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show episodes

Welcome To Hell with Daniel Foxx & Dane Buckley

Daniel Foxx & Dane Buckley / Beautiful Strangers

Join comedians Daniel Foxx and Dane Buckley as they judge outrageous confessions from you, Hell’s newest arrival. ‘Welcome to Hell’ is the podcast that celebrates the salacious, basks in the bitchy, and revels in a good old fashioned gossip. Because down here the tea is hot, and the conversation is even hotter. Send in your sinful tales to judgement@hellpod.com, or using the anonymous form at hellpod.com And enjoy WTH ad free, plus monthly bonus episodes and extended guest episodes, by joini ...
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Crime Bit with Danelle Hallan

Danelle Hallan

Welcome to "Crime Bit," the podcast hosted by true crime aficionado Danelle Hallan. Join Danelle as she meticulously unravels gripping tales of real-life mysteries, chilling cold cases, and headline-making crimes. Known for her in-depth research and empathetic storytelling, Danelle dives deep into the minds of perpetrators and the lives of victims, shedding light on the darkest corners of human behavior. Whether you're a seasoned true crime enthusiast or new to the genre, "Crime Bit" promise ...
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Great Dane Society Call of Cthulhu

Quests and Chaos

The Great Dane Society is an actual play Call of Cthulhu podcast, featuring an amazing cast of characters. Join the Great Danes Saturday nights at 6:00pm pst at https://twitch.tv/QuestsandChaos or on VOD at https://youtube.com/QuestsChaos. Music Licensed through http://www.premiumbeat.com, Epidemic Sound, and Custom created by Allen Strickland. Support The Channel Join our Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/questsandchaos Order the Deck of Inspiration - https://shop.questsandchaos.com Buy wit ...
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The Danette May Show

Danette May

Tap into your intuition and energy to create your desired reality. The Danette May Show is where you come to receive profound breakthroughs, courage to break old patterns and live into your soul’s purpose. Host, Danette May, is one of the world’s leading transformational coaches, health and fitness experts, and a best selling author. On The Danette May Show, Danette will remind you of your power; help you expand your mind, harness your energy and create infinite possibilities within your own ...
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Join pastor Dane Ortlund, best-selling author of Gentle and Lowly, Monday through Friday each week on a journey through all 150 psalms in the Bible. Listen as he reads and reflects on each psalm in full—helping us see what these Scriptural songs tell us about God, about ourselves, and about the grace that the Lord offers to us with open hands.
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How I Healed My Gut with Dane Johnson

Dane Johnson

Welcome to "How I Healed My Gut with Dane Johnson," where we empower individuals to take control of their gut health through natural healing methods. Hosted by Dane Johnson, the visionary founder of CrohnsColitisLifestyle and a Board Certified Nutritionist, this podcast is your go-to resource for overcoming the challenges of Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Dane's inspiring journey from battling severe Crohn's to achieving wellness has transformed into a mission to help others break f ...
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Lyden af White Hart Danes - En Podcast for Spurs-fans

Lyden af White Hart Danes

Hele Danmarks officielle podcast om Tottenham Hotspur - en podcast fra fans - til fans! Ugentlig analyse af nyheder, resultater og udtalelser fra klubben. Previews af kampe. Særudsendelser om transfers og breaking news. Interviews med danske Spurs-fans om deres forhold til klubben. Og meget, meget mere.
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klitly - Der kleine Dänemark-Podcast

Chris - klitly.de

Dänemark für die Ohren – das gibt es, wenn Chris mit einem Gast aus Dänemark unterwegs ist. Mal geht es um das Auswandern, mal um die wunderschöne Natur oder darum, wie im Königreich Weihnachten gefeiert wird. Nimm dir eine Tasse Tee, mach es dir hyggelig und kommt mit auf eine Audio-Reise nach Dänemark.
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Acceleratore di apprendimento danese

Language Learning Accelerator

Se stai cercando di pensare a come imparare il danese, stai sbagliando. Impara il danese come hai fatto con l'italiano: ascoltandone moltissimo. (Con almeno una vaga idea di cosa significhi!) Migliaia di frasi in danese, insieme alle traduzioni in italiano, presentate direttamente al tuo cervello: dal pratico al filosofico al flirt. Solo frasi, nessun riempitivo! Vai ben oltre le basi della lingua danese non solo per comunicare, ma anche per diventare una persona interessante in danese. Esse ...
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Moments with Great Dane

Great Dane

Open conversations about everyday life experiences. From my point of view, along with some special guest along the way. Tap in for the comfortable to the uncomfortable conversations. No topic is off limits: from laughs to tears sometime. Enjoy the moment!!
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Sustain Dane Podcast

Sustain Dane

Sustain Dane is the sustainability organization of Dane County and Madison, WI. We value holistic sustainability – a healthy environment, a just economy, and equity and well-being for all. Our podcast covers our programs that help people learn, connect, and take action for sustainability.
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Danes praznuje

Mojca Gorenc in Boštjan Gorenc - Pižama

Ta podkast je odgovor na vprašanje, kaj se zgodi, ko se združijo ljubezen do odkrivanja zabavnih dejstev, kriza srednjih let in iskanje izgovorov, da odpreš penino že pred poldnevom. Podkast Danes praznuje ustvarjava Mojca Gorenc in Boštjan Gorenc – Pižama.
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Acelerador de aprendizaje danés

Language Learning Accelerator

Si estás intentando aprender danés, lo estás haciendo mal. Aprende danés como lo hiciste español: escuchando una gran cantidad de él. (¡Con al menos una vaga idea de lo que significa!) Miles de frases en danés, junto con las traducciones al español, presentadas directamente en tu cerebro: desde prácticas hasta filosóficas y para coquetear. ¡Solo frases, sin relleno! Vaya mucho más allá de los conceptos básicos del idioma danés no solo para comunicarse, sino también para convertirse en una pe ...
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Dane Cook: Meet the Comedian

Apple Inc.

Comedian Dane Cook talks about Troublemaker— his upcoming comedy show on Showtime and directorial debut. In Troublemaker, Dane takes on aspects of everyday life and human behavior—from our hidden Internet selves to gender taboos—and skewers them with his patented brand of sharp observational humor.
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Dane Demo Farms Podcast

Kim Meyer

Dane Demo Farms is a network of farmers that demonstrate and research leading edge conservation practices that improve water quality and soil health throughout Dane County by reducing nutrients and sediment from entering our waters and building healthy soils. This podcast offers insights from farmers, academic experts, agronomists, and various professionals who will discuss a range of topics pertaining to conservation practices that safeguard the precious soil and water of Dane County. Visit ...
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Grace Revealed with Dane Mesane

Christ Culture Church

Welcome to the weekly podcast of Christ Culture Church led by Pastor Dane Mesane. Sharing the Love and Grace of God. To learn more visit our website at https://christculture.org.za. To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here: https://christculture.org.za/give
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The Andy Dane Carter Show


Join business marketer and Real Estate Investor Andy Dane Carter each week as he has one-on-one interviews with influencers from around the globe. The Andy Dane Carter Show will give you the information you need to grow your business and make some positive deposits into your pocketbook.
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Dane-zaa Journey

Beaver first nation

Beaver First Nation is a Dena-zaa community (Beaver) located in northern Alberta, in this podcast we will interview different elders who still speak the beaver language. to help retain and restore the language. Dane-zaa means real people in beaver, this podcast is the real people's journey.
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The Gentle and Lowly podcast is a 14-day audio devotional exploring the heart of Christ for sinners and sufferers. Join Dane Ortlund each day for a brief Scripture reading as well as a devotional meditation on a different aspect of the heart of Christ, as he helps you discover afresh not just what Jesus has done for you but how he feels about you as his beloved.
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Dane Baptiste Questions Everything

Dane Baptiste & Howard Cohen

The podcast where comedian Dane Baptiste, producer Howard Cohen and a special guest pose the questions that need to be asked. Our special guests are amazing people from the world of film, TV, media and comedy. Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/danebaptistequestionseverything. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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HOTT - Hour Of The Time with Dane Gross


The Hour Of The Time (HOTT) is the controversial activist radio program formerly hosted by Milton William "Bill" Cooper up until his death by assassination in front of his own home in Eagar, Arizona in 2001, continued by Harvest Trust contractee Dane Eric; Gross as its new host.
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The Makeup Show Podcast With Danessa Myricks & James Vincent

James Vincent & Danessa Myricks

The Makeup Show is a makeup and beauty focused Podcast hosted by Danessa Myricks and James Vincent. This podcast puts all things makeup center stage. Join in and listen as the duo talk product, gives tips, separates fact from fiction and offers insight, inspiration and information for professional artists and passionate makeup enthusiasts. Danessa Myricks and James Vincent have decades of experience in the industry as educators, brand developers, beauty editors and more. They are recognized ...
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show series
On today's show, Dane is joined by Kyle Theige to discuss the Wolves 41-point win over the New Orleans Pelicans on Friday night and a very cool, very human Joe Ingles story that emerged from that game. Dane and Kyle also discuss the silly question of "Who is the Wolves' 2nd-best player?" Also some Jaden McDaniels, Julius Randle and Jaylen Clark dis…
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❖ Today’s Bible reading is Psalm 120: www.ESV.org/Psalm120 ❖ To read along with the podcast, grab a print copy of the devotional: www.crossway.org/books/in-the-lord-i-take-refuge-hcj/ ❖ Browse other resources from Dane Ortlund: www.crossway.org/authors/dane-c-ortlund/Crossway
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The Dane County Board of Supervisors is a body of government comprising 37 elected supervisors from each of the districts in the county. It establishes county ordinances, levies taxes, passes laws concerning law enforcement and appropriates money for services.
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It’s another very special episode, as Dane and Daniel welcome a brand-new soul (and her hellhound) to the inferno. Enter Grace Campbell! She shares her deep disdain for crying babies, most men, and billionaires—plus, she spills the tea on her scandalous encounter in the Vatican gardens. After a debate on whether the Tory party is actually gay, Grac…
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In this episode, Dane Johnson shares the pivotal mindset shift that changed his healing journey from chronic illness to recovery. He opens up about the frustration, anger, and hopelessness he once felt while battling Crohn’s disease and colitis, and how he finally realized that true healing begins in the mind. Dane emphasizes that no supplement, di…
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Najbolj prometno letališče v Evropi, londonski Heathrow, kjer so davi zaradi izpada elektrike prekinili vse lete, je še vedno zaprto in bo predvidoma ves dan. Gasilci zatrjujejo, da je ogenj na tranformatorski postaji, ki je povzročil izpad električnega omrežja, pod nadzorom. Britanski minister za energijo Ed Miliband sporoča, da vzrok požara še ni…
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On today's show, Dane is joined by Wolves beat writer Chris Hine from the Star Tribune to discuss the Wolves' disappointing loss to the New Orleans Pelicans on the heels of a disappointing loss to the Pacers on Monday. Dane and Chris dig into the Wolves' energy feeling off, and the areas the Wolves' effectiveness drops when the energy is not there.…
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RESOURCES - Visit nativepathcompleteprotein.com/danette for this special free-shipping offer and take the first step towards your transformation today! - Go to https://JointRestore3.com and use Code: MAY to get 20% off your Joint Restore Gummies for a limited time! - I’ll be doing a Manifesting and Creating More Wealth series at the end of March so…
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V ospredju tokratnega zasedanja voditeljev Evropske unije sta vnovič iskanje rešitev za končanje vojne v Ukrajini in tudi pričakovano povišanje obrambnih izdatkov. Razprava bo poleg oboroževanja zaobjela širše vprašanje varnosti in odpornosti stare celine, tudi v smislu njene gospodarske konkurenčnosti. Premier Robert Golob ob tem poudarja, da obra…
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❖ Today’s Bible reading is Psalm 119: www.ESV.org/Psalm119 ❖ To read along with the podcast, grab a print copy of the devotional: www.crossway.org/books/in-the-lord-i-take-refuge-hcj/ ❖ Browse other resources from Dane Ortlund: www.crossway.org/authors/dane-c-ortlund/Crossway
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V luči geopolitičnih napetosti na Brdu pri Kranju poteka nacionalni posvet o krepitvi odpornosti. Državni sekretar Vojko Volk je v nagovoru opozoril na naravne in človeške grožnje in dodal, da v čase, ki prihajajo, ne smemo priti nepripravljeni. Omenil je tudi lansko nacionalno vajo kriznega upravljanja in odzivanja, ki je poudarila veliko pomanjkl…
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❖ Today’s Bible reading is Psalm 118: www.ESV.org/Psalm118 ❖ To read along with the podcast, grab a print copy of the devotional: www.crossway.org/books/in-the-lord-i-take-refuge-hcj/ ❖ Browse other resources from Dane Ortlund: www.crossway.org/authors/dane-c-ortlund/Crossway
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Værts-Andreas har besøg af et lystigt studie i form af Den Sure Gamle Mand, Christian Wolny, og Den Glade Gamle Mand, artist formerly known as Hus-korrespondent Lars Apel. De vender sejren i Europa League og vurderer Spurs' chancer i turneringen, prøver at finde lyspunkter i et gråt 0-2-nederlag til Fulham og en generelt dårlig sæson, og så ser de …
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On today's show, Dane is joined by Britt Robson from MinnPost to discuss the Wolves' overtime home loss to the Indiana Pacers and to discuss Britt's feature story on Tim Connelly. Specific topics and timestamps below... - What was missing at the end of the game for the Wolves? (3:30) - Will their clutch play be ready in time for the playoffs? (23:0…
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Gaza je bila ponoči tarča najhujših izraelskih zračnih napadov po januarskem začetku premirja. Smrtnih žrtev je več kot 400, številni ostajajo ujeti pod ruševinami. Izrael je izdal nove ukaze za evakuacijo Palestincev iz več sosesk v enklavi, češ da gre za nevarna območja. Iz sveta se vrstijo obsodbe izraelskih napadov.Ostali poudarki oddaje: - Kre…
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RESOURCES - Unlock the tools to transform your life—join danetteclass.com and discover how to support your body, shift your mindset around abundance, and cultivate deeper, more fulfilling relationships. - Boost your wellness this spring with PURALITY HEALTH's Ashwagandha. For a limited time, enjoy our Buy One, Get One FREE offer! Shop now at https:…
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❖ Today’s Bible reading is Psalm 117: www.ESV.org/Psalm117 ❖ To read along with the podcast, grab a print copy of the devotional: www.crossway.org/books/in-the-lord-i-take-refuge-hcj/ ❖ Browse other resources from Dane Ortlund: www.crossway.org/authors/dane-c-ortlund/Crossway
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In this Podcast we dive deep into the true story of a 14-year-old Indigenous girl whose disappearance and brutal murder exposed systemic failures in protecting vulnerable youth. From her promising childhood in the San Carlos Apache Tribe and a history of running away, to the shocking leak that forced authorities to confront the grim reality of her …
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On today's show, Dane is joined by Wolves beat writer Jace Frederick from the St. Paul Pioneer Press to discuss the best/worst playoff matchups for the Wolves in the Western Conference. Dane and Jace start the episode by ranking playoff matchups before discussing some themes from the Wolves blowout win over the Jazz on sunday night. Specific topics…
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Na Brdu pri Kranju se je pred nekaj trenutki začel koalicijski vrh, ki ga je sklical premier Robert Golob, da bi se partnerji pogovorili o tem, kako uresničiti cilje pri zastavljenih ukrepih v zdravstvu, pokojninskem sistemu in stanovanjski politiki. Prebojnih odločitev ni pričakovati. Utegnejo pa koalicijski partnerji potrditi zavezanost, da manda…
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❖ Today’s Bible reading is Psalm 116: www.ESV.org/Psalm116 ❖ To read along with the podcast, grab a print copy of the devotional: www.crossway.org/books/in-the-lord-i-take-refuge-hcj/ ❖ Browse other resources from Dane Ortlund: www.crossway.org/authors/dane-c-ortlund/Crossway
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On today's show, Dane is joined by Kyle Theige to discuss the Wolves win over the Orlando Magic and what is now a 7-game winning streak for the Wolves since Julius Randle returned from injuries. Dane and Kyle talk about the 4th quarter comeback, what's been fueling the offense and some potential concerns about matching up with a very physical team …
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Ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin je ameriškemu kolegu Donaldu Trumpu poslal sporočilo s predlogom premirja v Ukrajini, so sporočili iz Krmelja. Putin se je sinoči o tem v Moskvi pogovarjal s posebnim Trumpovim odposlancem Stevom Witkoffom. Po ruskih navedbah imajo razloge za "previden optimizem". Hkrati Washington krepi pritisk na Moskvo z zaostrova…
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❖ Today’s Bible reading is Psalm 115: www.ESV.org/Psalm115 ❖ To read along with the podcast, grab a print copy of the devotional: www.crossway.org/books/in-the-lord-i-take-refuge-hcj/ ❖ Browse other resources from Dane Ortlund: www.crossway.org/authors/dane-c-ortlund/Crossway
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On today's show, Dane is joined by Britt Robson from MinnPost to discuss the Wolves' convincing win over the Denver Nuggets on Wednesday. Dane and Britt get into why it is that the Wolves appear to have the Nuggets' number. Also plenty of discussion on the growing chemistry between Anthony Edwards and Julius Randle. Then finally getting into the nu…
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Vlada je danes sprejela predlog novega zakona o gostinstvu, ki med drugim omejuje kratkotrajno oddajanje nepremičnin. Predlogu ostro nasprotujejo sobodajalci, ki v primeru potrditve zakona v državnem zboru napovedujejo najmanj ustavno presojo. Ker menijo, da je zakon škodljiv za turizem, so danes znova pozvali k javni razpravi. Iz novele pa je črta…
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RESOURCES - Join my 3-Day Abundance Challenge and get step-by-step coaching to manifest financial, spiritual, and relational abundance. Sign up now at danetteabundance.com - Unlock the tools to transform your life—join danetteclass.com and discover how to support your body, shift your mindset around abundance, and cultivate deeper, more fulfilling …
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❖ Today’s Bible reading is Psalm 114: www.ESV.org/Psalm114 ❖ To read along with the podcast, grab a print copy of the devotional: www.crossway.org/books/in-the-lord-i-take-refuge-hcj/ ❖ Browse other resources from Dane Ortlund: www.crossway.org/authors/dane-c-ortlund/Crossway
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Devilled eggs! The demonic divas are back with more salaciousness. Daniel has received some wonderful news—he’s going to be an uncle! (Though let’s be honest, he’s already assuming the role of great aunt.) Meanwhile, Dane’s parents recently watched him do live comedy for the first time! With a ‘Rimlet’ in hand, the infernal aunties toss the word ‘u…
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Rusija je v prvem odzivu na predlog o 30-dnevni prekinitvi ognja v Ukrajini sporočila, da podrobno preučujejo izjave, dane po včerajšnjem srečanju ameriških in ukrajinskih predstavnikov, od Američanov pričakujejo, da jih bodo podrobno obvestili o pogovorih. Tiskovni predstavnik Kremlja Dmitrij Peskov ni izključil telefonskega pogovora na najvišji r…
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❖ Today’s Bible reading is Psalm 113: www.ESV.org/Psalm113 ❖ To read along with the podcast, grab a print copy of the devotional: www.crossway.org/books/in-the-lord-i-take-refuge-hcj/ ❖ Browse other resources from Dane Ortlund: www.crossway.org/authors/dane-c-ortlund/Crossway
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RESOURCES - Join my 3-Day Abundance Challenge and get step-by-step coaching to manifest financial, spiritual, and relational abundance. Sign up now at danetteabundance.com - Unlock the tools to transform your life—join danetteclass.com and discover how to support your body, shift your mindset around abundance, and cultivate deeper, more fulfilling …
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I dagens afsnit taler Mikkel med Thomas Skov om weekendens kamp mod Bournemouth. Held eller fortjent med en uafgjort? Romeros første 10 minutter? Sons selvtillid? Vi kigger ligeledes frem mod den altafgørende og sæsondefinerende kamp på torsdag mod Alkmaar. Tør Ange stille med de tunge drenge? Hvad skal være anderledes end sidst? Hvor stor en betyd…
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