای صحبت های آقای آصفی مدیرعامل بروکر دلتا بشینیمDeltaCast
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.توی این اپیزود دلتاکست میخوایم درباره فومو صحبت کنیمDeltaCast
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.توی این اپیزود میخوایم درباره این صحبت کنیم که چطور با ریسک کمتر معامله کنیمDeltaCast
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.توی این اپیزود میخوایم درباره این صحبت کنیم که چطور احساسات و هیجانات خودمون رو به عنوان یک تریدر کنترل کنیم. 'hbphdpnd'DeltaCast
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در این اپیزود، میخوایم درباره هفت استراتژی موثر بعد از تجربه شکست در بازارهای مالی صحبت کنیم.adibk
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Conheça quais são as principais vantagens dos robôs de investimentos e o porquê você deve começar a utilizá-los imediatamente nos seus trades.
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Episode 06 - Bob McMurray
Відтворити пізніше
Відтворити пізніше
What do infancy research and Dr. Pangloss have in common? Find out when Bob McMurray, Professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Iowa, joins Eric and Mark for this installment of DeLTAcast. We take a wide-ranging look at the developmental origins of language and tackle other questions big and small—from the…
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Episode 05 - Vanessa LoBue
Відтворити пізніше
Відтворити пізніше
Are you afraid of spiders or snakes? Have you ever wondered where our fears come from? Dr. Vanessa LoBue has been searching for the origins of our deepest fears by studying how they develop in young children. Her findings, which we discuss in this latest edition of DeLTAcast, may surprise you. Vanessa has a blog called The Baby Scientist which has …
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Parents the world over are fascinated by their newborn’s ability to imitate. But, is this ability an illusion? This month on DeLTAcast, we talk with Virginia Slaughter, a developmental psychologist whose latest findings on newborn imitation surprised even herself. Slaughter, a professor at the University of Queensland in Australia, talks with us ab…
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What's going on in the science of stuttering? This month, Tricia Zebrowski, Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Iowa, delves into today's big questions in stuttering research with hosts Eric S. Jackson and Mark Blumberg. Why do only some of the children who stutter continue stuttering into adulth…
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On this second installment of DeLTAcast, Matt Kayser joins hosts Eric S. Jackson and Mark Blumberg to talk about that humble creature, the fly, and what it can tell us about sleep and development. Matt, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School, disabuses us of the notion that flies are …
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John Spencer is the special guest on this inaugural episode of DeLTAcast. John, the founding director of the DeLTA Center, joins hosts Eric S. Jackson and Mark Blumberg to discuss the early days of the DeLTA Center, Mark and John's collection of essays (co-edited with David Shenk) that is soon to be published by Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews (WIR…
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